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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 38 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: July 21, 2020, at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: ~ 50 mins

Moderator & Notes: Pooja Ranjan & Alita Moore


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
38.1 Only have a
38.1 Keep the google form within-group for now because of the sensitivity of its contents
38.2 Postpone discussion on Cat Herder Funding until Hudson comes back
38.3 Postpone 1559 fee market changes because Tim is not present
38.4 Carry over action item "EIPIP project at least once in 2-weeks"
38.5 Carry over action item "ECH as a DAO"

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
38.1 Pooja to look into attaching ethereumcatherders email to the social media accounts
38.2 Brent to add support and delete member to verify ability to delete accounts and to minimize number of cat herder emails
38.3 Pooja and Jaye to organize a meeting with the emergency coms team sometime next week
38.4 Pooja to create google form
38.5 William to look into a bridge between telegram, gitter -> discord

Email Accounts for Cat Herders

Video | 1:29

(Pooja) - Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us today; this is Ethereum cat herders meeting 38. I've shared the agenda in the chat. Let's start with agenda number 1, Email account for Cat Herders

(Brent) - I've got charles, we got that link to, it turns out that we're not using godaddy for our registrar but charles was able to get it setup and verified the account and soho, and I sent the first email to Pooja from; so we've got and three other possible accounts are admin, support, and help at and I wonder if we should create just those or any more than those, I'm just wondering what the thoughts were.

(William) - what would be the rationale for those, would we need an admin address or..

(Brent) - Typically, most websites I think a lot of people assume that if there's a problem they can send an email to admin@ whatever that website is; I've done that before and I think most people have an admin; help and support would be basically if anyone wanted some ethereum help or support I would hope they could possibly think. Also, on the website we can put one of those I think on the footer of all of the pages of our site; of ethereum cat herders website. e.g. for support or help contact and then we at least one maybe two people listening to each so they can respond in emails that are received on those. That's just my thought, but..

(William) - Help or contact make the most sense to me, I don't see a point in having both a help and an info; especially if we write on the site what the preferred address is.

(Brent) - Okay, that's a good idea; ya, that sounds good, so would contact be better?

(William) - I see both help and contact, I mean it's really just a matter of whatever we want I think

(Edson) - support maybe?

(Brent) - Yeah, support is on the list that I have admin support and contact; so if we have contact or would we need. I don't know if we would need both help and support.

(William) - Yeah, we probably wouldn't; one thing to consider is that for Admin we can replace some of the accounts that we have with the actual cat herder's email. I think that for twitter at least you need your website link to be the same domain as the email you have to be verified eventually

(Brent) - So do we have a twitter account?

(Pooja) - We do, but I'm not sure if it's link with lane or chars because as far as I can see the media account is with lane and I know medium and twitter are somehow linked; so I have to go deep down into it but I'm sure that it's not with.. but maybe with the Ethereum Gmail account that we had. I'm not sure, I don't have full access; I'll check into it.

(Brent) - Okay so then, it sounds like there's there additional: admin support and contact; so then that's the proposal that I'll create those three additional email accounts and then Pooja is going to look into putting as the

Video | 1:29

Pooja to look into attaching ethereumcatherders email to the social media accounts

(William) - register being nailed by the different platforms

(brent) - yeah including twitter and othe rpossible platforms

(Pooja) - do we need so many emails at this point in time? We have to log into every account and see if we've received any email or not

(Brent) - that's true, so maybe we should just keep member?

(Pooja) - Well even if we don't want to go with member, I think that support is good for all of them, like if it's good for community support, admin support, etc. I think that support is the best; what do you think?

(Brent) - yeah, should we just have support for everything, then? Or I guess we have member now, so we could have both member and support

(Pooja) - yeah, but we might not be using it widely; everywhere we should put one email because more emails may cause confusion. If there's a reason, there's always the option to come up with different emails.

(brent) - would anyone object to, because I think we have 8 other emails. would anyone object to me creating a email? Because I wouldn't mind having one of those if... and I can always remove it if we run out of emails but it would be kind of fun

(William) - I would say double check if you're able to remove, I know that with some of the services that I use, you can't really remove one once its made.

(Brent) - Oh, okay, yeah; I will make sure about that

(William) - Yeah, I don't object; I can see value because of your involvement with the EIPs

(Brent) - Oh yeah that's a good use cause

(Pooja) - How about we have created member, and now we are thinking about coming up with support. so try to come up with support and then remove member. If that works then that means that the options are flexible and we can go ahead and remove and create a new one at any point in time.. yeah.

Video | 7:11

brent to add support and delete member to verify ability to delete accounts and to minimize number of cat herder emails

(Brent) - Yeah, that's what I was kind of thinking I could verify that. I'll verify if I can remove member and then I'll move forward with creating my own, and if not then I can use the support email to manage the EIPs and stuff like that... okay that's all I had for that then, so just a summary for the note-taker (^_^) we current have working and I'm going to setup a support@... and verify that that works and then I'm going to delete member@... to verify that functionality, and if that functionality works then I'll create a Brent.Alysop@... and also Pooja is going to verify the other social media accounts and link up support@... as the email address. Did I get everything right?

(Pooja) - yeah you did very good, thank you thank you; so next up..

2 Emergency Communication Group

Video | 8:44

(William) - should I take this?

(Pooja) - Yeah sure, go ahead

(William) - Alright, who.. I think maybe it was a meeting or two ago, you Pooja brought up about how there was an initiative about middy creating an emergency communications group; so in the case of an emergency there would be a group that had clear guidelines about how to make things happen. Pooja has assembled a little bit of a team that we haven't really managed to get together yet. Also this comes from EIPIP orignially, but in the last EIPIP meeting they sort of signed off on it. So right now it looks like trying to form the idea and see where we go with it is more of a cat herders kind of thing. Since I've been working alone on this, all I've been abel to come up with so far has been kind of drafting a protocol that would first define what an emergency is and then also define what would happen during and emergency and then what preparations should be made. What provisions should be made in a non-emergency setting. I'm really interested in feedback, because I literally just made it up (chuckling) so yeah.. any kind of intelligent feedback would be greatly greatly appreciated. There is someone from quant stem (the security auditing service) who's supposed to be on the team also, she didn't make it to the meeting but I was hoping to get actionable and good advice from people with experience from security and being able to create a protocol like this. With that said it does seem like it could be another project under the eges of the cat herders; so anyone that is interested in being a part of the emergency coms team, I'm not really at a point where I can throw up a spreadsheet or anything like that; but it is something to maybe bear in mind and think about.

(Edson) - yeah I think it was Jaye; it was her idea, she said that she could possibly help with that, I don't know if she's contacted you or you've contacted her.

(William) - I think it was originally her idea, Pooja added middy to the group

(Pooja) - Actually we have created a small group with people like that, and she's one of the members. We're looking to get a meeting in the next week to review the document that william has created; it looks good to me to get start, and we also have a small list of people, but she has some really good suggestions about how we should manage those kinds of spreadsheet addresses. So I mean, for now, we have just started taking it off and maybe we will have more updates to come up in the next week, but feel free to add more the documents. I find this document really good to start with..

Video | ~12:00

Pooja to organize a meeting with the emergency coms team sometime next week


(Pooja) - so yeah, if people have comments or suggestions please let Jaye, me, or william know about it. if they're interested in being a part of it that would be really great. Since we are discussing this I have another thing in mind, like, this is going to be an emergency protocol; what do people think about having a seperate email address for this particular situation. This can handled with support as well, but since it is highly sensitive do we have to have something seperate or what do people think here?

(William) - I think it's very likely, but we shouldn't actually do anything until there's actually a group

(Brent) - Yeah that's good we can start wiht support and then if we see a need for something else then..

(William) - Well one of the things I did right in the document is the establishment of redline coms. Like just a secure and dedicated channel for communicating about emergencies; but again, there would need to be a group, there would need to be agreement on the protocol, but again there's a long way to go before we setup an email address

(Pooja) - Yeah, that sounds good to me, we can see how it develops and then see how it goes from there; moving on...

Video | 13:08

wait until the emergency coms group is started, and then add an email per Pooja's suggestion if a need is seen

3 how cat herders can help in client diversity? Ref: Alexey's post

Video | 13:50

(Pooja) - this is related to the previous all-core-dev meeting; and after the meeting Alexey had a post on ethereum magician. I have added a link to the post in the agenda, and we would like to hear thoughts on how we can help the client teams to understand diversity and the real percentage of the client usage.

(William) - So what would that mean for us, what can we do about that

(Pooja) - Right so I mean I'm not sure it was Edson's comment in the telegram about like some suggestions.

(Edson) - so, for this we only really need to do one thing which is gather metrics from important installations of the ethereum clients; exchanges, mining pools etc. so that's two parts, first we ahve to gather a list of people and what the important installations are. Then we would do a survey to gather metrics manually until we find an automated solution. We would need to know what the important things that we're gathering are like one of them would be what client you're using but we I assume we need more important information than that.

Video | 15:07

(Pooja) - So I had an small discussion with Alexy about this topic to come up with things to look into; as you mentioned the critical installation (e.g. pools, wallets, exchanges) and the important metrics (e.g. client name, client version, etc.) because some people don't upgrade as the upgrade keep changing, they are late, so its' good to know that. And maybe the status which is in sync with the latest version or not. This is the information that we can make public in line with a certain percentage of something like x % are using a certain version, client etc. if we can collect public ID in relation to these critical installations that we are referring to that would also be helpful, but we don't need to share them publicly. So I was trying to create a sheet in which we can have the basic information about all these things; (shares screen) this talkes about.. this is just a rough idea, I'm not sure that it's ready to be shared with the community at this point in time, but it's just a thing that I was thinking that internally cat herders should be maintaining. this would help us collect various metrics and that would be very useful for the client teams, client devs teams. I'm referring to mining tools tabs, so I have populatd that tab with a little bit of information that I got aroudn the block chain percentage. Who's major share holders, who's installation we can consider as critical and everythign like that. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

(Edson) - One thing is that if we were to create another google form, it would create spreadsheets automatically, another metric I'm wondering to possibly add is if the installation has a backup plan in cases of vulnerability that happened with their current client; to maybe have them think about "well if I don't have a backup plan then maybe I should create one, like an archive node or something"

(Pooja) - Yeah, that..

(William) - That's interesting. Another thought might be, I don't know if this seems a bit too political, but we might want to think about evangalizing non-gath nodes; like maybe putting in a message about would they consider switchign to a non-gath client; seeing if people would be willing to switch.

(Pooja) - That's also an interesting question, we'll not make it a mandatory question, but if people would like to answer that then why not; it's a good piece of..

(William) - yeah it's a good way of thinking about it, but I mean in general I would think this should be a very short google form; like maybe 3-5 30 second to answer for the entire survey kind of thin; based off of what you and Edson are saying

(Pooja) - Yeah sure, we can come up with that; the only concern that I have at thsi point in time is the sheet that we have with the contacts; that's not updated and most of the information in general's from the website. So my exemption is that it can be a little slow like sure I'll come up with this form and we can collect some feedback. But how can we get the correct contact information to people whom have a suggestion on that or whom have contacts; can we just start adding that somewhere? That would be helpful

Video | 19:25

Pooja to create google form

(William) - This actually sort of overlaps with the emergency coms works; that's one of the things that Jaye was saying in the telegram, she was pretty emphatic that lists like contact lists with big shareholders should be sort of locked down. So I was hoping to hear her talk a little more about that. I don't know, but we should probably at least a little bit careful with contact information and how much it circulates.

(Pooja) - Right, it makes sense that we keep this thing as private as possible; like since the catherders are doing this, not going beyond the closed group who are actively involved in that it would not be a community accessible document. That was the thing I was thinking about, we might want to get more information about Ethereum, maybe have one sheet that we update on a regular basis, as somebody said like maybe in a month or 6 months we should always refresh and always do that. Whenever there's a task and we can start doing that from this point onward.

Video | 20:32

keep the google form within-group for now because of the sensitivity of its contents

(Pooja) - Any more questions / comments?

(Brent) - The data in that spreadsheet says it comes from moneypool stats dot stream, is that data stored on the blockchain or do mining pools publish their address or anything like that? And it's linked up that way?

(Pooja) - I'm not sure if it's like stored in some kind of blockchain I'm going to share the link in the chat, I just stumbled on this website and I found information that could be used, but if people have any other suggestions that can provide this kind of information that would be helpful. I was also thinking, I'm not sure about it, the nodes information is being collected by ether nodes; so should we reach out to them to get this particular information to their website. And if they have a way out to collect information that's like not delayed information; it's reflecting the current status and we can just provide him the fields that we are looking into, then that could also be a way out to get this information available as up to date. What do people think about that.

(Brent) - Agrees

(Pooja) - So let's start filling up the sheet from Aryan, and let's try to get the form ready, send it to whichever contacts I have, collect it from the website, and if we get some good metrics then we will also reach out to ether nodes people and see where we can go from there. And then if we can make this information available there that would be super helpful... Moving on.

4. ECH Discord Channel

Video | 23:18

(William) - On the last call Pooja brought up maybe migrating the current gitter and maybe even tell gram setup to discord; discord just offers and easier interface, and a more versatile interface in a lot of ways. There wasn't much commenting then and we are a small group today, there is a discord today that has been setup, let me see if I can get a link up to it really quickly. I'll see if I can bring that up, in the meantime, Pooja opened up a channel already, so we have some functionality there but what we're really waiting for is on a link in the nodes; the question is just basically the community at vinyen. Amongst the cat herders if they would like a migration from gitter. Pooja has asked that at least in the beginning there should be a bridge between gitter and also telegram to teh discord so I'm going to be trying to work on that over the next week.

Video | 24:45 -> 26:50

William to look into a bridge between telegram, gitter -> discord

(Pooja) - So the primary roles that we are thinking here should be of three categories; members, contributors, and community; members are just an initial part so any kind of feedback is welcome; members are people whom are with the cat herders team for over a year and have the cat token, they will have admin access so they can control the entire discord channel; contributor: who's been actively contributing to cat herders task, they will have moderator access; community: the category that's silent members and will have read-access only. These are the first three roles, but not many of us have heart token, but we can look into how to handle that situation, but we are considering people who are over a year and are interested in helping with the admin role, we can add them as members. When we are ready with the bridge thing, maybe by next week or before the next meeting then we can actually share this discord to the public and start using it publicly. And people won't have many issues because even if they're continuing with their issues like gitter or telegram, their messages will be received in the discord channel.

(William) - I would recommend (at least at some point) to end of life the gitter bridge, but I am in agreement

(Brent) - I like that idea, because even with the bridge between gitter and .. it's kind of confusing

(Pooja) - right, sometimes there are mistakes and there are miscommunications; so maybe in the future we can force them to use discord only. But just to begin with it's better to have a bridge inbetween.

(Brent) Absolutely

5. Cat Herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP

Video | 27:05

(Pooja) - I don't see Hudson here, so we will wait for Hudson next meeting and we can continue discussion over there

Video | 27:14

postpone discussion on Cat Herder Funding until Hudson comes back

6. ECH and DAO (skipped because little updates)

Video | 27:30

(Pooja) - I'd like to skip this as well, unless people have thoughts on it, because we don't have anything for discussion on this topic since the last meeting. I dont' have much update, anyone else?

(brent) - One question, what would that mean or what would and ECH DAO do?

(Pooja) - What we were initially thinking was that we are a working group. People are working as a working group mainly as volunteers. We are trying to give a shape to DAO; whatever major decisions we are taking, we should be doing it on-chain and addingdon DAO we used earlier when we started in the catherder group so we were trying to revive this thing and all the major decisions should go by voting using that process.

(Brent) - Got it, thanks!

1559 fee market changes

(Pooja) - I don't see Tim on the call but as far as I know they have started the testing of the online test network for this 1559 or other proposals that they are working on. Yeah, we should wait for him to provide more updates on it.

Video | 28:55

postpone 1559 fee market changes because Tim is not present

Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Video | 29:10

(Pooja) - (listing some issues passingly).. welcome Jaye

(Jaye) - Hi, sorry I'm late. It's hard to get up for these meetings.

(Pooja) - ^_^ That's alright.. we are almost at the end of the meeting, but we can go back to the discussion we were having and were hoping you can join us maybe later. We are at agenda Item 9 now, discussing about the review of outstanding action items of the previous ECH meeting. So before we go ahead and discuss the action items from the previous meeting I think it would be better to go back and discuss more about the emergency communication group; so William can you recap that and Jaye can share her views.

(William) - sure, I think you've seen everything in the telegram channel that Pooja made; but basically thus far I've thrown together a basic idea of basically a google doc where I try to define what an emergency is, how we should provision for such an event, and what should happen during an emegency from a coms team kind of perspective. To be super clear, I made up the whole thing (chuckling), so I would definetely appreaciate some feedback about this. Definetely being that you have a security background in various accounts that you've made thus far. I would be interest in trying to figure out in an actionable way how we could have information that we need in order to start trying to assemble teams that would be available in the event of an emergency. Also, feedback from you about maybe what we are missing and what we should think about that maybe we haven't thought about yet.

(Jaye) - That makes sense, and I would love to take a look at that. At the end of the day we are going into unknown unkowns here so I think we can only speculate on what an event could be to make sort of a definition that can be inclusion. As long as we have something to go on and we have people that are willing to act while they're not in the no if something were to happen and they have the resources to make as good a decision as possible. I think that's all you can really ask.

(William) - Great, should we try and further coordinate with you about some time where we can sit down and maybe review what I've come up with so far? How would you like to proceed from here?

(Jaye) - Yeah, sure. My schedule is pretty open right now; I make my own hours so it's fine. I'm on Pacific time right now, so yeah, I can take a look at your schedule, see what works and then let's find a time.

(William) - Best way to reach you is telegram?

(Jaye) - Yep, and feel free to ping me on my work email or my personal email; work email is __, personal is __.

(William) - Okay, I'll reach out to you off hand and we'll try to coordinate.

(Jaye) - Fantastic, and I don't think it needs to be super heavy, too. I think it'd be pretty lightweight, we just need to have people and resources. We need people who know what to do when it occurs.

(William) - Yeah, I think that's good idea too. To some degree, my nature is that I don't really know what I'm doing; I just kind of sat down and made up a document. So getting some feedback from other human beings would be amazing.

(Jaye) - For sure, and I'd love to coordinate on that with you as well; let's figure that one out.

(William) and (Jaye) agree

Video | 34:05

Jaye to schedule a future off-board meeting to discuss the emergency protocol

(Pooja) - Thank you Jaye, thank you William; I think it would be great to setup a time and to have a meeting or discussion, and then it would be good to update the rest of the groups on this topic. Moving on..

Review outstanding action items.

Video | 34:31

(Pooja) - I'm on the list, Brent will create list of possible emails (this is done), Brent will re-contact Charles for email activation (this is closed), the EIPIP project at least once in 2-weeks; I guess this is about the project board that we are talking about, yes we will have to do that, it's a work in progress.

carry over action item "EIPIP project at least once in 2-weeks"

(Pooja) - bring 'ECH Discord' discussion to the next meeting before making it public, we have discussed it and maybe next meeting when we are ready with bridges we will open it for the public to join the Discord. Bring 'ECH as a DAO' to the next meeting. We will push that to the next meeting. We hope to see more members join in to discuss more

carry over action item "ECH as a DAO"

(Pooja) - Continue the discussion on ECH bounty program in the next meeting; not sure we discussed this, but do people have thoughts on that? How do we want to arrang for bounty programs? That's just a thought I shared in the previous meeting but if people have more thoughts.

(William) - can you refresh my memory? I don't remember the conversation.

(Pooja) - so we have a received a grant from {moloch people} and the grant is for three months; we are hoping to use the fund in a way that we can get more community participation. e.g. we can have a bounty program to incentivize more participation from the community. I was doing budgeting for the cat herders for the next three months and I tried to make a pool for the bounty program. What kind of bounty program can we add that might add more community particiation.

(Jaye) - I think it's less about what we do but more how we do it. Thinking where there's sort of an in-flow of eyes and there's a natural incentive to participate is a great way to get attetion on stuff like this. So if there's a way to turn this bounty for participation into itself, this is just an example, into itself a bounty for say an upcoming hack. The same people who did "hack the money" for example, that's an area with a lot of eyes and a possibility for participation. I don't know if this maps to that, but I think there's a lot of oppurtunity to get participation through those kinds of mechanisms; so maybe it's paired with an upcoming hack in those chats that's where to get people interested, and I think there's a lot of people who always want to get involved in Ethereum and they don't know where to start. When people think they have to be allowed into places or they need to have the right credentials when really it's just about showing up, and so I think a lot of people show up at hackathons. I think that would be a really good place to start with associated blogs, onboarding stuff, and mechanisms in that sort explaining what the EIP process is, how you can help, and how you actually do have the credentials to help.

(Pooja) - Those are good suggestions

(William) - Yeah, that's a lot of really cool stuff

(Pooja) - We may not have a very big budget, but that's a good idea. We can start with associating ourselves with one of the hackathon organizers, and we can start from there. Yes we can come up with a couple of things, and the main thing to discuss here would be the key point around what we would want to have blogs or informational pieces / hackathons. This is at a very earily stage, so we will need to budget and allocate carefully. Then we can start the good to have thoughts there. Thank you Jaye.

(Jaye) - Sure, if we do go down that path, I'd be happy to help be the person to shill in all the chats.

(Pooja) - Thank you for that; I'm certainly going to use that ^_^

Brent agrees

(Pooja) - moving on to the next action item, since we receive grant from moloch, the eth2.0 notes will be funded by ECH from July 01, 2020; yes, we have to start and the first one I'm not sure if it will be coming this week, and it will start from this week or I'm not sure. Did we have something two weeks back? Anyway, I will look into that. If people have done notes for ETH2.0 and if it is done for the month of July then we can reach out to the Ethereum Cat Herders funding repo and submit the funding request to over there.

(Edson) - So, Scott isn't doing the ETH2.0 funding for notes?

(Pooja) - After the 30th of June only. Until first of July we are taking it over here, but I'm not sure we have the funding of Moloch in our wallet, but since they located it we have to use it; there may be some delay, but we are hoping to get it from Moloch people, not from Gitcoin.

(Edson) - Oh, okay

(Pooja) - The next one is the "Follow the same process of requesting funds for Eth2 notes as of the rest of the meeting notes", 37.9 I think it's related to 1559, "wait for Tim to provide further updates", 37.10 Discuss the ERC 20 token to be converted into DAI or ETH. I think I have seen it but I'll still wait for Hudson to respond on that. The action items 37.1 were "ECH will create a security/emergency comms group, add volunteers" William is taking lead, Willian and Jaye are already coordinating on that, if people are interested feel free to reach out to William or me. Let us know if you're interested to volunteer for that group. 37.2 William will initiate a document; he has shared the document today all feedback is welcome. 37.3, Pooja to create an Eth Magician post for Muir Glacier upgrade postmortem report"; yeah, on this Muir Glacier thing, I think I create a PR yesterday and I've received some comments, I'll just share the link here, so the response that I received here was like these types of things should not be a part of the EIP repository, so I'm not sure that although we have discussed this in the EIPIP meeting and that's how we proceeded towards subimitting this PR to the EIPIP repostiory, if people have thoughts on it, I'd like to respond to the feedback that is received feel free to do that. The same is the true for another PR that's created for the network upgrade template. I'm sharing the link here again. I meant to create the exposition post for Muir Glacier, and I was hoping to get an EIP number from this PR to add it and create this one. But I think I have to wait for the editors to make a decision to discuss it further. The last action report was Pooja to create roles and other channels for ECH Discord; yes I have discussed the roles today and we have kind of implemented it in ECHs call; as soon as we are ready for the ECH bridges then we should be ready to open Discord. Yeah, we are almost at the end of the meeting, does anyone have any other topics to discuss? Any other business? I think I have one (chuckles) I remmeber mentioning this about women in Ethereum space thing; the cat herders are helping the Ethereum summer camp team to organize this event and I was hoping to livestream with the help of cat herder youtube; we are having great speakers there and it's all about the ethereum space and women working in the space. Does anyone have any strong objection or any other thought, like we shouldn't or we should?

All in agreeance

(Pooja) - I'm hoping to .. Jaye's also hoping, I'm glad that you joined today

(Jaye) - Happy to, I just wanted a little more information, is it more of a panel or should I have a talk ready?

(Pooja) - I will update you after this call with more information; I have also asked the organizer to send you the confirmed schedule, so yes I'll update you.

(Jaye) - Perfect, also I'm looking in the ECH chat but I'm not seeing that doc to review. I do see the spreadsheet, is that what I'm to review?

(Pooja) - I think it's in the communications channel

(William) - I just put in the chat again

(Pooja) - that's it for today, if anyone has any questions..

(Jaye) - That's all on my end.. well, I'm still kind of learning this whole EIP process stuff, but...

(Pooja) - yeah, great to have you; you're a great addition, coming from a security background .. we're very happy to have you as another member of cat herders!

(Jaye) - sorry I didn't hear any of that

(William) - We're happy to have you onboard

(Jaye) - I'm still trying to find ways where I can pitch in, but I do feel like the emergency comms is genuinely important.

(Edson) - I think that's all for us today?

(Pooja) - Yes, thanks everyone for joining and I hope to see you all here in two weeks on Aug 4th at 1400 UTC



  • Jaye
  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Kriti
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • William Schwab

Next Meeting Date

Aug 4th, 2020