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GitHub Action that given an repository, produces information about the contributors sorted by organisation.


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Contributors sorted by Organization action

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This is a GitHub Action that given an organization or specified repositories, produces information about the contributors sorted by organization.

Similar actions to help you recognize contributors by putting them into a README or include:

If no organisations to show are given, this action is effectively the same as contributors.

Example use cases

  • As a maintainer, you may want to acknowledge contributors from various organizations in a discussion post
  • A repository wants to track contributions from organizations


If you need support using this project or have questions about it, please open up an issue in this repository.

What is a contributor?

Contributors have made commits to the specified repositories/organization on a default branch. Contributions can also be issue, pull request and discussion interactions. The endpoint used may return information that is a few hours old because the GitHub REST API caches contributor data to improve performance.

GitHub identifies contributors by author email address. Contribution counts are grouped by GitHub user, which includes all associated email addresses. To improve performance, only the first 500 author email addresses in the repository link to GitHub users. The rest will appear as anonymous contributors without associated GitHub user information.

Find out more in the GitHub API documentation.

Use as a GitHub Action

  1. Create a repository to host this GitHub Action or select an existing repository.
  2. Select a best fit workflow file from the examples below.
  3. Copy that example into your repository (from step 1) and into the proper directory for GitHub Actions: .github/workflows/ directory with the file extension .yml (ie. .github/workflows/contributors.yml)
  4. Edit the values (ORGANIZATION, REPOSITORY, START_DATE, END_DATE) from the sample workflow with your information.
    • If no start and end date are supplied, the action will consider the entire repository history and be unable to determine if contributors are new or returning.
    • If running on a whole organization then no repository is needed.
    • If running the action on just one repository or a list of repositories, then no organization is needed.
  5. Also edit the value for GH_ENTERPRISE_URL if you are using a GitHub Server and not using For users, don't put anything in here.
  6. If you are running this action on an organization or repository other than the one where the workflow file is going to be, then update the value of GH_TOKEN.
    • Do this by creating a GitHub API token with permissions to read the repository/organization and write issues.
    • Then take the value of the API token you just created, and create a repository secret where the name of the secret is GH_TOKEN and the value of the secret the API token.
    • Then finally update the workflow file to use that repository secret by changing GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} to GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}. The name of the secret can really be anything. It just needs to match between when you create the secret name and when you refer to it in the workflow file.
  7. If you want the resulting issue with the output to appear in a different repository other than the one the workflow file runs in, update the line token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with your own GitHub API token stored as a repository secret.
    • This process is the same as described in the step above. More info on creating secrets can be found here.
  8. Commit the workflow file to the default branch (often master or main)
  9. Wait for the action to trigger based on the schedule entry or manually trigger the workflow as shown in the documentation.


Below are the allowed configuration options:


This action can be configured to authenticate with GitHub App Installation or Personal Access Token (PAT). If all configuration options are provided, the GitHub App Installation configuration has precedence. You can choose one of the following methods to authenticate:

GitHub App Installation
field required default description
GH_APP_ID True "" GitHub Application ID. See documentation for more details.
GH_APP_INSTALLATION_ID True "" GitHub Application Installation ID. See documentation for more details.
GH_APP_PRIVATE_KEY True "" GitHub Application Private Key. See documentation for more details.
Personal Access Token (PAT)
field required default description
GH_TOKEN True "" The GitHub Token used to scan the repository. Must have read access to all repository you are interested in scanning.

Other Configuration Options

field required default description
GH_ENTERPRISE_URL False "" The GH_ENTERPRISE_URL is used to connect to an enterprise server instance of GitHub. users should not enter anything here.
ORGANIZATION Required to have ORGANIZATION or REPOSITORY The name of the GitHub organization which you want the contributor information of all repos from. ie. would be github
REPOSITORY Required to have ORGANIZATION or REPOSITORY The name of the repository and organization which you want the contributor information from. ie. github/contributors or a comma separated list of multiple repositories github/contributor,super-linter/super-linter
START_DATE False Beginning of time The date from which you want to start gathering contributor information. ie. Aug 1st, 2023 would be 2023-08-01.
END_DATE False Current Date The date at which you want to stop gathering contributor information. Must be later than the START_DATE. ie. Aug 2nd, 2023 would be 2023-08-02
SPONSOR_INFO False False If you want to include sponsor information in the output. This will include the sponsor count and the sponsor URL. This will impact action performance. ie. SPONSOR_INFO = "False" or SPONSOR_INFO = "True"
LINK_TO_PROFILE False True If you want to link usernames to their GitHub profiles in the output. ie. LINK_TO_PROFILE = "True" or LINK_TO_PROFILE = "False"
SHOW_ORGANIZATIONS False [] Organizations to show in the contributors table. Will be evaluated in order, and a user only added to only the first one they are a part of. Any contributors with no organization will be shown in independent. Set to 'all' to show all organizations.
CONTRIB_FILENAME False "contibutors" Filename to add contributors to. Will create both an 'md', and 'json' file with contents.

Performance Note: Using start and end dates will reduce speed of the action by approximately 63X. ie without dates if the action takes 1.7 seconds, it will take 1 minute and 47 seconds.

Example workflows

Be sure to change at least these values: <YOUR_ORGANIZATION_GOES_HERE>, <YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE_HERE>

name: Monthly contributor report
    - cron: "3 2 1 * *"

  contents: read

    name: contributor report
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      issues: write

      - name: Get dates for last month
        shell: bash
        run: |
          # Calculate the first day of the previous month
          start_date=$(date -d "last month" +%Y-%m-01)

          # Calculate the last day of the previous month
          end_date=$(date -d "$start_date +1 month -1 day" +%Y-%m-%d)

          #Set an environment variable with the date range
          echo "START_DATE=$start_date" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          echo "END_DATE=$end_date" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"

      - name: Run contributor action
        uses: hcookie/organizational_contributors
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          START_DATE: ${{ env.START_DATE }}
          END_DATE: ${{ env.END_DATE }}
          CONTRIB_FILENAME: "contributors"

      - name: Show Contributor
        shell: bash
        run: cat >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Create issue
        uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v5
          title: Monthly contributor report
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          content-filepath: ./
          assignees: <YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE_HERE>

Example Markdown output with start_date and end_date supplied

# Contributors

- Date range for contributor list: 2021-01-01 to 2023-10-10

| Total Contributors | Total Contributions | % new contributors |
| ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------ |
| 1                  | 143                 | 0%                 |


| Username  | All Time Contribution Count | New Contributor | Commits between 2021-01-01 and 2023-10-10                                                                                           |
| --------- | --------------------------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @hcookie | 143                         | False           | [organization/repo]() |

Local usage without Docker

  1. Make sure you have at least Python3.11 installed
  2. Copy .env-example to .env
  3. Fill out the .env file with a token from a user that has access to the organization to scan (listed below). Tokens should have at least read:org access for organization scanning and read:repository for repository scanning.
  4. Fill out the .env file with the configuration parameters you want to use
  5. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run python3 -m contributors, which will output everything in the terminal


Apache 2


GitHub Action that given an repository, produces information about the contributors sorted by organisation.









  • Python 96.6%
  • Dockerfile 2.2%
  • Makefile 1.2%