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Hamming Backups: 2-of-3 variant of SeedXOR

GitHub Action Quality Gate Status code style: prettier Coverage npm

TypeScript/JavaScript implementation of Hamming Backups: A 2-of-3 variant of SeedXOR.


This project is in an early development phase and has not been audited or reviewed. Use it at your own risk.


Seed XOR allows you to split up your seed into multiple parts. The parts can then be used to reconstruct the original seed.

Read more about the concepts behind SeedXOR on the official website: Seed XOR

One shortcoming of SeedXOR is that you need all shares to recover the original mnemonic. Hamming Backups are a variant of SeedXOR that allow the original seed to be restored if only 2 out of 3 shares are available.


npm install seed-xor-hamming


import { combine, split } from 'seed-xor-hamming';

const original =
  'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art';

(async () => {
  console.log('Original:', original);

  const [share1, share2, share3] = await split(original, true);

  console.log('Share 1:', share1);
  console.log('Share 2:', share2);
  console.log('Share 3:', share3);

  const recovered = await combine(share1, share2); // Any 2 shares can be used

  // The result will be an array of 2 mnemonics. One of them is the original seed.
  console.log('Recovered:', recovered);

For more examples, check the examples folder or the tests.


This library exports two methods, split and combine.


split is used to split an existing seed into multiple shares. It takes 3 parameters:

split(mnemonic: string, useRandom = false): Promise<[string, string, string]>

mnemonic: The seed that should be split. useRandom: If set to true, the shares will be generated randomly. This means that if you create a Hamming Backup with the same seed multiple times, you will get different shares. If set to false, you will always get the same shares.


combine is used to combine Hamming Backup shares and reconstruct the original seed phrase. You need 2 out of 3 shares to recover your seed phrase.

split(share1: string, share2: string): Promise<string>

share1: One of the Hamming Backup shares. share2: Another one of the Hamming Backup shares.


npm install
npm test

File                 | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files            |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 hamming-backup.ts   |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 index.ts            |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 seed-xor-hamming.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 utils.ts            |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |


  • Fix sonarsource coverage not working
  • Audit/review of library by 3rd party


We try to use only a minimal set of dependencies to reduce the attack surface of malicious code being added by one of those dependencies.

There are only 3 (non-dev) dependencies:

1 of those repositories is owned by the bitcoinjs organization, one of them is managed by crypto-browserify, and one is created by the same author as the seed-xor-hamming package, seed-xor


Currently, the following wallets support or are working on integrating Hamming Backups:


The original idea for the 2-of-3 Hamming Backups came from Adam P. Goucher. He created a reference implementation in python. Most of this packages code is based on the reference implementation.

The project setup has been inspired by bitcoinjs libraries, such as bip39 and bip85.