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머신 러닝 파이프라인 구축하기

PachdermKubernetes를 사용하는 빅데이터 플랫폼으로 데이터 이력 관리가 용이하고, Docker image를 사용한 파이프라인을 구성하는 것이 특징이다. 로컬 환경에서 실습하기 위해 Kubernetes를 대신하여 Minikube를 이용하고, 앞서 만들었던 선형 회귀 모델, 다중 회귀 모델 그리고 회귀 모델 예측에서 만든 이미지들을 사용한다.

Updated: 2020/12/02



  • Docker Desktop >= (Recommended)
  • minikube ~= 1.15.1 (Recommended)
  • pachyderm ~= 1.11.7 (Required)
    • Update가 활발하게 진행되므로 version에 따라 실행이 안될 수 있음


Docker images

  • (Option) Docker Hub에 가입하고, docker images를 실행하여 앞서 만든 이미지들을 push 해야함
  • Tagging docker images
    # Anywhere
    (OS)$ docker tag goregtrain:linear <DockerHub ID>/goregtrain:linear
    (OS)$ docker tag goregtrain:multiple <DockerHub ID>/goregtrain:multiple
    (OS)$ docker tag goregpredict:latest <DockerHub ID>/goregpredict:latest
    # Example
    (OS)$ docker tag goregpredict:latest gzupark/goregpredict:latest
  • Pushing docker images
    # Anywhere
    (OS)$ docker push <DockerHub ID>/goregtrain:linear
    (OS)$ docker push <DockerHub ID>/goregtrain:multiple
    (OS)$ docker push <DockerHub ID>/goregpredict:latest
    # Example
    (OS)$ docker push gzupark/goregpredict:latest

Install Minikube

  • (중요) 만약 MacOS BigSur로 운영체제를 업데이트했다면, MacOS CTL을 재설치 issue
  • Minikube 설치
    (MacOS)$ brew install minikube
    (Win, Linux)$ curl -LO
    (Win, Linux)$ sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
  • Minikube 실행 및 확인
    (OS)$ minikube start
    # When you finish starting precess
    (OS)$ docker ps  # check running containers
  • kubectl 설치
    (OS)$ minikube kubectl -- get po -A

Install Pachyderm

  • Pachyderm 1.11.x 설치
    (OS)$ brew tap pachyderm/tap && brew install pachyderm/tap/pachctl@1.11
    (Win, Linux)$ curl -o /tmp/pachctl.deb \
        -L && sudo dpkg \
        -i /tmp/pachctl.deb
  • Pachyderm 확인
    (OS)$ pachctl version --client-only
    # 1.11.7

How to use

Run with Go files에서 소개하는 것은 .go 파일을 빌드하여 실행하는 것이고, pachctl을 활용한 방법은 pachctl 디렉토리를 참고


  • pachyderm 배포
    (OS)$ pachctl deploy local
    # Stay until running status of etcd-xxx & pachd-xxx 
    (OS)$ kubectl get pods
    # NAME                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr    0/2     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt    0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s
    # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s
    # NAME                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr    0/2     ContainerCreating   0          68s
    # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt    1/1     Running             0          68s
    # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r   1/1     Running             0          68s
  • 포트포워딩
    # Recommend
    (OS)$ pachctl port-forward & pachctl version
    # (option) Connect to directly minikue instance
    (OS)$ pachctl config update context `pachctl config get active-context` \
            --pachd-address=`minikube ip`:30650
    # check configuration
    (OS)$ cat ~/.pachyderm/config.json

Run with Go files

  • Create repositories
    # build
    (MacOS)$ make compile GOOS=darwin GOFILE=01_create_repository.go
    (Win, Linux)$ make compile GOOS=linux GOFILE=01_create_repository.go
    # run
    (OS)$ ./01_create_repository
  • Put files to repositories
    # build
    (MacOS)$ make compile GOOS=darwin GOFILE=02_put_file.go
    (Win, Linux)$ make compile GOOS=linux GOFILE=02_put_file.go
    # run
    (OS)$ ./02_put_file
  • Create & update model pipeline
    # build
    (MacOS)$ make compile GOOS=darwin GOFILE=03_create_model_pipeline.go
    (Win, Linux)$ make compile GOOS=linux GOFILE=03_create_model_pipeline.go
    # run
    (OS)$ ./03_create_model_pipeline -tag <linear or multiple> -user <Docker Hub ID>
    # Update
    (OS)$ ./03_create_model_pipeline -tag <linear or multiple> -user <Docker Hub ID>
    # example
    (OS)$ ./03_create_model_pipeline -tag linear -user gzupark
    (OS)$ ./03_create_model_pipeline -tag multiple -user gzupark
    • Example to check status
      (OS)$ kubectl get pods
      # NAME                      READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
      # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr     2/2     Running           0          4m
      # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt     1/1     Running           0          4m1s
      # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r    1/1     Running           0          4m
      # pipeline-model-v1-qdtw5   0/2     PodInitializing   0          21s
      (OS)$ kubectl get pods
      # NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr     2/2     Running   0          4m19s
      # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt     1/1     Running   0          4m20s
      # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r    1/1     Running   0          4m19s
      # pipeline-model-v1-qdtw5   2/2     Running   0          40s
      (OS)$ pachctl list job
      # 8c368 model    34 seconds ago Less than a second 0       1 + 0 / 1 36.72KiB 251B success
  • Create prediction pipeline
    # build
    (MacOS)$ make compile GOOS=darwin GOFILE=04_create_predict_pipeline.go
    (Win, Linux)$ make compile GOOS=linux GOFILE=04_create_predict_pipeline.go
    # run
    (OS)$ ./04_create_predict_pipeline -user <Docker Hub ID>
    # example
    (OS)$ ./04_create_predict_pipeline -user gzupark
    • Example to check status
      (OS)$ kubectl get pods
      # NAME                           READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
      # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr          2/2     Running           0          6m12s
      # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt          1/1     Running           0          6m13s
      # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r         1/1     Running           0          6m12s
      # pipeline-model-v1-qdtw5        2/2     Running           0          2m33s
      # pipeline-prediction-v1-9lcsl   0/2     PodInitializing   0          5s
      (OS)$ kubectl get pods
      # NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      # dash-56fd8c65bf-bdfpr          2/2     Running   0          6m30s
      # etcd-58c9bf64b8-pqqjt          1/1     Running   0          6m31s
      # pachd-78bf7577f6-kwm5r         1/1     Running   0          6m30s
      # pipeline-model-v1-qdtw5        2/2     Running   0          2m51s
      # pipeline-prediction-v1-9lcsl   2/2     Running   0          23s
      (OS)$ pachctl list job
      # ID    PIPELINE   STARTED        DURATION           RESTART PROGRESS  DL       UL   STATE   
      # 353ce prediction 31 seconds ago 1 second           0       1 + 0 / 1 883B     802B success 
      # 8c368 model      2 minutes ago  Less than a second 0       1 + 0 / 1 36.72KiB 251B success 

Useful pachctl command

# Check repositories
(OS)$ pachctl list repo

# Check repository' branch
(OS)$ pachctl inspect repo <repo Name> -v

# Show all commits in the repository
(OS)$ pachctl list commit <repo Name>@<branch>

# Show files commit history in the repository
(OS)$ pachctl list file <repo Name>@<branch> --history all

# Print out the file
(OS)$ pachctl get file <repo Name>@<branch>:<file Name>

# Check finished job
(OS)$ pachctl list job
# Show logs of job via ID
(OS)$ pachctl logs --job=<ID>


(OS)$ pachctl undeploy
# Very important to disconnect port forwarding
(OS)$ kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep 'pachctl port-forward' | grep -v color | awk '{print $2}')

Clean up

(OS)$ pachctl delete all

# Run to undeploy process
(OS)$ pachctl undeploy
(OS)$ kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep 'pachctl port-forward' | grep -v color | awk '{print $2}')

(OS)$ rm ~/.pachyderm/config.json
(OS)$ minikube delete