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Maeda Tomoki edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 24 revisions

cliboa roadmap

Description of each items

  • New Feature
  • Refactoring, Improvements
    • Refactor pipenv to poetry
      • pipenv is slow to install, so replace pipenv to poetry. However, pipenv scripts are useful so use them continuously.
    • Refactor several util classes to adapter classes
      • Regactoring targets:,,,,,,,
    • Integrate ETL error handling
      • Currently ETL error handling is not integrated, so unify error handling.
    • Refactor layer structure
      • Current layer structure is client->core->scenario->adapter->util. Modified structure is interface->core->scenario->adapter->util
    • Separate ETL processes to another pypi package
      • Separate ETL processing like cliboa.SftpDownload or cliboa.BigQueryWrite. @see
      • Refactoring scenario layer is necessary.
  • CI/CD
    • Add isort check
      • Add isort -rc --check to CI
    • Add layer dependency check
      • Add import-linter to CI
  • Security
    • Update pypi packages with vulnabilities checked by GitHub
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