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An EPUB for the 2023 CSDMS meeting. Part of The Doodleverse, an ecosystem of software, data, and trained models for geoscientific image segmentation.

🚀 Usage

This notebook carries out the following tasks:

  • It downloads a time-series of high-resolution orthomosaic imagery tiles, using Google Earth Engine (GEE), from a Region-of-Interest (ROI) provided by a geojson format file.

  • It uses GDAL to create a seamless orthomosaic of the image tiles, then chops up that or- thomosaic again into tiles small enough for model application. We make the tiles with 50% overlap in each direction, so we are able to create pixelwise averages of model outputs.

  • It downloads a specified Zoo model for semantic segmentation of this imagery, from a public archive on Zenodo. The model architecture is provided via HuggingFace, and has been trained using the Segmentation Gym toolbox.

  • It then uses this model to identify sand pixels in tiled imagery.

  • It uses GDAL to orthomosaic image labels by mosaicing model outputs.

  • Finally, we carry out time-series analysis on outputs from multiple years using xarray.

Play with the model some more on this demo

✍️ Authors

⬇️ Installation

If you are running this notebook locally, we advise creating a new conda environment to run the program. We recommend miniconda

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone --depth 1

(--depth 1 means "give me only the present code, not the whole history of git commits" - this saves disk space, and time)

  1. Create a conda environment called csdms

Install the conda env:

[OPTIONAL] First you may want to do some conda and pip housekeeping (recommended)

conda update -n base conda
conda clean --all
pip install --upgrade pip

[OPTIONAL] Set mamba to the default installer:

conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba


conda env create --file env.yml

Activate the conda env:

conda activate csdms

  1. Launch the notebook using:

jupyter lab MappingSand_epub.ipynb


Conda is notoriously tricky when it comes to a complex set of dependencies such as here. Installing GDAL and Tensorflow alongside each other with their complex dependencies can easily break things, and it is a constant hassle to come up with conda recipes. You may have to tinker with conda to get it to work on your platform.

"Transformers library did not load"

You probably have to install torch (see here ). Try this:

pip uninstall transformers
pip uninstall doodleverse-utils
pip install torch torchvision 
pip install transformers
pip install doodleverse-utils

Errors when running from transformers import TFSegformerForSemanticSegmentation

pip uninstall h5py
conda install -c conda-forge h5py

It may also sometimes be necessary to make a prefered kernel:

conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name csdms

Then in jupyterlab, select the kernel named csdms to use

Google Eath Engine Credential errors

Install gcloud by installing this:

Then, restart, then install the GEE API and authenticate it (requires a Google login)

conda install -c conda-forge earthengine-api
earthengine authenticate

💭 Feedback and Contributing

Please use github issues! Emails will not be responded to. Thanks!


An EPUB for the 2023 CSDMS meeting







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