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This is a Python repository for my Markov Test Generation Project

This project implements a Markov chain-based text generation function, finish_sentence(), in Python, trained on Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility."

finish_sentence(sentence, n, corpus, randomize=False)

This function employs n-grams to predict the next word in a given sentence, mimicking the author's style. It takes four arguments:

  • sentence (list): The partial sentence to be completed.
  • n (int): The n-gram length used for prediction (e.g., 2 for bigrams, 3 for trigrams).
  • corpus (list): The tokenized source text ("Sense and Sensibility").
  • randomize (bool): Flag to deterministically choose the most probable next word (False) or randomly sample from the n-gram probability distribution (True).

The function iterates through the following steps:

  1. Extract the n-gram context: From the current sentence, extract the last n-1 words as the context.
  2. Predict next word:
    • Deterministic (False): Identify the word with the highest probability following the given context in the n-gram model.
    • Random (True): Sample a word from the n-gram probability distribution for the given context.
  3. Append and check termination: Add the predicted word to the sentence. Stop if a punctuation mark (. ? !) is encountered or the sentence reaches 10 tokens. Otherwise, repeat steps 1-3.

This implementation utilizes stupid backoff: if an exact n-gram is not found in the corpus, the model falls back to lower-order n-grams (bigrams if trigrams fail, unigrams if bigrams fail). Additionally, no smoothing is applied to avoid introducing artificial probabilities.

Overall, this project showcases a Markov chain text generation algorithm with n-gram prediction, offering control over randomization and n-gram order. It provides a fun and technical tool for exploring Jane Austen's writing style and experimenting with text generation in Python.

Sample Input: 'She was not'

Sample Output: 'She was not in the world.'

Files in this repository include:

1. Readme

The file is a markdown file that contains basic information about the repository, what files it contains, and how to consume them

2. Requirements

The requirements.txt file has a list of packages to be installed for any required project. Currently, my requirements file contains some basic python packages.

3. Codes

This folder contains all the code files used in this repository - the files named "Test_" will be used for testing and the remaining will define certain functions

4. Resources

This folder contains any other files relevant to this project. Currently, I have added -

  • MTG.ipynb - this file has the function
  • - this file generates test cases for the above function

5. CI/CD Automation Files

5(a). Makefile

The Makefile contains instructions for installing packages (specified in requirements.txt), formatting the code (using black formatting), testing the code (running all the sample python code files starting with the term 'Check...' ), and linting the code using pylint

5(b). Github Actions

Github Actions uses the main.yml file to call the functions defined in the Makefile based on triggers such as push or pull. Currently, every time a change is pushed onto the repository, it runs the install packages, formatting the code, linting the code, and then testing the code functions

5(c). Devcontainer

The .devcontainer folder mainly contains two files - * Dockerfile defines the environment variables - essentially it ensures that all collaborators using the repository are working on the same environment to avoid conflicts and version mismatch issues * devcontainer.json is a json file that specifies the environment variables including the installed extensions in the virtual environment


Sentence Completion Model - Markov Text Generation using Python







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