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Monograph Collection Metadata Element Set
Data Dictionary

Monograph Collection Metadata Element Set

Metadata Element List

Monograph collections may contain items from the catalog and/or the digital repository. For this reason, there are catalog, digital repository (hence, "digital"), and mixed versions of the metadata element set. The digital version includes elements in addition to those in the catalog version, which are indicated in the metadata element list as "digital only." The mixed version includes elements from both the catalog and digital versions. By default, the metadata element list for monograph collections includes only item-level description in a single base layer CSV, but monograph collections with items from the digital repository may also use the collection-level base layer from the archival collection metadata element list.

Item Level


Metadata Element Descriptions

Descriptions below may apply only to the catalog version or the digital version of the metadata element set, indicated by "catalog only" or "digital only," respectively. Note: Multiple element values are separated by a triple pipe (|||) unless stated otherwise.

Item Level


CSV Element id
Description A unique identifier that serves as an unambiguous reference to the resource in the institutional catalog system or digital repository.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:recordInfo/mods:recordIdentifier (catalog only)
  • mods:identifier type="pitt" (digital only)
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Must be a unique string in the catalog system.
Notes Numeric or alpha-numeric string.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • 999022363406236
  • US-PPiU-ctc197602

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CSV Element title
Description A name given to the resource.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:titleInfo{::nomarkdown}
  • mods:title
  • mods:subTitle
  • mods:nonSort
Dublin Core Mapping dc.title
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Notes {::nomarkdown}
  • Title is formatted as follows (less the subTitle and/or nonSort where they do not exist): [title]: [subTitle], [nonSort]
  • Excludes any Title elements (i.e., mods:titleInfo) with the following @type attribute values: abbreviated, translated, alternative, uniform.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Alice's adventures in Wonderland: Through the looking-glass
  • peace egg: and, A Christmas mumming play, The
  • Der Struwwelpeter

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CSV Element uniform title
Description A distinctive title assigned to a work which has no title or has appeared under more than one title; also used to provide identification for a work when the title by which it is known differs from the title proper of a particular issue or when different publications have identical titles.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:titleInfo[@type="uniform"]/mods:title
Dublin Core Mapping dc.title
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Tales. English. (Dulcken)
  • Rime of the ancient mariner
  • Struwwelpeter. English

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CSV Element alternative title
Description An alternative form or variant of the title.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:titleInfo[@type="alternative"]/mods:title
Dublin Core Mapping dc.title
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Example(s) Struwwelpeter

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CSV Element creator
Description A name of an entity responsible for making the content of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:name/mods:namePart with mods:role/mods:roleTerm
    • Restricted values for roleTerm attribute (ignoring trailing punctuation): author, authors, aut, composer, composers, cmp, creator, creators, cre, dubious author, dub, editor, editors, edt, joint author, joint authors, screenwriter, aus, supposed author, supposed authors
  • mods:name/mods:namePart[@usage="primary"] without mods:role/mods:roleTerm
Dublin Core Mapping dc.creator
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes Multiple values within the mods:name element are separated by comma (,).
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Boisrobert, Anouck
  • Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860

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CSV Element contributor
Description A name of an entity responsible for making contributions to the creation or distribution of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:name/mods:namePart with mods:role/mods:roleTerm="contributor"
    • Exceptions for possible @roleTerm attribute values: author, aut, composer, cmp, creator, cre, dubious author, dub, editor, edt, screenwriter, aus
  • mods:name/mods:namePart[not(@usage="primary")] without mods:role/mods:roleTerm
Dublin Core Mapping dc.contributor
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) Sinclair, Thomas S., approximately 1805-1881 (lithographer)

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CSV Element publication_place
Description Name of a place associated with the publication or issuance of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:place/mods:placeTerm[@type="text]
Dublin Core Mapping dc.publisher
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • London :
  • New York
  • Philadelphia, Pa. :

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CSV Element publisher
Description A name of an entity that published, printed, distributed, released, issued, or produced the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:originInfo/mods:publisher
  • mods:name/mods:namePart with mods:role/mods:roleterm="publisher"
Dublin Core Mapping dc.publisher
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Elliott Publishing Company,
  • McLoughlin Bros., 30 Beekman

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CSV Element publication_date
Description A date associated with the publication or issuance of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:dateIssued without attributes
Dublin Core Mapping
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes For more information, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. and MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — 264 - Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice (R).
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • [not before 1852?]
  • 2014.
  • 1855, ©1853
  • [©1924]
  • 187-?⁾

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CSV Element encoded_date
Description A date associated with the creation of the resource and encoded for sorting or other purposes that necessitate normalization.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:dateIssued[@encoding="marc"]{::nomarkdown}
  • with @encoding="start"
  • with @encoding="end"
Dublin Core Mapping
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • [191-?]
  • 1910/1919

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CSV Element creation_date
Description A date associated with the creation of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:dateCreated
Dublin Core Mapping
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes For more information, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc..
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • 1872
  • 1972-2010
  • (1985 printing)
  • 184u/uuuu
  • 1962-01-29
  • 195u

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CSV Element copyright_date
Description A date associated with the creation and copyrighting of the resource; to be used to determine copyright status.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:copyrightDate
Dublin Core Mapping
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes For more information, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — 008 - All Materials (NR).
Example(s) 1940

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CSV Element edition
Description An identification of the version of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:edition
Dublin Core Mapping dc.title
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • 2. vydání.
  • Fifth edition.
  • [1st ed.].
  • Running Press miniature ed.

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CSV Element issuance
Description A term that designates how the resource is issued (e.g., monographic, serial, continuing).
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:originInfo/mods:issuance
Dublin Core Mapping n/a
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Restricted schema data values for issuance subelement: serial, monographic, multipart monograph, single unit, integrating resource
Notes For more information, see MARC Mapping to MODS for the <originInfo>.
Example(s) monographic

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CSV Element language
Description A language in which the content of the resource is expressed.
Required Yes
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:language/mods:languageTerm
Dublin Core Mapping dc.language
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) slo

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CSV Element type_of_resource
Description A term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:typeOfResource
Dublin Core Mapping dc.type
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Restricted scheme data values for typeOfResource element: text, cartographic, notated music, sound recording, sound recording - nonmusical, sound recording - musical, still image, moving image, kit three dimensional object, software, multimedia, mixed material
Notes For more information, see MARC Mapping to MODS for the <typeOfResource> and MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — Leader.
Example(s) text

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CSV Element format
Description A designation of a particular physical presentation of a resource, including the physical form or medium of material for a resource.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:physicalDescription/mods:form
Dublin Core Mapping dc.format
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • print
  • unmediated
  • volume
  • art reproduction

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CSV Element extent
Description A statement about the physical extent of the resource, in terms of units of measurement and material.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:physicalDescription/mods:extent
Dublin Core Mapping dc.format
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Notes For more information, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data — 300 - Physical Description.
Example(s) [5] p. : ill. ; 19 x 21 cm.

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CSV Element genre
Description A term that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content embodied by the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:genre
  • mods:subject/mods:genre
Dublin Core Mapping dc.type
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) * {::nomarkdown}{:/} *Note: This is a working list.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Specimens.
  • Poetry.
  • text
  • Juvenile literature
  • Printed wrappers (Binding)

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CSV Element abstract
Description A summary of the content of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:abstract
Dublin Core Mapping dc.description
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Example(s) Recounts the adventures of the brave and attractive youth, Aurelius, who is apprenticed to a London merchant after his beauty attracts the unwanted attention of the young women of his town. Aurelius ingratiates himself with his master, falls in love with the master's daughter, but, having his love unreciprocated, asks to be sent to Turkey. In Constantinople, Aurelius kills a Turkish prince at a tournament, is imprisoned and sentenced to death, but easily overpowers the two lions sent to eat him, and is rewarded for his valor.

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CSV Element subject
Description A term or phrase representing the primary topic(s) on which the resource is focused.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:subject{::nomarkdown}
  • mods:topic
  • mods:name
  • mods:titleInfo
  • mods:occupation
Dublin Core Mapping dc.subject
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) * {::nomarkdown}{:/} *Note: This is a working list.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • Apprentices
  • Chapbooks, English

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CSV Element temporal_coverage
Description A chronological statement that indicates the date(s) or time period covered by the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:subject/mods:temporal
Dublin Core Mapping dc.coverage
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • 1775-1783
  • French occupation, 1798-1801

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CSV Element geographic_coverage
Description A geographical name or geographical data that indicates the spatial coverage of the resource.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:subject{::nomarkdown}
  • mods:geographic
  • mods:geographicCode
  • mods:hierarchicalGeographic
    • mods:continent
    • mods:country
    • mods:region
    • mods:state
    • mods:territory
    • mods:county
    • mods:city
    • mods:island
    • mods:area
    • mods:extraterrestrialArea
    • mods:citySection
  • mods:cartographics
    • mods:scale
    • mods:projection
    • mods:coordinates
  • mods:geographicCoordinates
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Notes May be a simple or hierarchical geographical name or area code (e.g., city section, city, county, territory, state, region, country, continent, island, area, extraterrestrial area), cartographic data (e.g., coordinates, scale, projection)
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • London, England, Great Britain
  • Mississippi
  • Saintes-Maries (France)
  • n-mx---
  • Great Plains
  • West (U.S.)

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CSV Element target_audience
Description A description of the intellectual level, motivation/interest level, subject interest, or special characteristics of the audience for which the resource is intended.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:targetAudience
Dublin Core Mapping n/a
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) juvenile

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Record Identifier

CSV Element record_id
Description A unique identifier that serves as an unambiguous reference to the resource in the institutional catalog system.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:recordInfo/mods:recordIdentifier
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Must be a unique string in the catalog system.
Notes Numeric code.
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • 995806413406236
  • 580641

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CSV Element isbn
Description International Standard Book Number: A numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be a unique and unambiguous reference to the resource to distinguish it from other books worldwide.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:identifier[@type="isbn"]
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) ISBN Standard
Notes A 10- or 13-digita numeric code, sometimes followed by a parenthetical indication of the edition of the book (e.g., hardback, paperback, audiobook, e-book).
Example(s) 9781250012579 (hardback)

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CSV Element lccn
Description Library of Congress Control Number: A persistent and unique identifier that serves as an unambiguous reference to the resource to distinguish it from other resources worldwide.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:identifier[@type="lccn"]
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) LC (Library of Congress) control numbering system
Notes A numeric code.
Example(s) 2012042136

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CSV Element oclccn
Description Online Computer Library Center Control Number: A persistent and unique identifier that serves as an unambiguous reference to the resource to distinguish it from other resources in the WorldCat and other bibliographic contexts.
Required No
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • mods:identifier[@type="oclc"]
  • mods:identifier[@type="local"] when value contains "(OCoLC)"
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) OCLC Control Number
Notes {::nomarkdown}{:/}
Example(s) {::nomarkdown}
  • ocn819860760
  • 819860760

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CSV Element url
Description A Uniform Resource Location (URL) of the resource; an electronic location from which the resource is available.
Required No
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) mods:location/mods:url
Dublin Core Mapping dc.identifier
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Uniform Resource Location (URL)
Notes URL links to proprietary resources include an EZProxy URL to enable access to library e-resources from off campus.

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CSV Element depositor
Description An official name of the institution responsible for depositing the resource.
Required Yes
Repeatable No
Element Node(s) mods:name/mods:namePart with mods:role/mods:roleTerm="depositor"
Dublin Core Mapping n/a
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Example(s) University of Pittsburgh

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CSV Element collection_id
Description A digital collection to which the resource belongs.
Required Yes
Repeatable Yes
Element Node(s) rdf:Description/fedora:isMemberOfCollection[@rdf:resource]
Dublin Core Mapping dc.relation
Vocabulary/Encoding Scheme(s) Free text. No limitations.
Notes Alpha-numeric string with special characters, i.e. a colon (:) and a period (.), formatted as follows: pitt:collection_nnn
Example(s) pitt:collection.120

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