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NPL Web Server

Click here for step-by-step tutorial to build a NPL web site.

NPL Runtime provides a build-in self-contained framework for writing web server applications in a way similar to PHP, yet with asynchronous API like NodeJs.

Why Write Web Servers in NPL?

Turning Async Code Into Synchronous Ones

Many tasks on the server side has asynchronous API like database operations, remote procedure call, background tasks, timers, etc. Asynchronous API frees the processing thread from io-bound or long running task. Using asynchronous API (like those in NodeJs) makes web server fast, but difficult to write, as there are too many function callbacks that breaks the otherwise sequential and flat programming code.

In NPL page file, any asynchronous API can be used as synchronous ones via resume/yield, so that constructing a web page is like writing a document sequentially like in PHP. Under the hood, it is still asynchronous API and the same worker thread can process thousands of requests per second even some of them takes a long time to finish. Following is a quick example show the idea.

local value = "Not Set"
-- any async function with callback
local mytimer = commonlib.Timer:new({callbackFunc = function(timer)
   value = "Set";
-- start the timer after 1000 milliseconds
mytimer:Change(1000, nil)

-- async wait when job is done
assert(value == "Set");

Please note, resume/yield is NOT the ones as in multithreaded programming where locks and signals are involved. It is a special coroutine internally; the code is completely lock-free and the thread is NOT waiting but processing other URL requests. Please see NPLServerPage for details.

Self-Contained Client/Server Solution

NPL Web Server is fast and very easy to deploy on all platforms (no external dependencies even for databases). You may have a very sophisticated 3d client application, which may also be servers and/or web servers, such as Paracraft.

We believe, every software either running on central server farm or endpoints like home or mobile devices should be able to provide services via TCP connection and/or HTTP (web server). In many of our applications, a single software acts both as client and server. Very few existing programming language provides an easy way or architecture for sharing client and server side code or variables in a lock-free fashion due to multi-threaded (multi-process) nature of those web frameworks. Moreover, a server application is usually hard to deploy and config, making it difficult to install on home computers or mobile devices.

NPL is a language to solve these problems and provides rich client side API as well as a web server framework that can service as many requests as professional web servers while sharing the entire runtime environment for your client and server code. See below.

Programming Model of NPL web server

NPL Runtime provides a build-in framework for writing web server applications in a way similar to PHP.

NPL Web Server recommends the async programming model like Nodejs, but without losing the simplicity of synchronous mixed code programming like in PHP.

Following is an example server page.

query database and wait for database result MVC Render
duration 95% 5%

The processing of a web page usually consists of two phases.

  • One is fetching data from database engine, which usually takes over 95% of the total time.
  • The other is page rendering, which is CPU-bound and takes only 5% of total request time.

With NPL's yield method, it allows other web requests to be processed concurrently in the 90% interval while waiting database result on the same system-level thread. See following code to see how easy to mix async-code with template-based page rendering code. This allows us to serve 5000 requests/sec in a single NPL thread concurrently, even if each request takes 30ms seconds to fetch from database.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  <title>NPL server page test. </title>
		echo "Hi, I'm a NPL script!";

-- connect to TableDatabase (a NoSQL db engine written in NPL)
db = TableDatabase:new():connect("database/npl/", function() end);

-- insert 5 records to database asynchronously.
local finishedCount = 0;
for i=1, 5 do
	db.TestUser:insertOne({name=("user"..i), password="1"}, function(err, data)
		finishedCount = finishedCount + 1;
		if(finishedCount == 5) then
yield(); -- async wait when job is done

-- fetch all users from database asynchronously.
db.TestUser:find({}, function(err, users)  resume(err, users); end);
err, users = yield(); -- async wait when job is done

<?npl for i, user in ipairs(users) do ?>
	i = <?=i?>, name=<? echo( ?> <br/>
<?npl end ?>

	1.  <?npl echo 'if you want to serve NPL code in XHTML or XML documents, use these tags'; ?>
	2.  <? echo 'this code is within short tags'; ?>
    Code within these tags <?= 'some text' ?> is a shortcut for this code <? echo 'some text' ?>
	3.  <% echo 'You may optionally use ASP-style tags'; %>

<% nplinfo(); %>

<% print("<p>filename: %s, dirname: %s</p>", __FILE__, dirname(__FILE__)); %>

some_global_var = "this is global variable";

-- include file in same directory
-- include file relative to web root directory. however this will not print, because we use include_once, and the file is already included before.
-- include file using disk file path
local result = include(dirname(__FILE__).."");

-- we can also get the result from included file


--assert(false, "uncomment to test runtime error");

function test_exit()
assert(false, "can not reach here");

Content of referenced in above server page is:


echo("<p>this is from included file: "..(some_global_var or "").."</p>");

-- can also has return value. 
return "<p>from</p>";

The output of above server page, when viewed in a web browser, such as http://localhost:8099/helloworld is

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  <title>NPL server page test. </title>
	Hi, I'm a NPL script!</p>

	i = 1, name=user1 <br/>
	i = 2, name=user2 <br/>
	i = 3, name=user3 <br/>
	i = 4, name=user4 <br/>
	i = 5, name=user5 <br/>
	1.  if you want to serve NPL code in XHTML or XML documents, use these tags</p>
	2.  this code is within short tags    Code within these tags some text is a shortcut for this code some text</p>
	3.  You may optionally use ASP-style tags</p>

<p>NPL web server v1.0</p><p>site url: http://localhost:8099/</p><p>your ip:</p><p>{
<br/>["Accept-Encoding"]="gzip, deflate, sdch",
<br/>["User-Agent"]="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36",
<br/></p><p>filename: script/apps/WebServer/test/, dirname: script/apps/WebServer/test/</p><p>this is from included file: this is global variable</p><p>this is from included file: this is global variable</p><p>from</p></body>

Web Server Source Code


The NPL web server implementation uses NPL's own messaging system, and is written in pure NPL scripts without any external dependencies. It allows you to create web site built with NPL Runtime on the back-end and JavaScript/HTML5 on the client.

NPL language service plugins for visual studio (community edition is free) provides a good coding environment. See below: npllanguageservice_page

Website Examples

  • WebServerExample: a sample web site with NPL code wiki
  • Wikicraft: full website example
  • script/apps/WebServer/admin is a NPL based web site framework similar to the famous It is recommended that you xcopy all files in it to your own web root directory and work from there. See AdminSiteFramework for details.
  • script/apps/WebServer/test is a test site, where you can see the test code.

starting a web server programmatically

Starting server from a web root directory:

	WebServer:Start("script/apps/WebServer/test", "", 8099);

Open http://localhost:8099/helloworld.lua in your web browser to test. See log.txt for details.

There can be a webserver.config.xml file in the web root directory. see below. if no config file is found, default.webserver.config.xml is used, which will redirect all request without extension to and serve *.lua, *.page, and all static files in the root directory and it will also host NPL code wiki at

starting a web server from command line

You can bootstrap a webserver using the buildin file, run following commmand:

npl bootstrapper="script/apps/WebServer/WebServer.lua"  port="8099"
  • config: can be omitted which defaults to config/WebServer.config.xml in current directory

Web Server configuration file

More info, see script/apps/WebServer/test/webserver.config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- web server configuration file: this node can be child node, thus embedded in shared xml -->
  <!--which HTTP ip and port this server listens to. -->
    <!-- @param host, port: which ip port to listen to. if * it means all. -->
    <server host="*" port="8099" host_state_name="">
      <defaultHost rules_id="simple_rule"></defaultHost>
        <!-- force "" to match to iternal npl_code_wiki site for debugging  -->
        <host name="" rules_id="npl_code_wiki" allow='{""}'></host>
  <!--rules used when starting a web server. Multiple rules with different id can be defined. --> 
  <rules id="simple_rule">
    <!--URI remapping example-->
    <rule match='{"^[^%.]+$", "robots.txt"}' with="WebServer.redirecthandler" params='{"/"}'></rule>
    <!--npl script example-->
    <!--<rule match="%.lua$" with="WebServer.makeGenericHandler" params='{docroot="script/apps/WebServer/test", params={}, extra_vars=nil}'></rule>-->
    <rule match='{"%.lua$", "%.npl$"}' with="WebServer.npl_script_handler" params='%CD%'></rule>
    <!--npl server page example-->
    <rule match="$" with="WebServer.npl_page_handler" params='%CD%'></rule>
    <!--filehandler example, base dir is where the root file directory is. %CD% means current file's directory-->
    <rule match="." with="WebServer.filehandler" params='{baseDir = "%CD%"}'></rule>

Each server can have a default host and multiple virtual hosts. Each host must be associated with a rule_id. The rule_id is looked up in the rules node, which contains multiple rules specifying how request url is mapped to their handlers. npl_code_wiki is an internal rule_id which is usually used for host for debugging purposes only, see above example code. If you changed your port number, you need to update the config file accordingly, otherwise npl_code_wiki will not be available.

Each rule contains three attributes: match, with and params.

  • "match" is a regular expresion string or a array table of reg strings like shown in above sample code.
  • "with" is a handler function which will be called when url matches "match". More precisely, it is handler function maker, that returns the real handler function(request, response) end. When rules are compiled at startup time, these maker functions are called just once to generate the actual handler function.
  • "params" is an optional string or table that will be passed to the handler maker function to generate the real handler function.

The rules are applied in sequential order as they appeared in the config file. So they are usually defined in the order of redirectors, dynamic scripts, file handlers.

Custom Configurations

For custom and buildin configurations, please see Admin Config Example

 <!--global NPL runtime config-->
    <!--log level: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE -->
    <string name='log_level'>DEBUG</string>
    <string name='AccessLog'>log/access.log</string>
    <number name='max_log_lines'>1000000</number>
    <!--The default duration in seconds to cache a static document when no expiry date is specified.-->
    <number name='CacheDefaultExpire'>86400</number>
    <!--number of libcurl http thread count. For server who needs to send many http request, use a higher value like 10. -->
    <number name='ServerCurlThreadCount'>1</number>
    <!--queue size of the libcurl http request. default to 500.  One can set to a smaller value, if one does not want to cache too many requests in the queue. 
    if request queue is full, System.os.GetUrl() will be ignored. 
    <number name='ServerCurlThreadQueueSize'>500</number>
    <!--if 0 it will use only main thread, it can be 40 in most production server if npl_thread_handler is used.--> 
    <number name='max_worker_thread_count'>0</number>
    <!--HTTP server related-->
    <table name='NPLRuntime'>
      <!--whether to use compression for incoming connections. This must be true in order for CompressionLevel and CompressionThreshold to take effect--> 
      <bool name='compress_incoming'>true</bool>
      <!---1, 0-9: Set the zlib compression level to use in case compresssion is enabled. 
      Compression level is an integer in the range of -1 to 9. 
		  Lower compression levels result in faster execution, but less compression. Higher levels result in greater compression, 
		  but slower execution. The zlib constant -1, provides a good compromise between compression and speed and is equivalent to level 6.--> 
      <number name='CompressionLevel'>-1</number>
      <!--when the NPL message size is bigger than this number of bytes, we will use m_nCompressionLevel for compression. 
		  For message smaller than the threshold, we will not compress even m_nCompressionLevel is not 0.--> 
      <number name='CompressionThreshold'>204800</number>
      <!--if plain text http content is requested, we will compress it with gzip when its size is over this number of bytes.-->
      <number name='HTTPCompressionThreshold'>12000</number>
      <!--the default npl queue size for each npl thread. defaults to 500. may set to something like 5000 for busy servers-->
      <number name='npl_queue_size'>20000</number>
      <!--whether socket's SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled.--> 
      <bool name='TCPKeepAlive'>true</bool>
      <!--enable application level keep alive. we will use a global idle timer to detect if a connection has been inactive for IdleTimeoutPeriod-->
      <bool name='KeepAlive'>false</bool>
      <!--Enable idle timeout. This is the application level timeout setting.--> 
      <bool name='IdleTimeout'>false</bool>
      <!--how many milliseconds of inactivity to assume this connection should be timed out. if 0 it is never timed out.-->
      <number name='IdleTimeoutPeriod'>1200000</number>
      <!--queue size of pending socket acceptor-->
      <number name='MaxPendingConnections'>1000</number>
      <!--default to 1, set to 0 to silence some connection verbose log. -->
      <number name='LogLevel'>0</number>
    <!--garbage collection interval for memory. No need to change-->
    <table name='gc'>
      <number name='gc_interval'>20000</number>
      <string name='gc_opt'>none</string>
      <bool name='print_gc_info'>false</bool>
      <!--automatic garbage collection parameters-->
      <number name='gc_setpause'>90</number>
      <number name='gc_setstepmul'>500</number>

Handler Makers

Some common handlers are implemented in common_handlers.lua. Some of the most important ones are listed below


It is the url redirect handler. it generate a handler that replaces "match" with "params"

	<rule match="^[^%./]*/$" with="WebServer.redirecthandler" params='{"readme.txt"}'></rule>

The above will redirect http://localhost:8080/ to http://localhost:8080/readme.txt.


It generate a handler that serves files in the directory specified in "params" or "params.baseDir".

	<rule match="." with="WebServer.filehandler" params='{baseDir = "script/apps/WebServer"}'></rule>
	<rule match="." with="WebServer.filehandler" params='script/apps/WebServer'></rule>

The above will map http://localhost:8080/readme.txt to the disk file script/apps/WebServer/readme.txt


Currently it is the same as WebServer.makeGenericHandler. In future we will support remote handlers that runs in another thread asynchrounously. So it is recommended for user to use this function instead of WebServer.makeGenericHandler serving request using npl files to generate dynamic response. This is very useful for REST-like web service in XML or json format.

	<rule match="%.lua$" with="WebServer.npl_script_handler" params='script/apps/WebServer/test'></rule>
	<rule match="%.lua$" with="WebServer.npl_script_handler" params='{docroot="script/apps/WebServer/test"}'></rule>

The above will map http://localhost:8080/helloworld.lua to the script file script/apps/WebServer/test/helloworld.lua


This is similar to npl_script_handler, except that each request will use a new real NPL thread to process. When a request is done, the thread is reused for future requests. This threaded model is ideal for applications which must use sync-mode API like MySQL for its data interface. We will normally allocate like 40 threads per process to handle incoming requests. The server will pick the next free thread to process. Because of the threaded nature, nothing is shared between those worker threads, one must implement SQL based session instead of using memory objects.

During dev time, we can force using the main thread for all requests, so that we can debug our code, but in real production servers, all requests are processed via one of the worker thread. And it is up to the developer to ensure that a request does not take too long to process. See max_worker_thread_count in config section to set how many threads to use. General set to 0 for dev, and 40 for production server.

<rule match='{"thread_worker%.lua"}' with="WebServer.npl_thread_handler" params='%CD%'></rule>

  <!--if 0 it will use only main thread, it can be 40 in most production server if npl_thread_handler is used.--> 
  <number name='max_worker_thread_count'>0</number>

Caching on NPL Web Server

  1. We use File Monitor API to monitor all file changes in web root directory.
  2. For dynamic page files: recompile dynamic page if changed. All compiled *.page code is always in cache. So multiple requests calling the same page file only compile once.
  3. For static files: everything is cached in either original or gzip-format ready for direct HTTP response. All static files are served using a separate NPL thread to prevent IO affecting the main thread.

for more advanced file caching, one may consider using nginx as the gateway load balancer.

Caching in Application Code

For caching in local thread, there is a helper class called mem_cache.

local mem_cache = commonlib.gettable("WebServer.mem_cache");
local obj_cache = mem_cache:GetInstance();
obj_cache:add("name", "value")
obj_cache:replace("name", "value1")
assert(obj_cache:get("name") == "value1");
assert(obj_cache:get("name", "group1") == nil);
obj_cache:add("name", "value", "group1")
assert(obj_cache:get("name", "group1") == "value");

Caching in different computer

TODO: mem_cache can be configured to read/write data from a remote computer.

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