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executable file
878 lines (629 loc) · 41.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
878 lines (629 loc) · 41.4 KB


The list of available methods for this plugin is described below.

method name params description
initSdk (Object args, function success, function error) Initialize the SDK
startSdk () Starts the SDK - Must call initSdk first in order to make this work
logEvent (String eventName, Object eventValue, function success, function error) Track rich in-app events
registerOnAppOpenAttribution (function success, function error) Get the deeplink data
registerDeepLink (function callBack) Get unified deep link data
setCurrencyCode (String currencyId) Set currency code
setAppUserId (String customerUserId) Set custom_user_id
setGCMProjectNumber (String gcmProjectNumber)
getAppsFlyerUID (function success) Get AppsFlyer’s proprietary Device ID
anonymizeUser (Boolean isDisabled) Anonymize user data
Stop (Boolean isStopTracking) Shut down all SDK tracking
updateServerUninstallToken (String token) (Android) Pass GCM/FCM Tokens
registerUninstall (String token) (iOS) Pass APNs Tokens
setAppInviteOneLinkID (Object args) Set AppsFlyer’s OneLink ID
generateInviteLink (Object args, function success, function error) Error callback
logCrossPromotionImpression (String appId, String campaign) Track cross promotion impression
logCrossPromotionAndOpenStore (String appId, String campaign, Object params) Launch the app store's app page (via Browser)
handleOpenUrl (String url)
getSdkVersion ((function success) Get the current SDK version
setSharingFilterForAllPartners Used by advertisers to exclude all networks/integrated partners from getting data
setSharingFilter (partners) Used by advertisers to exclude specified networks/integrated partners from getting data
setSharingFilterForPartners (partners) Used by advertisers to exclude specified networks/integrated partners from getting data
validateAndLogInAppPurchase (Object purchaseInfo, function success, function error) API for server verification of in-app purchases
setUseReceiptValidationSandbox (boolean isSandbox, function success, function error) In app purchase receipt validation Apple environment
disableCollectASA (boolean collectASA, function success) iOS - set the SDK to load OR not to load iAd.framework dynamically
setDisableAdvertisingIdentifier (boolean disableAdvertisingIdentifier, function success) Disable collection of Apple, Google, Amazon and Open advertising ids (IDFA, GAID, AAID, OAID).
setOneLinkCustomDomains (domains, function success, function error) Set Onelink custom/branded domains
enableFacebookDeferredApplinks (boolean isEnabled) support deferred deep linking from Facebook Ads
setUserEmails (emails, function success) Set user emails for FB Advanced Matching
setPhoneNumber (String phoneNumber, function success) Set phone number for FB Advanced Matching
setHost (String hostPrefix, String hostName) Set custom host prefix and host name
addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath (path) configure push notification deep link resolution
setResolveDeepLinkURLs (urls) get the OneLink from click domains
disableSKAD (boolean disableSkad) disable or enable SKAD
setCurrentDeviceLanguage (string language) Set the language of the device.
setAdditionalData (Object additionalData) Allows you to add custom data to events sent from the SDK.
setPartnerData (partnerId, data) Allows sending custom data for partner integration purposes.
sendPushNotificationData (Object data) Measure and get data from push-notification campaigns.
setDisableNetworkData (boolean disable) Use to opt-out of collecting the network operator name (carrier) and sim operator name from the device.
setConsentData (boolean disable) Use to manually collecting the consent data from the user.
enableTCFDataCollection (boolean enable) instruct the SDK to collect the TCF data from the device.
logAdRevenue (Object adRevenueData, Object additionalParams) Log ad revenue event.

initialize the SDK.

parameter type description
options Object SDK configuration
onSuccess (message: string)=>void Success callback - called after successful SDK initialization.
onError (message: string)=>void Error callback - called when error occurs during initialization.


name type default description
devKey string Appsflyer Dev key
appId string Apple Application ID (for iOS only)
isDebug boolean false debug mode (optional)
useUninstallSandbox boolean false For iOS only, to test uninstall in Sandbox environment (optional)
collectIMEI boolean false opt-out of collection of IMEI
collectAndroidID boolean false opt-out of collection of collectAndroidID
onInstallConversionDataListener boolean false Accessing AppsFlyer Attribution / Conversion Data from the SDK (Deferred Deeplinking). Read more: Android, iOS. AppsFlyer plugin will return attribution data in onSuccess callback.
shouldStartSdk boolean true Prevents from the SDK from sending the launch request after using appsFlyer.initSdk(...). When using this property, the apps needs to manually trigger the appsFlyer.startSdk() API to report the app launch. read more here. (Optional, default=true)


var  onSuccess = function(result) {
// handle result

var  onError = function(err) {
// handle error

var  options = {
devKey:  'd3Ac9qPardVYZxfWmCspwL',
appId:  '123456789',
isDebug:  false,
onInstallConversionDataListener:  true  //optional

window.plugins.appsFlyer.initSdk(options, onSuccess, onError);

Starts the SDK


window.plugins.appsFlyer.initSdk(options, onSuccess, onError);

  • These in-app events help you track how loyal users discover your app, and attribute them to specific campaigns/media-sources. Please take the time define the event/s you want to measure to allow you to track ROI (Return on Investment) and LTV (Lifetime Value).
  • The logEvent method allows you to send in-app events to AppsFlyer analytics. This method allows you to add events dynamically by adding them directly to the application code.
parameter type description
eventName String custom event name, is presented in your dashboard. See the Event list HERE
eventValue Object event details
onSuccess function triggered when the event was sent successfully. returns the event's name. can be Null
onError function triggered when an error occurred. returns an error message. can be Null


var  successTrackEvent = function(success){

var  failureTrackEvent = function(failure){

var  eventName = 'af_add_to_cart';
var  eventValues = {
'af_content_id':  'id123',
'af_currency':  'USD',
'af_revenue':  '2'

window.plugins.appsFlyer.logEvent(eventName, eventValues, successTrackEvent, failureTrackEvent);
window.plugins.appsFlyer.logEvent(eventName, eventValues, null, null);

End User Opt-Out (Optional)

AppsFlyer provides you a method to opt‐out specific users from AppsFlyer analytics. This method complies with the latest privacy requirements and complies with Facebook data and privacy policies. Default is FALSE, meaning tracking is enabled by default.



parameter type Default description
currencyId String USD ISO 4217 Currency Codes


window.plugins.appsFlyer.setCurrencyCode('GBP'); // British Pound

Setting your own Custom ID enables you to cross-reference your own unique ID with AppsFlyer’s user ID and the other devices’ IDs. This ID is available in AppsFlyer CSV reports along with postbacks APIs for cross-referencing with you internal IDs.

Note: The ID must be set during the first launch of the app at the SDK initialization. The best practice is to call this API during the deviceready event, where possible.

parameter type description
customerUserId String



parameter type description
Stop boolean In some extreme cases you might want to shut down all SDK tracking due to legal and privacy compliance. This can be achieved with the isStopTracking API. Once this API is invoked, our SDK will no longer communicate with our servers and stop functioning.



In any event, the SDK can be reactivated by calling the same API, but to pass false.

parameter type description
onSuccess (message: stringifed JSON)=>void Success callback - called after receiving data on App Open Attribution.
onError (message: stringifed JSON)=>void Error callback - called when error occurs.


window.plugins.appsFlyer.registerOnAppOpenAttribution(function(res) {
        console.log('AppsFlyer OAOA ==> ' + res);
        alert('AppsFlyer OAOA ==> ' + res);
     function onAppOpenAttributionError(err) {

Note: most be called before initSdk() and it overrides registerOnAppOpenAttribution.

parameter type description
callBack (message: stringifed JSON)=>void function called after receiving dep link data


window.plugins.appsFlyer.registerDeepLink(function(res) {
    console.log('AppsFlyer DDL ==> ' + res);
    alert('AppsFlyer DDL ==> ' + res);

(Android) Allows to pass GCM/FCM Tokens that where collected by third party plugins to the AppsFlyer server. Can be used for Uninstall Tracking.

parameter type description
token String GCM/FCM Token

(iOS) Allows to pass APN Tokens that where collected by third party plugins to the AppsFlyer server. Can be used for Uninstall Tracking.

parameter type description
token String APN Token

Get AppsFlyer’s proprietary Device ID. The AppsFlyer Device ID is the main ID used by AppsFlyer in Reports and APIs.

function  getUserIdCallbackFn(id){/* ... */}



var  getUserIdCallbackFn = function(id) {
alert('received id is: ' + id);

parameter type description
getUserIdCallbackFn () => void Success callback

Set AppsFlyer’s OneLink ID. Setting a valid OneLink ID will result in shortened User Invite links, when one is generated. The OneLink ID can be obtained on the AppsFlyer Dashboard.


parameter type description
OneLinkID String OneLink ID

Allowing your existing users to invite their friends and contacts as new users to your app can be a key growth factor for your app. AppsFlyer allows you to track and attribute new installs originating from user invites within your app.


var  inviteOptions {
channel: 'gmail',
campaign: 'myCampaign',
customerID: '1234',
userParams {
myParam: 'newUser',
anotherParam: 'fromWeb',
amount: 1

var  onInviteLinkSuccess = function(link) {
console.log(link); // Handle Generated Link Here

function  onInviteLinkError(err) {

window.plugins.appsFlyer.generateInviteLink(inviteOptions, onInviteLinkSuccess, onInviteLinkError);
parameter type description
inviteOptions Object Parameters for Invite link
onInviteLinkSuccess () => void Success callback (generated link)
onInviteLinkError () => void Error callback

A complete list of supported parameters is available here. Custom parameters can be passed using a userParams{} nested object, as in the example above.

Use this call to track an impression use the following API call. Make sure to use the promoted App ID as it appears within the AppsFlyer dashboard.


window.plugins.appsFlyer.logCrossPromotionImpression("", "myCampaign");
parameter type description
appID String Promoted Application ID
campaign String Promoted Campaign

For more details about Cross-Promotion tracking please see here.

Use this call to track the click and launch the app store's app page (via Browser)


var  crossPromOptions {
customerID: '1234',
myCustomParameter: 'newUser'

window.plugins.appsFlyer.logCrossPromotionAndOpenStore('', 'myCampaign', crossPromOptions);
parameter type description
appID String Promoted Application ID
campaign String Promoted Campaign
options Object Additional Parameters to track

For more details about Cross-Promotion tracking please see here.

Get the current SDK version


var  getSdkVersionCallbackFn = function(v) {
alert('SDK version: ' + v);
parameter type description
getSdkVersionCallbackFn void Success callback

Used by advertisers to exclude all networks/integrated partners from getting data. Learn more here



Used by advertisers to exclude specified networks/integrated partners from getting data. Learn more here


let  partners = ["facebook_int","googleadwords_int","snapchat_int","doubleclick_int"];

parameter type description
partners array Comma separated array of partners that need to be excluded

Used by advertisers to exclude specified networks/integrated partners from getting data networks Comma separated array of partners that need to be excluded. Learn more here


let  partners = ["facebook_int","googleadwords_int","snapchat_int","doubleclick_int"];

parameter type description
partners array Comma separated array of partners that need to be excluded

Receipt validation is a secure mechanism whereby the payment platform (e.g. Apple or Google) validates that an in-app purchase indeed occurred as reported. Learn more here


 purchaseInfo = {
        productIdentifier: 'identifier', //iOS
        transactionId: '12xxx56', //iOS
        publicKey: "key",
        currency: 'biz',
        signature: "sig",
        purchaseData: "data",
        price: '123',
        additionalParameters: {'foo': 'bar'},
    window.plugins.appsFlyer.setUseReceiptValidationSandbox(true); // iOS -> for testing in sandbox environment
    window.plugins.appsFlyer.validateAndLogInAppPurchase(purchaseInfo, successC, failureC);
parameter type description
purchaseInfo Object In-App Purchase parameters
successC function success callback
failureC function failure callback

Purchase parameters:

parameter type description
publicKey string License Key obtained from the Google Play Console
signature string data.INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE
purchaseData string data.INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA
price string The product price
additionalParameters Object The additional param, which you want to receive it in the raw reports.
productIdentifier string The product identifier. FOR iOS
transactionId string The purchase transaction Id. FOR iOS
currency string The product currency

In app purchase receipt validation Apple environment(production or sandbox)
Callback functions are optional.


parameter type description
isSandbox boolean true if In app purchase is done with sandbox

AppsFlyer SDK dynamically loads the Apple iAd.framework. This framework is required to record and measure the performance of Apple Search Ads in your app.
If you don't want AppsFlyer to dynamically load this framework, set this property to true.

window.plugins.appsFlyer.disableCollectASA(true, successC);
parameter type description
collectASA boolean If you don't want AppsFlyer to dynamically load iAd.framework, set this property to true
successC function success callback

Disable collection of Apple, Google, Amazon and Open advertising ids (IDFA, GAID, AAID, OAID).

window.plugins.appsFlyer.setDisableAdvertisingIdentifier(true, successC);
parameter type description
disableAdvertisingIdentifier boolean Disable collection of Apple, Google, Amazon and Open advertising ids (IDFA, GAID, AAID, OAID).
successC function success callback

Set Onelink custom/branded domains
Use this API during the SDK Initialization to indicate branded domains. For more information Learn here


let domains = ["", "", ""];
window.plugins.appsFlyer.setOneLinkCustomDomains(domains, successC, errorC);
parameter type description
domains String array String array of branded domains
successC function will trigger if the domains were sent successfully
errorC function will trigger if an error occurred

support deferred deep linking from Facebook Ads

NOTE: use this api before init.
For more information Learn here


parameter type description
isEnabled boolean enable support deferred deep linking from Facebook Ads

Set user emails for FB Advanced Matching


let emails = ["", ""];
window.plugins.appsFlyer.setUserEmails(emails, successC);
parameter type description
emails String array String array of emails
successC function will trigger if the emails were sent successfully

Set phone number for FB Advanced Matching


let phoneNumber = "0548561587";
window.plugins.appsFlyer.setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, successC);
parameter type description
phoneNumber String String phone number
successC function will trigger if the number was sent successfully

Set custom host prefix and host name


let prefix = "another"
let name = "host"
window.plugins.appsFlyer.setHost(prefix, name);
parameter type description
hostPrefix String host prefix
hostName String host name

The addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath method provides app owners with a flexible interface for configuring how deep links are extracted from push notification payloads. for more information: here ❗Important❗ addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath must be called before calling initSDK


let path = ["go", "to", "this", "path"]
parameter type description
path String[] strings array of the path

Use this API to get the OneLink from click domains that launch the app. Make sure to call this API before SDK initialization.


let urls = ['', ''];
parameter type description
urls String[] strings array of domains

enable or disable SKAD support. set True if you want to disable it!
disableSKAD must be called before calling initSDK and for iOS ONLY!.


parameter type description
disableSkad boolean disable or enable SKAD support

Set the language of the device. The data will be displayed in Raw Data Reports
setCurrentDeviceLanguage must be called before calling initSDK and for iOS ONLY!.


parameter type description
language string Set the language of the device.

The setAdditionalData API allows you to add custom data to events sent from the SDK.
Typically it is used to integrate on the SDK level with several external partner platforms.


        "revenue": 15});
parameter type description
additionalData Object Set the language of the device.

Allows sending custom data for partner integration purposes.


appsFlyer.setPartnerData("af_int", {apps: "Flyer", cuid: "123abc"});
parameter type description
partnerId String ID of the partner (usually suffixed with "_int").
data Object Customer data, depends on the integration configuration with the specific partner.

Measure and get data from push-notification campaigns. Example:

appsFlyer.sendPushNotificationData({apps: "Flyer", cuid: "123abc", someKey: "Some Value"});
parameter type description
pushData Object JSON object contains the push data

Measure and get data from push-notification campaigns. Example:

parameter type description
disable boolean If should opt out, default to false

When GDPR applies to the user and your app does not use a CMP compatible with TCF v2.2, use this API to provide the consent data directly to the SDK. The AppsFlyerConsent object has 2 methods:

AppsFlyerConsent.forNonGDPRUser: Indicates that GDPR doesn’t apply to the user and generates nonGDPR consent object. This method doesn’t accept any parameters. AppsFlyerConsent.forGDPRUser: create an AppsFlyerConsent object with 2 parameters:

parameter type description
hasConsentForDataUsage boolean Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for advertising purposes
hasConsentForAdsPersonalization boolean Indicates whether the user has consented to use their data for personalized advertising


window.plugins.appsFlyer.setConsentData(AppsFlyerConsent.forGDPRUser(true, true));
// OR

instruct the SDK to collect the TCF data from the device.

parameter type description
enable boolean enable/disable TCF data collection



log ad-revenue event.

parameter type description
adRevenueData Object the object must contain the following fields:
monetizationNetwork: String testMonetizationNetwork
mediationNetwork: MediationNetwork testMediationNetwork
currencyIso4217Code: String currencyByIso4217CodeFormat
revenue:double revenue
additionalData Object additional Params Data map, @Nullable


let mediationNetwork = MediationNetwork.TOPON;
let adRevenueData = {
    'monetizationNetwork': 'testMonetizationNetwork',
    'mediationNetwork': mediationNetwork,
    'currencyIso4217Code': 'USD',
    'revenue': 15.0
let additionalParams = {
window.plugins.appsFlyer.logAdRevenue(adRevenueData, additionalParams);

Here's how you use appsFlyer.logAdRevenue within a Cordova app:

  1. Prepare the adRevenueData object as shown, including any additional parameters you wish to track along with the ad revenue event.
  2. Call the appsFlyer.logAdRevenue method with the adRevenueData object.

By passing all the required fields in AFAdRevenueData, you help ensure accurate tracking within the AppsFlyer platform. This enables you to analyze your ad revenue alongside other user acquisition data to optimize your app's overall monetization strategy.

Note: The additionalParameters object is optional. You can add any additional data you want to log with the ad revenue event in this object. This can be useful for detailed analytics or specific event tracking later on. Make sure that the custom parameters follow the data types and structures specified by AppsFlyer in their documentation.

In ver. >4.2.5 deeplinking metadata (scheme/host) is sent automatically

Add the following lines to your code to be able to track deeplinks with AppsFlyer attribution data: for pure Cordova - add a function 'handleOpenUrl' to your root, and call our SDK as shown:


It appears as follows:

var  handleOpenURL = function(url) {

To enable Universal Links in iOS please follow the guide here.

Note: Our plugin uses method swizzeling for
  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application

continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity

restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable))restorationHandler; `