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Data Engineering

At a very high level, a data engineer takes all the incoming data points from different sources and produces it and maintains it in databases or computers so that the company has access to this data.

What is Data?

  • Data is information collected and stored on computers.
  • In today's world, data is immensely valuable, with companies like Facebook and Google leveraging it for profit.
  • Businesses use data to improve products, monitor performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Why Businesses Care About Data

  • Data is a valuable asset for businesses, driving product improvement and revenue generation.
  • Companies use data to create features like recommendation engines and monitor sales statistics.
  • Data helps businesses assess their performance and identify opportunities for enhancement.

Types of Data

1. Structured Data

  • Well-organized data typically stored in tables.
  • Attributes are columns, rows are instances, often sourced from relational databases (e.g., MySQL).

2. Semi-Structured Data

  • Structured but stored in various formats like XML, CSV, or JSON.
  • Examples from Kaggle show XML and JSON formats, with different structures for data organization.

3. Unstructured Data

  • Not easily analyzable due to complex formats.
  • Examples include emails, PDFs, and other documents.

4. Binary Data

  • Files like audio, image, and video stored in binary (ones and zeros).
  • Difficult for human analysis but comprehensible to computers.

Data Engineer's Role

  • Data engineers work on organizing and manipulating diverse data types.
  • They integrate structured, semi-structured, unstructured, and binary data for effective business use.


  • Businesses' increasing reliance on data underscores the importance of data engineers in managing and extracting value from different data sources.
  • The variety of data types highlights the complexity of the data landscape and the need for skilled professionals to navigate it.

Key Concepts:

1. Data Mining

  • Definition: Pre-processing and extracting knowledge from data.
  • Purpose: Extract meaningful insights from raw data.

2. Big Data

  • Definition: Large datasets that are too extensive to be processed on a single computer.
  • Challenge: Requires cloud computing or distributed systems (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) due to the sheer volume of data.
  • Technologies: Hadoop, NoSQL.

3. Data Pipeline

  • Definition: A system or process built by data engineers to manage the flow of data from various sources to useful forms.
  • Purpose: Enable the extraction of valuable information from a vast amount of data.

What Data Engineers Do:

  • Data Engineers:
    • Data Pipeline Creation: Build pipelines to accumulate data from diverse sources (IoT devices, mobile apps, web apps, etc.).
    • Database Management: Organize and store data efficiently using databases and storage engines.
    • Enable Data Utilization: Facilitate data scientists, machine learning experts, and analysts by providing well-organized data for modeling and analysis.
    • Support Business Decisions: Assist in making informed business decisions through data insights.
    • Foundation for Data Science: Lay the groundwork for data scientists to focus on modeling by handling the data collection and organization.

Significance of Data Engineers:

  • Critical Role: Data engineers are crucial for setting the stage for data science activities within a company.
  • Data Collection: They handle the initial stages of data collection, allowing data scientists to focus on modeling and analysis.
  • Data Pipeline Creation: Build systems that transform raw data into a usable format, forming the foundation for various business applications.

Data Engineering Tools:

1. Apache Kafka

  • Function: Collects data streams and facilitates their storage in data lakes.

2. Data Lakes:

  • Examples: Hadoop, Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake.
  • Purpose: Store large volumes of raw data for further processing.

3. Data Warehouses:

  • Examples: Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena.
  • Function: Analyze structured data for business intelligence and reporting.

Roles in the Data Flow:

1. Software Engineer:

  • Responsibility: Builds programs, apps, or systems that generate and release data.

2. Data Engineer:

  • Responsibility: Creates pipelines to ingest, process, and store data in data lakes and data warehouses.

3. Data Scientist/Machine Learning Expert:

  • Data Usage: Works with data lakes, extracting data for machine learning models.
  • Purpose: Derives insights, builds models, and delivers business value.

4. Data Analyst/Business Intelligence:

  • Data Usage: Utilizes data warehouses and structured data for analysis and visualization.
  • Purpose: Derives business value through structured data analysis.

Data Flow in a Company:

  1. Data Generation:

    • By: Software Engineers (app developers, mobile developers).
    • Outcome: Release of data through programs and applications.
  2. Data Engineering:

    • By: Data Engineers.
    • Function: Ingests, processes, and stores data using tools like Apache Kafka, Hadoop, or data lakes.
  3. Data Science:

    • By: Data Scientists/Machine Learning Experts.
    • Data Source: Data lakes.
    • Outcome: Extraction of valuable insights, model building for business value.
  4. Data Analysis/Business Intelligence:

    • By: Data Analysts/Business Intelligence Professionals.
    • Data Source: Data warehouses.
    • Outcome: Structured data analysis, visualization, and business value derivation.

Key Tasks of a Data Engineer

1. ETL Pipeline Building:

  • Definition: ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load.
  • Process:
    • Extract: Data engineer extracts raw data generated by various systems.
    • Transform: Data is transformed into a usable form for loading into a data warehouse.
    • Load: Processed data is loaded into a data warehouse for company-wide use.
  • Programming Languages: Python, Go, Scala, Java.

2. Building Analysis Tools:

  • Purpose: Ensure efficient monitoring and analysis of data and system health.
  • Tools: Data engineers create tools for data scientists, analysts, and business intelligence professionals to analyze data and monitor system performance.

3. Maintenance of Data Warehouse and Data Lakes:

  • Responsibility: Ensure accessibility and functionality of data in data warehouses and data lakes.
  • Key Tasks: Regular maintenance, optimization, and troubleshooting.

Overview of Data Engineering Tools

Note to Learners:

  • The following overview provides a general understanding of key tools in the data engineering landscape. The field is dynamic, with new tools emerging, so continued exploration is recommended.

Main Tools:

  1. Hadoop:

    • Function: Distributed storage and processing of large datasets.
    • Use Case: Handling big data in distributed environments.
  2. Kafka:

    • Function: Distributed event streaming platform.
    • Use Case: Ingesting, processing, and managing real-time data streams.
  3. Apache Spark:

    • Function: Unified analytics engine for big data processing.
    • Use Case: Batch processing, real-time data processing, machine learning.

Types of Databases:

1. Relational Databases:

  • Definition: Original type of database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL).
  • Characteristics: Uses SQL for transactions, strong consistency guarantees.
  • Limitations: Challenges with distributed databases as data scales.

2. NoSQL Databases:

  • Examples: MongoDB.
  • Purpose: Address the need for distributed databases, especially as data scales.
  • Characteristics: Flexible, suitable for unstructured or semi-structured data.

3. NewSQL Databases:

  • Examples: VoltDB, CockroachDB.
  • Purpose: Aim to combine benefits of both relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Characteristics: Distributed nature for scalability, with ACID transaction guarantees.

Databases for Specific Needs:

1. Search Databases:

  • Examples: Elasticsearch, Solr.
  • Purpose: Designed for efficient and fast search capabilities.

2. Computational Databases:

  • Examples: Apache Spark.
  • Purpose: Enables computation and analysis on data stored in databases.

OLTP and OLAP Databases:

1. OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Databases:

  • Characteristics: Used for transactional purposes (e.g., user interactions in web apps).
  • Example: Relational databases.

2. OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Databases:

  • Characteristics: Used for analytical purposes, supporting complex queries and reporting.
  • Example: Data warehouses.

Why Many Databases Exist:

  • Diverse Needs: Different databases cater to specific requirements and use cases.
  • Evolution of Data Storage: As data grew, the need for distributed databases emerged.
  • Specialized Functions: Databases tailored for searches, computations, and analytical purposes.

What is a Database?

  • A database is a collection of data organized in a way that makes data management efficient.
  • Purpose: Allows storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data.

Database Management System (DBMS):

  • A DBMS (Database Management System) is a collection of programs enabling access to and manipulation of databases.
  • Functionality:
    • Allows users to interact with databases.
    • Controls user access to the database.

Types of DBMS:

1. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):

  • Examples: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server.
  • Characteristics:
    • Follows a structured format.
    • Comprises tables with columns and rows.
    • Requires a predefined schema.
    • Utilizes SQL (Structured Query Language) for communication.

2. NoSQL Database:

  • Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB, HyperTable.
  • Characteristics:
    • Supports flexible data models.
    • Allows dynamic schema definition.
    • Suitable for unstructured or semi-structured data.
    • Diverse types: document-oriented (e.g., MongoDB), key-value stores, graph databases.

Choosing Between Relational and NoSQL Databases:

  • Relational Databases:

    • Suitable when data requirements are clear from the project's outset.
    • Well-structured, with defined schemas.
    • Commonly used in scenarios with structured data.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Offers flexibility for projects with unclear or evolving data requirements.
    • Supports dynamic schema definition.
    • Suitable for projects dealing with unstructured or semi-structured data.

Query Languages:

  • Relational Databases: Use SQL (Structured Query Language) for communication.
  • NoSQL Databases: Have their own query languages (e.g., MongoDB Query Language).

Visualizing Storage Models:

1. Relational Database Storage Model:

  • Tables linked by foreign keys.
  • Information stored in separate tables.

2. NoSQL Database Storage Model (MongoDB Example):

  • Document-oriented storage.
  • Each document contains related information.

Evolution of Data Storage Challenges

  • Challenge: As companies generated more data, traditional databases (e.g., MySQL) became inefficient for handling large amounts of data.
  • Solution: Hadoop, an open-source distributed processing framework, emerged as a cornerstone of data engineering.

Hadoop Overview

  • Purpose: Data processing and storage for big data.
  • Development: Initially developed by Yahoo! and later donated to the Apache Software Foundation.
  • Key Components:
    1. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):
      • Allows storage of large amounts of data across multiple computers (scalability).
    2. MapReduce:
      • Enables batch processing of data using languages like Java or Python.

Hadoop's Role

  • Data Lake Solution:
    • Hadoop serves as a data lake, allowing the storage of massive amounts of data.

Key Components Explained

  1. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):

    • Purpose: Scalable file system for storing large datasets.
    • Scalability: Data is distributed across different physical computers.
    • Characteristic: Enables the storage of petabytes of data efficiently.
  2. MapReduce:

    • Functionality:
      • Performs batch processing on large datasets.
      • Executes jobs to clean, process, and analyze data.
    • Language Support: Primarily used with languages like Java or Python.
    • Evolution: Although effective, MapReduce usage has decreased with the emergence of faster alternatives like Apache Spark.

Hive - SQL Interface for Hadoop

  • Purpose: Makes the Hadoop cluster feel like a relational database.
  • Functionality:
    • Allows users to write SQL queries against data stored in HDFS.
    • Provides a SQL-like interface for interacting with Hadoop.

Hadoop in Data Engineering

  • Data Engineer's Role:
    • Works behind the scenes to build systems for data collection, ETL jobs (Extract, Transform, Load), and large-scale data processing.
    • Hadoop serves as a storage layer for large datasets and facilitates batch processing.

Evolution from Hadoop to Apache Spark

  • Background:
    • Hadoop and MapReduce were initially used for batch processing in data engineering.
    • Apache Spark emerged as an improvement over Hadoop and MapReduce.
  • Apache Spark Advancements:
    • Introduced in-memory processing, significantly enhancing processing speed.
    • Became a go-to batch processing framework for data engineers.

Apache Spark Overview

  • Purpose:
    • Batch processing framework for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) jobs.
    • Efficiently processes large volumes of data.
  • Key Features:
    • In-Memory Processing:
      • Allows Spark to run processing jobs much faster than traditional MapReduce.
    • Compatibility:
      • Works seamlessly with Hadoop, allowing data stored in HDFS to be processed.

Real-Time Processing with Streaming

  • Shift from Batch Processing to Real-Time Processing:
    • Traditional batch processing involved processing chunks of data over time.
    • Real-Time Processing:
      • Spark Streaming introduced the concept of processing data as it arrives, enabling real-time insights.

Apache Flink - Real-Time Stream Processing

  • Introduction:
    • Apache Flink focuses on real-time stream processing.
    • Offers an alternative to Spark Streaming.
  • Key Features:
    • Real-Time Processing:
      • Processes data as it arrives, providing low-latency stream processing.
    • Versatility:
      • Suitable for both batch and stream processing workloads.

Recap: Data Ingestion and Storage

  • Data Engineering Overview:
    • Collecting and ingesting data.
    • Storing data in a data lake, often utilizing Hadoop clusters or object storage like Amazon S3.
    • Batch jobs are traditionally used to process and clean the data.

Real-Time Stream Processing

  • Evolution in Data Processing:
    • Shift from batch processing to real-time stream processing.
    • Faster reactions to data with real-time processing.

Apache Kafka: Distributed Streaming Platform

  • Introduction to Kafka:
    • Kafka is a distributed streaming platform.
    • Allows reading, writing, processing, and storing streams of data.
    • Acts as a messaging system for data.

Kafka in Data Engineering Landscape

  • Central Role of Kafka:
    • Kafka serves as a central hub for receiving messages, logs, and data from various sources.
    • Routes data to different destinations based on processing needs.

Stream Processing Tools

  • Real-Time Processing Tools:
    • Apache Spark Streaming
    • Apache Flink
    • Apache Storm
    • Amazon Kinesis

Collaborative Role of Data Engineers

  • Collaboration Between Data Engineers and Data Scientists:
    • Data engineers set up the landscape for data scientists.
    • Ingest data through Kafka, store in Hadoop or Amazon S3, process with Apache Spark or other tools.
    • Create a structured environment for data analysis and machine learning.