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File metadata and controls

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LumoSQL enforces rules by data guarantees.

Normally it is the algorithms in software that enforce rules, for example You do not have permission to read salary information for that person. That rule is written in just one program, written by just one developer. What if the developer made a mistake? What if it is your own salary information but the algorithm doesn’t know that? This is how everyday problems occur that make people say “computers are just so stupid”. With LumoSQL, that same salary data is encrypted with several cryptographic keys. One of those keys will belong to the person whose salary it is, so they can always read it. Another one will belong to the HR group in the company, so anyone who has a key that belongs to that group can read the data and update it. And another read-only key may be issued to the tax department, and that key stops working as soon as there is a change to the salary data.

LumoSQL Addresses unsolved problems

LumoSQL is a single approach to three of the biggest unsolved problems in software.

Complexity: The logic of society is encoded in software too complex to be understood in detail by humans. Examples include the thousands of constantly-changing cloud APIs and Node.js’ millions of packages, each with maximum runtime privileges. Once a development team has committed to complex technologies there is often no option to reverse that decison. When there are problems, the tendancy is to abstract, extend, wrap. The intention is to simplify software development but it has the opposite effect, creating a Big Ball of Mud . As an extreme example, the API company Postman encourages Big Balls of Mud by curating over a million APIs for reuse and forking, claiming in their attractive graphic novel that they are solving problems of complexity. Unlike the worsening state of software, a data structure does not inherently become more complex or fragile over time.

Disempowered users: Software is often used for matters of personal autonomy such as banking, health, private conversations or interactions with government. No solution exists for software to guarantee it will respect the rights and wishes of users. Even in 2022 software cannot give any guarantees stronger than a message on the screen to say “we promise to look after your data and obey the law”. This is often not a credible statement due to the power of organisations concerned, yet users have no alternatives. LumoSQL guarantees that data owners have control over access, visibility and ortability. These are fundamental human rights.

Developer knowledge loss: Since approximately 1980 each generation of software developers generally understands less about computing fundamentals than the previous generation, especially on topics of efficiency and reliability. Some open source communities focus on efficient coding, but this is not mainstream or typically taught to students. After just 10 or even 5 years, most end user applications become difficult to understand and often hard to run at all due to changes in dependencies. LumoSQL data structures are closely related to mathematics. Mathematics has transmitted knowledge across generations for 4,000 years. We can expect the mathematics of LumoSQL data to be understood in detail for much longer than 10 years.

LumoSQL: Enforcing rules by guarantee

Data structures can enforce rules in ways software cannot. Take for example your personal chat app - who makes sure the internal logic of the app is correct through its versions and as Android/iOS make changes underneath it? We can’t rely on the chat app company, because the company’s interests and priorities are very different to yours. The app’s logic determine how you interact with your friends, what other third parties can see your chat data, and other things that might become unexpectedly vital to you at any time. And what about your chat data backups? On one hand you want backups to be secure from prying eyes, but on the other unreadable backups are not backups at all. The LumoSQL approach turns this approach upside down. We introduce a new standard secure format, which is only readable if the the chat software obeys the mathematical rules describing the format. Any LumoSQL-compatible app, that is one that can either understand (Lumions data format]( or uses the LumoSQL embeded database library in a similar way that the SQLite database library is used, can tell if the chat data is corrupt or not, because that is a mathematical property unrelated to the content. You, the user of the chat app, are no longer reliant on the promises of software developers working for eg WhatsApp or Telegram to protect your rights. Any one of hundreds of apps can check that your data is valid. In addition you might authorise a few of those apps to read your chat data, so you can access your history without involving any code from WhatsApp/Telegram/whoever. But if the data on your phone is copied by criminals or the police, they cannot read that data unless you give them a key. . . and even then, you may choose to only give the police a read-only key so you can be sure no changes have been sneakily made without your knowledge. Software source code is never a fixed standard6 . Unlike software, data layouts and structures are frequently fixed standards for decades. Advanced mathematics like checksums, signatures and keys have been used in data structures for decades, and now LumoSQL is adding multi-user access controls using zero-knowledge proofs.

What are the guarantees?

Some of the following guarantees may initially seem outrageous or even impossible. The reason they work is that they are not all related to computer science, but arise from the collective total of the influences around LumoSQL. These influences are explained in the next section.

  1. No silent corruption: If data has been corrupted, accidentally or deliberately, then the data becomes obviously invalid.
  2. No unauthorised updates: If data is valid, then it has only been updated by authorised humans or computers.
  3. No unauthorised reads: If data is valid, then only humans or computers with a valid read key can access the data. If no key is available, then the data is not recoverable.
  4. Futureproof: Data will retain its protections regardless of future changes in operating systems, computer languages, hardware or software. This is the most multi-factor of the LumoSQL guarantees.
  5. LumoSQL data is always distinguishable: Regardless of any other factor, valid LumoSQL data cannot be mistaken for any other kind of data.
  6. One LumoSQL data item is always uniquely identifiable: LumoSQL data has an ID unique among all data of all kinds, which makes it difficult to claim that LumoSQL data has been lost. (This guarantee also means that LumoSQL cannot deliver strong anonymity.)
  7. Non-repudiable: If a particular author has created data, then there is no way for some other author to claim they have created the data. Even if the original author (or program) has subsequently lost their identity keys, all work produced by that author remains uniquely identifiable.
  8. Data with the same ID will be identical: This follows from the previous guarantee, and means “no duplicate IDs ever” although there may be many copies of data.
  9. The unique ID includes a version number: Every write action increments a version number (there is no guarantee that the data content from a previous version is kept.)
  10. Left-over data remains secure: Any left-overs after changes to LumoSQL data will be still be encrypted and therefore no less secure than they ever were. A practical fact of databases is that pages of obsolete data are often left on disk after changes. No guarantee in life is absolute, including ones based on mathematics. But the LumoSQL guarantees are stronger than anything that software can offer alone. Data is where enforcement of users rights should begin, not the law and certainly not software.

What influences on LumoSQL create these guarantees?

Most software couldn’t hope to provide such strong guarantees for data that it handles. The first unusual factor is the scale of SQLite, because due to its ubquitity SQLite is essential to billions of people, millions of developers and thousands of companies, so that means that if any software can become an optional extension to SQLite then it automatically gets advantages from massive adoption - even at just 1% of the SQLite installed base. The scale of SQLite also drives its conservatism, which in turn relates to stability guarantees largely inherited by LumoSQL, which is what attracts users such as Airbus. The scale of SQLite makes it interesting to institutional and criminal parties. And it is the scale of SQLite which meant there was never a question of LumoSQL forking SQLite, which meant inventing Not Forking. All of these things and more feed into each other, resulting in LumoSQL being able to promise both great stability and never-before-seen security innovations.

Institutional factors

- US Library of Congress selected the [sqlite3 file format]( as an [official archive format](, with one subformat. LumoSQL is likely to add another subformat for hidden columns.

- [UK National Archives]( also chose sqlite3 as a preservation format, as well as [others around the world](

- EU Parliament and selected other legislatures worldwide have passed laws which mandate the mathematics of privacy. LumoSQL aims to at least meet EU privacy requirements.

- Airbus have asked for [binary compatibility until 2050]( This is not unusual for embedded aerospace applications, and there are likely many other companies with similar requirements.

- Security services and policing often harvest plain text sqlite3 files (including deleted pages) to harm end users, and LumoSQL encryption will stop that. However the same institutions are likely to be very happy with LumoSQL’s UUID which will allow them to track data flows between devices and clouds, even if they can’t read the contents, and even though LumoSQL explicitly does not offer anonymity features.

Mathematical factors

- UUID hash - this is a constant method used to calculate the unique LumoSQL IDs, and will not change except and until some cryptographic breakthrough means that [hash collisions]( become feasible with e.g. SHA3-256.

- Signatures and checksums

- Attribute based encryption

Science aspects of SQLite and LumoSQL

- Lumion specification and standards process

- Source tree management

- Software development: APIs, internal churn, testing

- Statistics

- Digital forensics

- Not-forking

- Small size of the SQLite codebase

- Even smaller size of LumoSQL non-forked additions to SQLite

Note: the foregoing list of influences has another set of technical facts which cut across all entries. These include shortcomings in the current sqlite3 format, the nature of metadata in LumoSQL, and the varying levels of encryption in LumoSQL (row, table, whole-file). There is also the question of compression, solved by SQLite via the sqlar format and likely within LumoSQL by per-row dictionary compression. The items mentioned in this paragraph can be thought of as orthogonal to all of the factors in the list above.

Does the LumoSQL project have the right people?

LumoSQL can’t avoid the disasterous software mistakes listed above unless we have skills and interests that are not conventional or mainstream.

So far, LumoSQL has team members who are, variously:

Interested in reducing complexity: We have expertise in creating simple APIs, the Rust language, Nix and reproducibility, minimalist OS design, and OS-less computers. This range of interests helps us avoid classic software complexity traps.

Promote inter-generational knowledge transfer: We have younger people, interest and expertise in the topics of equality and human rights, and a strong interest in formalised knowledge in a university context. These hopefully combine to promote an environment where younger people can apply and extend what LumoSQL is pioneering today.

Want to measure our work: A feature of technological collapse is lack of knowledge about complexity. Our statistical approach aims to quantify our measurements, which may allow us to answer questions about complexity or at least see what the questions should be. How much overhead do the new security arrangements add? How do different cryptographic solutions compare? How many SQL operations are there where the crypto substantially improves access speed?

This seems a very good start, and we are ready to grow. We appreciate contributions, comments, and criticism, if you are reading this and are intruiged do please come and say hello in #lumosql on, or contact