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Quick Summary

This module is the template for spinning up lambda function resources. This documentation outlines the following:

  • Procedural: How to spin up your own lambda function
  • What you will need to change: What you will need to change to spin up your own lambda function (in conjunction with Procedural)
  • Technical: What resources the module spins up (and matches the resource to its section of code)
  • @ToDo: Additional tasks to make the module more versatile but can be completed at a later date


This module work in conjunction with the batcave-landing-zone repository.

  1. From cloudtamer, get the {project}-{environment}'s aws short-term credentials. It will export the following environmental variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
  2. Run aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {project}-{environment} --region us-east-1
  3. Go to the {project}-[environment} lambda directory using cd <path to blz>/batcave-landing-zone/infra/{project}/{environment}/lambda
  4. Duplicate the test folder and rename it
  5. Make the necessary changes to suit your needs (Refer to the What you will need to Change section)
  6. Run terragrunt plan to see the resources that will spin up. [1]
  7. Once you confirm terragrunt plan has no errors, you can run terragrunt apply. [2]
  8. Logging into the {project}-{environment} AWS account, you can verify the proper resources were created.

[1] The following resources should spin up Lambda Function, 1 Lambda Layer, Cloudwatch Log Group, Cloudwatch Event Rule, IAM Role, IAM Policy, and any other resources you decided to add through the <path to blz>/batcave-landing-zone/infra/batcave/dev/lambda/terragrunt.hcl local section.

[2] A common error that may show up when running terragrunt apply is the resource that you are trying to spin up is already there. Therefore, you will need to delete the resource through the {project}-{environment} AWS account GUI.

What you will need to Change

  1. Under the python directory, zip your lambda function's source code.
  • Make sure the name of the zip is
  1. Inside of the terragrunt.hcl's locals section, replace the variables.
  • function_name, cloudwatch_name, role_name, and policy_name are the names of the following AWS resources respectively Lambda Function, Cloudwatch Rule, IAM Role, IAM Policy
  • event_schedule_cron is the cron expression of how frequent the lambda function will be run. Refer to the following documentation for assistance
  • log_retention refers to the number of days the logs will be kept
  • access_policy will be the contents of the IAM Policy. This will denote what permissions the lambda function will have in relation to the other aws resources (For example, read/write permissions to an S3 bucket)
  1. Check if your lambda function requires a lambda layer.
  • If your lambda function requires external libraries that are not prepackaged in AWS Lambda, you will need to create a lambda layer for it. Here is a link of how to create one for Beautiful Soup [Note: Steps will slightly vary depending on the version and library]
  1. If a lambda layer is required, zip up the relevant files (similar to zipping up your lambda function\s source code)
  • Make sure the name of the zip is

The resulting folder structure

  • {project} Ex. ispg
    • {environment} Ex. np
      • lambda
        • {name of your new lambda function} Ex. ping_sonar
          • python
            • (if a lambda layer is required)
          • terragrunt.hcl

Technical creates the following

  • Lambda Function based on resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_function"
  • Lambda Layer based on resource "aws_lambda_layer_version" "lambda_layer"
  • Cloudwatch Target based on resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" and resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "schedule_rule"
  • Cloudwatch Log Group based on aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "function_log_group"
  • IAM Policy based on resource "aws_iam_policy" "access_policy"
  • IAM Role based on resource "aws_iam_role" "lambda_role"


  • Dynamically allocate lambda function environmental variables
  • Dynamically allocate lambda layers
  • Restructure BLZ File Structure to allow 1 copy of source code