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File metadata and controls

442 lines (277 loc) · 23.4 KB

User's Manual

rTorrent-PS Main View

rTorrent-PS-CH collapsed canvas

All the columns are configurable (can be disabled or new ones added on-the-fly) on the extended canvas except for "Name" and "Tracker" columns, hence the previously included setup specific columns are removed from the built-in columns (they can be easily readded, see below how).

The following is an overview of the built-in column heading icons, their corresponding key definitions and what the values and icons in it mean.

Column Key Description
"100:1C95/1:❢" Message or alert indicator (♺ = Tracker cycle complete, i.e. “Tried all trackers”; ʘ = item’s data path does not exist (needs support by a cron job); ⇕ = establishing connection; ↯ = data transfer problem; ◔ = timeout; ¿ = unknown torrent / info hash; ⨂ = authorization problem (possibly temporary); ⋫ = tracker downtime; ☡ = DNS problems; ⚠ = other)
"110:?1C92/1:☢" Item state (▹ = started, ╍ = paused, ▪ = stopped) (sacrificial)
"120:?1:☍" Tied item? [⚯] (sacrificial)
"130:?1:⌘" Command lock-out? (⚒ = heed commands, ◌ = ignore commands) (sacrificial)
"200:?2C23/2: ↺" Number of completions from last scrape info * (sacrificial)
"210:?2C15/2: ⤵" Number of seeds from last scrape info * (sacrificial)
"220:?2C14/2: ⤵" Number of leeches from last scrape info * (sacrificial)
"300:?1:↕" Transfer direction indicator [⇅ ↡ ↟] (sacrificial)
"400:?2C28/2: ℞" Number of connected peers * (sacrificial)
∆⋮ ⟲ "500:5C70/5: ∆⋮ ⟲" Approximate time since last active state (units are ”’hdwmy from seconds to years) or upload rate
Σ⇈ "600:?6C23/5C21/1:   Σ⇈  " Uploaded data size (sacrificial)
∇⋮ ◷ "700:5C90/5: ∇⋮ ◷" Approximate time since completion (units are ”’hdwmy from seconds to years); for incomplete items the download rate or, if there's no traffic, the time since the item was loaded
"800:4C15/3C21/1:  ⛁ " Selected data size
"900:1C94/1:⣿" Completion status (✔ = done; else up to 8 dots [⣿] and ❚, i.e. progress in 10% steps); the old command is deprecated, see Defining Your Own Columns for the new way to get a different set of glyphs or an ASCII version
"920:1C93/1:☯" Ratio (☹ plus color indication for < 1, ➀ — ➉ : >= the number, ⊛ : >= 11); the old command is deprecated, see Defining Your Own Columns for the new way to get a different set of glyphs or an ASCII version
"940:1C91/1:✰" Priority (✖ = off, ⇣ = low, nothing for normal, ⇡ = high)
"950:1:⊘" Throttle (none = global throttle, ∞ = NULL throttle, otherwise the first letter of the throttle name)
"980:1C16/1:⚑" A ⚑ indicates this item is on the tagged view
Name   Name of the download item – either the name contained in the metafile, or else the value of the displayname custom field when set on an item
Tracker   Domain of the first HTTP tracker with seeds or leeches, or else the first one altogether – note that you can define nicer aliases using the trackers.alias.set_key command in your configuration

* The scrape info numbers are exact only for values below 100, else they indicate the order of magnitude using roman numerals (c = 10², m = 10³, X = 10⁴, C = 10⁵, M = 10⁶).

A ? sign at the beginning of a column definition indicates a ‘sacrificial’ column, which disappears when the display gets too narrow to display all the columns. When even that does not provide enough space, columns are omitted beginning on the right side (Name is always included). Sacrificial columns can also be toggled using the / key – note they’re toggled as a whole group, so other dynamic column states are ignored.

The Cx values in a column definition are dynamic color schemes, the following extra schemes have been added:

  • C70 - ACTIVE_TIME: for Uprate (∆ seeding) or approximate time since last active state (◷ info + queued) column
  • C71 - UNSAFE_DATA: for Unsafe data (◎) column, depending on d.custom=unsafe_data: progress100, progress80, progress40
  • C72 - THROTTLE_CH: for Throttle column, depending on d.throttle_name: none=*progress0*, ``slowup``=*progress20*, anything-else=*progress60*, ``NULL``=*progress100*
  • C73 - ETA_TIME: for ETA (info + leeching) or last-xfer (info + progress60) column (⟲ ⇅)

Here's a configuration example showing all the built-in columns and their defaults:

# Status flags (❢ ☢ ☍ ⌘)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "100:1C95/1:❢", ((, {" ", "", "ʘ", "", "", "", "", "¿", "", "", ""}, ((d.message.alert)) ))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "110:?1C92/1:☢", ((, ((cat, ((d.is_open)), ((d.is_active)))), {00, ""}, {01, ""}, {10, ""}, {11, ""}))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "120:?1:☍", ((, {"", ""}, ((not, ((d.tied_to_file)) )) ))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "130:?1:⌘", ((, {"", ""}, ((d.ignore_commands)) ))
# Scrape info (↺ ⤴ ⤵)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "200:?2C23/2: ↺", ((convert.magnitude, ((d.tracker_scrape.downloaded)) ))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "210:?2C15/2: ⤴", ((convert.magnitude, ((d.tracker_scrape.complete)) ))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "220:?2C14/2: ⤵", ((convert.magnitude, ((d.tracker_scrape.incomplete)) ))
# Traffic indicator (↕)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "300:?1:↕", ((, ((cat, ((not, ((d.up.rate)) )), ((not, ((d.down.rate)) )) )), {00, ""}, {01, ""}, {10, ""}, {11, " "} ))
# Number of connected peers (℞)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "400:?2C28/2: ℞", ((convert.magnitude, ((d.peers_connected)) ))
# Up|Last Active Time (∆⋮ ⟲)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "500:5C70/5: ∆⋮ ⟲", ((if, ((d.up.rate)), ((convert.human_size, ((d.up.rate)), ((value, 10)) )), ((if, ((d.peers_connected)), ((cat, "   0”")), ((convert.time_delta, ((value, ((d.custom, last_active)) )) )) )) ))
# Upload total (Σ⇈)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "600:?6C23/5C21/1:  Σ⇈  ", ((if, ((, ((convert.human_size, ((, (value, 0))), ((cat, "")) ))
# Down|Completion or Loaded Time (∇⋮ ◷)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "700:5C90/5: ∇⋮ ◷", ((if, ((d.down.rate)), ((convert.human_size, ((d.down.rate)), ((value, 10)) )), ((convert.time_delta, ((value, ((d.custom.if_z, tm_completed, ((d.custom, tm_loaded)) )) )) )) ))
# Data size (⛁)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "800:4C15/3C21/1:  ⛁ ", ((convert.human_size, ((d.selected_size_bytes)) ))
# Progress (⣿)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "900:1C94/1:⣿", ((string.substr, " ⠁⠉⠋⠛⠟⠿⡿⣿❚", ((math.div, ((math.mul, ((d.completed_chunks)), 10)), ((math.add, ((d.completed_chunks)), ((d.wanted_chunks)))) )), 1, ""))
# Ratio (☯)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "920:1C93/1:☯", ((string.substr, "☹➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈➉", ((math.div, ((d.ratio)), 1000)), 1, ""))
# Explicitly managed status (✰ = prio; ⊘ = throttle name; ⚑ = tagged)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "940:1C91/1:✰", ((, {"", "", " ", ""}, ((d.priority)) ))
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "950:1:⊘", {(branch, ((equal,((d.throttle_name)),((cat,NULL)))), ((cat, "")), ((d.throttle_name)) )}
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "980:1C16/1:⚑", ((, {" ", ""}, ((d.views.has, tagged)) ))

To add back the two removed "Unsafe data" and "Data directory" columns, add these lines into your config or run these in rTorrent-PS-CH on-the-fly at command prompt (^x):

# Add "Unsafe data" column (◎) after "Throttle" column (⊘)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "960:1C71/1:◎", ((, ((cat, ((d.custom, unsafe_data)))), {0, " "}, {1, ""}, {2, ""}))
# Add "Data directory" column (⊕) (first character of parent directory) after "Unsafe data" column (◎)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "970:1:⊕", ((d.parent_dir))
Column Key Description
"960:1C71/1:◎" Unsafe-data (none = safe data, ⊘ = unsafe data, ⊗ = unsafe data with delqueue)
"970:1:⊕" Data directory (none = base path entry is missing, otherwise the first letter of the name of data directory)

The following is a short example how to disable/override built-in columns, more examples can be found at the Extra column definitions section of rtorrent-ps.rc of rtorrent-ps-ch_setup.

# Disable Number of connected peers (℞) column
method.set_key = ui.column.render, (ui.column.spec, 400)
# Override built-in "Throttle" column (⊘) with a new one
method.set_key = ui.column.render, (ui.column.spec, 950)
method.set_key = ui.column.render, "951:1C72/1:⊘", ((, ((d.throttle_name)), {"", ""}, {NULL, ""}, {slowup, ""}, {tardyup, ""}))

Adding Traffic Graphs

Take a look at the Adding Traffic Graphs section of rTorrent Handbook.

Setting Up Your Terminal

Whatever font you use in your terminal profile, it of course has to support the characters used in the status columns. Also, your terminal must be set to use UTF-8 (which nowadays usually is the default anyway), that means LANG should be something like en_US.UTF-8, and LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE should not bet set at all! If you use a terminal multiplexer like most people do, and the display doesn't look right, try tmux -u respectively screen -U to force UTF-8 mode. Also make sure you have the locales package installed on Debian-type systems.

Connecting via SSH from Windows using PuTTY/KiTTY (version >=0.70), take a look at this small guide.

The following command lets you easily check whether your font supports all the necessary characters and your terminal is configured correctly:

python -c 'print u"\u22c5 \u201d \u2019 \u266f \u2622 \u260d \u2318 \u2730 " \
    u"\u22ee \u262f \u2691 \u21ba \u2934 \u2935 \u2206 \u2207 \u26a0 \u25d4 " \
    u"\u21af \u00bf \u2a02 \u2716 \u21e3 \u21e1 \u25b9 \u254d \u25aa \u26af " \
    u"\u2692 \u25cc \u21c5 \u21a1 \u219f \u229b \u267a \u22c6 \u2026 \u21f3 " \
    u"\u2308 \u2309 \u230a \u230b \u2298 \u221e \u21a8 \u2762 \u0298 \u21d5 " \
    u"\u22eb \u2621 \u2195 \u211e \u27f2 \u25f7 \u03a3 \u21c8 \u2714 \u26c1 " \
    u"\u2639 \u2780 \u2781 \u2782 \u2783 \u2784 \u2785 \u2786 \u2787 \u2788 \u2789 " \
    u"\u2801 \u2809 \u280b \u281b \u281f \u283f \u287f \u28ff \u275a " \
    u"\u2581 \u2582 \u2583 \u2584 \u2585 \u2586 \u2587 \u2588 ".encode("utf8")'

⋅ ” ’ ♯ ☢ ☍ ⌘ ✰ ⋮ ☯ ⚑ ↺ ⤴ ⤵ ∆ ∇ ⚠ ◔ ↯ ¿ ⨂ ✖ ⇣ ⇡ ▹ ╍ ▪ ⚯ ⚒ ◌ ⇅ ↡ ↟ ⊛ ♺ ⋆ … ⇳ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⊘ ∞ ↨ ❢ ʘ ⇕ ⋫ ☡ ↕ ℞ ⟲ ◷ Σ ⇈ ✔ ⛁ ☹ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉ ⠁ ⠉ ⠋ ⠛ ⠟ ⠿ ⡿ ⣿ ❚ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █

Supporting 256 or more colors

Having 256 colors you can use color gradients for ratio coloring, and much more appropriate pallid color shades for backgrounds.

To enable 256 colors, your terminal must obviously be able to support them at all (i.e. have a xterm-256color terminfo entry, or similar). But even if that is the case, you often need to give a little nudge to the terminal multiplexers; namely start tmux with the -2 switch (that forces 256 color mode), or for screen start it with the terminal already set to 256 color mode so it can sense the underlying terminal supports them. Take a look at the small tmux guide.

You can create your own color theme by using the ui.color.*= commands or find several color themes in the contrib folder.

There are extra keyboard shortcuts defined along with the original ones in rTorrent (see all the extra built-in ones).

Column Description
F subfilter the current view based on the name of downloads by entering a regexp (capital f)
↑, ↓ prev, next in input history (at any input prompt, e.g. at ^x)
ESC exit from any input prompt (e.g. at ^x)

The following new commands are available along with the well documented ones in rTorrent Handbook.

Event (multi commands) that will be triggered when a download is being partially restarted: when previously deselected files are selected of a finished download. Example usage:

method.set_key =, ~log, ((print, "Partially restarted : ", ((

Events (multi commands) that will be triggered when startup is done (e.g. after loading session files) or shutdown is started. Example usage:

method.set_key = event.system.startup_done, ~log, ((print, "Startup time: ", ((system.startup_time)) ))

Similarly to method.insert.value method, they create public, mutable properties. Example usage:

method.insert.list = foo, {"z1", "z2", "z3"}

Custom fileds d.custom=last_active and d.custom=tm_completed hold timestamps: the last time when items had peers and time of completion. They are also displayed on the collapsed display.

Returns the size needed to create the selected files of a download in Bytes.

While d.eta.time gives the estimated time left in short human readable format (e.g.: 1h34’), d.eta.seconds gives it in seconds: 0 = download is partially done, -1 = download speed is less than 512 Byte/s.

Returns the name of the parent directory of a download.

Returns the size of the selected files of a download in Bytes. It returns the completed_bytes if a download is only partyally done (and not the slected size of files, since they can be turnd off later!), or calculates the partial size based on the selected chunks of the selected files if a downalod hasn't been (partially) finished.

Returns boolean, determines whether there's enough space for the selected files of a download on the selected partition of an HDD.

Returns boolean, determines whether all the files of a download have been finished (to be able to distinguish between finished and partially done downloads).

Returns boolean, determines whether a file has flag_fallocate flag.

Returns boolean, determines whether a file has both flag_fallocate and flag_resize_queued flag.

f.set_fallocate and f.unset_fallocate commands are setter methods for flag_fallocate flag of a file.

Returns size of an array.

Returns a formatted (2 characters padded) string for a number, e.g.: --, `` 2``, 125. It's used to display max choke group values on Info screen. adds inotify support for added meta files.

First parameter is the directory that will be watched, second is the name of the main command that will be called if an "add" event is triggered (load.* commands), while the rest of the parameters are a comma separated list of extra commands that will be passed as arguments to the main command specified as the second parameter. Note that if an extra command includes commas (, parameter separator) then it needs to be included inside quotes ("). Limitation: a given directory can only be specified once with either or = (cat,(cfg.dir.meta_downl),unsafe/),   load.start,  "d.attribs.set=unsafe,,1", print=loadedunsafe adds inotify support for removed meta files.

It only supports 3 commands as the first parameter: d.stop, d.close, d.erase; rest of the parameters are a comma separated list of the directories that will be watched. Limitation: a given directory can only be specified once with either or = d.erase, (cat,(cfg.dir.meta_compl),various/), (cat,(cfg.dir.meta_compl),unsafe/)

Regexp based comparison operator can work with strings or values (integers), returned from the given commands, its return value is boolean.

method.insert = match_name, simple, "match={,.*linux.*iso}"

Catches input_errors of cmd and logs them on rpc_events.

Apply temp filter to a view. If «cmd» isn't supplied it removes the previously applied temp filter.

view.temp_filter=main, "match={,.*linux.*iso}"

Get / set a list of views that can be excluded from subfiltering. Its default value is:


Determines whether subfiltering is logged onto the messages view (key l). Disabled by default, to enable it:


Get / set the size of input history. Default value is:


Clear all the input history.

Displays values of the given throttle.up/throttle.down in the first part of status bar, multiple comma separated names can be given. Include the max limit of the throttle, the main upload/download rate and the upload/download rate of the throttle (in this order).

Original: [Throttle 500/1500 KB] [Rate: 441.6/981.3 KB]

Modified possible cases:

[Throttle 200 / 500 KB] [Rate 107.4 / 298.6 KB]
[Throttle 200(114) / 500 KB] [Rate 107.0(1.0|105.9) / 307.6 KB]
[Throttle 200 / 500(250) KB] [Rate 124.7 / 298.2(298.2|0.0) KB]
[Throttle 200(114) / 500(250) KB] [Rate 115.9(1.7|114.2) / 333.9(333.9|0.0) KB]
[Throttle 500(154|25) / 1500 KB] [Rate 399.6(365.9|8.3|25.4) / 981.3 KB]

Limitation is that every group (there are 4 possible groups) can contain the following number of characters (it leaves space for at least 5 throttles to be displayed): 40 chars for limits, 50 chars for rates.

This extra info isn't displayed in the following cases:

  • there isn't any throttle.up/throttle.down name as the config variable suggest or the given name is "NULL"
  • throttle.up/throttle.down is not throttled (=0)
  • the global upload/download is not throttled (=0) (throttle.up/throttle.down won't be taken into account in this case)

Configuration example:


Set global throttle steps. Their default value is:  =   5 =  50  = 500