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191 lines (145 loc) · 6.15 KB

============= Elcano - IEPG

The Elcano Global Presence Index is an annual measurement of the projection in the world of 90 countries based on three dimensions: Economic, Military, Soft.

This is a project from Elcano Royal Institute of strategic and international studies and Geographica.

Git Submodules

This project uses two submodules. To initialize them, at the git root:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Tech overview

This project is a web platform composed by 3 APIs developed in Python (Flask) at the server side. At the client side, it uses an HTML application who uses Backbone JS.

To deploy and develop it uses Docker.

How to import, load, and process the IEPG calculated XLSX

In December 2016 the update process of IEPG data shifted from calculating the whole dataset from source data by the application by conducting the full IEPG calculations to providing in a XLSX the full calculation of the whole dataset. Please check file calculus2015.xlsx to see the format of the data XLSX. Then:

  • apply the database patch in file database/calculated_xlsx-database_patch.sql:
docker exec -i elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -d $POSTGRES_DB < database/calculated_xlsx-database_patch.sql
  • Import the XLSX:

    How to use:

    docker exec -it elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python -h

    Usage example:

    docker exec -it elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python calculus2021.xlsx 16 151 13 28
  • Stop and start explora API:

docker-compose -f stop api_explora
docker-compose -f up -d api_explora

How to prepare the environment

Install Docker 1.8+ and docker-compose 1.5.2+.

Create the data containers. Please, make your self a favor and don't use local volumes.

docker create --name elcano_iepg_pgdata -v /data debian /bin/true
docker create --name elcano_iepg_redisdata -v /data debian /bin/true
docker create --name elcano_iepg_mediadata -v /media debian /bin/true

Create the config file using the sample and add your own data.

cp config.sample.env config.env

Set the environment variables

source config.env

Import the database

docker-compose -f up -d pgsql
docker exec elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -c  "CREATE USER $POSTGRES_USER with password '$POSTGRES_PASSWORD'"
docker exec elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -c  "CREATE DATABASE $POSTGRES_DB with owner $POSTGRES_USER"
docker exec -i elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -d $POSTGRES_DB < <dumpfile.sql>

Build the image for API (if you have problems get the image from DockerHub geographica/elcano_iepg_api):

docker build -t geographica/elcano_iepg_api www-srv

Set your local domain. add to /etc/hosts

echo '' >> /etc/hosts

If you run on OSX:
echo $(docker-machine ip default) '' >> /etc/hosts


docker-compose -f up

Propagate the data from Postgres to REDIS.

docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python

Prepare clients. TODO: we need to use the latest version of Sting to be able to read data of environment values (config.env) inside config.js files.

cp www/src/explora/js/config.changes.js www/src/explora/js/config.js
cp www/src/frontend/js/config.changes.js www/src/frontend/js/config.js
cp www/src/backend/js/config.changes.js www/src/backend/js/config.js

# Dev environment

Install npm packages for local folder

 docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/www/src:/usr/src/app  elcanoiepg_www_builder  npm install

To start the application, once you've installed everything. Just type.

source config.env
docker-compose -f up


Update the whole platform from XLSX. From the input file www-srv/src/data_calculus/year2015.xlsx it updates de PostgreSQL and REDIS. It also makes a backup of the iepg_data schema of PostgreSQL.

docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python

RUN calculus engine XLSX to XLSX. From www-srv/src/data_calculus/year2015.xlsx, it generates the engine output at www-srv/src/data_calculus/calculus2015.xlsx.

docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python

Update REDIS from PostgreSQL

docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python

UPDATE population and GDP

docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 bash -c "cd scripts && python" > gdp2015.sql
docker exec -i elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -d elcano_iepg < gdp2015.sql
docker exec elcanoiepg_api_backend_1 python

Get latest database

SSH to production server and execute

sudo su
source config.env
docker exec elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 pg_dump $POSTGRES_DB -U postgres > $POSTGRES_DB.sql

At the client:

source config.env
scp <user>@<server>:/<path>$POSTGRES_DB.sql .
docker-compose -f up -d pgsql
docker exec elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -c  "DROP DATABASE $POSTGRES_DB"
docker exec elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -c  "CREATE DATABASE $POSTGRES_DB with owner $POSTGRES_USER"
docker exec -i elcanoiepg_pgsql_1 psql -U postgres -d $POSTGRES_DB < $POSTGRES_DB.sql

At production and staging we use to start, stop and refresh the servers.

###Refresh It recreates the container, it's mandatory if you're uploading a new version.

./ refresh <environment>

# Staging example
./ refresh staging

###Restart It restarts the containers.

./ restart <environment>

###Buildapps It compiles the frontend apps using the geographica/elcano_iepg_webbuilder container

./ buildapps <environment>