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A transpiler for GdScript (targeting C# and c++) written in Python


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A tool for converting Godot's GdScript to other languages (currently C# and c++) with features like type inference. Requires Python installed (tested with 3.12.5).

Editor addon

Available from the Asset Lib tab in editor or alternatively download as zip and extract into your project.
Enable in Project Settings->Plugins then you're set.
To use, drag&drop files and folders from the FileSystem dock then click convert.

From the command line

call the main script using your favorite command line utility (add -t Cpp for c++) :

python addons/gd2all/converter/ <file_or_folder_path> -o <output_file_or_folder_path>


script input :

extends Node

# line comment

""" multiline

class Nested1 extends test: pass

enum NamedEnum {THING_1, THING_2, ANOTHER_THING = -1}

var export


@export_flags("Self:4", "Allies:8", "Foes:16")
var export_flags : int

# basic property definitions / expressions
static var i = 0
const STRING_CONSTANT = 'the fox said "get off my lawn"'
var big_str : string = """
    this is a multiline string """
var array = [0,1,2]
var has_call = 3 in array
var dict := {0:1, 1:2, 2:3}
var string_array : Array[string] = ['0','1']

# type inference
var j = i
func method(param = 5.):
    for k in string_array:
    return val * param

# determine type based on godot doc
var x = self.get_parent()
var aClass = ProjectSettings.get_global_class_list()[10]
const enum = RenderingServer.SHADER_SPATIAL

# Gdscript special syntax
var get_node = $node
var get_node2 = $"../node"
var get_unique_node = %unique_node
var preload_resource = preload("res://path")
var load_resource = load("res://path")

var sprite : Sprite2D :
    set (value):
        sprite = value
        sprite.position = Vector2(1,2)
        sprite.position += Vector2(1,2) # cpp will need help here
        return sprite

# signals
signal jump
signal movement(dir:Vector3, speed:float)

func async_function():
    await jump
    await get_tree().process_frame
    var myLambda = func(): print("look ma i'm jumping")
    # lambdas are not perfectly translated
    jump.connect( myLambda )
    movement.emit(Vector3.UP, .1)

# _ready generation when @onready is used
@onready var k = 42

C# output :

using Godot;
using Godot.Collections;

// line comment

/* multiline

public partial class test : Godot.Node
    public partial class Nested1 : Godot.test


    public enum Enum0 {UNIT_NEUTRAL, UNIT_ENEMY, UNIT_ALLY}
    public enum NamedEnum {THING_1, THING_2, ANOTHER_THING =  - 1}

    public Godot.Variant Export;


    [Export(PropertyHint.Flags, "Self:4,Allies:8,Foes:16")]
    public int ExportFlags;

    // basic property definitions / expressions
    public static int I = 0;
    public const string STRING_CONSTANT = "the fox said \"get off my lawn\"";
    public string BigStr = @"
    this is a multiline string ";
    public Array Array = new Array{0, 1, 2, };
    public bool HasCall = Array.Contains(3);
    public Dictionary Dict = new Dictionary{{0, 1},{1, 2},{2, 3},};
    public Array<string> StringArray = new Array{"0", "1", };

    // type inference
    public int J = I;
    public double Method(double param = 5.0)
        foreach(string k in StringArray)
        return val * param;

    // determine type based on godot doc
    public Godot.Node X = this.GetParent();
    public Dictionary AClass = Godot.ProjectSettings.GetGlobalClassList()[10];
    public const RenderingServer.ShaderMode Enum = Godot.RenderingServer.ShaderMode.ShaderSpatial;

    // Gdscript special syntax
    public Godot.Node GetNode = GetNode("node");
    public Godot.Node GetNode2 = GetNode("../node");
    public Godot.Node GetUniqueNode = GetNode("%unique_node");
    public Godot.Resource PreloadResource = /* preload has no equivalent, add a 'ResourcePreloader' Node in your scene */("res://path");
    public Godot.Resource LoadResource = Load("res://path");

    public Godot.Sprite2D Sprite
            _Sprite = value;
            _Sprite.Position = new Vector2(1, 2);
            _Sprite.Position += new Vector2(1, 2);// cpp will need help here
            return _Sprite;
    private Godot.Sprite2D _Sprite;

    // signals
    public delegate void JumpEventHandler();
    public delegate void MovementEventHandler(Vector3 dir, double speed);

    public void AsyncFunction()
        await ToSignal(this, "Jump");
        await ToSignal(GetTree(), "ProcessFrame");

        GetTree().EmitSignal("ProcessFrame", 0.7);

        var myLambda = () =>
        {    GD.Print("look ma i'm jumping");

        // lambdas are not perfectly translated
        Jump += myLambda;

        EmitSignal("Movement", Vector3.Up, 0.1);

    // _ready generation when @onready is used
    public int K;

    public override void _Ready()
        K = 42;

c++ output (header) :

#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H

#include <godot_cpp/godot.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/array.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/dictionary.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/node.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/resource.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/sprite2d.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/test.hpp>

using namespace godot;

// line comment

/* multiline

class Nested1 : public test {
    GDCLASS(Nested1, test);

class test : public Node {
    GDCLASS(test, Node);

    enum NamedEnum {THING_1, THING_2, ANOTHER_THING =  - 1};

    Variant export;

    int export_flags;

// basic property definitions / expressions
    static int i;
    const String STRING_CONSTANT = "the fox said \"get off my lawn\"";
    String big_str = "\
    this is a multiline string ";
    Array array = Array {/* initializer lists are unsupported */ 0, 1, 2,  };
    bool has_call = array.has(3);
    Dictionary dict = Dictionary {/* initializer lists are unsupported */ {0, 1},{1, 2},{2, 3}, };
    Array string_array = Array {/* initializer lists are unsupported */ "0", "1",  };

// type inference
    int j = i;

// determine type based on godot doc

    double method(double param = 5.0);

    Ref<Node> x = this->get_parent();
    Dictionary aClass = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_global_class_list()[10];
    const RenderingServer::ShaderMode enum = RenderingServer::ShaderMode::SHADER_SPATIAL;

// Gdscript special syntax
    Ref<Node> get_node = get_node("node");
    Ref<Node> get_node2 = get_node("../node");
    Ref<Node> get_unique_node = get_node("%unique_node");
    Ref<Resource> preload_resource = /* preload has no equivalent, add a 'ResourcePreloader' Node in your scene */("res://path");
    Ref<Resource> load_resource = load("res://path");

    Ref<Sprite2D> sprite;

    void set_sprite(Ref<Sprite2D> value);

// signals
    Ref<Sprite2D> get_sprite();
    /* signal jump() */
    /* signal movement(Vector3 dir, double speed) */

// _ready generation when @onready is used
    void async_function();

    int k;

    void _ready() override;
    void set_export(Variant value);
    Variant get_export();
    void set_export_flags(int value);
    int get_export_flags();

    static void _bind_methods();


#endif // TEST_H

c++ output (implementation) :

#include "test.hpp"

#include <godot_cpp/core/object.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/core/class_db.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/variant/utility_functions.hpp>

double test::method(double param)
    for(String k : string_array)
    return val * param;

void test::set_sprite(Ref<Sprite2D> value)
    sprite = value;
    sprite->set_position(Vector2(1, 2));
    sprite->set_position( /* get_position() */ + Vector2(1, 2));// cpp will need help here

Ref<Sprite2D> test::get_sprite()
    return sprite;

void test::async_function()
    /* await this->jump; */ // no equivalent to await in c++ !
    /* await this->get_tree()->process_frame; */ // no equivalent to await in c++ !

    get_tree()->emit_signal("process_frame", 0.7);

    Callable myLambda = []() 
    {    UtilityFunctions::print("look ma i'm jumping");

    // lambdas are not perfectly translated
    connect("jump", myLambda);

    emit_signal("movement", Vector3::UP, 0.1);

void test::_ready()
    k = 42;

void test::set_export(Variant value) {
    export = value;

Variant test::get_export() {
    return export;

void test::set_export_flags(int value) {
    export_flags = value;

int test::get_export_flags() {
    return export_flags;

void test::_bind_methods() {
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("method", "param"), &test::method);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("async_function"), &test::async_function);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_sprite", "value"), &test::set_sprite);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_sprite"), &test::get_sprite);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_export", "value"), &test::set_export);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_export"), &test::get_export);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_export_flags", "value"), &test::set_export_flags);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_export_flags"), &test::get_export_flags);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(UNIT_NEUTRAL, "UNIT_NEUTRAL"), "UNIT_NEUTRAL", UNIT_NEUTRAL);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(UNIT_ENEMY, "UNIT_ENEMY"), "UNIT_ENEMY", UNIT_ENEMY);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(UNIT_ALLY, "UNIT_ALLY"), "UNIT_ALLY", UNIT_ALLY);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(THING_1, "THING_1"), "THING_1", THING_1);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(THING_2, "THING_2"), "THING_2", THING_2);
    ClassDB::bind_integer_constant(get_class_static(), _gde_constant_get_enum_name(ANOTHER_THING, "ANOTHER_THING"), "ANOTHER_THING", ANOTHER_THING);
    ClassDB::add_property(get_class_static(), PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "export"), "set_export", "get_export");
    ClassDB::add_property_group(get_class_static(), "group","");
    ClassDB::add_property(get_class_static(), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "export_flags", PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS, "Self:4,Allies:8,Foes:16"), "set_export_flags", "get_export_flags");
    ClassDB::add_signal(get_class_static(), MethodInfo("jump"));
    ClassDB::add_signal(get_class_static(), MethodInfo("movement", PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, "dir"), PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "speed")));

Adding new languages

If you want to transpile to an unsupported language, rename a copy of the C# transpiler backend, modify it as needed, then to use it you just have to pass its name with the -t flag (example below with c++ transpiler):

python ./addons/gdscript2all/converter/ -t Cpp <file_or_folder_path>


  • endlines within parenthesis - ex ( 1 \n + 2 ) - are not supported ; you have to add a \ before the endline
  • pattern matching ex:
match [34, 6]:
  [0, var y]:
  [var x, 6] when x > 10 :

will not be supported (too complicated to generate an equivalent)

  • generated code might need corrections !
  • when the parser encounters something unexpected it will drop the current line and try to resume at the next (panic mode). this might result in mangled output.
  • C# : godot won't build C# scripts until you have created at least one C# script manually in the editor
  • c++ : generated code does a best guess on what whould be pointers/references
  • c++ : accessing/modifying parent class properties does not use getters/setters (this is a conscious choice)
  • read for current/missing features

Updating the API definition

  • download the offical godot repo
  • copy it's doc/classes folder and paste it into our classData folder
  • install untangle (xml parsing library) if you don't have it (pip install untangle)
  • run py ./addons/gdscript2all/converter/src/ to generate the pickle class db
  • profit.

Explaining the GPL-3.0 license

The code this tool generates from your GDScipt is yours. However, any improvment made to this tool's source has to be contributed back. I think that's fair.

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