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File metadata and controls

111 lines (90 loc) · 4.01 KB

Export XP

What is Export XP?

Export XP is a plugin for FlyWithLua that exports data taken from the X-Plane 11 and 12 (EA) API and sends it to a log file for other programs to read. The difference between Export XP and other exporting plugins is that Export XP does not require network access as it writes to files on your disk. Unfortunately, this means that data from Export XP can not be used on a different system without writing your own script to export the data over network. The plugin is written in Lua for X-Plane's built in API.

Ready to install? Go to the download section and follow the instructions.

How to use Export XP

Export XP exports its data when run to a log file in your X-Plane root directory called ExportXP.txt. You can write another program to retrieve the data from this file for however you like.

Enabling the script

As of v0.2, by default ExportXP is disabled in FlyWithLua macro settings. To enable it, go to the plugins menu at the top of the screen, FlyWithLua, FlyWithLua Macros, and click ExportXP so that it has a white circle next to it.

Format of the log file

-!- FLIGHT INFO -!- (aircraft ICAO) (tailnum)
altitude (in meters),
heading (true OpenGL),
heading (magnetic (indicated on compass) added for backup),
groundspeed (meters/second),
vertical speed (fpm),
pitch (degrees),
bank (degrees (openGL)),
engine 1 N1 (percent),
engine 2 N1 (percent),
engine 3 N1 (percent),
engine 4 N1 (percent),
engine 5 N1 (percent),
engine 6 N1 (percent),
engine 7 N1 (percent),
engine 8 N1 (percent),
fuel weight (kgs),
payload weight (kgs),
landing gear 1 position (percent),
landing gear 2 position (percent),
landing gear 3 position (percent),
landing gear 4 position (percent),
landing gear 5 position (percent),
flaps 1 position (degrees),
flaps 2 position (degrees),
spoiler left deployment (degrees),
spoiler right deployment (degrees),
elevator left 1 position (degrees),
elevator left 2 position (degrees),
elevator right 1 position (degrees),
elevator right 2 position (degrees),
rudder 1 position (degrees),
rudder 2 position (degrees),
aileron 1 left position (degrees),
aileron 2 left position (degrees),
aileron 1 right position (degrees),
aileron 2 right position (degrees),
parkbrake position (percent),
tailhook position (percent),
canopy position (percent),
wing 1 sweep (degrees),
wing 2 sweep (degrees),
-!- TIME DATA -!-
time (seconds since midnight),
date (days since January 1),
  • Extra notes
    • If alternate dataref source is on, then mechanichal data will all be percents instead of degrees.
    • To enable alternate datarefs, you need to reload all scripts in FlyWithLua after toggling the setting.





  1. Download and install the pre-requisites listed in the requirments section above.
  2. Go to the GitHub repository and click on releases.
  3. Click on the latest release.
  4. Click on the ExportXP.lua download button.
  5. Drop the lua script into your FlyWithLua/Scripts folder.

Coming soon!

OneDrive files:

download the latest version from:!Ah8d1304CzM22khbDiioELlxLCGY?e=vanCLY

Compatible Mods

  • Coming soon