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11 Specifications of the Choreography Aspect

For mapping the choreography aspect in the IH of an MTP, the SUCs shown in Figure 11.1 have been developed.

Figure 11.1: SUCs of the choreography aspect

The ChoreographySet is derived from the abstract SUC MTPSet, which is specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. The ChoreographySet always contains exactly one ChoreographyParticipant derived from the LinkedObject specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. The ChoreographyParticipant organizes all further model definitions necessary for the choreography aspect. These are in the first instance exactly one InputList and one OutputList containing the incoming and outgoing system variables of the choreography participant. Any number of InputElements or OutputElements can be included in these lists. These are derived from the LinkedObject and each represent an incoming or outgoing system variable. The InputElements and OutputElements exist in a statically defined (FixedInputElement or FixedOutputElement) and in a configurable (ConfigurableInputElement or ConfigurableOutputElement) variant each. In addition, there is a WritableInputElement which is passive and can be written to from another LEA.

These model definitions are based on the types of MTPChoreographySUCLib shown in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2: Model definitions of the choreography aspect in MTPChoreographySUCLib

In addition, new interface definitions are required for the implementation of choreographies, which are to be specified in the MTPDataObjectSUCLib (see Figure 11.1 and Figure 11.3). The UnionElement and the ChoreographyElement are directly derived from the DataAssembly, which is specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. The ChoreographyParticipantManager and the CommunicationManager are in turn derived from the ChoreographyElement. As a specific derivation of the CommunicationManager, only the OpcUaClientServerManager has been implemented so far; others are conceivable. Especially for WritableInputLements, a WritableUnionElement is foreseen, which is derived from UnionElement. Interface definitions and their associated model definitions are linked by RefID relations.

Figure 11.3: Interface definitions of the choreography aspect in MTPDataObjectSUCLib

All model and interface definitions necessary for the choreography aspect are specified in the following Sections 11.1 and 11.2.

11.1 Model Definitions

11.1.1 ChoreographySet

The SUC ChoreographySet (see Table 11.1) as a new aspect set of the MTP specification is derived from MTPSet and organizes all necessary model definitions to describe an LEA as participant of a choreography.

Table 11.1: Model definition of ChoreographySet

11.1.2 ChoreographyParticipant

The SUC ChoreographyParticipant (see Table 11.2) describes a LEA a choreography participant. The ChoreographyParticipantManager interface definition is assigned to this model definition via RefID relation, which can be used to pass the choreography-relevant configuration to the participant.

Table 11.2: Model definition of ChoreographyParticipant

11.1.3 InputList

The SUC InputList (see Table 11.3) organizes all incoming system variables that are relevant for the adaptive logic of a choreography participant. The MTP of a choreography participant always contains exactly one InputList.

Table 11.3: Model definition of InputList

11.1.4 InputElement

The SUC InputElement (see Table 11.4) describes an incoming system variable that is relevant for the adaptive logic of a choreography participant. This can be a statically defined internal process variable of the participant or a configurable process variable the participant obtains from another participant.

Table 11.4: Model definition of InputElement

11.1.5 FixedInputElement

The SUC FixedInputElement (see Table 11.5) is derived from the InputElement and describes a statically defined incoming system variable that is provided by the choreography participant itself. A FixedInputElement is assigned to the UnionElement interface definition via RefID relation.

Table 11.5: Model definition of FixedInputElement

11.1.6 ConfigurableInputElement

The SUC ConfigurableInputElement (see Table 11.6) is derived from the InputElement and describes a configurable incoming system variable that the choreography participant obtains from another choreography participant. A ConfigurableInputElement is assigned to a CommunicationManager interface definition via RefID relation. A ManagerIndex is used to refer to a specific communication element (e.g., reader) within the manager. In this way, the communication is configured to exchange the necessary system variable. The interpretation for the ManagerIndex depends on the concrete derivation of the CommunicationManager. In the case of the OpcUaClientServer manager, e.g., this is the index of the used reader. A FixedInputElement is assigned to the UnionElement interface definition via RefID relation.

Table 11.6: Model definition of ConfigurableInputElement

11.1.7 WritableInputElement

The SUC WritableInputElement (see Table 11.7) is derived from the InputElement and describes an incoming system variable to which values can be written by another choreography participant. A WritableInputElement is assigned to a WritableUnionElement interface definition via RefID relation.

Table 11.7: Model definition of WritableInputElement

11.1.8 OutputList

The SUC OutputList (see Table 11.8) organizes all outgoing system variables of the adaptive logic of a choreography participant. The MTP of a choreography participant always contains exactly one OutputList.

Table 11.8: Model definition of OutputList

11.1.9 OutputElement

The SUC OutputElement (see Table 11.9) describes an outgoing system variable from the adaptive logic of a choreography participant. This can be a statically defined internal process variable of the participant, or a configurable process variable the participant sends to another participant. An OutputElement is assigned to the UnionElement interface definition via RefID relation.

Table 11.9: Model definition of OutputElement

11.1.10 FixedOutputElement

The SUC FixedOutputElement (see Table 11.10) is derived from the OutputElement and describes a statically defined outgoing system variable that is used by the internal program of the choreography participant.

Table 11.10: Model definition of FixedOutputElement

11.1.11 ConfigurableOutputElement

The SUC ConfigurableOutputElement (see Table 11.11) is derived from the OutputElement and describes a configurable outgoing system variable that the choreography participant sends to another choreography participant. A ConfigurableOutputElement is associated with a CommunicationManager interface definition via RefID relation. A ManagerIndex is used to refer to a specific communication element (e.g., writer) within the manager. In this way, the communication is configured to exchange the necessary system variable. The interpretation for the ManagerIndex depends on the concrete derivation of the CommunicationManager. In the case of the OpcUaClientServerManager, e.g., this is the index of the used writer.

Table 11.11: Model definition of ConfigurableOutputElement

11.2 Interface Definitions

11.2.1 ChoreographyElement

The SUC ChoreographyElement (see Table 11.12) is an abstract class derived from the DataAssembly interface specified in VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658-1 [8]. The choreography-relevant interface definitions ChoreographyParticipantManager and CommunicationManager are derived from the ChoreographyElement.

Table 11.12: Interface definition of ChoreographyElement

11.2.2 ChoreographyParticipantManager

The SUC ChoreographyParticipantManager (see Table 11.13) is derived from the ChoreographyElement and is used to pass the choreography-relevant configuration to a choreography participant. This interface definition is assigned to a ChoreographyParticipant in the ChoreographySet via RefID relation.

Table 11.13: Interface definition of ChoreographyParticipantManager

11.2.3 CommunicationManager

The SUC CommunicationManager (see Table 11.14) is an abstract class derived from the ChoreographyElement. It is to be understood as a generic interface definition for the communication between different Choreography participants. In order to use the CommunicationManager interface definition, a concrete manager for a specific communication technology must be derived from it. So far, only the OpcUAClientServerManager has been implemented for communication via OPC UA Client/Server; others will be developed in the future.

Table 11.14: Interface definition of CommunicationManager

11.2.4 OpcUaClientServerManager

The SUC OpcUaClientServerManager (see Table 11.15) is derived from the abstract CommunicationManager. It is used to configure the OPC UA Client/Server communication between different choreography participants and the necessary system variables to be exchanged. The manager is assigned to the model definition of ConfigurableInputElements and ConfigurableOutputElements in the ChoreographySet via RefID relation. In addition, a ManagerIndex is specified by each of the model definitions, which refers to a concrete communication element within the manager. In the case of the OpcUaClientServerManager, these communication elements are the OPC UA readers and writers managed by the manager, which are referenced by means of their index. The readers are each assigned to a ConfigurableInputElement and the writers are each assigned to a ConfigurableOutputElement.

Table 11.15: Interface definition of OpcUaClientServerManager

11.2.5 UnionElement

The SUC UnionElement (see Table 11.16) is used to display the value of an InputElement or OutputElement. Accordingly, the UnionElement is assigned to these model definitions by means of RefID relation.

Table 11.16: Interface definition of UnionElement

VReal, VDInt, VDWord, VBool and VString variables are used to display the desired value. DataType variable specifies which data type is activated at the moment and as a consequence which of the previously mentioned variables shall be interpreted. Thus, the UnionElement can only display one value of a defined data type at a time. VQC provides information about the quality code of the displayed value.

11.2.6 WritableUnionElement

The SUC WritableUnionElement (see Table 11.17) is derived from UnionElement and used to write a value to a WritableInputElement. Accordingly, the WritableUnionElementis assigned to this model definition by means of RefID relation.

Table 11.17: Interface definition of WritableUnionElement

VReal, VDInt, VDWord, VBool and VString variables are used to enter the desired value. DataType variable specifies which data type is activated at the moment and as a consequence which of the previously mentioned variables shall be used in the LEA program. Thus, the WritableUnionElement only accepts one value of a defined data type at a time. VQC can be used to enter information about the quality code of the entered value.

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