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This docker image is the core of the game server. It is pre-packaged with all the necessary plugins and extensions to work with GamingAPI, however this can also be turned off in case you want to use this image in other contexts.


Stopping a running server

The docker image has a built in graceful shutdown that allows players to finish up and the game server to save and quit gracefully. In order for the game server to have enough time to do that, you need to use the following command instead of the raw stop command.

The graceful shutdown will take 5 minutes, on the safe-side we timeout at 6 minutes.

docker stop --time 360 <CONTAINER>


docker run -d
	-p 28016:28016 \
	-p 28015:28015 \
  -v ./rust:/steamcmd/rust \


version: '3.8'
      RUST_RCON_PASSWORD: '1234'
      - './rust:/steamcmd/rust'
      - 28016:28016
      - 28015:28015

Rust server that runs inside a Docker container

NOTE: This image will install/update on startup. The path /steamcmd/rust can be mounted on the host for data persistence. Also note that this image provides the new web-based RCON, so you should set RUST_RCON_PASSWORD to a more secure password. This image also supports having a modded server (using Oxide), check the RUST_OXIDE_ENABLED variable below.

How to run the server

  1. Set the environment variables you wish to modify from below (note the RCON password!)
  2. Optionally mount /steamcmd/rust somewhere on the host or inside another container to keep your data safe
  3. Enjoy!

The following environment variables are available:

RUST_SERVER_STARTUP_ARGUMENTS (DEFAULT: "-batchmode -load -nographics 1")
RUST_SERVER_IDENTITY (DEFAULT: "docker" - Mainly used for the name of the save directory)
RUST_SERVER_SEED (DEFAULT: "12345" - The server map seed, must be an integer)
RUST_SERVER_WORLDSIZE (DEFAULT: "4000" - The map size, must be an integer)
RUST_SERVER_NAME (DEFAULT: "Rust Server [DOCKER]" - The publicly visible server name)
RUST_SERVER_MAXPLAYERS (DEFAULT: "500" - Maximum players on the server, must be an integer)
RUST_SERVER_DESCRIPTION (DEFAULT: "This is a Rust server running inside a Docker container!" - The publicly visible server description)
RUST_SERVER_URL (The publicly visible server website)
RUST_SERVER_BANNER_URL (DEFAULT: "" - The publicly visible server banner image URL)
RUST_SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL (DEFAULT: "600" - Amount of seconds between automatic saves)
RUST_RCON_PORT (DEFAULT: "28016" - RCON server port)
RUST_RCON_PASSWORD (DEFAULT: "docker" - RCON server password, please change this!)
RUST_BRANCH (DEFAULT: Not set - Sets the branch argument to use, eg. set to "-beta prerelease" for the prerelease branch)
RUST_UPDATE_CHECKING (DEFAULT: "0" - Set to 1 to enable fully automatic update checking, notifying players and restarting to install updates)
RUST_UPDATE_BRANCH (DEFAULT: "public" - Set to match the branch that you want to use for updating, ie. "prerelease" or "public", but do not specify arguments like "-beta")
RUST_START_MODE (DEFAULT: "0" - Determines if the server should update and then start (0), only update (1) or only start (2))
RUST_OXIDE_ENABLED (DEFAULT: "1" - Set to 1 to automatically install the latest version of Oxide)
RUST_OXIDE_UPDATE_ON_BOOT (DEFAULT: "1" - Set to 0 to disable automatic update of Oxide on boot)
INSTALL_GAMINGAPI (DEFAULT: "1" - Set to 1 to automatically install the latest version of GamingAPI)
GAMINGAPI_SERVER_ID (The server id of the rust server, you can find this value in the )
GAMINGAPI_NATS_SERVER_HOST (The url for the nats server to use)
GAMINGAPI_NATS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE (Type of authentication, either "jwt" or "nkey")
GAMINGAPI_NATS_JWT_USER (The JWT user for the GamingAPI NATS broker, used when GAMINGAPI_NATS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE is set to "jwt" )
GAMINGAPI_NATS_JWT_SEED (The JWT seed for the GamingAPI NATS broker, used when GAMINGAPI_NATS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE is set to "jwt" )
GAMINGAPI_NATS_NKEY_USER (The user nkey the GamingAPI NATS broker, used when GAMINGAPI_NATS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE is set to "nkey" )
GAMINGAPI_NATS_NKEY_SEED (The seed nkey the GamingAPI NATS broker, used when GAMINGAPI_NATS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE is set to "nkey")

RUST_AUTO_WIPING (DEFAULT: "1" - Set to 1 to enable auto wipe functionality)
MAP_WIPE_PERIOD (DEFAULT: "7" - How many days are a map wipe?)
MAP_WIPES_UNTIL_FULL_WIPE (DEFAULT: "2" - How many times should we do map wipe before doing a full wipe?)
WIPE_HOUR (DEFAULT: "17" - What hour of the day should we do wipe?)
WIPE_MINUTE (DEFAULT: "0" - What minute of the hour of the day should we do wipe?)
EXCLUDE_FORCE_WEEK (DEFAULT: "0" - Should we exclude wiping in force week?)
WIPE_DAY (DEFAULT: "0" - What day of the week do we want to wipe the server? 0 = monday, 6 = sunday)

Logging and rotating logs

The image now supports log rotation, and all you need to do to enable it is to remove any -logfile arguments from your startup arguments. Log files will be created under logs/ with the server identity and the current date and time. When the server starts up or restarts, it will move old logs to logs/archive/.