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图像融合(Image Fusion)

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[2024-07-16] 我们的论文《DRMF: Degradation-Robust Multi-Modal Image Fusion via Composable Diffusion Prior》被《ACM MM 2024》正式接收![论文下载] [Code]

[2023-06-05] 我们的论文《Rethinking the necessity of image fusion in high-level vision tasks: A practical infrared and visible image fusion network based on progressive semantic injection and scene fidelity》被《Information Fusion》正式接收![论文下载] [Code]

[2022-07-29] 我们的综述论文《基于深度学习的图像融合方法综述》被《中国图象图形学报》正式接收![论文下载]


如果我们的总结对你有所帮助, 请引用以下论文:

  title={Deep learning-based image fusion: A survey},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Zhang, Hao and Xu, Han and Ma, Jiayi},  
  journal={Journal of Image and Graphics}
    title={DRMF: Degradation-Robust Multi-Modal Image Fusion via Composable Diffusion Prior},
    author={Tang, Linfeng and Deng, Yuxin and Yi, Xunpeng and Yan, Qinglong and Yuan, Yixuan and Ma, Jiayi},
    booktitle=Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
	title={CAMF: An Interpretable Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Class Activation Mapping}, 
	author={Tang, Linfeng and Chen, Ziang and Huang, Jun and Ma, Jiayi},
	journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}, 
  title={SuperFusion: A versatile image registration and fusion network with semantic awareness},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Deng, Yuxin and Ma, Yong and Huang, Jun and Ma, Jiayi},
  journal={IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica},
  title={SwinFusion: Cross-domain Long-range Learning for General Image Fusion via Swin Transformer},
  author={Ma, Jiayi and Tang, Linfeng and Fan, Fan and Huang, Jun and Mei, Xiaoguang and Ma, Yong},
  journal={IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica},
title = {Image fusion in the loop of high-level vision tasks: A semantic-aware real-time infrared and visible image fusion network},
author = {Linfeng Tang and Jiteng Yuan and Jiayi Ma},
journal = {Information Fusion},
volume = {82},
pages = {28-42},
year = {2022},
issn = {1566-2535},
  title={DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Xiang, Xinyu and Zhang, Hao and Gong, Meiqi and Ma, Jiayi},
  journal={Information Fusion},
  volume = {91},
  pages = {477-493},
  year = {2023},
  title={PIAFusion: A progressive infrared and visible image fusion network based on illumination aware},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Yuan, Jiteng and Zhang, Hao and Jiang, Xingyu and Ma, Jiayi},
  journal={Information Fusion},
  volume = {83-84},
  pages = {79-92},
  year = {2022},
  issn = {1566-2535},
  title={STDFusionNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Salient Target Detection},
  author={Jiayi Ma, Linfeng Tang, Meilong Xu, Hao Zhang, and Guobao Xiao},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},

多模图像融合(Multi-Modal Image Fusion)

红外和可见光图像融合(Infrared and visible image fusion)

方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 发表年份
DenseFuse DenseFuse: A Fusion Approach to Infrared and Visible Images Paper Code TIP AE 自监督 2019
FusionGAN FusionGAN: A generative adversarial network for infrared and   visible image fusion Paper Code InfFus GAN 无监督 2019
DDcGAN Learning a Generative Model for Fusing Infrared and Visible   Images via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with Dual   Discriminators Paper Code IJCAI GAN 无监督 2019
NestFuse NestFuse: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Architecture   Based on Nest Connection and Spatial/Channel Attention Models Paper Code TIM AE 自监督 2020
DDcGAN DDcGAN: A dual-discriminator conditional generative   adversarial network for multi-resolution image fusion Paper Code TIP GAN 无监督 2020
DIDFuse DIDFuse: Deep Image Decomposition for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Paper Code IJCAI AE 自监督 2020
RFN-Nest RFN-Nest: An end-to-end residual fusion network for infrared   and visible images Paper Code InfFus AE 自监督 2021
CSF Classification Saliency-Based Rule for Visible and Infrared   Image Fusion Paper Code TCI AE 自监督 2021
DRF DRF: Disentangled Representation for Visible and Infrared   Image Fusion Paper Code TIM AE 自监督 2021
SEDRFuse SEDRFuse: A Symmetric Encoder–Decoder With Residual Block   Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Paper Code TIM AE 自监督 2021
MFEIF Learning a Deep Multi-Scale Feature Ensemble and an   Edge-Attention Guidance for Image Fusion Paper TCSVT AE 自监督 2021
Meta-Learning Different Input Resolutions and Arbitrary Output Resolution: A   Meta Learning-Based Deep Framework for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Paper TIP CNN 无监督 2021
RXDNFuse RXDNFuse: A aggregated residual dense network for infrared and   visible image fusion Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2021
STDFusionNet STDFusionNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network   Based on Salient Target Detection Paper Code TIM CNN 无监督 2021
D2LE A Bilevel Integrated Model With Data-Driven Layer Ensemble for   Multi-Modality Image Fusion Paper TIP CNN 无监督 2021
HAF Searching a Hierarchically Aggregated Fusion Architecture for   Fast Multi-Modality Image Fusion Paper Code ACM MM CNN 无监督 2021
SDDGAN Semantic-supervised Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via a   Dual-discriminator Generative Adversarial Network Paper Code TMM GAN 无监督 2021
Detail-GAN Infrared and visible image fusion via detail preserving   adversarial learning Paper Code InfFus GAN 无监督 2021
Perception-GAN Image fusion based on   generative adversarial network consistent with perception Paper Code InfFus GAN 无监督 2021
GAN-FM GAN-FM: Infrared and Visible   Image Fusion Using GAN With Full-Scale Skip Connection and Dual Markovian   Discriminators Paper Code TCI GAN 无监督 2021
AttentionFGAN AttentionFGAN: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using   Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Networks Paper TMM GAN 无监督 2021
GANMcC GANMcC: A Generative   Adversarial Network With Multiclassification Constraints for Infrared and   Visible Image Fusion Paper Code TIM GAN 无监督 2021
MgAN-Fuse Multigrained Attention Network for Infrared and Visible Image   Fusion Paper TIM GAN 无监督 2021
TC-GAN Infrared and Visible Image   Fusion via Texture Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Paper TCSVT GAN 无监督 2021
AUIF Efficient and model-based infrared and visible image fusion via algorithm unrolling Paper Code TCSVT AE 自监督 2021
TarDAL Target-aware Dual Adversarial Learning and a Multi-scenario Multi-Modality Benchmark to Fuse Infrared and Visible for Object Detection Paper Code CVPR GAN 无监督 2022
RFNet RFNet: Unsupervised Network for Mutually Reinforcing Multi-modal Image Registration and Fusion Paper Code CVPR CNN 无监督 2022
SeAFusion Image fusion in the loop of   high-level vision tasks: A semantic-aware real-time infrared and visible   image fusion network Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2022
PIAFusion PIAFusion: A progressive infrared and visible image fusion   network based on illumination aware Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2022
UMF-CMGR Unsupervised Misaligned Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration Paper Code IJCAI CNN 无监督 2022
DetFusion DetFusion: A Detection-driven Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Paper Code ACM MM CNN 无监督 2022
DIVFusion DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2023
PSFusion Rethinking the necessity of image fusion in high-level vision tasks: A practical infrared and visible image fusion network based on progressive semantic injection and scene fidelity Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2023

医学图像融合(Medical image fusion)

方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 年份
CNN A medical image fusion method based on   convolutional neural networks Paper ICIF CNN 无监督 2017
Zero-LMF Zero-Learning Fast Medical Image Fusion Paper Code ICIF CNN 无监督 2019
DDcGAN Learning a Generative Model for Fusing Infrared and Visible   Images via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with Dual   Discriminators Paper Code IJCAI GAN 无监督 2019
GFPPC-GAN Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase-Contrast   Image Fusion via Generative Adversarial Networks Paper CMMM GAN 无监督 2019
CCN-CP Multi-modality medical image fusion using convolutional neural   network and contrast pyramid Paper Sensors CNN 无监督 2020
DDcGAN DDcGAN: A Dual-Discriminator Conditional   Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Resolution Image Fusion Paper Code TIP GAN 无监督 2020
MGMDcGAN Medical Image Fusion Using Multi-Generator   Multi-Discriminator Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Paper Code Access GAN 无监督 2020
D2LE A Bilevel Integrated Model With Data-Driven Layer Ensemble for   Multi-Modality Image Fusion Paper TIP CNN 无监督 2021
HAF Searching a Hierarchically Aggregated Fusion   Architecture for Fast Multi-Modality Image Fusion Paper Code ACM MM CNN 无监督 2021
EMFusion EMFusion: An unsupervised enhanced medical   image fusion network Paper Code InfFus CNN 无监督 2021
DPCN-Fusion Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase Contrast   Image Fusion Via Detail Preserving Cross Network Paper Code TCI CNN 无监督 2021
MSPRN A multiscale residual pyramid attention   network for medical image fusion Paper Code BSPC CNN 无监督 2021
DCGAN Medical image fusion method based on dense   block and deep convolutional generative adversarial network Paper NCA GAN 无监督 2021

数字摄影图像融合(Digital Photography Image Fusion)

多曝光图像融合(Multi-exposure image fusion)

方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 年份
DeepFuse DeepFuse: A Deep Unsupervised Approach for Exposure Fusion   with Extreme Exposure Image Pairs Paper Code ICCV CNN 无监督 2017
CNN Multi-exposure fusion with CNN features Paper Code ICIP CNN 无监督 2018
MEF-Net Deep guided learning for fast multi-exposure image fusion Paper Code TIP CNN 无监督 2020
ICEN Multi-exposure high dynamic range imaging with informative   content enhanced network Paper NC CNN 无监督 2020
MEF-GAN MEF-GAN: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Generative   Adversarial Networks Paper Code TIP GAN 无监督 2020
CF-Net Deep coupled feedback network for joint exposure fusion and   image super-resolutions Paper Code TIP CNN 无监督 2021
UMEF Deep unsupervised learning based on color un-referenced loss   functions for multi-exposure image fusion Paper Code InFus CNN 无监督 2021
PA-AGN Two exposure fusion using prior-aware generative adversarial   network Paper TMM GAN 无监督 2021
AGAL Attention-guided Global-local Adversarial Learning for   Detail-preserving Multi-exposure Image Fusion Paper Code TCSVT GAN 无监督 2022
GANFuse GANFuse: a novel multi-exposure image fusion method based on   generative adversarial networks Paper NCAA GAN 无监督 2021
DRLF Automatic Intermediate Generation With Deep Reinforcement   Learning for Robust Two-Exposure Image Fusion Paper TNNLS CNN 无监督 2021
Trans-MEF TransMEF: A Transformer-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fusion   Framework using Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Paper Code AAAI AE 自监督 2022
DPE-MEF Multi-exposure image fusion via deep perceptual enhancement Paper Code InFus CNN 无监督 2022

多聚焦图像融合(Multi-focus image fusion)

方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 年份
CNN Multi-focus image fusion with a deep convolutional neural   network Paper Code InFus CNN 有监督 2017
ECNN Ensemble of CNN for multi-focus image fusion Paper Code InFus CNN 有监督 2019
MLFCNN Multilevel features convolutional neural network for   multifocus image fusion Paper TCI CNN 有监督 2019
DRPL DRPL: Deep Regression Pair Learning for Multi-Focus Image   Fusion Paper Code TIP CNN 有监督 2020
MMF-Net An α-Matte Boundary Defocus Model-Based Cascaded Network for   Multi-Focus Image Fusion Paper Code TCI CNN 有监督 2020
MFF-SSIM Towards Reducing Severe Defocus Spread Effects for Multi-Focus   Image Fusion via an Optimization Based Strategy Paper Code Sensors CNN 无监督 2020
MFNet Structural Similarity Loss for Learning to Fuse Multi-Focus   Images Paper TIP CNN 有监督 2021
GEU-Net Global-Feature Encoding U-Net (GEU-Net) for Multi-Focus Image   Fusion [GEU-Net Paper Code TCI CNN 自监督 2021
DTMNet DTMNet: A Discrete Tchebichef Moments-Based Deep Neural   Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion Paper TMM CNN 无监督 2021
SMFuse SMFuse: Multi-Focus   Image Fusion Via Self-Supervised Mask-Optimization Paper Code NCA CNN 无监督 2021
ACGAN A generative adversarial network with adaptive constraints for   multi-focus image fusion Paper Code ICCV GAN 有监督 2021
FuseGAN Learning to fuse multi-focus image via conditional generative   adversarial network Paper TIP GAN 有监督 2020
D2FMIF Depth-Distilled Multi-focus Image Fusion Paper TMM CNN 有监督 2019
SESF-Fuse SESF-Fuse: an unsupervised deep model for multi-focus image   fusion Paper Code NCAA CNN 有监督 2020
MFF-GAN MFF-GAN: An unsupervised generative adversarial network with   adaptive and gradient joint constraints for multi-focus image fusion Paper Code InFus GAN 无监督 2021
MFIF-GAN MFIF-GAN: A new generative adversarial network for multi-focus   image fusion Paper Code SPIC GAN 有监督 2021

遥感影像融合(Remote Sensing Image Fusion)


方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 年份
PNN Pansharpening by Convolutional Neural   Networks Paper Code RS CNN 有监督 2016
PanNet PanNet: A deep network architecture for   pan-sharpening Paper Code PanNet CNN 有监督 2017
TFNet Remote sensing image fusion based on   two-stream fusion network Paper Code TFNet CNN 有监督 2020
BKL Unsupervised Blur Kernel Learning for   Pansharpening Paper IGARSS CNN 无监督 2020
Pan-GAN Pan-GAN: An unsupervised pan-sharpening   method for remote sensing image fusion Paper Code InFus GAN 无监督 2020
UCNN Pansharpening via Unsupervised Convolutional   Neural Networks Paper JSTARS CNN 无监督 2020
UPSNet UPSNet: Unsupervised Pan-Sharpening Network   With Registration Learning Between Panchromatic and Multi-Spectral Images Paper ACCESS CNN 无监督 2020
GPPNN Deep Gradient Projection Networks for   Pan-sharpening Paper Code CVPR CNN 有监督 2021
GTP-PNet GTP-PNet: A residual learning network based   on gradient transformation prior for pansharpening Paper Code ISPRS CNN 有监督 2021
HMCNN Pan-Sharpening Via High-Pass Modification   Convolutional Neural Network Paper Code ICIP CNN 有监督 2021
SDPNet SDPNet: A Deep Network for Pan-Sharpening   With Enhanced Information Representation Paper Code TGRS CNN 有监督 2021
SIPSA-Net SIPSA-Net: Shift-Invariant Pan Sharpening   with Moving Object Alignment for Satellite Imagery Paper Code CVPR CNN 有监督 2021
SRPPNN Super-resolution-guided progressive   pansharpening based on a deep convolutional neural network Paper Code TGRS CNN 有监督 2021
PSGAN PSGAN: A generative adversarial network for   remote sensing image pan-sharpening Paper Code TGRS GAN 有监督 2021
MDCNN MDCNN: multispectral pansharpening based on a   multiscale dilated convolutional neural network Paper JRS CNN 有监督 2021
LDP-Net LDP-Net: An Unsupervised Pansharpening   Network Based on Learnable Degradation Processes Paper Code Arxiv CNN 无监督 2021
DIGAN Pansharpening approach via two-stream detail   injection based on relativistic generative adversarial networks Paper ESA GAN 有监督 2022
DPFN A Dual-Path Fusion Network for Pan-Sharpening Paper Code TGRS CNN 有监督 2022
MSGAN An Unsupervised Multi-scale Generative   Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening Paper ICMM GAN 无监督 2022
UCGAN Unsupervised Cycle-Consistent Generative   Adversarial Networks for Pan Sharpening Paper Code TGRS GAN 无监督 2022
D2TNet A ConvLSTM Network with Dual-direction Transfer for Pan-sharpening Paper Code TGRS CNN 有监督 2022
P2Sharpen P2Sharpen: A progressive pansharpening network with deep spectral transformation Paper Code INFFus CNN 有监督 2023

通用图像融合框架(General Image Fusion Framerwork)

方法 标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 基础框架 监督范式 年份
IFCNN IFCNN: A general image fusion framework based on convolutional   neural network Paper Code InFus CNN 有监督 2020
FusionDN FusionDN: A Unified Densely Connected Network for Image   Fusion Paper Code AAAI CNN 无监督 2020
PMGI Rethinking the Image Fusion: A Fast Unified Image Fusion   Network based on Proportional Maintenance of Gradient and Intensity Paper Code AAAI CNN 无监督 2020
CU-Net Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Modal Image   Restoration and Fusion Paper Code TPAMI CNN 有监督 2021
SDNet SDNet: A Versatile Squeeze-and-Decomposition Network for   Real-Time Image Fusion Paper Code IJCV CNN 无监督 2021
DIF-Net Unsupervised Deep Image Fusion With Structure Tensor   Representations Paper Code TIP CNN 无监督 2021
IFSepR IFSepR: A general framework for image fusion based on separate   representation learning Paper TMM AE 自监督 2021
MTOE Multiple Task-Oriented Encoders for Unified Image Fusion Paper ICME CNN 无监督 2021
U2Fusion U2Fusion: A Unified Unsupervised Image Fusion Network Paper Code TPAMI CNN 无监督 2022
SwinFusion SwinFusion: Cross-domain Long-range Learning for General Image Fusion via Swin Transformer Paper Code JAS Transformer 无监督 2022
DeFusion Fusion from Decomposition: A Self-Supervised Decomposition Approach for Image Fusion Paper Code ECCV CNN 无监督 2022
UIFGAN UIFGAN: An unsupervised continual-learning generative adversarial network for unified image fusion Paper Code INFFus GAN 无监督 2023


标题 论文 代码 发表期刊或会议 年份
A review of   remote sensing image fusion methods Paper InFus 2016
Pixel-level   image fusion: A survey of the state of the art Paper InFus 2017
Deep learning for pixel-level image fusion: Recent advances and future prospects Paper InFus 2018
Infrared and visible image fusion methods and applications: A survey Paper InFus 2019
Multi-focu image fusion: A Survey of the state of the art Paper InFus 2020
Image fusion meets deep learning: A survey and perspective Paper InFus 2021
Deep Learning-based Multi-focus Image Fusion: A Survey and A Comparative   Study Paper Code TPAMI 2021
Benchmarking and comparing multi-exposure image fusion algorithms Paper Code InFus 2021
Current advances and future perspectives of image fusion: A comprehensive review Paper Code InFus 2023


融合场景 数据集 下载链接
红外和可见光图像融合 TNO
医学图像融合 Harvard
多曝光图像融合 MEF
多聚焦图像融合 Lytro
全色图像锐化 GaoFen

评估指标(Evaluation Metric)

通用评估指标(General evaluation metric)

通用评估指标位于: or

遥感影像融合评估指标(Evaluation metric for pansharpening)


如果我们的总结对你有所帮助, 请引用以下论文:

  title={Deep learning-based image fusion: A survey},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Zhang, Hao and Xu, Han and Ma, Jiayi},  
  journal={Journal of Image and Graphics}
  title={SwinFusion: Cross-domain Long-range Learning for General Image Fusion via Swin Transformer},
  author={Ma, Jiayi and Tang, Linfeng and Fan, Fan and Huang, Jun and Mei, Xiaoguang and Ma, Yong},
  journal={IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica},
title = {Image fusion in the loop of high-level vision tasks: A semantic-aware real-time infrared and visible image fusion network},
author = {Linfeng Tang and Jiteng Yuan and Jiayi Ma},
journal = {Information Fusion},
volume = {82},
pages = {28-42},
year = {2022},
issn = {1566-2535},
  title={PIAFusion: A progressive infrared and visible image fusion network based on illumination aware},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Yuan, Jiteng and Zhang, Hao and Jiang, Xingyu and Ma, Jiayi},
  journal={Information Fusion},
  volume = {83-84},
  pages = {79-92},
  year = {2022},
  issn = {1566-2535},
  title={DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion},
  author={Tang, Linfeng and Xiang, Xinyu and Zhang, Hao and Gong, Meiqi and Ma, Jiayi},
  journal={Information Fusion},
  volume = {91},
  pages = {477-493},
  year = {2023},
  title={STDFusionNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Salient Target Detection},
  author={Jiayi Ma, Linfeng Tang, Meilong Xu, Hao Zhang, and Guobao Xiao},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},



Deep Learning-based Image Fusion: A Survey






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