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580 lines (423 loc) · 17.2 KB
  • Feature Name: attributes_galore
  • Start Date: 2018-11-25
  • RFC PR:
  • Rust Issue:


Permit attributes to be attached to lifetimes, types, bounds, and constraints as well as associated type equality constraints Foo<#[attr] Assoc = MyType>. For example, in a hypothetical version of proptest one may write:

// #[quickcheck] could also work similarly.
fn addition_commutes(
    // Run this test for (u8, u8), (u16, u16), and (u32, u32);
    // This is interpreted by `#[proptest]`.
    (a, b): #[types(T, u8, u16, u32)] (T, T)
) -> bool {
    a + b == b + a

// Accept x: u8 and vec: Vec<{ y: u8 | y > x }>.
// This is then verified by an external tool.
fn refined(x: u8, vec: Vec<#[require = "> x"] u8>) { ... }


The motivation in this RFC is quite straightforward and boils down to making language more extensible for assorted purposes. Among those are:

  1. In rust compilers themselves. While most of the built-in compiler provided attributes do not make sense when placed on types directly, attributes could be provided in the future that do make sense. For example, one could imagine a special structural record type using the syntax:

    type Thing = #[repr(C)] { foo: u16, bar: u16 };

    This type is ordered according to the C ABI, unlike the variant lacking the attribute. That makes the type usable for FFI purposes in crates such as winapi.

    Other uses of placing attributes on types could be for internal purposes inside the rustc compiler.

  1. For (static analysis) tools. For example, we could imagine an add-on type system providing a stronger variant of #[must_use] amounting to linear types ("must be used exactly once", whereas Rust is seen as affine):

    fn foo(x: #[linear] ImportantType) {
        // ERROR! We didn't use `x` as promised.

    Here, the #[linear] annotation is seen by Rust compilers as a call to a procedural macro. We can provide a simple such macro which does nothing:

    fn linear(x: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { x }

    The logic is instead provided by an external tool which analyses the function foo as a whole and which provides the actual semantics of #[linear].

    Another example of attributes on types used by tools is given in the refined snippet in the summary. That example amounts to what is commonly referred to as refinement types such as provided by the LiquidHaskell tool. Such uses of these attributes could be particularly useful in combination with unsafe.

  2. By procedural and declarative macros. As we saw in the addition_commutes example, a procedural macro is using #[types(T, u8, u16, u32) to multiplex a test for several types. In this case, addition_commutes could then expand to the following:

    fn addition_commutes_u8((a, b): (u8, u8)) -> bool { a + b == b + a }
    fn addition_commutes_u16((a, b): (u16, u16)) -> bool { a + b == b + a }
    fn addition_commutes_u32((a, b): (u16, u16)) -> bool { a + b == b + a }

    Another example could be to extend #[derive(Arbitrary)] in proptest_derive such that you could write:

    #[derive(Debug, Arbitrary)]
    struct Foo {
        // The macro knows how to make a Strategy for an arbitrary String.
        bar: String,
        baz: (
            // And how to make an arbitrary u8;
            // And an usize...
            #[proptest(value = 42)] // But we always want 42 instead here.

    Crates such as serde and diesel could in theory provide similar facilities.

Note that the examples in 2-3 are just that: examples. It is quite impossible to know at this stage what users will utilize type-attached attributes for since it may unleash previously held back creativity.

As an additional note, we already permit attributes on type parameters and thus it is natural to extend attributes to arbitrary type expressions.

Guide-level explanation

Syntax changes

The syntax of Rust is changed such that #[my_attribute] can be placed anywhere a lifetime, type, bound, or constraint is expected. Examples of this include:

type Alpha = #[banana(split)] u8;

type Beta = #[size = "< 42"] Vec<#[orange_juice] Alpha>;

type Gamma<'a, 'b> = &#[icecream]'a mut #[tomato] &'b #[citrus(fruit)] Beta;

struct Delta
    #[epsilon] // This applies to the entire constraint consisting of the line below.
    Vec<#[zeta] Self>: #[eta] Ord + #[theta] Hash // #[theta] Hash is a bound.
    iota: #[kappa] for<'a> fn(u8) -> #[mu] (u8, #[nu] u8)

impl From<#[xi] u8> for #[omicron] *mut #[lambda] *const #[pi] u8 {

impl Tau
    for<'a> #[sigma] Vec<Tau>: #[upsilon] 'a + #[chi] for<'b> Psi<'a, #[omega] 'b>

Note that this is not indicative of how actual code will be written since the use of attributes here is much denser than in real code. The example is meant to illustrate notable places where attributes are now permitted in a thorough way.

Additionally, attributes may be placed on associated type equality constraints such as Foo<#[cucumber] Assoc = Bar> as well as associated type bounds of form Foo<#[avocado] Assoc: Ord>.

Anonymous parameters in Rust 2015

For completeness, attributes on method receivers self, &self, and &mut self are permitted as well, even through neither of these constructs are types.

As Rust 2015 accepts anonymous parameters of form...

trait Foo {
    fn bar(MyType);

...we will permit attributes on MyType such that you may write:

trait Foo {
    fn bar(#[spinnage] MyType);

In this case, #[spinnage] MyType is interpreted as a parameter per RFC 2565.

Built-in attributes

The type-attachable attributes do not have an inherent meaning in the type system. Instead, the meaning is what your procedural macros, the tools you use, or what the compiler interprets certain specific attributes as.

As for the built-in attributes and their semantics, we will, for the time being, only permit:

  • Lint check attributes, that is: #[allow(C)], #[warn(C)], #[deny(C)], #[forbid(C)], and tool lint attributes such as #[allow(clippy::foobar)].

  • Conditional compilation attributes:

    • #[cfg_attr(...)]

    • #[cfg(...)]

      This attribute may only be placed where a list of objects are expected. For example:

      • In the comma separated list of constraints in a where clause:

            Foo: Bar,
            Baz: Quux, // Will be removed if `foo` is not active.
      • The list of bounds in a constraint:

                Ord +
                #[cfg(foo)] Hash // Will be removed if `foo` isn't active.
      • A list of types applied to a type / trait constructor:

            MyType<#[cfg(wibble)] u8, u16>,
            #[cfg(foo)] Assoc = Bar,
            #[cfg(baz)] Assoc: Ord + #[cfg(quux)]  Hash

      However, you may for example not write &#[cfg(foo)]'a #[cfg(bar)] Baz as this could result in & which is semantically nonsense since the type is lacking. Such uses of cfg will be rejected with a semantic check.

      Additionally, as generic parameters are related to types in general, we take the opportunity to allow #[cfg] on generic parameter lists such that the parameter is removed if the condition of the cfg does not apply. This also applies to higher ranked types and bounds.

All other built-in attributes will be rejected with a semantic check.

Reference-level explanation


Let OuterAttr denote the production for an attribute #[...].


We change the grammar (in the lykenware/gll notation) of lifetimes:

Lifetime = LIFETIME; // where LIFETIME lexes a lifetime token.


Lifetime = attrs:OuterAttr* LIFETIME;

The macro fragment specifier lifetime will permit leading attr:OuterAttr*.


We extend the type expression grammar with:

Type |= Attributed:{ attr:OuterAttr+ ty:Type };

The macro fragment specifier ty will permit leading attr:OuterAttr*.

Constraints and bounds

Given roughly the following grammar for where clauses:

WhereClause = "where" constraints:WhereConstraint* % "," ","? ;
WhereConstraint =
  | Lifetime:{ lt:Lifetime ":" bounds:Lifetime* % "+" "+"? }
  | Type:{ binder:ForAllBinder? ty:Type ":" bounds:TypeBoundSet }
  | TypeEq:{ binder:ForAllBinder? left:Type { "=" | "==" } right:Type }

TypeBoundSet = bounds:TypeBound* % "+" "+"?;

TypeBound =
  | Outlives:LifetimeBound
  | Trait:TypeTraitBound
  | TraitParen:{ "(" bound:TypeTraitBound ")" }

TypeTraitBound = unbound:"?"? binder:ForAllBinder? path:Path;

We extend the constraint grammar with:

WhereConstraint |= Attributed:{ attr:OuterAttr+ constraint:WhereConstraint };

We change the grammar of TypeTraitBound to:

TypeTraitBound = attrs:OuterAttr* unbound:"?"? binder:ForAllBinder? path:Path;

Note that when an attribute is attached to a constraint, e.g. #[foo] 'a: 'b + 'c, and #[bar] Vec<u8>: 'a + Ord, then #[foo] will apply to 'a: 'b + 'c as opposed to 'a and #[bar] will apply to Vec<u8>: 'a + Ord as opposed to Vec<u8>.

Type and trait constructors

Given the following grammar for the contents inside the angle brackets of a path, i.e. < $contents? >:

AngleBracketGenericArgsAndBindings =
  | Args:GenericArg+ % ","
  | Bindings:TypeBinding+ % ","
  | ArgsAndBindings:{ args:GenericArg+ % "," "," bindings:TypeBinding+ % "," }

GenericArg =
  | Lifetime:Lifetime
  | Type:Type

TypeBinding =
  | name:IDENT "=" ty:Type
  | name:IDENT ":" bounds:TypeBoundSet // With RFC 2289

we extend TypeBinding with:

TypeBinding |= Attributed:{ attr:OuterAttr+ binding:TypeBinding };

Method receivers and self

Attributes are also permitted on self and & $lifetime? mut? self including attributes on $lifetime as specified above. More formally, the grammar of a method receiver specified implicitly without the type is:

ImplicitMethodReceiver =
    {rattrs:OuterAttr* "&" lf:Lifetime? "mut"?}? sattrs:OuterAttr* "self";

Static semantics

Attributes on lifetimes, types, bounds, and constraints (henceforth: "object") do not have inherent meaning in the type system or elsewhere. Semantics, if there are any, are given by the attributes themselves on a case by case basis or by tools external to a Rust compiler.

The built-in attributes that are permitted on the objects are:

  1. lint check attributes including tool lint attributes.

  2. cfg_attr(...) unconditionally.

  3. cfg(...) is permitted on:

    • GenericArg
    • TypeBinding
    • WhereConstraint
    • Each + separated bound in a constraint.

    This is enforced semantically when "cfg-stripping" occurs rather than syntactic enforcement in the grammar.

All other built-in attributes are for the time being rejected with a semantic check resulting in a compilation error.

Dynamic semantics

No changes.


This proposal complicates the grammar of Rust but does so in a predictable way. It is unclear whether there are any drawbacks to doing what is proposed other than that. It may be that tweaks need to be made to certain bits and pieces of this proposal. However, that does not negate the core idea of the proposal.

Rationale and alternatives

On scope

In this RFC, the approach to scope isn't minimal / conservative in what we allow. Instead, the goal is to be comprehensive and to make changes that are easier to reason about than if we had done the minimal change. In particular, one goal in this proposal is to permit conditional compilation in more places. Therefore, we have not limited ourselves to just type expressions. Instead, to enable conditional compilation of constraints and bounds we permit attributes in these places, i.e:

    FirstTypeParameter: Ord + #[cfg(condition_a)] Debug, // conditional bounds
    SecondTypeParameter: Ord + 'a // A conditional constraint.

Furthermore, we also want to enable conditional compilation of parameters applied to type and trait constructors so we permit attributes on lifetimes and associated type equality constraints and bounds, i.e. #[foo] Assoc = u8 and #[bar] Assoc: Display. This entails fewer surprises and a smoother experience but is also simpler in terms of the grammar as compared to placing various restrictions instead.

On precedence

There are some noteworthy design choices in this RFC with respect to precedence and what attributes apply to. In particular, when you write constraints:

    MyType: 'a + Ord

Here, #[foo] applies to the whole constraint MyType: 'a + Ord as opposed to just applying to the type MyType; The reason for this is threefold:

  1. Because otherwise there would be no way to say that we want the attribute to apply to the constraint since they cannot be wrapped in parenthesis. Meanwhile, we can get the other interpretation by writing:

        (#[foo] MyType): 'a + Ord
  2. As noted before, one of the main reasons for permitting attributes on constraints in where clauses in the first place is to permit #[cfg] to work on it; Meanwhile, if #[cfg(bar)] MyType: Ord only applied to MyType we would get : Ord left, which is meaningless and ill-formed.

  3. It is consistent with the interpretation of:

        for<'a> A: B

    which associates as where for<'a> (A: B) instead of where (for<'a> A): B.

Prior art


Java's annotations are a form of syntactic metadata in the same way as Rust's #[attribute]s are. For example, we may write:

public class Foo extends Bar {
    @Override // An annotation; Enforces that `greet` overrides Bar's `greet`.
    public String greet() { "I am Foo" }

Since Java 8, it is possible to place annotations where a type is expected. For example, we may write:

class UnmodifiableList<T> implements
    @Readonly List<@Readonly T> { ... }

void monitorTemperature() throws
    @Critical TemperatureException { ... }

The purpose of these annotations is to provide "pluggable type systems"; For example, you may write:

@NonNull String foo = "bar";

Lifetimes, bounds, and constraints

As far as is known to us, there are not many languages with bounds / constraints (Haskell does), or lifetimes (Cyclone ~does) which also have annotations or attributes.

Unresolved questions


Future possibilities

Having introduced attributes attached to lifetimes, types, bounds, and constraints, there would still exist notable places where attributes are not yet allowed. Chiefly among these are:

  • Expressions:

    do_stuff(#[foo] 1 + 2);
  • Patterns:

    A(#[foo] x) | #[bar] B => ...

These are the two places where effort should be directed towards to come up with designs that solve any precedence issues that exist.

However, there are also other places where attributes could be allowed; For example, we could allow attributes on macro arms:

macro_rules! mac {
    ($x:item) => { ... };

    ($x:lifetime) => { ... };

This could allow for code generation of macro arms themselves and to introduce more macro fragment specifiers, through desugaring semantics, without changing the language itself. As noted by @Nemo157, there are use cases for #[cfg(..)] on macro arms. An example is iliekturtles/uom#62 in which depending on the features active, different types types need to have macro arms added for them. Due to the current lack of attributes on macro arms, significant boilerplate is added to the macro instead.

Other, more exotic, places where attributes could be allowed are for example:

  • in the middle of paths, i.e. ::#[foo] std::#[bar] cell::Cell
  • in UFCS, i.e. <Type as #[bar] Trait>::Thing
  • in visibilities, i.e. pub(#[foo] crate)
  • on ABI specifications, i.e. extern #[foo] "C" ...

However, the utility of these forms are less clear.