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Copyright © ⇢ Diana Christine Griffith

For the purposes of this copyright and license, “author(s)” shall be defined as the following set of individuals:

  • Diana Christine Griffith
  • Benjamin Forbes Griffith
  • anyone else who may author (whether in whole or in part) at least one “guest” or collaborative page or virtual art gallery display or written “post” (or who may provide any significant original open source code contributions to this repository) which B.F. Griffith or Diana (at their sole discretion) may approve for merging onto the main branch of this repository (and thus consent to publish indefinitely&deploy to any part of the GitHub Pages website)
  • Any contributing authors may choose which contact info or social links they may wish to share along with their contributions. Any update requests to these or removal requests for any associated hyperlinks due to any problems with them must be made to the webmasters of this site in writing, at which point every effort will be made to correct the issue in a reasonably timely manner…
  • Nevertheless, content submitted to the webmasters of this site along with written permission to publish that content or content submitted to this website as a pull request does constitute legal consent to publish that material as duly attributed guest content on the GitHub Pages website for a perpetual and irrevocable duration, unless a specific limited duration is designated in writing. However, the author(s) of any guest content or art published on the GitHub Pages website retain and reserve all rights to ownership or publications elsewhere of that content or art.
  • Furthermore, out of esteem for the reserved rights of any guest authors or artists who may choose to publish content on the GitHub Pages website, the webmasters of this site will respectfully consider any removal requests regarding those authors’ content, but shall be under no legal obligation to complete such requests in any specific timeframe once that content has been submitted and published (on the GitHub Pages website only) with the aforementioned perpetual and irrevocable permission of the author(s), either in writing or by pull-request.

This repository’s functional&stylistic open source Astro.js, HTML markup structure, and customized CSS styling code is provided “as-is” — without any express or implied warranty or guarantee of fitness for any purpose. In no event will its author(s) be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages which may arise from any use of this repository or its source-code, regardless of whether or not anyone is advised of the possibility of any such damage(s) whatsoever.

Permission is hereby granted to anyone to use, copy, modify, and distribute any functional or stylistic (rather than substantive content) portions of this repository’s source-code for any non-commercial/nonprofit applications or purposes whatsoever, as well as to alter it or redistribute it freely, without fee, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The authorship of any original (non dependency library subject to its own terms) unique or distinctive substantive written or artistic content (non-code) portions of this repository’s source-code must not be misrepresented; no person or persons other than the author(s) may falsely claim that they wrote or created any customized or bespoke portions of this repository’s written or artistic contents without citing proper attribution. If anyone other than the author(s) do clone&repurpose any significant portions of this open-source repository’s code for any non-commercial use, such as to use it as an exemplary “template” to construct a similar GitHub pages portfolio website by replacing its substantive content with their own, a written acknowledgement or citation link somewhere in that application’s documentation would be appreciated as a gracious gesture of artisanal etiquette.
  2. Altered source customized versions or repurposed “forks” of this repository’s source-code must be plainly marked as such — and they must not, under any circumstances, ever be misrepresented as if they were “original” copies or pristine clones of this repository. They also must never be deployed or hosted anywhere on the Internet in any way that includes any original creative writing or artistic images published on the GitHub Pages website without express written permission from Diana Christine Griffith!
  3. Any significant or substantively unique original or customized portions of this repository and its software (beyond its baseline open-source code dependency libraries available under their own licenses) may not ever be used for any commercial or for-profit use(s) or sold as part of any product or service without express written permission from Diana Christine Griffith. This especially includes the substantively displayed unique semantic wording or imagery of the textual, graphical, or artistic contents of files in this repository published on the GitHub Pages website.
  4. This notice may not be removed from or altered within any source distribution or offline backup of portions of this website or its repository (beyond its baseline open-source code dependency libraries subject to their own terms) without express written permission from Diana Christine Griffith.
  5. Under the authority of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, the rights of the author(s) of any substantive (non-code) documents or written or artistic content of this repository’s portfolio website and its published static pages to be identified as having authored that Work have been asserted whenever the contents of these files are published into this public GitHub repository, in accordance with the federal Copyright Act.© These “substantive” or semantic written or visually artistic contents (rather than functional or stylistic “code”) are NOT legally transferable; all ownership rights thereto are reserved by the author(s), particularly Diana Christine Griffith. Ergo, no substantive visible written or artistic content portions of these publications may be used or reproduced in any unauthorized manner without prior written permission from the author(s), except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, scholarly citations, select portions already designated as reference documents freely available in the creative commons, or certain other limited noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Any plagiarized reproduction or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted (non-code) written or artistic work published on this website is illegal; no substantive part of the displayed written or artistic contents of this website that constitute original works may be scanned, uploaded, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system outside of this repository (via the Internet or any other means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, print, etc.) without explicit written permission from the author(s) for any permanently stored reproductions beyond the limited scope of private unpublished research for intended submissions of prospective contributions to this repository as a duly credited guest author or personal offline backup cloning of its contents onto your local devices to facilitate offline access for strictly noncommercial purposes.
  6. Nevertheless, forks or clones of this repository are permitted&welcome, with any pull-request approval+merging into its “main” branch immediately conferring the rights&privileges as well as perpetual&irrevocable limited publication consent of “author” status detailed herein vis-à-vis the particular contents of any specific unique substantive contributions, posts, pages, artworks, or other assets in question — but with Diana Christine Griffith perpetually&irrevocably maintaining the overall Copyright © for this repository as well as the right to continuously publish on GitHub pages the substantive website contents it generates per the terms of this license, including any contributions by other authors submitted to this repository as pull-requests, approved, and merged.