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Program Scale Testing Requirements for LAB Validation

NOTE: This prelimiary document includes a text description of a so-called "Hero Test" to establish minimum performance requirements and screen captures of Layer 2/3 packet generator stream configurations for IXIA IxExplorer packet tester device. These L23 streams simulate L4 connection establishment. This document, and the testing methodology, will be replaced by a more formal, complete requirements specification and automated testing scripts in due time.

Table of Contents


Test Methodology and Definitions

Feature Requirements

Policy and Route Requirements

MSFT LAB IXIA Configuration

Sample Policy Configuration


This document summarizes scale testing requirements for validating program deliverables.

This document will refer to Connection Per Second (CPS) capability as 5M which correlates to 10M flow operations. This capability is a placeholder for reference and the specific hardware supported value will be used to evaluate different firmware drops.

What we are looking for in a series of testing is how well the NIC handles:

  1. Connections/sec per ENI and per NIC

  2. Number of active connections per ENI and per NIC

  3. Number of flows per ENI and per NIC

  4. Throughput under max connections per second load with the remaining bandwidth is filled with pre-learned connections that receive at least one packet per second while driving the links to near 100% utilization. This requires some work up front to get the right mix of CPS and active connections with zero drops. We do not accept results with drops as we cannot use that test to measure latency and jitter. We therefore also run the test sufficiently long to see if there were any queue build-ups which would eventually lead to drops and distort both latency and jitter results.

  5. Aging of (TCP connections) and (UDP bi-directional flows) such that after the test is complete all connections are aged within the 1 second interval or any other interval we program.

  6. We are expecting to cover below scenarios as follow-on tests:

    a. Age arbitrary connections to verify that aging is also working
    properly under maximum load.
    b. Download new policies and delete old policies at a significant
    rate to ensure that CPS, Active Connections, Aging, and new
    Policies are properly handled with the external memory, which is
    often the bottleneck for performance.

Why are we running these tests?

  1. Many NICs require software to inspect the SYN/ACK/ACK and FIN/ACK/ACK packets of a connection. The software is responsible for the formation, deletion connection and forwarding table entries after significant and complex cloud policy enforcement along with any associated accounting. Software based connection management often results in poor connections/second with limits in the 10s of thousands/sec. The set of test and associated table parameters found in this document are designed to find the maximum CPS with the maximum number of connections all actively receiving packets every second. The more that is done in specialized hardware the more we expect the CPS to increase. Any NIC for the application that cannot achieve millions of connections/sec will automatically be disqualified from further testing.
  2. Many NICs can create (a large number) of connections simply by adding more external memory for the connection table. For example, a NIC can create 1M connections in its external table, however if packets arrive across the entire connection set in a random order, it forces the NIC out of its internal connection cache and to use the external connection table instead. Under this condition we have measured some NICs to achieve 10% advertised link throughput. The testing below will ensure this condition is exercised and provide the true worst-case throughput that is reflective of some real-world conditions like firewalls, load balancers, DDoS, v-routers etc. It should also be noted that creating a connection in a table that never receives a subsequent packet (other than keepalives once every few minutes) is referred to as an idle connection and is a useless parameter that should never be advertised and will not be tested other than for conformance.
  3. Aging is also a vital component of tracking connections. Even under the worst load the system must be able to age connections. All packets will require either connection setup/teardown or policy lookups/updates involving external memory and hence the memory management of the connection table is extremely important. The tests in this document will ensure that no matter what processing is going on, the connection table will be maintained providing the proper aging intervals to each connection.
  4. We need to be able to enter/delete many new policies at any time regardless of load. For this reason, we will run the test without updates to policy to get a baseline and then again with some extensive policies being added/deleted during the same test. We will look for any regressions while adding/deleting policies at a significant rate. This matches the real-world requirement of adding and deleting VMs to a node or to the VNET.

In the end we are looking for total invisibility for the end customer. Customers are used to their NICs in the enterprise forwarding at Layer-3. Most NICs and switches can do this at wire rate under a wide variety of conditions. When the customer enters the cloud, they expect the same behavior. When they setup their solution for the first time, often, they will not see the same performance and in the worst case will have to totally re-architect their already working solutions with a scale-out model. This means that their hybrid and cloud architectures will diverge and create a large amount of extra work for IT or solution integrators to track and test the designs in a common manner.

Test Methodology and Definitions

  • CPS: Sustained Connections Per Second. 5M and 10M flows are only placeholders and will be determined by the supplier as each implementation will vary depending on the maturity of the DASH design.

    • 5M CPS means that 5M new connections are established and destroyed over a one second interval.

    • Every connection consists of two flows hence 5M new connections mean:

      • 10M flow additions every second to insert connections.

      • 10M flow deletions every second because of expiry of old connections which will also allow capacity for new connections to be formed in the next second.

      • 20M total flow operations every second

    • 5M CPS is a "per card" goal. Card must be able to sustainably handle 5M CPS irrespectively if either single ENI is configured on a card or multiple ENIs are configured. Total CPS per card must always be reaching same 5M goal, and this goal must not be degraded if card will have multiple ENIs programmed with different policy each. Same goes for total flows supported on a card.

  • Test Runtime: 100 seconds. We feel this is sufficient time to pick up any anomalies the NIC may have running interval tasks unknown to the tester.

  • Effective CPS: CPS results over 100 seconds by the Ixia setup/teardown rates, however, will not be accepted if there are any drops for any reason. Drops end up deviating the true latency and jitter numbers.

  • Performance Testing Methodology:

    • 2M TCP background connections setup before testing.

    • 2M UDP background bi-directional flows setup before testing.

    • We use an equal mix of TCP and UDP although in the real world we expect more TCP and in fact in some cases we meter UDP as a potential source of DoS.

    • Connection aging set to 1 sec and requires each connection or bi-directional flow to receive one packet every second in each direction at a size that will fill up the links to near 100% in conjunction with the dynamically setup connection traffic. For this to be run successfully it may take a few runs as each TCP connection setup and teardown takes 6 packets.

    • For UDP a bidirectional flow is created for the first packet seen that meets the policy for the bi-directional flow setup. When using this in CPS testing, we will send a total of 6 packets to match TCP to make things more balanced. UDP bi-directional flows will be aged within 1 second after receiving the last packet. I would set all UDP bi-directional flows to 0.5 - 1.0 second aging to ensure that we do not inflate the connection table over time.

    • One packet should be sent in each direction to be able to keep connections active in the flow table. Packet size should be set to a minimum that allows 6 CPS packets at maximum rate and at least one packet on each of the active connections in both directions that also allows for close to 100% link utilization while not exceeding the TCP aging time of 1 sec.

    • TCP connection is established and terminated without any data packets.

      • Real use case
      • 6 packets: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK, FIN, FIN-ACK, ACK
      • Flow Table Size: (2 * CPS) + 2M + 2M //For 5M CPS, Flow Table Size: (2 * 5M) +2M +2M = 14M
      • Effective PPS: Sustained CPS * 6 + PPS for background flows.
  • CPS and flow results will be measured while channel bandwidth is saturated at 100Gbps for the duration of test runtime. Ath the same time we want as close to 100Gbps without losing packets.

  • Inactivity based aging timer of 1 second.

    • All TCP connections should be deleted from the table after the test completes.

    • The connection table should therefore be zero.

    • All UDP bi-directional flows need to age out before the 1 second interval to allow for new UDP bi-directional flows to be established. If everything works as advertised, we should never see the connection table go above the 8M connections. If we do then it is likely that UDP bi-directional flows were not aged within the 1 second interval. To check this, we need to see a high water counter for maximum connection table size.

Feature Requirements

The following features are required to be enabled during scale testing:

  • VNET

    • Encap based on lookup table, which can change/be updated similarly as ENI policy
  • UDR

    • 200k routes per ENI with:
      • MAC rewrite
      • VNID rewrite
      • DSCP rewrite
  • ACL

    • 3-level NSG on connection (receive/transmit) in accordance with the Packet Transformation document detailing our unique NSG requirements.

    • For clarity, the first NSG is used by Azure to set policy for the connection while the next two NSGs are set by the customer. Think of it as a customer building their own firewall rules to control which VMs can communicate with any other VM with a unique set of policies. This allows the customer to setup the VMs with similar control they would have in their own enterprise. We cannot prevent the customer from forming complex policy sets. They will likely use similar policies they use in their own environment.

      • NSG on VNET, vport, subnet both on ingress and egress traffic
      • 100k SIP prefixes/ranges per policy
      • 100k DIP prefixes/ranges per policy
  • Metering

    • Enabled on all routes in all v-ports (Currently 15 classes are supported).
  • QoS per ENI BW

  • VNET Peering

Policy and Route Requirements

The following scale of policies and routes are at minimum required to be configured during validation and test plan needs to be executed covering both scenarios:

  1.   8 ENI Scenario

    • 8 ENI's/VPorts
    • 200k * 8 = 1.6M routes
    • 8 * 6 = 48 NSGs
    • 48 * 1000 rules = 48000 ACL rules
    • 48 * 200k prefixes per NSG = 9.6M Prefixes
    • 2M Mapping Table
  2.   1 ENI Scenario

    • 1 ENI/VPort
    • 1.6M routes
    • 48 NSGs
    • 48000 ACL rules
    • 9.6M Prefixes
    • 2M Mapping Table

MSFT LAB IXIA Configuration

Module Configuration

IXIA module: NOVUS100GE8Q28




TX: Local vnic to remote vnic

RX: Remote vnic to local vnic

Learning Streams

Learning Streams will be used to establish 2M CPS connections and 2M UDP background bi-directional flows prior to test execution. These 2M flows will be split across 8 vnics that are pre-configured.


  • MSFT-8V-1M-TX-PPS-Learning



Packet view

MAC: ------  MAC Header  ------
MAC: Destination Address : 00 AE CD 01 CD 26
MAC: Source Address      : 00 AE CD 20 00 01
MAC: Type                : 0x0800 (Ethernet II)
IP: ------  IP Header  -----------
IP: Version                        = 04 (0x04)
IP: Header Length                  = 20 (0x14)
IP: Differentiated Services Field  = 0 (0x00)
IP:                      000000..  = DSCP: Default(0x00)
IP:                      ......0.  = ECN Capable Transport (ECT): 0
IP:                      .......0  = ECN-CE: 0
IP: Type of Service                = 00 (0x00)
IP:                    000.....    = Routine
IP:                    ...0....    = Normal Delay
IP:                    ....0...    = Normal Throughput
IP:                    .....0..    = Normal Reliability
IP:                    ......0.    = Normal Cost
IP:                    .......0    = Reserved
IP: Total Length                   = 100 (0x0064)
IP: Identification                 = 0 (0x0000)
IP: Flags  Bit1  .0.  May  Fragment
IP: Flags  Bit2  ..0  Last  Fragment
IP: Fragment Offset                = 0
IP: Time to Live                   = 64 (0x40)
IP: Protocol                       = UDP
IP: Checksum                       = 0x7885
IP: Source Address                 =
IP: Destination Address            =
UDP: ------  UDP Header  -----------
UDP: Source Port         = 50686 (0xC5FE)
UDP: Destination Port    = 4789 (0x12B5)
UDP: Length              = 80 (0x0050)
UDP: Checksum            = 1770 (0x06EA)
  • MSFT-8V-1M-RX-PPS-Learning



Traffic Streams

Traffic streams will be used for running the learning flows with 64 packets per flow. Traffic streams simulating 1/8/16 packets per flow need to be created individually.

  • MSFT-8V-1M-TX-PPS-64Pkt/Flow-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-1M-RX-PPS-64Pkt/Flow-100Sec



Bandwidth Streams

Bandwidth streams runs with a higher packet size -- 1500 byte -- and will be used to verify the total 100Gbps bandwidth.

  • MSFT-8V-1M-TX-BW-Port1-100Sec



Packet view

MAC: ------  MAC Header  ------
MAC: Destination Address : 00 AE CD 01 CD 26
MAC: Source Address      : 00 AE CD 20 00 01
MAC: Type                : 0x0800 (Ethernet II)
IP: ------  IP Header  -----------
IP: Version                        = 04 (0x04)
IP: Header Length                  = 20 (0x14)
IP: Differentiated Services Field  = 0 (0x00)
IP:                      000000..  = DSCP: Default(0x00)
IP:                      ......0.  = ECN Capable Transport (ECT): 0
IP:                      .......0  = ECN-CE: 0
IP: Type of Service                = 00 (0x00)
IP:                    000.....    = Routine
IP:                    ...0....    = Normal Delay
IP:                    ....0...    = Normal Throughput
IP:                    .....0..    = Normal Reliability
IP:                    ......0.    = Normal Cost
IP:                    .......0    = Reserved
IP: Total Length                   = 1482 (0x05CA)
IP: Identification                 = 0 (0x0000)
IP: Flags  Bit1  .0.  May  Fragment
IP: Flags  Bit2  ..0  Last  Fragment
IP: Fragment Offset                = 0
IP: Time to Live                   = 64 (0x40)
IP: Protocol                       = UDP
IP: Checksum                       = 0x731F
IP: Source Address                 =
IP: Destination Address            =
UDP: ------  UDP Header  -----------
UDP: Source Port         = 50686 (0xC5FE)
UDP: Destination Port    = 4789 (0x12B5)
UDP: Length              = 80 (0x0050)
UDP: Checksum            = 1770 (0x06EA)
  • MSFT-8V-1M-RX-BW-Port1-100Sec



CPS Streams

CPS streams will be used to simulate TCP connection establishment and termination.


  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 1-Syn-TX-CPS-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 2-Syn-Ack-RX-CPS-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 3-Ack-TX-CPS-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 4-Fin-Ack-RX-CPS-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 4-Fin-Ack-TX-CPS-100Sec



  • MSFT-8V-4M-Stream 6-Ack-for-Fin-RX-CPS-100Sec



Sample Policy Configuration


\"gw-ip-addr\": \"\",

\"kind\" : \"device\",

\"gw-ip-addr\": \"\",

\"ip-addr\" : \"\",

\"mac-addr\" : \"\",

\"dual-stack\": \"false\",

\"encap\": \"vxlan\",

\"oper-mode\": \"bitw-smart-switch\"


\"kind\" : \"tep\",

\"count\" : \"2046\",

\"prefix\": \"\"

Route Table

\"kind\" : \"route-table\",

\"count\" : \"204800\",

\"prefix-start\" : \"\",

\"meter\" : \"true\"

#### Security Policy

\"kind\" : \"security-policy\",

\"v4-count\" : \"1023\"


\"kind\" : \"vpc\",

\"count\" : \"16\",

\"prefix\" : \"\",

\"subnets\" : \"1\"


All VPCs will be configured with the same prefix.


\"kind\" : \"vnic\",

\"count\" : \"1\",

\"vlan-tagged\": \"false\"

Note: VNIC configuration per vpc, subnet


\"kind\" : \"mappings\",

\"remotes\" : \"64\",

\"locals\" : \"8\",

\"nat-prefix\" : \"\"


Remotes are per subnet, tep.


\"kind\" : \"policer\",

\"count\" : \"16\",

\"tx_policer_en\" : \"true\",

\"rx_policer_en\" : \"true\"

#### UDR

\"kind\" : \"udr\",

\"route-prefix\" : \"\",

\"overlay-mac\" : \"\",

\"encap\" : \"\",

\"tos\" : \"\"

Meter Policy

\"kind\" : \"meter-policy\",

\"count-xl\" : \"16383\",

\"count-m\" : \"1023\",

\"prefix\" : \"\"