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gunslinger API documentation

This file aims to thoroughly document the gunslinger code-base and API.

Data structures

Ammo Definition Table

  • itemdef [table]: Item definition table passed to minetest.register_item.
    • Note that on_use, on_place, and on_secondary_use will be overridden by gunslinger.

Gun Definition Table (GDT)

  • itemdef [table]: Item definition table passed to minetest.register_item.

    • Note that on_use, on_place, and on_secondary_use will be overridden by gunslinger.
  • type [string]: Type to inherit initial weapon properties from.

  • clip_size [number]: Number of rounds per-clip.

  • fire_rate [number]: Number of rounds per-second.

  • range [number]: Range of fire in number of nodes.

  • mode [string]: Firing mode.

    • "manual": One round per-click, but requires manual loading for every round; aka bolt-action rifles.
    • "semi-automatic": One round per-click. e.g. a typical 9mm pistol.
    • "burst": Multiple rounds per-click. Can be set by defining burst field. Defaults to 3. e.g. M16A4
    • "automatic": Fully automatic; shoots as long as primary button is held down. e.g. AKM, M416.
    • "hybrid": Same as "automatic", but switches to "burst" mode when scope view is toggled.
  • ammo [string]: Name of valid registered ammo to be associated with the weapon. Defaults to gunslinger:ammo.

  • dmg_mult [number]: Damage multiplier. Multiplied with base_dmg to obtain initial/rated damage value. Defaults to 1.

  • spread_mult [number]: Spread multiplier. Multiplied with base_spread to obtain spread threshold for projectile. Defaults to 0.

  • recoil_mult [number]: Recoil multiplier. Multiplied with base_recoil to obtain final recoil per-round. Defaults to 0.

  • reload_time [number]: Reload time in seconds. Defaults to 3 to match default reload sound.

  • pellets [number]: Number of pellets per-round. Used for firing multiple pellets shotgun-style. Defaults to 1, meaning only one "pellet" is fired each round.

  • textures [table]: Textures for various requirements. projectile [string]: Texture used for projectiles.

    • Note that assymmetric textures aren't supported. A texture modelled after a bullet-like shape won't point in the direction of flight.
  • sounds [table]: Sounds for various events.

    • fire [string]: Sound played on fire. Defaults to gunslinger_fire.ogg.
    • reload [string]: Sound played on reload. Defaults to gunslinger_reload.ogg.
    • ooa [string]: Sound played when the gun is out of ammo and ammo isn't available in the player's inventory. Defaults to gunslinger_ooa.ogg.
    • load [string]: Sound played when the gun is manually loaded. Only used if mode is set to manual.
  • zoom [number]: Zoom multiplier to be applied on player's default FOV.

  • scope [string]: Name of scope overlay texture.

    • Overlay texture would be stretched across the screen, and center of texture will be positioned on top of crosshair.
    • Only required if zoom is defined.
  • scope_scale [table]: Passed to ObjectRef:hud_add for the field scale.

    • Needs to have two numerical values, indexed by x and y.
    • Either of the values can be negative, and would be taken as the percentage of that direction to scale to.
    • Only required if scope is defined.

gunslinger namespace

The gunslinger namespace has the following members:

"Private" members

(Note: It's not recommended to directly access the private members of the gunslinger namespace)

  • __guns [table]: Table of registered guns.
  • __types [table]: Table of registered types.
  • __automatic [table]: Table of players wielding automatic guns.
  • __scopes [table]: Table of HUD IDs of scope overlays.
  • __interval [table]: Table storing time from last fire; used to regulate fire-rate.

gunslinger.register_ammo(name, def)

  • Registers ammo.
  • def [ADT]: Ammo properties. ADTs currently only support the itemdef field, but

gunslinger.register_type(name, def)

  • Registers a type for name.
  • def [GDT]: Type defaults.

gunslinger.register_gun(name, def)

  • Registers a gun with the name name.
  • def [GDT]: Gun properties.


  • Retrieves the [GDT] of the given itemname. Returns nil if no registered gun matches name.


  • Returns the gunslinger's internal config table (read-only). This table contains, among others, configuration settings and default values used by the API internally. e.g debug [bool].
  • TODO: Improve this section.

Misc. helpers

rangelim(min, val, max, default)

  • Convenience function used for validating gun definition fields. Returns a range-limited value if val exists, or returns default.
  • min, max [number]: Allowed minimum and maximum bounds for the value.
  • val [number]: Value to be validated and returned.
  • default [number]: Value to be returned if val is nil.


  • Returns position of player eye in v3f format.

  • Equivalent to

    local pos = player:get_pos()
    pos.y = pos.y + player:get_properties().eye_height
  • player [ObjectRef]: Player whose eye position is to be calculated.

get_pointed_thing(pos, dir, range)

  • Helper function that performs a raycast from player in the direction of player's look dir, and up to the distance defined by range.
  • pos [table]: Initial position of raycast.
  • dir [table]: Direction of raycast.
  • range [number]: Range of raycast from pos in nodes/meters.

play_sound(sound, obj)

  • Helper function to play object-centric sound.
  • sound [SimpleSoundSpec]: Sound to be played.
  • obj [ObjectRef]: ObjectRef which is the origin of the played sound.

Internal API methods

add_auto(name, def, stack)

  • Helper function to add player entry to automatic table.
  • def and stack are cached locally for improved performance.
  • name [string]: Player name.
  • def [GDT]: Wielded gun's GDT.
  • stack [itemstack]: Itemstack of wielded item.


  • Helper function to check for and correct erroneous fields and to add default values for missing fields in a GDT.
  • Returns the sanitized version of def.
  • def [GDT]: GDT to be sanitized.

show_scope(player, scope, zoom)

  • Activates gun scope, handles placement of HUD scope element.
  • player [ObjectRef]: Player used for HUD element creation.
  • scope [string]: Name of scope overlay texture.
  • zoom [number]: FOV that will override player's default FOV.


  • De-activates gun scope, removes HUD element.
  • player [ObjectRef]: Player to remove HUD element from.

on_lclick(stack, player)

  • on_use callback for all registered guns. This is where most of the firing logic happens.
  • Handles gun firing depending on their mode.
  • [reload] is called when the gun's magazine is empty.
  • If mode is "automatic", an entry is added to the automatic table which is parsed by on_step.
  • stack [ItemStack]: ItemStack of wielditem.
  • player [ObjectRef]: ObjectRef of user.

on_rclick(stack, player)

  • on_place/on_secondary_use callback for all registered guns. Toggles scope view.
  • stack [ItemStack]: ItemStack of wielditem.
  • player [ObjectRef]: Right-clicker.

reload(stack, player)

  • Reloads stack if ammo exists and plays def.sounds.reload. Otherwise, just plays def.sounds.ooa.
  • Takes the same arguments as on_lclick.

fire(stack, player)

  • Responsible for firing one single round and dealing damage if target was hit. Updates wear by def.unit_wear.
  • If gun is worn out, reload is called.
  • Takes the same arguments as on_lclick.

burst_fire(stack, player)

  • Helper method to fire in burst mode.
  • Takes the same arguments as on_lclick.

handle_hit_target(shooter, pthing, stack)

  • Processes target hits. Currently only damages the target by config.base_dmg * def.dmg_mult HP.
  • shooter [ObjectRef]: Player firing the projectile that intersected the target.
  • pthing [pointed_thing]: Pointed thing corresponding to the intersected target.
  • stack [ItemStack]: Item used to fire the projectile that intersected the target.


  • Updates player's time from last shot (gunslinger.__interval).
  • Calls fire for all guns in the automatic table if player's LMB is pressed.
  • If LMB is released, the respective entry is removed from the table.
  • dtime [number]: Delta-time (in seconds) passed to all globalsteps.


  • Processes all progressive raycast rounds each server step.
  • If the projectile intersects a target, handle_hit_target is invoked with the appropriate params.
  • If no targets are intersected, the projectile continues on its path.
  • dtime [number]: Delta-time (in seconds) passed to all globalsteps.