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Gordian Envelope Extension: Symmetric Encryption


© 2023 Blockchain Commons

Authors: Wolf McNally, Christopher Allen
Date: Aug 15, 2022
Revised: Aug 15, 2023


This document extends the Gordian Envelope Base Specification to add the encrypted case arm, which supports symmetric encryption.


This document extends the Gordian Envelope Base Specification to add the encrypted case arm used to represent an Envelope that has been encrypted using a symmetric key. The scheme defined herein supports IETF-ChaCha20-Poly1305.

Like elision, which is supported by the Envelope Base Specification, encryption is a reversible transformation of an Envelope that does not alter its unique digest. And since Envelope is a recursively nested structure of Envelopes in a Merkle-like digest tree, any of these nested envelopes can be elided or encrypted without disturbing the tree, hence preserving constructs like signatures.

This basic encryption can be further extended to support public key encryption (including encryption to multiple recipients) and social backup and recovery using Sharded Secret Key Reconstruction (SSKR).

Format Specification

This section is normative, and specifies an additional case arm for the envelope type: encrypted. It also specifies that assertions may be encrypted by adding the encrypted-assertion case to Envelope's assertion-element type.

The formal language used is the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL). The top-level specification of Gordian Envelope with this extension added is:

envelope = #6.200(envelope-content)
envelope-content = (
    leaf / elided / node / assertion / wrapped /

assertion-element = (
    assertion / elided-assertion /

encrypted-assertion = encrypted     ; MUST represent an assertion

The format for encrypted is defined by UR Type Definition for Encrypted Messages, including the CBOR tag #6.40002. In this specification, the optional fourth array element aad is REQUIRED, and MUST contain the CBOR-encoded tagged digest of the envelope. tagged-digest is defined in BCR-2021-002.

encrypted = #6.40002([ ciphertext, nonce, auth, aad ])

ciphertext = bytes
nonce = bytes .size 12
auth = bytes .size 16

aad = tagged-digest

The encrypted case can be discriminated from other Envelope case arms by the fact that it is the only one that is tagged using #6.40002.

Declaring the Digest

This section is normative.

The encrypted case directly declares the encrypted envelope's digest as the fourth element of its array, aad. The tagged-digest encoded therein MUST match the actual digest of the Envelope that has been encrypted. Decrypting an envelope MUST be validated by matching the decrypted Envelope's actual computed digest to the one declared, and the decryption operation MUST reject the result if the digests do not match.


$ KEY=`envelope generate key`
$ ENVELOPE=`envelope subject "Hello"`

$ envelope format --diag $ENVELOPE

200(   / envelope /
   24("Hello")   / leaf /

$ envelope digest --hex $ENVELOPE


$ ENCRYPTED_ENVELOPE=`envelope encrypt --key $KEY $ENVELOPE`
$ envelope format --diag $ENCRYPTED_ENVELOPE

200(   / envelope /
   40002(   / encrypted /

$ envelope digest --hex $ENCRYPTED_ENVELOPE


Notice that the digest of the unencrypted and encrypted Envelopes both match. This is because the fourth array element of the encrypted Envelope is the encoded CBOR for tagged-digest:


Reference Implementations

This section is informative.

Both the Swift Gordian Envelope Reference Implementation and the Rust Gordian Envelope Reference Implementation support this extension.

Future Proofing

To support this extension, future extensions to the encrypted message used herein and defined in UR Type Definition for Encrypted Messages may support other encryption constructs. To work with this specification, they MUST support an equivalent of the aad field afforded by the original IETF-ChaCha20-Poly1305 construct so that the digest of the encrypted Envelope can be declared.

Security Considerations

Generally, this document inherits the security considerations of the cryptographic construct it uses: IETF-ChaCha20-Poly1305.

IANA Considerations

This document makes no requests of IANA.