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477 lines (385 loc) · 20.2 KB

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477 lines (385 loc) · 20.2 KB


3.5.1 - 2023-11-17


  • Set the default timeout value to None in WebSocket clients

3.5.0 - 2023-10-26


  • Add timeout parameter to Websocket clients
  • Add method for GET /sapi/v1/asset/wallet/balance

3.4.0 - 2023-10-07


  • Portfolio endpoints:
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/interest-history
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/asset-index-price
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/auto-collection
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/bnb-transfer
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/repay-futures-switch
    • GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/repay-futures-switch
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/repay-futures-negative-balance
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/asset-collection
  • Convert
    • GET /sapi/v1/convert/exchangeInfo
    • GET /sapi/v1/convert/assetInfo
    • POST /sapi/v1/convert/getQuote
    • POST /sapi/v1/convert/acceptQuote
    • GET /sapi/v1/convert/orderStatus
  • Crypto Loan
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ongoing/order
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow/history
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay/history
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/adjust/ltv
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ltv/adjustment/history
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/loanable/data
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/collateral/data
  • Margin
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/crossMarginCollateralRatio
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/exchange-small-liability
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/exchange-small-liability-history
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/next-hourly-interest-rate
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/dust
    • POST /sapi/v1/margin/dust
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/max-leverage
  • SubAccount
  • POST /sapi/v4/sub-account/assets
  • POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/eoptions/enable
  • GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/transaction-statistics
  • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/query-trans-log
  • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/info
  • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/marginAsset
  • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/fetch-future-asset
  • GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/positionRisk
  • GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/accountSummary
  • GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/account
  • Trade
    • GET /api/v3/myPreventedMatches
  • Wallet
    • POST /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/credit-apply
  • Simple Earn
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/list
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/list
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/subscribe
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/subscribe
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/redeem
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/redeem
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/position
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/position
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/account
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/history/subscriptionRecord
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/history/subscriptionRecord
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/history/redemptionRecord
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/history/redemptionRecord
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/history/rewardsRecord
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/history/rewardsRecord
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/setAutoSubscribe
    • POST /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/setAutoSubscribe
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/personalLeftQuota
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/personalLeftQuota
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/subscriptionPreview
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/subscriptionPreview
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/history/rateHistory
    • GET /sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/history/collateralRecord
  • All Auto-Invest endpoints


  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userLeftQuota
  • POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/purchase
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userRedemptionQuota
  • POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/redeem
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/token/position
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/account
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/purchaseRecord
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/redemptionRecord
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/list
  • POST /sapi/v1/lending/customizedFixed/purchase
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/position/list
  • POST /sapi/v1/lending/positionChanged
  • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/borrow/history
  • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/repay/history
  • GET /sapi/v2/futures/loan/wallet
  • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/adjustCollateral/history
  • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/liquidationHistory
  • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/interestHistory


  • Change Loan module name to Crypto Loan
  • Pump dependencies

3.3.1 - 2023-08-23


  • Add missing enum values in the User Universal Transfer endpoint

3.3.0 - 2023-08-07


  • Add support for proxy in Websocket clients
  • Remove support for python 3.7

3.2.0 - 2023-08-01


  • Changes to GET /api/v3/historicalTrades: api key is not required.

3.1.1 - 2023-07-03


  • Change User-Agent

3.1.0 - 2023-06-01


  • Add support for use of ED25519 Key to generate signatures

3.0.0 - 2023-05-23


  • Modified format of combined streams in Websocket Market Streams. Please refer to examples/websocket/websocket_stream/ for example implementation.


  • Discontinued official support for Python 3.6

3.0.0rc2 - 2023-04-21


  • Removed endpoint POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList
  • Removed endpoint POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction


  • POST /sapi/v2/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction
  • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/deposit/address

3.0.0rc1 - 2023-02-10


  • Redesign of Websocket part. Please consult for details on its new usage.


  • Add Websocket API

2.0.0 - 2023-01-18


  • New endpoints for wallet
    • GET /sapi/v1/capital/contract/convertible-coins Get a user's auto-conversion settings in deposit/withdrawal
    • POST /sapi/v1/capital/contract/convertible-coins User can use it to turn on or turn off the BUSD auto-conversion from/to a specific stable coin.
  • New endpoints for Sub-Account
    • GET /v1/managed-subaccount/queryTransLogForInvestor Investor can use this api to query managed sub account transfer log
    • GET /v1/managed-subaccount/queryTransLogForTradeParent Trading team can use this api to query managed sub account transfer log
  • New endpoints for Loan
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/ongoing/orders Get VIP Loan Ongoing Orders
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/vip/repay VIP Loan Repay
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/repay/history Get VIP Loan Repayment History
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/collateral/account Check Locked Value of VIP Collateral Account
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/loanable/data Get Loanable Assets Data
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/collateral/data Get Collateral Assets Data
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/repay/collateral/rate Check Collateral Repay Rate
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/customize/margin_call Customize margin call for ongoing orders only.
  • New endpoints for Wallet
    • GET /sapi/v1/asset/ledger-transfer/cloud-mining/queryByPage Get Cloud-Mining payment and refund history
    • POST /sapi/v1/asset/convert-transfer BUSD Convert
    • GET /sapi/v1/asset/convert-transfer/queryByPage BUSD Convert History
  • New endpoint for gift card
    • POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode Create a dual-token gift card
    • GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode/token-limit Fetch Token Limit


  • Remove !bookTicker Websocket

2.0.0rc4 - 2023-01-17


  • Rewrite reading API key in example files.

2.0.0rc3 - 2022-12-16


  • Python 3.6 Support Removed
  • Futures Loan Endpoints:
    • POST /sapi/v1/futures/loan/borrow - spot.futures_loan_borrow
    • POST /sapi/v1/futures/loan/repay - spot.futures_loan_repay
    • GET /sapi/v2/futures/loan/configs - spot.futures_loan_configs
    • GET /sapi/v2/futures/loan/calcAdjustLevel - spot.futures_loan_calc_adjust_level
    • GET /sapi/v2/futures/loan/calcMaxAdjustAmount - spot.futures_loan_calc_max_adjust_amount
    • POST /sapi/v2/futures/loan/adjustCollateral - spot.futures_loan_adjust_collateral
    • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/collateralRepayLimit - spot.futures_loan_collateral_repay_limit
    • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/collateralRepay - spot.futures_loan_collateral_repay_quote
    • POST /sapi/v1/futures/loan/collateralRepay - spot.futures_loan_repay
    • GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/collateralRepayResult - spot.futures_loan_collateral_repay_result


  • New Margin Endpoint:
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/tradeCoeff - Get Summary of Margin Account
  • Re: binance#184 - Exception handling now returns Raw Data instead of just Error Codes and Error Messages.
  • Websocket Enhancements
    • Added support for passing list of symbols on all relevant Websocket endpoints to support subscription to multiple streams.
    • Stream Identification for when multiple streams are subscribed to at once. Allows users to easily identify which data belongs to which stream.
  • examples/config.ini to globally set API and Secret Keys to apply in all example files


  • Twisted reactor hanging in some situations due to the main thread not exiting cleanly

2.0.0rc2 - 2022-11-29


  • Update version name as hyphens are not recommended.

2.0.0-rc1 - 2022-11-29


  • Add support for use of RSA Key to generate signatures

1.18.0 - 2022-09-29


  • New endpoints for Crypto Loan:
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/borrow - Crypto Loan Borrow
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/borrow/history - Get Loan Borrow History
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/ongoing/orders - Get Loan Ongoing Orders
    • POST/sapi/v1/loan/repay - Crypto Loan Repay
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/repay/history - Get Loan Repayment History
    • POST/sapi/v1/loan/adjust/ltv - Crypto Loan Adjust LTV
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/ltv/adjustment/history - Get Loan LTV Adjustment History


  • Changes to GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo:
    • New optional parameter permissions added to display all symbols with the permissions matching the parameter provided. (eg.SPOT, MARGIN, LEVERAGED)
    • If not provided, the default value will be ["SPOT","MARGIN", "LEVERAGED"]
    • Cannot be combined with symbol or symbols

1.17.0 - 2022-09-05


  • New endpoint for Market:
    • GET /api/v3/uiKlines
  • New kline interval: 1s


  • Changes to GET /api/v3/ticker and GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
    • New optional parameter type added
    • Supported values for parameter type are FULL and MINI
      • FULL is the default value and the response that is currently being returned from the endpoint
      • MINI omits the following fields from the response: priceChangePercent, weightedAvgPrice, bidPrice, bidQty, askPrice, askQty, and lastQty

1.16.0 - 2022-08-11


  • New endpoint for Portfolio Margin:
    • GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/pmLoan to query Portfolio Margin Bankruptcy Loan Record.
    • POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/repay to repay Portfolio Margin Bankruptcy Loan.
    • GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/collateralRate to get Portfolio Margin Collateral Rate.


  • Changes to POST /api/v3/order and POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
    • New optional field strategyId is a parameter used to identify an order as part of a strategy.
    • New optional field strategyType is a parameter used to identify what strategy was running. (E.g. If all the orders are part of spot grid strategy, it can be set to strategyType=1000000)
    • Note: strategyType cannot be less than 1000000.
  • Changes to POST /api/v3/order/oco
    • New optional fields limitStrategyId, limitStrategyType, stopStrategyId, stopStrategyType
    • These are the strategy metadata parameters for both legs of the OCO orders.
    • limitStrategyType and stopStrategyType both cannot be less than 1000000.
  • asset is no longer mandatory in GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/position/list

1.15.0 - 2022-07-19


  • New endpoint for Margin:

    • POST /sapi/v3/asset/getUserAsset to get user assets.
  • New endpoint for Wallet:

    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/dribblet to query the historical information of user's margin account small-value asset conversion BNB.

1.14.0 - 2022-07-04


  • New endpoint GET /api/v3/ticker
  • New endpoint POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
  • New websocket stream <symbol>@ticker_<window_size>
  • New websocket stream !ticker_<window-size>@arr


  • #146 savings_flexible_product_position asset parameter should be optional

1.13.0 - 2022-05-23


  • New endpoint for Gift Card:

    • GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/cryptography/rsa-public-key to fetch RSA public key.
  • New endpoints for Staking:

    • GET /sapi/v1/staking/productList to get Staking product list
    • POST /sapi/v1/staking/purchase to stake product
    • POST /sapi/v1/staking/redeem to redeem product
    • GET /sapi/v1/staking/position to get Staking product holding position
    • GET /sapi/v1/staking/stakingRecord to inquiry Staking history records
    • POST /sapi/v1/staking/setAutoStaking to set Auto Staking function
    • GET /sapi/v1/staking/personalLeftQuota to inquiry Staking left quota


  • Update endpoints for Market:

    • GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr, GET /api/v3/ticker/price and GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker new optional parameter symbols.
  • Update endpoint for Gift Card:

    • POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/redeemCode: new optional parameter externalUid. Each external unique ID represents a unique user on the partner platform. The function helps you to identify the redemption behavior of different users.

1.12.0 - 2022-05-03


  • New endpoint GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/accountSnapshot to support investor master account query asset snapshot of managed sub-account.
  • New endpoint GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/account to support query portfolio margin account info
  • New endpoint GET /sapi/v1/margin/rateLimit/order, which will display the user's current margin order count usage for all intervals.

1.11.0 - 2022-02-23


  • New endpoints for Gift Card (Binance Code in the API Documentation):
    • POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/createCode to create a Binance Code
    • POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/redeemCode to redeem a Binance Code
    • GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/verify to verify a Binance Code
  • New endpoint for Wallet:
    • POST /sapi/v1/asset/dust-btc to get assets that can be converted into BNB

1.10.0 - 2022-01-11


  • New endpoint for Mining:
    • GET /sapi/v1/mining/payment/uid to get Mining account earning
  • New endpoint for BSwap:
    • GET /sapi/v1/bswap/unclaimedRewards to get unclaimed rewards record
    • POST /sapi/v1/bswap/claimRewards to claim swap rewards or liquidity rewards
    • GET /sapi/v1/bswap/claimedHistory to get history of claimed rewards


  • Transfer types MAIN_MINING, MINING_MAIN, MINING_UMFUTURE, MARGIN_MINING, and MINING_MARGIN as they are discontinued in Universal Transfer endpoint POST /sapi/v1/asset/transfer from January 05, 2022 08:00 AM UTC

1.9.0 - 2021-12-22


  • New endpoint for Convert:
    • GET /sapi/v1/convert/tradeFlow to support user query convert trade history records
  • New endpoint for Rebate:
    • GET /sapi/v1/rebate/taxQuery to support user query spot rebate history records
  • New endpoints for Margin:
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/crossMarginData to get cross margin fee data collection
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolatedMarginData to get isolated margin fee data collection
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolatedMarginTier to get isolated margin tier data collection
  • New endpoints for NFT:
    • GET /sapi/v1/nft/history/transactions to get NFT transaction history
    • GET /sapi/v1/nft/history/deposit to get NFT deposit history
    • GET /sapi/v1/nft/history/withdraw to get NFT withdraw history
    • GET /sapi/v1/nft/user/getAsset to get NFT asset

1.8.0 - 2021-11-25


  • New endpoint for Crypto Loans:
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/income to query an asset's loan history
  • New endpoints for Sub-Account:
    • POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction to support master account enable and disable IP restriction for a sub-account API Key
    • POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList to support master account add IP list for a sub-account API Key
    • GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction to support master account query IP restriction for a sub-account API Key
    • DELETE /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList to support master account delete IP list for a sub-account API Key
  • New endpoint for Pay:
    • GET /sapi/v1/pay/transactions to support user query Pay trade history


  • Removed epoch time in util method config_logging to provide compatibility with Windows OS
  • Allow optional parameter for method isolated_margin_account_limit

1.7.0 - 2021-11-4


  • Universal transfer types:
    • Deleted MAIN_C2C, C2C_MAIN, C2C_UMFUTURE, C2C_MINING, UMFUTURE_C2C, MINING_C2C, MARGIN_C2C, C2C_MARGIN, MAIN_PAY and PAY_MAIN as C2C account, Binance Payment, Binance Card and other business accounts are merged into a Funding account and they'll be discontinued on November 04, 2021 08:00 AM UTC
  • Util method config_logging can now provide date time in UTC and epoch time


  • New endpoint GET api/v3/rateLimit/order to display the user's current order count usage for all intervals

1.6.0 - 2021-09-24


  • New endpoints for Margin OCO orders:
    • POST /sapi/v1/margin/order/oco to send new margin OCO order
    • DELETE /sapi/v1/margin/orderList to cancel margin OCO order
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/orderList to query a margin OCO order
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/allOrderList to query all margin OCO orders
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/openOrderList to query open margin OCO orders
  • New endpoints for Isolated Margin:
    • DELETE /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/account to disable isolated margin account for a specific symbol
    • POST /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/account to enable isolated margin account for a specific symbol
    • GET /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/accountLimit to query num of enabled isolated margin accounts and its max limit
  • New endpoints for BSwap:
    • GET /sapi/v1/bswap/poolConfigure to get pool configure
    • GET /sapi/v1/bswap/addLiquidityPreview to calculate expected share amount for adding liquidity in single or dual token
    • GET /sapi/v1/bswap/removeLiquidityPreview to calculate expected asset amount of single token redemption or dual token redemption

1.5.0 - 2021-08-17


  • GET api/v3/exchangeInfo now supports single or multi-symbol query
  • GET api/v3/myTrades has a new optional field orderId


  • GET /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/listUserOrderHistory to query user C2C trade history

1.4.0 - 2021-07-30


  • New Fiat endpoints:
    • GET /sapi/v1/fiat/orders to query user fiat deposit and withdraw history
    • GET /sapi/v1/fiat/payments to query user fiat payments history


  • Typo in margin_max_transferable

1.3.0 - 2021-07-22


  • New endpoints for Wallet:
    • POST /sapi/v1/asset/get-funding-asset to query funding wallet, includes Binance Pay, Binance Card, Binance Gift Card, Stock Token
    • GET /sapi/v1/account/apiRestrictions to query user API Key permission

1.2.0 - 2021-07-12


  • Remove default value in the parameters

1.1.1 - 2021-06-24


  • Upgrade the dependency packages

1.1.0 - 2021-06-23


  • A link to the document on
  • Enabled the sub menu on document nav bar.
  • GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list includes new parameters, current and size.
  • New endpoints for Sub-Account:
    • POST /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/deposit to deposit assets into the managed sub-account (only for investor master account)
    • GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/asset to query managed sub-account asset details (only for investor master account)
    • POST /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/withdraw to withdrawal assets from the managed sub-account (only for investor master account)

1.0.0 - 2021-06-15


  • First release, please find details from