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Gaiad Manager gm


  • Tool to manage local gaiad instances - no Docker needed.
  • scripts/gm/bin/gm install to install it. Follow the instructions there for dependencies.
  • gm start to start the nodes specified in the configuration.
  • Config file is in $HOME/.gm/gm.toml play around and add more nodes.
  • Tab completion is pretty good, use it! Or run gm by itself for help.
  • Pre-1.0 warning: Got a shell error? Raise an issue!


Gaiad Manager (gm from now on) is an easily configurable command-line tool (CLI) that helps manage local gaiad networks.

Typical problems running multiple gaiad instances involve:

  • Identifying binaries and configurations for startup and nodes on the system for shutdown.
  • Managing port allocations on the local machine.
  • Copying and setting up configurations among nodes on the same network.
  • Managing hermes configuration for IBC.

gm solves this by using a unified configuration file that describes the nodes and their relationship and automating configuration updates.


  • Bourne shell (sh)
  • sconfig and stoml installed in your PATH (put them in /usr/local/bin)
  • sed, tr (trying to remove these in the future)
  • For shell-completion Bourne Again Shell (bash) for the local user

How to run

  1. Install the dependencies.

On MacOS:

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sconfig
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/stoml
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sconfig
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/stoml

On Linux:

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sconfig
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/stoml
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sconfig
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/stoml
  1. Install gm
git clone
ibc-rs/scripts/gm/bin/gm install

Alternatively, you can create the folder $HOME/.gm/bin and copy the files from scripts/gm/bin in there. The rest is just fluff.

  1. Activate gm
  • Add source $HOME/.gm/bin/shell-support to a file that executes when a new terminal window comes up ($HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc)
  • (Optional) Enable auto-completion On MacOS:
# Note: zsh is the default shell on MacOS, so no need to run this unless you explicitly use bash
brew install bash-completion

On Linux:

apt install bash-completion || yum install bash-completion
  • Restart your terminal

Note: The shell-support script allows bash-completion as well as creating a gm alias, so you don't need to add more entries to your PATH environment variable. If you don't want to use this, you can always just add $HOME/.gm/bin to your path.

Folders and files

The HOME folder

Where: $HOME/.gm

Description: The hard-wired home folder for gm is $HOME/.gm. It contains the binaries required to run gm and the gm.toml file for node configuration. By default, newly created node configuration also resides here under the $HOME/.gm/<node_name> folder but that can be configured in gm.toml.

The configuration: gm.toml

Where: $HOME/.gm/gm.toml.

Description: This file contains all the high-level node configuration that gm is aware of. Note that all entries under [global] are also valid entries under any [node] header, and can be used to override the global entries for specific nodes/validators.

Entries: All entries are defined and documented in the gm.toml example configuration file.

The network configuration

Where: Default is the folder $HOME/.gm/<node_name>, but it can be configured in gm.toml using the home_dir entry.

Description: The configuration and data folder for a node. Partially resembles a gaiad home folder (.gaia) but it has additional files to store the wallet mnemonics.


  • config - The node configuration folder. If the node is a full-node, the genesis file was copied from a validator config. The persistent_peers section is automatically managed if the node has the auto_maintain_config parameter enabled in gm.toml.
  • data - The data folder.
  • keyring-test - the keyring folder as defined by gaiad testnet with the "test" keyring-backend.
  • validator_seed.json - the validator node's signing and wallet key.
  • wallet_seed.json - an extra wallet mnemonic defined on validator nodes with some tokens for developer use.
  • pid - the file that contains the process ID of the running node. (a la /var/run) Use gm status to see.
  • log - the log file that contains the output of the running node. Use gm log <node> to see.

This setup allows developers to run a node outside of gm just by pointing the gaiad --home-dir to the folder.


Ports are defined by the ports_start_at parameter which will be the first port assigned. Port assignment is as follows:

| name            | port redirection   |
| RPC (26657)     | ports_start_at + 0 | 
| App (1317)      | ports_start_at + 1 | 
| GRPC (9090      | ports_start_at + 2 | 
| P2P (26656)     | ports_start_at + 3 | 
| PPROF (6060)    | ports_start_at + 4 | 
| GRPC-WEB (9091) | ports_start_at + 5 | 

Example output of gm ports command when node4.ports_start_at=27050:

node4 RPC  : http://localhost:27050
node4 APP  : http://localhost:27051
node4 GRPC : http://localhost:27052
node4 P2P  : http://localhost:27053
node4 PPROF: http://localhost:27054
node4 GRPCW: http://localhost:27055

Note: The GRPC-Web port was recently introduced (after gaiad v4.2.1). It will be ignored in earlier versions.

Minimal configuration example

The following configuration is all you need to specify 2 gaiad chains. hermes will know about these chains.




This configuration specifies 2 networks (chains), ibc-0 and ibc-1. A typical workflow might look like:

# Start the two chains
$ gm start

# Generate the config for `hermes`. 
# Notably, this will create the appropriate `[[chains]]` entries for `ibc-0` and `ibc-1`.
$ gm hermes config

# Generate the keys so that `hermes` can sign transactions on both chains
$ gm hermes keys

# Create a connection 
$ hermes create connection --a-chain ibc-0 --b-chain ibc-1

Tribal knowledge (things they don't tell you)

  • the user is welcome to create additional nodes outside the scope of gm on the local machine but gm will only manage nodes that are added to the configuration file.
  • one quirk of the underlying tools is that if global variables are set, you can't unset them locally: empty values in a node configuration will revert back to the global setting.
  • The shortest node definition is a named subsection like this [mynode1]. Ths inherently defines the following things:
    • this node is a validator
    • the chain_id of the network is mynode1
    • a wallet is generated with extra tokens that can be used by the developer (or by hermes)
  • If you want to create a full-node, you have to define the network="myvalidator" option in the node configuration. If you do, the following things are inherently defined:
    • the node is connected to a validator called myvalidator
    • the genesis.json file is copied from that validator and the persistent_peers section is updated to point to the validator
    • if Hermes is pointed to this node in the configuration (by adding the add_to_hermes=true option), Hermes will get the wallet details from the validator node and use that wallet for transactions

Execution manual

gm help

Description: shows the help screen

gm hermes cc [--exec]

Description: create and print the hermes create channel commands to obtain a fully interconnected IBC mesh on the screen.

--exec executes the commands.

Tip: Pick and choose the ones you want to create.

gm hermes config

Description: generate the hermes config.toml config file and write it to the defined config path.

Tip: Do not run this command, if you value your current hermes config. It will be overwritten.

gm hermes keys

Description: add network keys to a hermes configuration.

Tip: Make sure you set the global.hermes_binary entry in the config to a valid binary path.

gm install

Description: Install the gm command under $HOME/.gm, create a default configuration and warn about missing dependencies.

Tip: You can run this command multiple times to check if the dependencies are met.

gm keys [<node> ...]

Description: List the keys installed on a node. (It gets them from the keyring-test folder.) If no node is specified then it lists all keys.

Tip: it will show you the seed phrase if it can find it in the folder.

gm log <node> [<node> ...] [-f|-r]

Description: Show the log of the specified node(s). At least one node has to be specified.

Tip: You can put -f and -r anywhere after log to get tail -f or tail -r-like functionality.

gm ports [<node> ...]

Description: List the ports assigned to a node. If no node is specified then it lists all nodes' ports.

Tip: When automation doesn't get you all the way, this helps in identifying your nodes on your local machine.

gm start [<node> ...]

Description: Start the node(s). This will use the defined gaiad binary and configuration. If no node is specified then it will start all nodes.

Tip: You can freely start nodes over-and-over. If they are proven running, the command will not do anything, if they were killed for any reason, the pid configuration will be updated, and a fresh node started.

gm status

Description: List all nodes and their basic properties, such as: their PID if they are running, their home folder, and the most common ports used.

Home folders in brackets mean the configuration was not created yet. Configuration is automatically created during startup of a node.

Tip: PIDs in brackets mean that the node is not running when gm started them. This could be because of a configuration error or maybe the user simply killed the PID. No worries, gm will clean up when start or stop is invoked.

gm stop [<node> ...]

Description: Stop the node(s). This will use the defined gaiad binary and configuration. If no node is specified then it will stop all nodes.

Tip: If a node was killed, you can use gm stop to clean up the PID file.

gm reset [<node> ...]

Description: Run unsafe-reset-all on the node(s) and reset the node database. This will use the defined gaiad binary and configuration. If no node is specified then it will run for all nodes.

Tip: It will stop nodes that are running and restart them after the database reset.

gm rm <node> [<node> ...]

Description: Delete the node configuration. At least one node has to be specified.

Tip: It will stop nodes that are running.

gm version

Description: Display the version of gm.

Tip: Congratulations in reaching the bottom of the command references. For your endurance, you are rewarded with an unsupported yet useful command: gm ss will list the open ports between 27000-28000 (the default port set used by gm) on your local machine. Use it when you get port-clashes because of rogue processes on your machine that gm can't account for.

Example: 5 networks with 5 full nodes attached

This is an example that recreates the "full-mesh" tool's default network setup with the added twist that all networks have a full node and the hermes config is going through the full nodes instead of the validator nodes.

You can get the hermes configuration automatically.

You might need to replace the value of the gaiad_binary entry, if you don't set $GOPATH in your regular executions.

The same is true for hermes_binary.






(Ports will be auto-assigned and written in the configuration file on the first start.)

Run the below:

gm start
gm hermes config
gm hermes keys
gm hermes cc 

This will

  • create the node configuration and start all nodes
  • generate the keys for hermes
  • generate the config for hermes
  • print the create client commands for a full-mesh connection among the IBC node networks.

Pick and choose the connections from the list that you want to create or run gm hermes cc --exec to run all the commands.