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Section Papers Preprint Papers Papers with Open Code Papers with Video

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ImageCaptioner2: Image Captioner for Image Captioning Bias Amplification Assessment ojs.aaai
A Framework for Data-Driven Explainability in Mathematical Optimization ojs.aaai YouVideo
On the Importance of Application-Grounded Experimental Design for Evaluating Explainable ML Methods ojs.aaai YouVideo
Risk-Aware Continuous Control with Neural Contextual Bandits ojs.aaai YouVideo
Robust Uncertainty Quantification Using Conformalised Monte Carlo Prediction ojs.aaai YouVideo
CCTR: Calibrating Trajectory Prediction for Uncertainty-Aware Motion Planning in Autonomous Driving ojs.aaai YouVideo
Rethinking the Development of Large Language Models from the Causal Perspective: A Legal Text Prediction Case Study ojs.aaai
Truth Forest: Toward Multi-Scale Truthfulness in Large Language Models through Intervention without Tuning ojs.aaai
Constrained Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Adaptable Safety Guarantee with Differentiable Convex Programming ojs.aaai YouVideo
Conformal Prediction Regions for Time Series Using Linear Complementarity Programming ojs.aaai YouVideo
TTTS: Tree Test Time Simulation for Enhancing Decision Tree Robustness against Adversarial Examples ojs.aaai YouVideo
Find the Lady: Permutation and Re-synchronization of Deep Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Stability Analysis of Switched Linear Systems with Neural Lyapunov Functions ojs.aaai YouVideo
Robustness Verification of Multi-Class Tree Ensembles ojs.aaai YouVideo
P2BPO: Permeable Penalty Barrier-Based Policy Optimization for Safe RL ojs.aaai YouVideo
Trade-Offs in Fine-Tuned Diffusion Models between Accuracy and Interpretability ojs.aaai YouVideo
From Hope to Safety: Unlearning Biases of Deep Models via Gradient Penalization in Latent Space ojs.aaai YouVideo
Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
A Simple and Yet Fairly Effective Defense for Graph Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Invisible Backdoor Attack against 3D Point Cloud Classifier in Graph Spectral Domain ojs.aaai YouVideo
CASE: Exploiting Intra-class Compactness and Inter-class Separability of Feature Embeddings for Out-of-Distribution Detection ojs.aaai YouVideo
Solving Non-rectangular Reward-Robust MDPs via Frequency Regularization ojs.aaai YouVideo
Balance Reward and Safety Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning: A Perspective of Gradient Manipulation ojs.aaai YouVideo
π-Light: Programmatic Interpretable Reinforcement Learning for Resource-Limited Traffic Signal Control ojs.aaai YouVideo
Generative Model for Decision Trees ojs.aaai YouVideo
Omega-Regular Decision Processes ojs.aaai YouVideo
Provable Robustness against a Union of L_0 Adversarial Attacks ojs.aaai YouVideo
All but One: Surgical Concept Erasing with Model Preservation in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Towards Efficient Verification of Quantized Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
On the Concept Trustworthiness in Concept Bottleneck Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Personalization as a Shortcut for Few-Shot Backdoor Attack against Text-to-Image Diffusion Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Stronger and Transferable Node Injection Attacks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Learning Fair Policies for Multi-Stage Selection Problems from Observational Data ojs.aaai YouVideo
NeRFail: Neural Radiance Fields-Based Multiview Adversarial Attack ojs.aaai YouVideo
Analysis of Differentially Private Synthetic Data: A Measurement Error Approach ojs.aaai YouVideo
Chasing Fairness in Graphs: A GNN Architecture Perspective ojs.aaai YouVideo
Assume-Guarantee Reinforcement Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
DeepBern-Nets: Taming the Complexity of Certifying Neural Networks Using Bernstein Polynomial Activations and Precise Bound Propagation ojs.aaai YouVideo
Layer Attack Unlearning: Fast and Accurate Machine Unlearning via Layer Level Attack and Knowledge Distillation ojs.aaai YouVideo
Quilt: Robust Data Segment Selection against Concept Drifts ojs.aaai YouVideo
OUTFOX: LLM-Generated Essay Detection Through In-Context Learning with Adversarially Generated Examples ojs.aaai YouVideo
Accelerating Adversarially Robust Model Selection for Deep Neural Networks via Racing ojs.aaai YouVideo
Robust Active Measuring under Model Uncertainty ojs.aaai YouVideo
Towards Large Certified Radius in Randomized Smoothing Using Quasiconcave Optimization ojs.aaai YouVideo
Contrastive Credibility Propagation for Reliable Semi-supervised Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
Exponent Relaxation of Polynomial Zonotopes and Its Applications in Formal Neural Network Verification ojs.aaai YouVideo
I Prefer Not to Say: Protecting User Consent in Models with Optional Personal Data ojs.aaai YouVideo
Promoting Counterfactual Robustness through Diversity ojs.aaai YouVideo
Revisiting the Information Capacity of Neural Network Watermarks: Upper Bound Estimation and Beyond ojs.aaai YouVideo
PointCVaR: Risk-Optimized Outlier Removal for Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification ojs.aaai YouVideo
Game-Theoretic Unlearnable Example Generator ojs.aaai YouVideo
Beyond Traditional Threats: A Persistent Backdoor Attack on Federated Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
Handling Long and Richly Constrained Tasks through Constrained Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning ojs.aaai
Combining Graph Transformers Based Multi-Label Active Learning and Informative Data Augmentation for Chest Xray Classification ojs.aaai YouVideo
Enumerating Safe Regions in Deep Neural Networks with Provable Probabilistic Guarantees ojs.aaai YouVideo
Divide-and-Aggregate Learning for Evaluating Performance on Unlabeled Data ojs.aaai YouVideo
SentinelLMs: Encrypted Input Adaptation and Fine-Tuning of Language Models for Private and Secure Inference ojs.aaai YouVideo
Safeguarded Progress in Reinforcement Learning: Safe Bayesian Exploration for Control Policy Synthesis ojs.aaai YouVideo
Feature Unlearning for Pre-trained GANs and VAEs ojs.aaai YouVideo
Reward Certification for Policy Smoothed Reinforcement Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
EncryIP: A Practical Encryption-Based Framework for Model Intellectual Property Protection ojs.aaai YouVideo
Neural Closure Certificates ojs.aaai
SocialStigmaQA: A Benchmark to Uncover Stigma Amplification in Generative Language Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
MaxEnt Loss: Constrained Maximum Entropy for Calibration under Out-of-Distribution Shift ojs.aaai YouVideo
ORES: Open-Vocabulary Responsible Visual Synthesis ojs.aaai YouVideo
Q-SENN: Quantized Self-Explaining Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Understanding Likelihood of Normalizing Flow and Image Complexity through the Lens of Out-of-Distribution Detection ojs.aaai YouVideo
Adversarial Initialization with Universal Adversarial Perturbation: A New Approach to Fast Adversarial Training ojs.aaai YouVideo
A PAC Learning Algorithm for LTL and Omega-Regular Objectives in MDPs ojs.aaai YouVideo
Robust Stochastic Graph Generator for Counterfactual Explanations ojs.aaai YouVideo
Visual Adversarial Examples Jailbreak Aligned Large Language Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Dissenting Explanations: Leveraging Disagreement to Reduce Model Overreliance ojs.aaai YouVideo
I-CEE: Tailoring Explanations of Image Classification Models to User Expertise ojs.aaai YouVideo
A Simple and Practical Method for Reducing the Disparate Impact of Differential Privacy ojs.aaai YouVideo
Interpretability Benchmark for Evaluating Spatial Misalignment of Prototypical Parts Explanations ojs.aaai YouVideo
Human-Guided Moral Decision Making in Text-Based Games ojs.aaai YouVideo
Towards Fairer Centroids in K-means Clustering ojs.aaai YouVideo
Toward Robustness in Multi-Label Classification: A Data Augmentation Strategy against Imbalance and Noise ojs.aaai YouVideo
Bidirectional Contrastive Split Learning for Visual Question Answering ojs.aaai YouVideo
Quantile-Based Maximum Likelihood Training for Outlier Detection ojs.aaai YouVideo
Sparsity-Guided Holistic Explanation for LLMs with Interpretable Inference-Time Intervention ojs.aaai
Toward More Generalized Malicious URL Detection Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Self-Supervised Likelihood Estimation with Energy Guidance for Anomaly Segmentation in Urban Scenes ojs.aaai YouVideo
Pure-Past Action Masking ojs.aaai YouVideo
Long-Term Safe Reinforcement Learning with Binary Feedback ojs.aaai YouVideo
Identifying Reasons for Bias: An Argumentation-Based Approach ojs.aaai YouVideo
Would You Like Your Data to Be Trained? A User Controllable Recommendation Framework ojs.aaai YouVideo
Moderate Message Passing Improves Calibration: A Universal Way to Mitigate Confidence Bias in Graph Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Generating Diagnostic and Actionable Explanations for Fair Graph Neural Networks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Physics-Informed Representation and Learning: Control and Risk Quantification ojs.aaai YouVideo
Safe Reinforcement Learning with Instantaneous Constraints: The Role of Aggressive Exploration ojs.aaai
Concealing Sensitive Samples against Gradient Leakage in Federated Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
The Evidence Contraction Issue in Deep Evidential Regression: Discussion and Solution ojs.aaai YouVideo
Byzantine-Robust Decentralized Learning via Remove-then-Clip Aggregation ojs.aaai
Hypothesis Testing for Class-Conditional Noise Using Local Maximum Likelihood ojs.aaai YouVideo
Providing Fair Recourse over Plausible Groups ojs.aaai YouVideo
Representation-Based Robustness in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
Enhancing Off-Policy Constrained Reinforcement Learning through Adaptive Ensemble C Estimation ojs.aaai YouVideo
Efficient Toxic Content Detection by Bootstrapping and Distilling Large Language Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
LR-XFL: Logical Reasoning-Based Explainable Federated Learning ojs.aaai
GaLileo: General Linear Relaxation Framework for Tightening Robustness Certification of Transformers ojs.aaai
A Huber Loss Minimization Approach to Byzantine Robust Federated Learning ojs.aaai YouVideo
Responsible Bandit Learning via Privacy-Protected Mean-Volatility Utility ojs.aaai YouVideo
UMA: Facilitating Backdoor Scanning via Unlearning-Based Model Ablation ojs.aaai YouVideo
AdvST: Revisiting Data Augmentations for Single Domain Generalization ojs.aaai YouVideo
Can LLM Replace Stack Overflow? A Study on Robustness and Reliability of Large Language Model Code Generation ojs.aaai YouVideo
DataElixir: Purifying Poisoned Dataset to Mitigate Backdoor Attacks via Diffusion Models ojs.aaai YouVideo
Closing the Gap: Achieving Better Accuracy-Robustness Tradeoffs against Query-Based Attacks ojs.aaai YouVideo
Coevolutionary Algorithm for Building Robust Decision Trees under Minimax Regret ojs.aaai YouVideo