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337 lines (185 loc) · 13.8 KB


GPGME -- Raku bindings for Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) Made Easy


put GPGME.version;
put GPGME.dirinfo('gpg-name');

my $gpg =;


my $result = $gpg.result;            # Retrieve result from last operation.



  • method version(--> Str:D)

  • dirinfo(Str $what--> Str)

  • multi method engine-check-version(Str:D $protocol --> Bool:D)

  • multi method engine-check-version(GPGME::Protocol:D $protocol --> Bool:D)

Check to see if an engine is valid, the executable exists and has a late enough version to function with GPGME.

  • method set-locale(Str:D $locale = "" --> Nil)

Set the locale, either a default, or for a specific context.

  • method engine-info($protocol?, Str :$filename, Str :$homedir--> GPGME::EngineInfo)

Can be called either for global defaults, or a specific context, either retrieve the engine information, or set filename or homedir for an engine.


put GPGME.engine-info;
put GPGME.engine-info('openpgp');
put GPGME.engine-info('openpgp').version;
GPGME.engine-info('opengpg', :homedir</tmp/home>);

See GPGME::EngineInfo for more information.

  • method new(:$protocol, Str :$filename, Str :$homedir, Bool :$armor, Bool :$textmode, Bool :$offline, :$signers, :$passphrase, :&status-callback, :&progress-callback, :$pin-entry-mode, :$keylist-mode)

Creates a new GPGME Context, and optionally applies various settings to the context. See other methods to see various settings.

  • method result(GPGME:D:)

Retrieve the result object from the last operation.

  • method genkey-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::GenKeyResult)

  • method import-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::ImportResult)

  • method sign-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::SignResult)

  • method encrypt-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::EncryptResult)

  • method decrypt-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::DecryptResult)

  • method verify-result(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::VerifyResult)

Each of the *-result methods retrieve a specific type of result. These are only valid immediately following the appropriate operation, and all results must be used or copied prior to the next operation, when the results are no longer available.

  • method log(GPGME:D: :$log, Bool :$html --> GPGME::Data)

log can be anything GPGME::Data can write to: a filename, an IO::Path or an IO::Handle. By default, it just writes to a memory buffer and returns it.

put $gpg.log;

See Additional Logs for more information.

  • multi method protocol(GPGME:D: --> Str:D)

  • multi method protocol(GPGME:D: Str:D $protocol --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method protocol(GPGME:D: GPGME::Protocol:D $protocol --> GPGME:D)

Set or retrieve the protocol.

  • multi method sender(GPGME:D: --> Str)

  • multi method sender(GPGME:D: Str $address --> GPGME:D)

Set or retrieve the sender's address.

Some engines can make use of the sender’s address, for example to figure out the best user id in certain trust models. For verification and signing of mails, it is thus suggested to let the engine know the sender ("From:") address.

address is expected to be the “addr-spec” part of an address but my also be a complete mailbox address, in which case this function extracts the “addr-spec” from it. Using Str for address clears the sender address.

  • multi method armor(GPGME:D: Bool:D $armor --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method armor(GPGME:D: --> Bool:D)

Set or retrieve the ASCII armor setting.

  • multi method textmode(GPGME:D: Bool:D $textmode --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method textmode(GPGME:D: --> Bool:D)

Set or retrieve the setting for canonical text mode.

  • multi method offline(GPGME:D: Bool:D $offline --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method offline(GPGME:D: --> Bool:D)

Set or retrieve the setting for offline mode. The details of the offline mode depend on the used protocol and its backend engine. It may eventually be extended to be more stricter and for example completely disable the use of Dirmngr for any engine.

  • multi method pin-entry-mode(GPGME:D: Str:D $mode --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method pin-entry-mode(GPGME:D: GPGME::PinentryMode:D $mode --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method pin-entry-mode(GPGME:D: --> GPGME::PinentryMode:D)

Set or retrieve the setting for the pin entry mode.

Possible values are default, ask, cancel, error, or loopback.

  • multi method keylist-mode(GPGME:D: *@modes, Bool :$clear--> GPGME:D)

  • multi method keylist-mode(GPGME:D: --> BitEnum)

Set or retrieve settings for the key listing behaviour.

This can be set to multiple values, and returns a BitEnum object that stringifies to a summary of the settings, or can check for specific settings.

put $gpg.keylist-mode;
put 'secret is set' if $gpg.keylist-mode.isset('with_secret');
my $mode = $gpg.keylist-mode;

Possible values are local, extern, sigs, sig_notations, with_secret, with_tofu, ephemeral, validate.

See Key Listing Mode for more information.

  • multi method passphrase(GPGME:D: Str:D $passphrase)

  • multi method passphrase(GPGME:D: &sub --> GPGME:D)

Configures either a static string passphrase or a callback routine called with three named parameters, (Str :$uid-hint, Str :$passphrase-info, Str :$prev-was-bad).

It should return a Str with the passphrase, or type object to cancel the operation.

If not set, the user may be asked for a passphrase.

  • method status-callback(GPGME:D: &sub:(Str, Str) --> GPGME:D)

Configure a status message callback routine. It will be called with the signature (Str $keyword, Str $args)

  • method progress-callback(GPGME:D: &sub:(Str,Int,Int,Int) --> GPGME:D)

Configure a progress callback routine. It will be called with the signature (Str $what, Int $type, Int $current, Int $total).

  • method create-key(GPGME:D: Str:D $userid, Str:D :$algorithm = 'default', :$expires = 0, Bool :$sign, Bool :$encr, Bool :$cert, Bool :$auth, Bool :$nopasswd, Bool :$force, Bool :$noexpire)

Creates a pubic key pair.

$expires can be Int seconds, or a Duration.

See Generating Keys for more information.

  • method create-subkey(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, Str:D :$algorithm = 'default', :$expires = 0, Bool :$sign, Bool :$encr, Bool :$cert, Bool :$auth, Bool :$nopasswd, Bool :$force, Bool :$noexpire --> GPGME::GenKeyResult)

Adds a new subkey to a primary OpenPGP key.

  • method adduid(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, Str:D $userid --> Nil)

Add a new user ID to an OpenPGP key.

  • method revuid(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, Str:D $userid --> Nil)

Revoke a user ID from an OpenPGP key.

  • method set-uid-flag(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, Str:D $userid, Str:D $name = 'primary', Str $value? --> Nil)

Sets flags on a user ID from an OpenPGP Key.

a name of 'primary' (the default) sets the primary key flag on the given user ID, clearing the flag on other user IDs.

  • multi method genkey(GPGME:D: Str:D $parms --> GPGME::GenKeyResult)

  • multi method genkey(GPGME:D: Str:D :$Key-Type = 'default', *%opts)

An alternate method of generating a key pair.

You can eitehr specifiy a single string argument with a set of parameters, or a selection of named parameters.

Some examples:

Key-Type: default
Subkey-Type: default
Name-Real: Joe Tester
Name-Comment: with stupid passphrase
Expire-Date: 0
Passphrase: abc

Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 1024
Name-DN: C=de,O=g10 code,OU=Testlab,CN=Joe 2 Tester

$gpg.genkey(:Subkey-Type<default>, :Name-Email<>, :Passphrase<abc);

See GPG Key Generation and CSR and Certificate Creation for more details on the parameters.

  • method get-key(GPGME:D: Str:D $fpr, Bool :$secret --> GPGME::Key)

Look up and retrieve a key by fingerprint or key ID.

Set :secret to retrieve the secret key. The currently active keylist mode is used to retrieve the key.

  • method keylist(GPGME:D: *@pattern, Bool :$secret --> Seq)

Lists keys matching any of the specified patterns (or all keys if no patterns).

Until the Seq is fully retrieved, the context will be busy and should not be used for other actions. Either retrieve the whole list first, or use another context.

  • multi method signers(GPGME:D: *@keys, Bool :$clear --> GPGME:D)

  • multi method signers(GPGME:D: --> List)

Set or retrieve a list of key signers to be used for signing actions.

Use :clear to clear the list.

  • method notation(GPGME:D: Bool :$clear, *%notations)

Set or retrieve signature notations.

  • method keysign(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, *@userid, :$expires = 0, Bool :$local, Bool :$noexpire --> GPGME:D)

Specifying no user IDs will sign with all valid user IDs.

expires can be an posix time int or a DateTime

See Signing Keys for more information.

  • method export(GPGME:D: *@patterns, :$out =; Bool :$extern, Bool :$minimal, Bool :$secret, Bool :$raw, Bool :$pkcs12 --> GPGME::Data)

$out can be anything a GPGME::Data can write to -- a Str with a filename, an IO::Path of a file to write to, a IO::Handle. The GPGME::Data object is returned regardless.

See Exporting Keys for more information.

Some examples:

put $gpg.export('');                # Stringify and print out
$gpg.export('', :out<outputfile>);  # Export to filename
$gpg.export('', out => $*OUT);      # Send to a file handle
  • method import(GPGME:D: $keydata --> GPGME::ImportResult)

$keydata can be anything that can be used for a GPGME::Data object: a Str, an IO::Path of a file with the keys, or a IO::Handle of a file with the data.

See Importing Keys for more information

Returns a GPGME::ImportResult

  • multi method delete-key(GPGME:D: Str:D $fpr, |opts)

  • multi method delete-key(GPGME:D: GPGME::Key:D $key, Bool :$secret, Bool :$force --> Nil)

Deletes a key.

See Deleting Keys for more information

  • method sign(GPGME:D: $plain, $sig?, Bool :$detach, Bool :$clear)

Creates a signature for the text in the data object $plain.

$plain can be anything that can be used for a GPGME::Data object: a Buf or Str with the actual data, an IO::Path of a file with the plaintext, or a IO::Handle of a file with the data.

Similarly, if specified, $sig can also be a GPGME::Data writable object: a Str filename, an IO::Path filename, or a IO::Handle to write the signature to.

The signed data is returned in a GPGME::Data object.

Some examples:

my $sig = $gpg.sign('some plain text');
put $sig;                                     # Stringify

$gpg.sign('inputfile'.IO, 'outputfile'.IO);   # Use filenames
$gpg.sign($*IN, $*OUT);                       # Sign STDIN, write to STDOUT

A GPGME::SignResult is stored in the context and can be queried.

  • method verify(GPGME:D: $sig, $signed?, $plain?)

Verify a signature in a GPGME::Data object. Can optionally specify GPGME::Data objects in $signed and $ as well.

If the signature is detached, specify the $signed data.

$sig and $signed can be anything that a GPGME::Data object can read from: A Buf or Str with the data, or a IO::Path or IO::Handle with the data.

$plain will get the returned plain text from the signature. It can be a or an IO::Path with a filename, or an IO::Handle. By default, a memory buffer is used and returned in a GPGME::Data object which can be stringified or read from.

A GPGME::VerifyReuslt is stored in the context and can be queried.

See Verify for more information.

  • method encrypt(GPGME:D: $plain, *@keys, :$out, Bool :$always-trust, Bool :$no-encrypt-to, Bool :$prepare, Bool :$expect-sign, Bool :$no-compress, Bool :$symmetric, Bool :$throw-keyids, Bool :$wrap --> GPGME::Data)

$plain can be anything that a GPGME::Data object can read from: A Buf or Str with the data, or a IO::Path or IO::Handle with the data.

$out can be a or an IO::Path with a filename, or an IO::Handle. By default, a memory buffer is used and returned in a GPGME::Data object which can be stringified or read from.

A GPGME::EncryptResult is stored in the context and can be queried.

See Encrypt for more information.

  • method decrypt(GPGME:D: $cipher, :$out, Bool :$verify, Bool :$unwrap, --> GPGME::Data)

$cipher can be anything that a GPGME::Data object can read from: A Buf or Str with the data, or a IO::Path or IO::Handle with the data.

$out can be a or an IO::Path with a filename, or an IO::Handle. By default, a memory buffer is used and returned in a GPGME::Data object which can be stringified or read from.

A GPGME::DecryptResult is stored in the context and can be queried.

See Decrypt for more information.