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sarima 0.9.3

  • removed 'FitARMA' from 'Suggests:'; it had not been needed for some time.

  • tsdiag.Sarima was sometimes presenting the menu of choices when that was not needed or asked for (e.g., when plot = 1:4 and 'layout' a two-by-two matrix), a bug introduced in v0.9.2.

sarima 0.9.2

  • the 'Sarima' method for tsdiag now splits the window into less than 3 subwindows when the number of choices is less than 3. As before, if argument layout is supplied, then it is used unconditionally to set the layout of the plots.

  • no longer require C++11, thus relying on R to do the right thing. Also, avoids the following NOTE from recent R-devel: 'Specified C++11: please drop specification unless essential'.

sarima 0.9.1

  • included instructions how to install package 'FitARMA', if it is needed.

  • fixed NOTEs from CRAN about escaped LaTeX specials.

  • added the expanded stationary AR polynomial to the output of the "SarimaModel" method for filterPoly and filterPolyCoef. The fully expanded AR polynomial which includes also the integrated terms is availalbe as before.

  • in prepareSimSarima (and hence sim_sarima) fixed a bug causing wrong results for some combinations of parameters when initial values were supplied. Also removed some parts in the documentation of these functions which no longer applied.

sarima 0.9

  • new generic function FisherInformation giving the information matrix for fitted and theoretical models with methods for ARMA and seasonal ARMA models.

  • new generic function spectrum with methods for (seasonal) ARMA models and default stats::spectrum.

sarima 0.8.6

  • in tsdiag.Sarima(), if argument plot specifies only one or two plots, then the window is now split into 1 or 2 sub-windows, respectively, even if argument layout is not used.

  • new convenience function, se() to compute standard errors.

  • confint methods extended and documented.

  • extensive changes in the documentation, including reorganisation of the pkgdown site.

  • moved fkf and KFAS to Suggests and removed dplyr from the dependencies.

sarima 0.8.5

  • new tsdiag method for class Sarima (the result of sarima()). The method can be called also directly on the output from base R's arima() with tsdiag.Sarima() or sarima::tsdiag.Sarima(). The method offers several portmanteau tests (including Ljung-Box, Li-McLeod and Box-Pierce), plots of autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations of the residuals, ability to control which graphs to be produced (including interactively), and their layout. The computed results are returned (invisibly). The default layout of the graphs is similar to stats::tsdiag() (but with adjusted d.f.).

    The method always makes a correction of the degrees of freedom of the portmanteau tests.

  • github repository housekeeping - switched from TravisCI to Github actions.

  • now the pkgdown website is automatically rebuild on push (via a github action).

  • moved FitAR from Depends to Imports (after some changes in .onLoad() to make this possible).

sarima 0.8.4

  • updated a reference to avoid redirect.

sarima 0.8.2

  • import again FKF (support for it was removed when FKF was temporarily archived on CRAN).

  • removed developers' comments that had been accidentally left in a vignette.

  • removed an erroneous rev() from the garch tests vignette.

  • added new tests and fixed several bugs in the process.

  • the show method for class "ArmaModel" now returns NULL. The previous return value was spooking "pkgdown::build_site()" resulting in the error:

Error in UseMethod("replay_html", x) : 
  no applicable method for 'replay_html' applied to an object of class "c('double', 'numeric')"

sarima 0.8.1

  • relaxed numerical comparisons in some tests, to account for additional platforms, such as Open-BLAS, recently activated for checks on CRAN.

sarima 0.8.0

  • new test for GARCH-type noise based on Kokoszka and Politis result.

  • more complete sets of methods for several functions. In particular, there was infinite recursion in some cases.

  • bug fixes

  • improved show() methods for autocovariance objects

  • numerous changes in sarima()

  • cater for changing function names in the forthcoming release 2.0.0 of package PolynomF.

  • Now require lagged (>= 0.2.1) (lagged 0.2.0 is not sufficient since nSeasons() and nSeasons<-() accidentally were not exported by it).

  • Vignette garch_tests_example now imports the data using system.file(), so that the examples can be run easily by the user.

  • new function makeArimaGnb() for setting up the state space form of ARIMA models. It is a modification of stats::makeARIMA() with Georgi's method for computation of the stationary part of the initial state covariance matrix. The methods implemented in stats::makeARIMA()are commented out since they are not exported from package stats.

  • sarima() gets an argument to specify the method to use for the stationary part of P0 (see above). The available options are the ones in makeARIMA() ("Rossignol2011" and "Gardner1980") plus Georgi's method ("gnb"). The default is "Rossignol2011".

sarima 0.7.6

sarima 0.7.5 (not on CRAN)

  • NEWS becomes and uses markdown syntax. The style is loosely based on

  • manually incorporated or noted changes from Jamie's Namely:

    • Import package numDeriv (for hessian()).

sarima 0.7.4 (not on CRAN)

  • dealt with 'valgrind' warnings (had missed one uninitialised warning).

  • fixed a bug in prepareSimSarima() - when initial values were not supplied in the stationary case, the initialisation was not correct (thanks to Cameron Doyle for reporting this).

sarima 0.7.3

  • dealt with 'valgrind' warnings.

sarima 0.7.2

  • this is an emergency release to avoid the package being archived on CRAN due to the archival of a dependency.

  • the main new feature since the previous release, 0.5-2, of the package is the versatile function sarima(), which provides formula syntax for fitting encompassing SARIMA, ARUMA, XSARIMA, Reg-SARIMA, ARMAX models. Parsimonious multiplicative specifications are supported for the stationary and non-stationary parts of the model, as well as arbitrary unit roots on the unit circle, which can be fixed or estimated. 'sarima()' is documented but is still under development.

  • removed 'portes' from Imports - it was not used for some time in 'sarima' (it was scheduled from removal from CRAN on 2018-07-30).

  • removed package 'FKF' from Imports, since it has been archived on CRAN.

sarima 0.7-0 - 0.7-1 (not on CRAN)

  • merged branch models with master.

  • numerous consolidations.

Changes in branch 'models'

  • in DESCRIPTION, moved 'methods' from DEPENDS to Imports.

  • various bug fixes and cosolidations.

  • improvements to the documentation.

  • returned the stuff the test package 'testts' (and removed the latter). testts was not helpful and complicated the workflow. Now the tests for armaQ0 etc are in `sarima.

sarima 0.6-6 (not on CRAN)

  • now can request estimation of components with roots on the unit circle.

  • in xreg and regx specifications, renamed cs(), B(), p() to .cs(), .B(), .p(), respectively.

  • further to the above, in xreg and regx specifications `t' stays as is for now, since it needs more care, but its use is discouraged.

  • removed sincos() and L() from sarima specifications, use the equivalents .cs() and .B(), respectively.

sarima 0.6-4 - 0.6-5 (not on CRAN)

  • intermediate versions, not useful for back reference (the zip file given is a better place to look for code before 0.6-6).

  • now on bitbucket as part of sarima_project. The original upload is in sarima_project/Archive/

  • wrapping up 0.6-5 before making the changes needed for estimation of unit roots.

sarima 0.6-3 (not on CRAN)

  • support for tanh transformation.

  • factorisation of MA

  • Packing up this version before moving stuff that needs ':::' calls elsewhere (e.g. to myRcpp, but haven't decided on the structure)

sarima 0.6-1 - 0.6-2 (not on CRAN)

  • Several bug fixes.

  • Some trouble with Rcpp, further trouble with Rtools after installing the latest version of R. Packing up this version for a working reference.

sarima 0.6-0 (not on CRAN)

  • included some C++ code (using Rcpp/RcppArmadilo) previously tested in my (private) package myRcpp.

  • removed the internal arima() functions introduced in 0.5-11.

  • added ss.method = "sarima" to sarima() which uses the new C++ functions to compute the likelihood. Limited testing confirms that this method gives the same results as arima() for models that can be fitted with arima().

  • bumping the version number to have a working version in case further improvements mess things up.

sarima 0.5-11 (not on CRAN)

  • temporarily created a number of functions to call functions used internally by arima(), see arima.R.

sarima 0.5-9 (not on CRAN)

  • moved temporarilly FitAR from Imports to Depends, since FitARMA can't find some functions from FitAR if FitARMA is not attached. (move back to Imports when Ian imports FitAR in FitARMA's namespace)

  • further work on sarima(), saving before more meddling with the environments of the formulas

sarima 0.5-8 (not on CRAN)

  • added support for KFAS.

  • fixed parameters and initial values are supported for ARMA specifications (but not for regression parameters yet).

  • sarima() is still incomplete but is usable.

  • archiving before a full scale consolidation and clean up, in case that messes things up.

sarima 0.5-7 (not on CRAN)

  • sarima() now fits XARIMAX models, in the case of the second X, using FKF::fkf().

  • archiving before starting work on completing the handling of fixed parameters.

sarima 0.5-6 (not on CRAN)

  • some consolidation of sarima(), now supports lagged variables and calls only sarimat(). sarima0() has been removed. the data argument of sarima() is processed properly (incomplete maybe).

sarima 0.5-5 (not on CRAN)

  • sarima() now uses the facilities of package Formula to process the model formulas.

sarima 0.5-4 (not on CRAN)

  • sarima() can now fit time regression. It currently calls sarimat() if there is treg argument and sarima0() otherwise.

sarima 0.5-3 (not on CRAN)

  • model formulas for SARIMA models using package Formula.

  • usable version of sarima() function but not for publication yet.

  • packing this version before further work on sarima().

sarima 0.5-2

  • plot of acf tests now uses different 'lty' so that the confidence limits under iid and garch nulls are visually distinguishable in black and white printouts.

  • plot of acf tests now accepts argument 'interval' to produce rejection limits for levels other than the default 95%.

  • started to add references to the documentation.

  • for armaacf() and armaccf_xe() the innovation variance in argument 'model' is now called 'sigma2' (the old 'sigmasq' still works but is deprecated).

  • a number of corrections and additions to the documentation.

  • additional examples.

sarima 0.5-1 (not on CRAN)

  • SarimaModel now inherits from VirtualSarimaModel (it was inheriting from VirtualFilterModel. On its own, this is invisible to the user. It didn't invalidate existing objects either.

  • new class "VirtualIntegratedModel".

  • new functions nUnitRoots() and isStationaryModel.

  • further streamlining.

sarima 0.5-0 (not on CRAN)

  • exported functions related to Bartlett's formula (they were there in version 0.4-5, under different names).

  • substantial work on SARIMA models and their documentation.

  • increasing the version number before some streamlining of class SarimaModel.

sarima 0.4-5

  • moved "Lagged" to a separate package, "lagged".

  • streamlined acfIidTest() and documented it properly.

  • new vignette based on example in Chapter 7 of James Proberts' MMath project.

sarima 0.4-3

  • first CRAN version.

sarima 0.3-6 (not on CRAN)

  • white noise tests based on acf and pacf and corresponding plots.
  • vignette.

sarima 0.3-5 (not on CRAN)

  • revamped "Lagged": introduced Lagged2d, etc.; mixed Ops, e.g. "Lagged" + "vector", now work only if "vector" is of length one or multiple of the length of e1@data has the same length as the vector.

sarima 0.3-4 (not on CRAN)

  • removed some old commented out code from to reduce clutter.
  • extensive changes and consolidation.

sarima 0.3-3 (not on CRAN)

  • streamlined SARIMA models and the functions based on old code. Keeping the old code (commented out) for reference.

sarima 0.3-2 (not on CRAN)

  • defined the classes for autocorrelations and similar.
  • autocorrelations() and similar now have a number of methods.
  • passes 'R CMD check'. Most classes have only fake documentation in VirtualMonicFilter-class.Rd.

sarima 0.3-0 (not on CRAN)

  • switched to package PolynomF (from polynom).
  • new classes for models, including ARMA and SARIMA.
  • R CMD check passes 9only a WARNING for undocumented objects and S$ methods.

sarima 0.2-x (not on CRAN)

  • added new classes, substantial extension.
  • renamed sarima.sim() to sim_sarima()

sarima 0.1-0 (not on CRAN)

  • updated and cleaned a bit the old code.

sarima 0.0-5 (not on CRAN)

  • removed argument "eps" from fun.forecast since it is ignored.

sarima 0.0-3 (not on CRAN)

  • sarima.mod now sets class "sarima" for its result.
  • print method for "sarima" class.

sarima 0.0-2 (not on CRAN)

  • inserted examples from lectures and handouts from past years.

sarima 0.0-1 (not on CRAN)

  • created documentation using the comments in the source code.

sarima 0.0-0 (not on CRAN)

  • turned atssarima.r (written in 2006-2007 for course "Applied time series") into a package.