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353 lines (261 loc) · 7.55 KB

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353 lines (261 loc) · 7.55 KB

title: Clean Code Fundamentals subtitle: Form ...



::: columns

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Chapter Time
Overview 00:00:51
Sol's Pyre 00:03:57
Comments 00:11:12
Coding Standards 00:11:32
Comments should be Rare 00:13:00
Comments are Failures 00:15:23
Comments are Lies 00:18:28
Good Comments 00:20:08
Bad Comments 00:22:53
Explanatory Structures 00:31:00


:::: column

Chapter Time
Formatting 00:33:23
File Size 00:34:23
Vertical Formatting 00:37:35
Horizontal Formatting 00:41:01
Indentation 00:43:28
Classes 00:45:53
Data Structures 00:53:33
Boundaries 00:59:46
The Impedance Mismatch 01:03:52
Conclusion 01:09:20




Activity Time
Warmup 5 min
Exercise 1 20 min
Exercise 2 20 min
Exercise 3 20 min
Wrap up 5 min


  • What are your formatting preferences? (e.g. tabs vs spaces, 2 spaces vs 4 spaces, snake_case vs camelCase, etc.)
    • Type in the meeting chat

Exercise 1

  • Prompt
    • Compare classes and data structures
  • Time limit: 10 minutes

Possible answer

  • Classes
    • Cohesive data and functions that operate on that data
    • Private data, public functions
    • Tell, don't ask
    • Polymorphism
    • Protects from new types, exposes to new methods
  • Data Structures
    • Cohesive data, simple functions like getters and setters
    • Public data
    • Ask, don't tell
    • Switch statements
    • Protects from new methods, exposes to new types

Exercise 2

  • Code-review practice (part 1)
  • Use the worksheet
  • Go through scenarios 1-3
  • Suggest code improvements, and explain why
    • Use the worksheet to record your suggestions
    • Use active voice (e.g. "introduce parameter object" instead of "parameter object should be introduced")
  • Time limit: 15 minutes
  • Scenarios adopted from Eder Diaz blog

Scenario 1

def can_buy_beer(age, money):
    if age >= 21 and money >= 20:
        return True

    return False

Scenario 1 solution

  • Introduce constants to clarify the magic numbers
  • Collapse if-statement when evaluating boolean expressions

def can_buy_beer(age, money):
    return age >= LEGAL_DRINKING_AGE and money >= BEER_PRICE

Scenario 2

def should_show_image(item_index, article, show_all_images):
    return (
        if item_index in (0, 1, 2)
        else bool(article.image_url)
        if show_all_images
        else False

Ternary operators note:

  • C++: condition ? a : b
  • Python: a if condition else b

Scenario 2 solution

  • Use explanatory variables to clarify sub-expressions
  • Remove code duplication
def should_show_image(item_index, article, show_all_images):
    is_first_three_items = item_index in (0, 1, 2)
    has_image = article.image_url is not None

    return (is_first_three_items or show_all_images) and has_image

Scenario 3

import math

def get_area(shape, width, height, radius):
    if shape == "circle":
        return math.pi * radius * radius
    elif shape == "square":
        return width * width
    elif shape == "rectangle":
        return width * height

Scenario 3 solution

  • Introduce polymorphism to protect from new shapes
  • Replace shape names with classes to make it less error-prone
import abc
import math

class Shape(abc.ABC):
    def get_area(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def get_area(self):
        return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius

Exercise 3

  • Code-review practice (part 2)
  • Use the worksheet
  • Go through scenarios 4-6
  • Suggest code improvements, and explain why
    • Use the worksheet to record your suggestions
    • Use active voice (e.g. "introduce parameter object" instead of "parameter object should be introduced")
  • Time limit: 15 minutes

Scenario 4

chemical_symbols = {
    "Sodium": "Na",
    "Hydrogen": "H",
    "Helium": "He",
    "Oxygen": "O",

def get_symbol(name):
    symbol = chemical_symbols.get(name)
    if symbol:
        return symbol

    print("symbol not found")
    return "not found"

Scenario 4 solution

  • Introduce error handling
  • Use PEP8 naming conventions
class SymbolNotFoundError(Exception):

    "Sodium": "Na",
    "Hydrogen": "H",
    "Helium": "He",
    "Oxygen": "O",

def get_symbol(name):
        return CHEMICAL_SYMBOLS[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise SymbolNotFoundError("symbol not found")

Scenario 5

def get_display_image(article, watermark=None):
    image = None

    if article["image"] and article["displayImage"]:
        if watermark:
            image = apply_watermark(article["image"], watermark)
            image = article["image"]

    return image

Scenario 5 solution 1

  • Use early return to separate main logic from corner cases
  • Use separate function for watermark=None argument
def has_image_and_display_image(article):
    return article["image"] and article["displayImage"]

def get_display_image_with_watermark(article, watermark):
    if not has_image_and_display_image(article):
        return None
    return apply_watermark(article["image"], watermark)

def get_display_image(article):
    if not has_image_and_display_image(article):
        return None
    return article["image"]

Scenario 5 solution 2

  • Introduce a class
class Article:
    def __init__(self, image, display_image):
        self.image = image
        self.display_image = display_image

    def has_image_to_display(self):
        return self.image and self.display_image

    def get_display_image(self):
        if not self.has_image_to_display():
            return None
        return self.image

    def get_display_image_with_watermark(self, watermark):
        if not self.has_image_to_display():
            return None
        return apply_watermark(self.image, watermark)

Scenario 6

# The code checks if auth is enabled, if it's enforced,
# and if user already registered (has email field).
if (
    type(AUTH_ENABLED) == str and
    AUTH_ENABLED == "true" and  # enabled!
    not skip_authentication and  # enforced!!  # already registered!!!
    print(f"Welcome back, {}")

Scenario 6 solution

  • Replace comments with explanatory variables
is_auth_enabled = AUTH_ENABLED == "true"
is_auth_enforced = is_auth_enabled and not skip_authentication
is_registered_user = is not None

if is_auth_enforced and is_registered_user:
    print(f"Welcome back, {}")


  • Comments
  • Formatting
  • Classes vs data structures
  • Abstraction boundaries

What is next?

  • Expect an e-mail with instructions for upcoming coding dojo

Final words

Always leave the code better than you found it.

-- The Software Craftsmanship Rule