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A Nest.js API to render GitHub user's contributions to chart

Just pass GitHub username in route param, you will get the contribution wall render by svg. Support custom output format, color, quality, size and so on

Real-time rendering example:


Now you can config and preview your contribution wall in the Playground

Principle of 3dbar implementation

Run locally


  • username: Github username
  • queryString

Common parameters:

param type desc default
theme enum Preset themes, avaiable values: random(use random theme) or Theme Enums green
chart enum Chart type, See Charts calendar
format enum Output formats:
  • html : return a html page
  • svg : return an svg file
  • xml : return an svg as xml
  • png : return a png file(transparent background)
  • jpeg : return a jpg file(white background)
quality number Image quality, supports numbers from 0.1 to 10. Only works when format is png or jpeg 1
widget_size enum Automatically calculate the number of weeks and size needed for the ios widget by specifying this property, avaiable values:
  • small
  • medium
  • large
weeks number Force specifying how many weeks to render, allow numbers from 1 to 50. This will override weeks calculated by widget_size undefined
colors string | string[] Hex colors value (without # prefix) join with ,.
Or multiple colors.
  • colors=f00,0f0,00f,0ff,f0f,ff0
  • colors=f00&colors=0f0
This will override theme property
dark boolean Enable dark-mode, See DarkMode false

3DBar chart parameters:

param type desc default
gap number Gap size between cubes, allowed numbers from 0 to 20 1.2
scale number Adjust vertical top view, allowed numbers not less than 1 2
light number Adjust light intensity, allowed numbers from 1 to 60 10
gradient boolean Use gradient mode to cube false
flatten number Enable flatten-mode, 2 styles are avaiable:
1: flatten all blocks
2: ignore empty blocks
See flatten-mode examples
animation enum Enable animation, See 3dbar Animation undefined

3dbar Animation

Enable animation by passing animation property, available values:

  • fall (apper only)

  • raise (apper only)

  • wave (loop)


Custome animation details: (pass as url query parameters)

fall | raise
  • animation_duration <Number> Animation duration in seconds.
  • animation_delay <Number> Animation delay in seconds.
  • animation_amplitude <Number>
    The extent of the square's movement in pixel(px).
  • animation_frequency <Number>
    Frequency of movement of the square, between [0.01, 0.5],
  • animation_wave_center <Number>_<Number>
    The center of the wave, pass coordinate points x, y as ${x}_${y}(Join x, y with _) for example 0_0.


In fact, the display of the chart is determined by the theme, which is overridden by the color property. Enabling dark mode here affects the display of the built-in theme and the background color when outputting jpeg or html, while the background is transparent in all other output formats. For more details, see Themes


  • calendar

    • use: chart=calendar

    • e.g.
  • 3dbar

    • use: chart=3dbar

    • e.g.


All avaiable themes(live update):

  • light

  • dark


pin to notion


Use as ios widget with Scritable

code example:

let [chart, widgetSize, theme, weeks] = (args.widgetParameter || "")
  .map((v) => v.trim());
chart = chart || "calendar";
widgetSize = widgetSize || "medium";
theme = theme || "green";
const darkMode = Device.isUsingDarkAppearance();
let url = `${theme}&widget_size=${widgetSize}&chart=${chart}&dark=${darkMode}`;

if (weeks) url += `&weeks=${weeks}`;

let w = await createWidget();

async function createWidget() {
  let w = new ListWidget();
  let random = (Math.random() * 100000000).toFixed(0);
  let data = await new Request(url + "&random=" + random).load();
  let image = Image.fromData(data);
  w.backgroundImage = image;
  return w;

Add scritable widget to home screen, and select script in widget configuration.

Note: The above script relies on the input of the parameter parameter, filling in chart, widgetSize, theme, weeks in order using the , division. here are some examples:

  • 3dbar,large,,30

  • 3dbar,,yellow_wine,20

  • ,,blue

  • ,small,purple


iPhone 11 Pro


  • flatten=1&format=svg

  • flatten=2&format=svg