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Change logs

Jeanneret Loïck edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 8 revisions

Change logs

Alpha 0.0.2


New features

  • It's not longer possible to edit/move blocks with the "preventInteraction" flag
  • It's now possible to "comment out" blocks using the "blocks: toggle commented" action (default shortcut: K)


  • Sekoya now starts in a maximized window
  • F1 is now used instead of ctrl-h to display the help dialog
  • Minor text fixes
  • Double-clicking anywhere doesn't edit the current block anymore
  • When deleting a block, the closest one is selected instead of selecting a sibling / parent
  • keybind.js was replaced by keybind.json for obvious security reasons

Bug fixes

  • Clicking a minimized block doesn't select it anymore
  • Pressing enter no longer changes block settings if the settings dialog isn't open
  • Using uppercase characters in the search no longer removes all results
  • Opening/Saving a file dialog was not always in front of the editor
  • When alt-tabbing, ctrl, alt and shift are no longer "stuck" in their previous state
  • Sometimes the wrong text color was used for blocks when the background was too bright
  • The search no longer crash if there were number in the opened file
  • When using the search, folded blocks are unfolded when selected
  • When attaching a block, it is inserted in the right position and no longer always at the end
  • First block comment is now aligned properly
  • It's not longer possible to add child to a terminal node using the "add <...> block dialog"
  • Changing tab while moving a block doesn't crash the editor anymore
  • Fixed an issue related to moving a group of block
  • Fixed an issue preventing to select blocks after scrolling
  • Fixed an issue corrupting blocks when closing the setting window with enter while the search is open

Alpha 0.0.1


New features

  • First working version
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