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Examples for pico ssd1306 library

Core library

Link Description
bitmap_image Display a simple bitmap image
falling_dots Animation of dots falling on screen
write_mode Example showing differences between write modes
multiple_displays 2 Displays connected to the same i2c controller

Shape Renderer Module

Link Description
draw_line Example of drawing a line across the screen
flag Drawing a "flag" on your display. Shows how to use different shape renderers.

Text Renderer Module

Link Description
basic_text Drawing some sample text to the screen
text_advanced Drawing normal and rotated text
text_extended_ascii Using extended ASCII chars

How to build an example

  • Clone this project and go into one of the examples
git clone
cd pico-ssd1306/examples/(choose_an_example)
  • Copy pico_sdk_import.cmake from your pico-sdk
cp (path_to_pico_sdk)/external/pico_sdk_import.cmake .
  • Set the PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable
export PICO_SDK_PATH="(path_to_pico_sdk)"
  • Create a symlink to the whole library
ln -s ../../. pico-ssd1306
  • Create a build directory and enter it
mkdir build
cd build
  • Build
cmake .. && make
  • Copy the uf2 file to your pico