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The Eleventy build of Anita Cheng's website

I started from the Eleventy Duo starter theme and heavily modified it.

I decided to save a version of this website separately, since I prefer to build and test locally. (Also, because the GitHub Actions I've seen involved npm and the Duo theme uses yarn and I just couldn't be arsed to figure it out for yarn...)

This will be the initial build from March 2024. I probably won't bother updating this repo with new blog posts or the like.

Notes (TBH mostly for myself!)

  • Make sure you're using node 16 to use Eleventy Duo. Use nvm install 16 to install it.
  • Install dependencies with yarn install
  • Add any plugins with yarn add if the directions are usually npm install
  • Serve the site locally with yarn dev
    • yarn build will clear out anything in the publishfolder to build a production version of the site. However, I needed separate .js files to use the Photoswipe gallery. Compiling all the JS files rendered it useless. So I actually use the files generated from yarn dev to push to GitHub. It apparently doesn't make much of a difference, according to Eleventy documentation.


Open data/site.json and adjust the values to your details, it contains vital information to make the site your own. You'll need to change the description, title and URL to match with the project, edit navigation items and social media links.

You'll also need to replace the favicon and default social image in the src/images/ directory with your own graphics.

Manually edit contents


Edit the homepage content at src/ The layout is in layout/home.njk.

About page

Edit the about page content at src/

Blog posts

Blog posts are at src/posts. Do not delete the posts.json file. Create blog posts in markdown format.

Work and projects

Work and projects are stored in the src/work/ and src/projects/ folders respectively. They essentially use the same template, but need to run through different collections for pagination. I use front matter data (which can include HTML) to populate the "excerpt" section that sticks to the browser window as you scroll.


Each speaking engagement listed on the speaking page is saved separately in the src/conferences/ folder. They only use front matter to populate the date, event type, transcript, etc.

Fun coding tricks I took from other places

Hanging punctuation

A lot of things I had to hack in JavaScript on my old site, I can now do in CSS! Like the aforementioned sticky div. Super cool! But the hanging-punctuation CSS property is still not standard, sadface. Luckily this tutorial from envatotuts+ still works, even if it's 10 years old! I stuck the code into src/js/main.js.

Smart quotes

Hahaha, I didn't end up finding a code solution to automatically add smart quotes. It turns out markdown-it (mentioned in .eleventy.js) has a typographer option that includes smart quotes. But when I set it to true it broke my galleries. (It's important to test when you add stuff!) It was trying to replace JavaScript quotes rendered by Photoswipe. I am not that good of a dev, so I elected to set text replacement to add smart quotes when I write in Obsidian, and then it copies over to Visual Studio Code where it's rendered properly.

Lottie Files animations

I downloaded the .json version of the icons on Unicorn Icons, then had to add the Lottie Files script in src/layouts/base.njk to activate them. Fun fact, you can add aria elements to these to add alt text!

Built (via the Eleventy Duo theme) with

  • Eleventy for site generation (obviously)
  • Webpack for asset bundling
  • PostCSS for CSS processing
  • Autoprefixer for vendor prefixing CSS
  • PostCSS Preset Env for transpiling css
  • PurgeCSS for unused CSS removal
  • CSSNano for CSS minification


The Eleventy build for my website







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