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NotFound Handler for ASP.NET Core and Optimizely

Build Quality Gate Status Platform Platform


The popular NotFound handler for ASP.NET Core and Optimizely, enabling better control over your 404 page in addition to allowing redirects for old URLs that no longer works.

The perfect companion if you're transitioning to your site from another system and cannot keep the URL structure, or plan to do major re-structuring of your content.


  • The NotFound handler stores the redirects in the database. Editors can add redirects without any deployments.
  • All redirects are edited in the Admin UI as shown above. After the add-on is installed and a proper 404 page has been created, no changes to the application is needed to add new redirects.
  • You can import and export redirects as XML from the Admin UI.
  • Handles partial and "full" URLs and can redirect out of the site by using fully qualified URLs for the "New url" field.
  • Supports wildcard redirects.
  • By using fully qualified URLs in the "Old url" field, they will only apply for that specific site. Editing redirects is done for all sites in the same UI.


The command below will install Admin UI and NotFound handler into your ASP.NET Core project.

Install-Package Geta.NotFoundHandler.Admin

If you need only the handler, then you can install it by the command below.

Install-Package Geta.NotFoundHandler

For the Optimizely project, you would want to install Admin UI integration package.

Install-Package Geta.NotFoundHandler.Optimizely

For the Optimizely Commerce project, if you want to use Automatic redirects, install:

Install-Package Geta.NotFoundHandler.Optimizely.Commerce

The package can be found in the Optimizely Nuget Feed.


Add the NotFound handler in the Startup.cs in the ConfigureServices method. Below is an example with all available configuration you can set. For Optimizely project, also call AddOptimizelyNotFoundHandler - it will add Admin UI in the Optimizely admin UI.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var connectionString = ... // Retrieve connection string here
    services.AddNotFoundHandler(o =>
        o.BufferSize = 30;
        o.ThreshHold = 5;
        o.HandlerMode = FileNotFoundMode.On;
        o.IgnoredResourceExtensions = new[] { "jpg", "gif", "png", "css", "js", "ico", "swf", "woff" };
        o.Logging = LoggerMode.On;
        o.LogWithHostname = false;

    services.AddOptimizelyNotFoundHandler(o =>
        o.AutomaticRedirectsEnabled = true;


The first and the mandatory configuration is a connection string. Use UseSqlServer method to set up the database connection string.

Call the AddOptimizelyNotFoundHandler method in Optimizely projects. To enable Automatic redirects, you should set AutomaticRedirectsEnabled to true and for Optimizely Commerce projects call AddOptimizelyCommerceProviders.

In addition, the configuration can be read from the appsettings.json:

"Geta": {
    "NotFoundHandler": {
        "BufferSize":  40

The configuration from the appsettings.json will override any configuration set in the Startup. Note that you cannot provide a connection string or add providers in the appsetings.json. All other settings are supported.

Next, initialize NotFound handler in the Configure method as the first registration. It will make sure that NotFound handler will catch all 404 errors. For Optimizely project, also call UseOptimizelyNotFoundHandler. This will make sure that any updates are synchronized between servers (on DXP, for example).

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)

Also, you have to add Razor pages routing support.

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


HandlerMode You can turn off the redirects by setting HandlerMode to Off. Default is On.


Suggestions for NotFound rules require 404 requests to be logged to the database.

Logging of 404 requests is buffered to shield your application from Denial of Service attacks. By default, logging will happen for every 30'th error. You can change this setting in the configuration and set bufferSize to 0 to log the errors immediately. This is not recommended as you will be vulnerable to massive logging to your database. You can control how much you would like to log by specifying a threshold value. This value determines how frequently 404 errors are allowed to be logged.

Important! Even if the threshold is set low, you can still receive a lot of requests in the 404 log. In the Admin view (follow "Administer" link in gadget) you can delete suggestions (logged 404 requests). You can find all the logged items in the NotFoundHandler.Suggestions table in your database if you want to manually clear the logged requests (this will not remove any redirects).

Logging: Turn logging On or Off. Default is On

BufferSize: Size of memory buffer to hold 404 requests. Default is 30

Threshold: Average maximum allowed requests per second. Default is 5

  • Example 1:
    • bufferSize is set to 100, threshold is set to 10
    • Case: 100 errors in 5 seconds - (diff = seconds between first logged request and the last logged request in the buffer).
    • 100 / 5 = 20. Error frequency is higher than threshold value. Buffered requests will not get logged, the entire buffer will be discarded.
  • Example 2:
    • bufferSize is 100, threshold is 10
    • Case: 100 errors in 15 seconds
    • 100 / 15 = 6. Error frequency is within threshold value. Buffered requests will get logged.

If the bufferSize is set to 0, the threshold value will be ignored, and every request will be logged immediately.

LogWithHostname: Set to true to include hostname in the log. Useful in a multisite environment with several hostnames/domains. Default is false

Specifying ignored resources


By default, requests to files with the following extensions will be ignored by the redirect module: jpg,gif,png,css,js,ico,swf,woff

If you want to specify this yourself, add IgnoredResourceExtensions to the configuration.

Restricting access to the Admin UI

By default, only users of Administrators role can access Admin UI. But you can configure you authorization policy when registrating the NotFound handler.

 services.AddNotFoundHandler(o => { },
            policy =>

You can setup any policy rules you want.


For details see Import redirects for 404 handler article.

Custom 404 Page

To setup 404 page, you can use any method ASP.NET Core provides.

One of the simplest solutions is adding a controller and a view for it that would display an error page:

public class ErrorController : Controller
    public IActionResult PageNotFound()
        return View();

Then register status code pages in the Startup's Configure method before NotFound handler registration:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


Registering before the NotFound handler will make sure that a NotFound handler already checked the error and only those errors that were not handled by NotFound handler will be redirected to the error page.

Custom Handlers

If you need more advanced or custom logic to create redirects, you can implement an INotFoundHandler.

  1. Create a class that implements Geta.NotFoundHandler.Core
  2. In the public string RewriteUrl(string url) method, add your custom logic
  3. Register the handler in the configuration.
services.AddNotFoundHandler(o =>

This is especially useful for rewrites that follow some kind of logic, like checking the querystring for and id or some other value you can use to look up the page.

Here is an example using Optimizely Find to look up a product by code:

public class CustomProductRedirectHandler : INotFoundHandler
    public string RewriteUrl(string url)
            // Give it a thorough look - see if we can redirect it
            Url uri = new Url(url);
            var productId = uri.QueryCollection.GetValues("productid").FirstOrDefault();
            if (productId != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(productId) == false)
                SearchResults<FindProduct> results = SearchClient.Instance.Search<FindProduct>()
                    .Filter(p => p.Code.MatchCaseInsensitive(productId))
                if (results.Hits.Any())
                    // Pick the first one
                    SearchHit<FindProduct> product = results.Hits.FirstOrDefault();
                    return product.Document.ProductUrl;
        return null;

Note! Make sure the code you add has good performance, it could be called a lot. If you're querying a database or a search index, you might want to add caching and perhaps Denial Of Service prevention measures.

Automatic redirects

Automatic redirects is a feature that when enabled will create redirects for content that is moved.

See the Configuration section how to enable it.

Once you enabled Automatic redirects, you should run [Geta NotFoundHandler] Index content URLs scheduled job. It will index all URLs of content and will start monitoring those for changes.

Now Automatic redirects will create redirects on content move. It will create redirects with the old URLs by checking the indexed URLs for the content and new URLs of the new place where a content is moved to. After that, it will index new URLs too.

It will monitor primary, secondary and SEO URLs:

  • a primary URL will be redirected to the new primary URL,
  • all secondary URLs will be redirected to the new primary URL,
  • a SEO URL is redirected to the new SEO URL if possible and to the new primary URL, if not possible.

Optimizely Content Cloud supports only primary URLs and Optimizely Commerce supports all three types of URLs.

There are two scheduled jobs:

  • [Geta NotFoundHandler] Index content URLs - as mentioned before, this job indexes URLs of content. Usually, it is required to run this job only once. All new content is automatically indexed. But if for some reasons content publish events are not firing when creating new content (for example, during the import), then you should set this job to run frequently.
  • [Geta NotFoundHandler] Register content move redirects - this job creates redirects based on registered moved content. Normally, this job is not required at all, but there might be situations when content move is registered but redirect creation is not completed. This could happen during deployments. In this case, you can manually run this job or schedule it to run time to time to fix such issues.


The module has extensive logging. Turn on debug logging for the Geta.NotFoundHandler namespace in your logging configuration.



If you want to redirect many addresses below a specific one to one new URL, set this to true. If we get a wild card match on this URL, the new URL will be used in its raw format and the old URL will not be appended to the new one.

For example, if we have a redirect: /a to /b, then:

  • with wildcard setting it will redirect /a/1 to /b
  • without wildcard setting it will redirect /a/1 to /b/1

Sandbox App

Sandbox application is testing poligon for pacakge new features and bug fixes.

CMS username:

Password: Episerver123!


If you can help please do so by contributing to the package! Reach out package maintainer for additional details if needed.

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