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Certifying Synthesis Results

This page contains instructions for running and evaluating the certification component of SuSLik, corresponding to the following paper.

Certifying the Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs
Yasunari Watanabe, Kiran Gopinathan, George Pîrlea, Nadia Polikarpova, and Ilya Sergey. ICFP'21

Currently, we support three target verification frameworks in Coq—HTT, VST, and Iris—to generate correctness certificates for synthesized programs.


Follow the instructions in the README of each repository below to install the necessary Coq libraries. Each repository also has a benchmarks/ directory where examples of generated certificates are viewable.

Synthesis with Certification

Add the following flags to run synthesis with certification.

  • --certTarget <value>: Currently supports values htt, vst, iris.
  • --certDest <value> (optional): Specifies the directory in which to generate a certificate file. Logs output to console if not provided.

For example, the following command produces a HTT certificate of the specification listfree.syn, and logs its contents to the console.

./suslik examples/listfree.syn --assert false --certTarget htt

By providing the --certDest flag, SuSLik writes out this certificate as a file to the specified directory. The following example command writes a HTT certificate named listfree.v to the project root directory.

./suslik examples/listfree.syn --assert false --certTarget htt --certDest .

Optional Flags

If HTT is chosen as the certification target, you can control additional certification parameters. Note that this has no effect if Iris or VST are chosen.

  • --certHammerPure <value> (boolean; default is false): Controls whether to use CoqHammer to solve pure lemmas. If false, the generated certificate will have all pure lemmas Admitted instead.
  • --certSetRepr <value> (boolean; default is false): Controls whether to use SSReflect's perm_eq to express multi-set equality. If false, the generated certificate will use regular equality (=) instead.



The paper discusses two classes of benchmarks.

  1. Standard benchmarks are supported by HTT, VST, and Iris. This corresponds to Table 1 of the paper. These are available in the folder $SUSLIK_ROOT/src/test/resources/synthesis/certification-benchmarks.
  2. Advanced benchmarks are supported by HTT only. These include test cases that use an alternative representation of multi-set equality and requires manual editing of pure lemma proofs. This corresponds to Table 2 of the paper. These are available in the folder $SUSLIK_ROOT/src/test/resources/synthesis/certification-benchmarks-advanced

The tool certify-benchmarks synthesizes proof certificates for both standard and advanced benchmarks, and compiles the certificates for standard benchmarks only.

The ssl-htt repository contains a benchmarking script to compile the HTT certificates for advanced benchmarks.

Generating All Certificates and Compiling Standard Benchmarks

To synthesize standard and advanced benchmark certificates, and compile the standard benchmark certificates, execute:


This will run SuSLik with certificate generation flags enabled, for all specification (.syn) files in the standard and advanced benchmarks, for all three target frameworks. Then, for the standard benchmarks, it will also compile the generated certificates. These are the default evaluation configuration, and the exact actions that will be performed under this configuration are written to timestamped .log files in the certify directory before each run. This configuration can be modified by setting the --configure flag. See section "Customizing Benchmark Options" for details.

As this script produces verbose output, you may consider teeing the script's output to a log file for viewing/debugging later, instead of running the script directly.

./certify-benchmarks> >(tee certify.log)
cat certify.log

When running the tool, please keep in mind the following.

  • It should take 2-3 hours to run this evaluation on all benchmark groups and all target frameworks. If you need to interrupt the evaluation, or if the benchmarking encounters a timeout error on a slow machine, please refer to section "Customizing Benchmark Options" on how to resume the task with selected benchmark groups/target frameworks only.
  • Files in the certify directory will be overwritten on each subsequent run.
  • Unsupported test cases for certain targets (such as sll_max for Iris, as indicated in Table 1) are ignored.
  • Warnings displayed during the proofs do not affect the functionality of the certificates.

After the script terminates, it will create five output files in $SUSLIK_ROOT/certify.

  • standard-syn.csv contains synthesis times reported in Table 1.
  • standard-{HTT,VST,Iris}.csv contain proof/spec size and compilation times for each of the three target frameworks in Table 1.
  • advanced-syn.csv contains synthesis times reported in Table 2.

Customizing Benchmark Options

You may wish to run the benchmarks with alternative settings.

To produce certificates and stats CSV files in a directory other than $SUSLIK_ROOT/certify, run the tool with the --outputDir flag.

./certify-benchmarks --outputDir <ALTERNATIVE_DIR_PATH>

As the benchmark tool takes several hours to run, you may need to interrupt its execution, and then resume later on a subset of the benchmarks/frameworks. If so, you can run the tool with the --configure flag.

./certify-benchmarks --configure

When this flag is set, a configuration wizard is run before the benchmarks, where you can selectively enable/disable three benchmarking parameters.

  • Compilation: Choose whether to measure compilation times of the generated certificates or not.
  • Benchmark groups: Select which benchmark groups to evaluate.
  • Target frameworks: Select which target framework to generate/compile certificates for.

At each prompt, press ENTER to select the default option; alternatively, choose the desired option (y or n). The default settings are:

  • For standard benchmarks: Synthesize programs in all benchmark groups. Then generate and compile certificates for all three targets (HTT/VST/Iris).
  • For advanced benchmarks: Synthesize programs in all benchmark groups. Then generate (but don't compile) certificates for HTT only.

Each execution of the script generates a timestamped .log file listing exactly what actions will be performed given the user-specified configuration, which may be useful for debugging.

Compiling Advanced Benchmarks (Manually Edited Proofs)

The steps from the above section do not produce target-specific statistics for advanced benchmarks. This is because the test cases in Table 2 require manual editing of the pure lemma proofs (as discussed in Section 8.2 of the paper), whereas that tool only checks SuSLik-generated certificates.

To compile the advanced benchmark certificates with manually edited pure lemma proofs and execute the following ($SSL_HTT_ROOT refers to the local ssl-htt repository).

cd $SSL_HTT_ROOT/benchmarks/advanced
python3 --diffSource $SUSLIK_ROOT/certify/HTT/certification-benchmarks-advanced

It should take roughly 10 minutes to run this evaluation.

After the script terminates, it will create two output files in $SSL_HTT_ROOT/benchmarks/advanced.

  • advanced-HTT.csv contains proof/spec size and compilation times for HTT in Table 2.
  • advanced-HTT.diff compares the original SuSLik-generated certificates (stored in $SUSLIK_ROOT/certify/HTT/certification-benchmarks-advanced) with the manually edited ones (stored in $SSL_HTT_ROOT/benchmarks/advanced), showing which lines have been modified. The diff file will only be created if the original SuSLik-generated certificates exist.

The number of pure lemmas and those with manual proofs can be verified by inspecting the files at $SSL_HTT_ROOT/benchmarks/advanced. You can also view the diff file to verify which parts of the proofs have been edited.

less advanced-HTT.diff

You can expect to see the following differences between the two proof versions.

  • Proofs for the pure lemmas: In the generated scripts, pure lemmas have their hammer proofs replaced with Admitted statements. In the manually edited scripts, these are replaced with either a call to hammer when that is sufficient, or with a proof manually constructed by the authors. Note that in the diff file, pure lemmas may be ordered differently between the two versions, due to non-determinism in the way Scala accumulates hints during execution.
  • Administrative renaming statements in the main proof: These are identifiable by the try rename ... statements; they may occur when two variable rename statements resulting from the same proof step are applied in different orders between the compared proofs, again dependent on Scala's execution.

You should not see edits that modify the main proof structure (aside from renaming variables).

To use this tool with custom settings, execute the script with the --help flag to see all available options.