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Releases: Mararsh/MyBox


18 May 11:29
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  • Add:
    • Write watermarks in PDF files in batch.
    • New data column type: Editable enumeration.
    • Documents: Test Environment, Base Functions' Verification List, Compatibility Testing, Detailed Testing.
  • Improve:
    • Redesign and implement "Data manufacture". The base framework is: reader + operate + writers.
    • Options: Verify types when edit data; Verify types when save data.
    • Row expression: Set variable values by bindings. Placeholders are handled as variable names instead of variable values.
    • Row filter: When expression is not empty and its value is not true nor false, the row is not taken.
    • Data manufacture: Fix and enhance "Set Values".
    • Simplify interface of "Data manufacture".
    • Transparent can be set when customized colors.
    • "rtbufsize" and rotation can be set for ffmpeg.
    • Notes: Node can be any html which can include head.
  • Solved problems:
    • Fail to switch language when default locale is not Chinese.
    • Row expression is messed when value is string of multiple lines.
    • In data manufacture, "Set Values" should not clear data rows when expression is invalid.
    • Errors popped when edit data row.
    • Icon is displayed as blank.
    • "Era" is converted wrongly when import data in database table.
    • Options of "Target file" in some interfaces do not work.
    • Transparent background is set wrongly when draw shape in SVG.
    • Options of "View" do not work for SVG.
    • Transparent does not work for colors in html.
    • Rename Files: Option "Fill zero" does not work when files number in table is not counted.
    • Directory Synchronize: Fail when select option "Delete files/directories existed In target path but not existed in source path".
    • File Decompress Unarchive: Empty file names in selection list.
    • File Redundancy: Empty file names in result list.


09 Feb 08:12
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  • Improve:
    • New shortcut CTRL/ALT+0: set/disable "Always on top". Not work for popup window.
    • New shortcut CTRL/ALT+9: Snapshot current window.
    • Save and manage "Image Scope" in tree.
    • Simplify interface of editing html.
  • Solved problems:
    • Manage colors: "Copy colors" fails to work.
    • Edit html: Contents are lost when switch from "texts" mode.
    • Button "play" does not work in interface of "View PPT".

Happy Chinese Loong Year!


01 Feb 02:12
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2024-1-17 v6.7.9

  • Solved problems:
    • Version of javaFX in pom.xml should be 21-ea+5.
    • Error popped when open interfaces to move, copy, select tree nodes.
    • Children of tree node should be sorted.
    • Options of shape anchors do not work.


14 Jan 12:10
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2024-1-15 v6.7.8

  • Improve interfaces:
    • Simplify interfaces. Gather options and operations into menus.
    • Redefine shortcuts.
    • Branch window: always on top; does not block caller; can be iconified; closed when caller is closed.
    • When click icon "Tips", the text is shown in popped window.
  • Improve functions:
    • "Select pixels" to image.(Also called "define image scope")
    • Mask color can be set when select pixels.
    • Handle image's contrast aganist saturation, lightness, or gray.
    • When convert image to black-white, transparent pixels can be ignored.
    • More operations' demos and data examples.
  • Improve algorithms:
    • Refer task by parameter rather than by variable.
    • Load thumbnails in new threads.
    • Interrupt operations at once when task is cancelled.
    • Only read meta data when judge whether sample large image.
    • More algorithm for converting image to SVG.
  • Upgrade to: JDK 21; javaFX 21; Derby
  • Solved problems:
    • MyBox fails to start when host's default local is not embedded one(Chinese or English).(Bug existed in many versions)
    • Files table should not be counted when process is being in batch.
    • Results of SQL execution is not shown.
    • Some keys do not work in interface "Splice Data".
    • Mamimum number of points in data chart should be able to set as unlimited.
    • Tags and times are not loaded in interfaces of moving/copying/selecting tree nodes.
    • Button "Select File" in interface "Image OCR" should be enabled.
    • Part of sheared image may be cutted.
    • Parameters are picked wrongly when crop images in batch.
    • Border does not work when add text in image.
    • "Ignore transparent" may handled incorrectly when edit image.
    • Error popped when export colors list as html.
    • Some shortcuts do not work in some interfaces.
    • Incorrect information in "Stroies of Images".


30 Sep 05:56
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  • Added:
    • Save and manage Data Definition in tree.
    • New data column type: Large text(2G).
    • Show button "Open by system method" in interfaces of handling file.
    • List all showing windows. Options to close or set/disable "Always in top" against selected windows.
  • Improved:
    • Click color block to pop paletter.
    • Click button to pop file backups, rather than always refresh the list when file is saved.
    • Shape example is loaded as user required, rather than set it by default when add shape.
    • In interface of handling data:
      • Option to only import data definition when load example.
      • Data definition can be saved in tree.
      • Data definition can be exported as csv/xml/json/excel.
      • Data definition can be imported from xml.
      • Data definition can be selected in saved tree.
    • Tree information:
      • Parse and encode tree in consistent way while orignial formats still work.
      • Length of node is enlarged as 2G.
      • Actions of left-click, right-click, and double-click can be selected .
      • To select node, either click tree node or query by tags/times/keywords.
    • Default style is null when display html.
    • Shortcuts list is displayed along with icons list which have not shortcuts.
  • Solved problems:
    • "Rename Files" should not override existed files.
    • File names are null in interface of "Check Redundancy Files".
    • File names are null in interface of "Decompress/Unarchive File".
    • Fail to add quadratic/cubic/polylines when edit SVG.
    • Error should not be popped when edit shape with empty setting of "dotted".
    • Error should not be popped when display shape menu with empty shape data.
    • Shortcut "F1/Ctrl+e" should not work for button "Go".
    • All special characters should be handled when generate json file.
    • Customized languages should be checked when match message.
    • Should prevent new language name which includes name of embedded languages.

Happy birthday to China!

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23 Aug 11:10
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  • Added:
    • Convert images to SVG files in batch. Algorithms and parameters can be chosen.
    • More shapes: line, arc, quadratic Bézier curve, cubic Bézier curve, and SVG path.
    • When edit shape, parameters can be inputted while archors and shape can be dragged. Anchor menu and shape menu are provided.
  • Improved:
    • For popped values(examples or histories), options to show the pane as child window or as pop window.
    • For existed palette, colors can be customized.
    • Pop color menu by right click color block.
    • Lines can be dragged when split image.
    • Drag lines in image to add mosaic.
  • Solved problems:
    • Node is not updated in the tree after its modification is saved.
    • The new node is displayed incompletely after XML is pasted.
    • "Load width" does not work for image.
    • Wrong result may be generated when scale image.
    • Result may be cutted wrongly when rotate image.
    • Indices of image edit histories are recorded and accessed incorrectly.
    • List of splitted images are loaded incorrectly when play them.
    • Shortcuts F4 and F5(show/hide panes) do not work in some interfaces.

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23 Jul 04:17
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  • Added:
    • SVG editor
    • Make typesetting of SVG files in batch
    • Convert SVG files to images/PDFs in batch
  • Improved:
    • In file interface, provide pane to list files of same types under same directory.
    • When edit image, points of polyline and polygon can be edited and dragged to adjust the shape.
    • WHen edit image, simplify types of scopes: if colors list is empty then match all colors.
    • When analyse image, option to sort colors data.
    • When repeat image, option to crop and scale original image.
    • When edit XML file, XML codes can be inputted to add new node.
    • Function menu in tabs of web browser to close tabs more easily.
    • Shortcuts of button "Go" are F9 and CTRL+g. Shortcut of button "Clear" is CTRL+l(lowercase of 'L').
  • Removed: Event "double-click" is not handled for image any more.
  • Solved problems:
    • Image OCR fails in last 2 versions.
    • When scale image, the inputted width and height do not work.
    • When edit image, shadow should be behind the text.
    • Dominant pie is not picked in the generated html when analyse image.
    • Frames pane should be always shown for tif/gif file.

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08 Jun 12:39
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  • Added:
    • XML editor.
    • Make typesetting of html/markdown/xml/json files in batch.
    • Customize color palette.
  • Improved: For remote path, display files in order of their names and directories are always displayed in front.
  • Solved problems:
    • Options about "existed files" do not work for target files/paths.
    • Fail to save profile of remote path when path is blank.

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22 May 03:34
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  • Added:
    • JSON editor.
    • Match list of finding string.
    • Find string/bytes in files in batch.
  • Improved:
    • RYB complementary should refer to birghtness and saturation of original color.
    • Image Quantization: Pick first colors for palette to avoid new colors which are not in original image.
    • Image Quantization: Make cluster center by colors counting rather than create new color
    • Simplify interface of "Picking colors in image".
    • Improve interfaces of "Repeat Image" and "Analyse Image"
    • Improve codes of "Image Edit Histories" and "File Backups".
    • Option about whether commit modification when data cell loses focus.
  • Upgrade java and javafx to version 20.
  • Solved problems:
    • Fail to build due to download failure of image4j.
    • Location distribution: Fail to load map.
    • Row expression: Fail to evaluate when column value contains quotes.
    • Data editing should be canceled when click key ESC.
    • Fail to read request head of network address.
    • Can not delete file backups.
    • PDF Viewer: Fail to display outlines.
    • Recent target paths are read incorrectly.
    • Edit image: Histories are loaded too slowly when image size is large.
    • Lots of exceptions may happen when load html in webview.

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16 Apr 05:55
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  • Added:
    • Manage remote path(SFTP).
    • Synchronize remote directory from local.
    • Clear expired data.
  • Improved:
    • Option to disable omission of Ctrl/Alt in shortcuts.(To avoid misoperations)
    • Always disable omission of Ctrl/Alt in shortcuts of following buttons: Save, Delete, Clear. (To avoid accidents)
    • Values can be validated when edit data.
    • Display and manage tree information in tree table view.
  • Solved problems:
    • When edit data, values in other rows may be tampered. (Serious bug since 2019)
    • When edit data, should not apply modification to all new rows.
    • When edit/add data rows, values should not be validated automatically.
    • Logic about "node A is sub-node of node B" has bug.
    • Fail to mode nodes in tree information.
    • Function "ffmepg convert medias" does not work.
    • Interface behavious of Html Editor are unexpected.
    • Calculation of "Splice Images" and "Split Image" are inaccurate.
    • Option "pop menu when hovering button" does not work in some interfaces.
    • Fail to play PDF which has password.

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