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This is a repo for audio generation models, in particular VAEs and VQ-VAEs. While it's very functional, this repository is still very much under active development.

If you are interested in a general implementation of Soundstream or a neural audio codec, you should probably check out lucidrain's implementation or Facebook/Meta's encodec. While I used ideas from neural audio codecs, this repository also contains my experiments with audio generation, so it's not a faithful implementation of Soundstream, encodec etc. Examples are:

  • I've implemented multiresolution convolutions, see the networks/ file (which also includes an attempt at a wavelet-based upscaler). While they are implemented, these are not currently integrated into the main VQ-VAE model
  • In a similar vein to above, I implemented a custom type of layer I call a wavelet layer. The standard neural audio codec method of using upsampling and convolutions to increase the resolution seemed like it ignored a key piece of information: sound is composed of waves. Wavelet layers are special upsampling layers that try and implicitly learn a wavelet decomposition and upsample it.
  • I've added modern self-organizing maps (SOMs) to the codebooks, which must be installed from here. Additionally, I added a differential version of these SOMs based on this. I also include a test on CIFAR which makes pretty pictures.

Here is a similar visualization of the SOM codebook usage when reconstructing audio (which was admittedly not as cool as I hoped it would be):


Here, each color represents a different codebook, so the plot is displaying the entries producing the sound at that instant in the video. I was hoping it would not look so random. Nonetheless, I hope that SOMs will serve to make attention mechanisms on the codebook more robust (since the codebook has a natural notion of neighborhood and proximity among entries), as well as giving structure to "interpolation" between codebook entries.

  • I explored the use of energy transformers for this task. This was initially included in this repository, but now is its own seperate repository, from where it can be pip installed (see instructions there).


The work of Phil Wang (lucidrains) was important both as a reference and for some functions. While this repo was mostly developed independently, a number of key steps were drawn from his work, most notably in the structure of "causal" convolution layers. Additionally, reference was made to the encodec repo from Facebook Research, which were referenced for further improving the causal convolution layers. Facebook/Meta's AudioCraft can also be used in this repo. Additionally, reference was made to OpenAI's Jukebox model and rosinality's VQ-VAE for building the VQ-VAE layers.

Running This

The main parameters you might want to control are in the config/training.yml file. I prefer using configs to CLI arguments, so argparse etc are not implemented.

See environment.yml for the package details. It's probably better as a guideline. An important thing to mention is that you should use the latest Pytorch versions (>= 2.0), as I do use torch.func for the energy transformers (need to take gradients, differentiably). You will need to install vector quantization from here (instructions provided in that repository).

If you want to use Meta's AudioCraft with this repo, then you need to run:

pip install -U audiocraft

I only use the neural audio codec (EnCodec) from AudioCraft, which is optional.

The Generative Model

The current state of the model is heavily based on Soundstream, a vector-quantized variational autoencoder (VQ-VAE). Additionally, I've updated it based on features from the Encodec paper and High-Fidelity Audio Compression with Improved RVQGAN paper. This uses a fully convolutional encoder, a residual vector quantization layer, and a fully (transposed) convolutional decoder. If you want to run this model, see the file, which contains everything needed to train it on a dataset.

The advantage of fully convolutional encoders and decoders is that they allow arbitrary input length. Residual vector quantization involves quantizing a signal, subtracting the quantized signal from the original, and iteratively quantizing the residual from that repeating the process. It's advantageous here because it can enable the quantizer to capture a huge permutation of "symbols" without using a similarly huge codebook.

As of this writing, the main differences between this implementation and the original Soundstream paper are:

  • Different parameters, activations, etc. in general
  • The addition of wavelet and (causal) multiresolution convolution layers
  • Addition of some objectives from encodec, such as using more discriminators and multispectral windows
  • The STFT discriminators don't act over complex numbers, they are in a 2-channel real domain (this ran much better on older versions of PyTorch, it's likely no longer neccesary)
  • The option to use an energy-transformer as a bottleneck layer. This is a Hopfield inspired model that has some similarity to residual vector quantization - unlike a traditional transformer, the residual of the input is repeatedly run through the network (which fulfills the process of energy minimization). This bottleneck led to a much stronger model than the using RVQ.
  • The discriminator has a term adding stronger repulsion between fake and real inputs. I found that the default hinge loss led to discriminator collapse (i.e. the discriminator returned the same value for all inputs, real or fake)
  • I added the option to allow using only 1 discriminator at a time - which I found significantly improved speed without harming quality. Discriminators are weighted based on their "difficulty"
  • Use of Kohonen/self-organizing maps as described above

Random Notes

  • The convert_to_wav script was useful for converting mp3s to wavs cause Soundfile on windows can't open mp3s as tensors 🫠