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Using Alamofire


Alamofire provides an elegant and composable interface to HTTP network requests. It does not implement its own HTTP networking functionality. Instead it builds on top of Apple's URL Loading System provided by the Foundation framework. At the core of the system is URLSession and the URLSessionTask subclasses. Alamofire wraps these APIs, and many others, in an easier to use interface and provides a variety of functionality necessary for modern application development using HTTP networking. However, it's important to know where many of Alamofire's core behaviors come from, so familiarity with the URL Loading System is important. Ultimately, the networking features of Alamofire are limited by the capabilities of that system, and the behaviors and best practices should always be remembered and observed.

Additionally, networking in Alamofire (and the URL Loading System in general) is done asynchronously. Asynchronous programming may be a source of frustration to programmers unfamiliar with the concept, but there are very good reasons for doing it this way.

Aside: The AF Namespace and Reference

Previous versions of Alamofire's documentation used examples like Alamofire.request(). This API, while it appeared to require the Alamofire prefix, in fact worked fine without it. The request method and other functions were available globally in any file with import Alamofire. Starting in Alamofire 5, this functionality has been removed and instead the AF global is a reference to Session.default. This allows Alamofire to offer the same convenience functionality while not having to pollute the global namespace every time Alamofire is used and not having to duplicate the Session API globally. Similarly, types extended by Alamofire will use an af property extension to separate the functionality Alamofire adds from other extensions.

Making Requests

Alamofire provides a variety of convenience methods for making HTTP requests. At the simplest, just provide a String that can be converted into a URL:

AF.request("").response { response in

All examples require import Alamofire somewhere in the source file.

For examples of use with Swift's async-await syntax, see our Advanced Usage documentation.

This is actually one form of the two top-level APIs on Alamofire's Session type for making requests. Its full definition looks like this:

open func request<Parameters: Encodable>(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
                                         method: HTTPMethod = .get,
                                         parameters: Parameters? = nil,
                                         encoder: ParameterEncoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default,
                                         headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
                                         interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil) -> DataRequest

This method creates a DataRequest while allowing the composition of requests from individual components, such as the method and headers, while also allowing per-request RequestInterceptors and Encodable parameters.

There are additional methods that allow you to make requests using Parameters dictionaries and ParameterEncoding types. This API is no longer recommended and will eventually be deprecated and removed from Alamofire.

The second version of this API is much simpler:

open func request(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, 
                  interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil) -> DataRequest

This method creates a DataRequest for any type conforming to Alamofire's URLRequestConvertible protocol. All of the different parameters from the previous version are encapsulated in that value, which can give rise to very powerful abstractions. This is discussed in our Advanced Usage documentation.

HTTP Methods

The HTTPMethod type lists the HTTP methods defined in RFC 7231 §4.3:

public struct HTTPMethod: RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {
    public static let connect = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "CONNECT")
    public static let delete = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "DELETE")
    public static let get = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "GET")
    public static let head = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "HEAD")
    public static let options = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "OPTIONS")
    public static let patch = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "PATCH")
    public static let post = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "POST")
    public static let put = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "PUT")
    public static let query = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "QUERY")
    public static let trace = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "TRACE")

    public let rawValue: String

    public init(rawValue: String) {
        self.rawValue = rawValue

These values can be passed as the method argument to the AF.request API:

AF.request("", method: .post)
AF.request("", method: .put)
AF.request("", method: .delete)

It's important to remember that the different HTTP methods may have different semantics and require different parameter encodings depending on what the server expects. For instance, passing body data in a GET request is not supported by URLSession or Alamofire and will return an error.

Alamofire also offers an extension on URLRequest to bridge the httpMethod property that returns a String to an HTTPMethod value:

extension URLRequest {
    /// Returns the `httpMethod` as Alamofire's `HTTPMethod` type.
    public var method: HTTPMethod? {
        get { httpMethod.flatMap(HTTPMethod.init) }
        set { httpMethod = newValue?.rawValue }

If you need to use an HTTP method that Alamofire's HTTPMethod type doesn't support, you can extend the type to add your custom values:

extension HTTPMethod {
    static let custom = HTTPMethod(rawValue: "CUSTOM")

AF.request("", method: .custom)

Setting Other URLRequest Properties

Alamofire's request creation methods offer the most common parameters for customization but sometimes those just aren't enough. The URLRequests created from the passed values can be modified by using a RequestModifier closure when creating requests. For example, to set the URLRequest's timeoutInterval to 5 seconds, modify the request in the closure.

AF.request("", requestModifier: { $0.timeoutInterval = 5 }).response(...)

RequestModifiers also work with trailing closure syntax.

AF.request("") { urlRequest in
    urlRequest.timeoutInterval = 5
    urlRequest.allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess = false

RequestModifiers only apply to request created using methods taking a URL and other individual components, not to values created directly from URLRequestConvertible values, as those values should be able to set all parameters themselves. Additionally, adoption of URLRequestConvertible is recommended once most requests start needing to be modified during creation. You can read more in our Advanced Usage documentation.

Request Parameters and Parameter Encoders

Alamofire supports passing any Encodable type as the parameters of a request. These parameters are then passed through a type conforming to the ParameterEncoder protocol and added to the URLRequest which is then sent over the network. Alamofire includes two ParameterEncoder conforming types: JSONParameterEncoder and URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder. These types cover the most common encodings used by modern services (XML encoding is left as an exercise for the reader).

struct Login: Encodable {
    let email: String
    let password: String

let login = Login(email: "test@test.test", password: "testPassword")

           method: .post,
           parameters: login,
           encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).response { response in


The URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder encodes values into a url-encoded string to be set as or appended to any existing URL query string or set as the HTTP body of the request. Controlling where the encoded string is set can be done by setting the destination of the encoding. The URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.Destination enumeration has three cases:

  • .methodDependent - Applies the encoded query string result to existing query string for .get, .head and .delete requests and sets it as the HTTP body for requests with any other HTTP method.
  • .queryString - Sets or appends the encoded string to the query of the request's URL.
  • .httpBody - Sets the encoded string as the HTTP body of the URLRequest.

The Content-Type HTTP header of an encoded request with HTTP body is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8, if Content-Type is not already set.

Internally, URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder uses URLEncodedFormEncoder to perform the actual encoding from an Encodable type to a URL encoded form String. This encoder can be used to customize the encoding for various types, including Array using the ArrayEncoding, Bool using the BoolEncoding, Data using the DataEncoding, Date using the DateEncoding, coding keys using the KeyEncoding, and spaces using the SpaceEncoding.

GET Request With URL-Encoded Parameters
let parameters = ["foo": "bar"]

// All three of these calls are equivalent
AF.request("", parameters: parameters) // encoding defaults to `URLEncoding.default`
AF.request("", parameters: parameters, encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default)
AF.request("", parameters: parameters, encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(destination: .methodDependent))

POST Request With URL-Encoded Parameters
let parameters: [String: [String]] = [
    "foo": ["bar"],
    "baz": ["a", "b"],
    "qux": ["x", "y", "z"]

// All three of these calls are equivalent
AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters)
AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default)
AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(destination: .httpBody))

// HTTP body: "qux[]=x&qux[]=y&qux[]=z&baz[]=a&baz[]=b&foo[]=bar"

Configuring the Sorting of Encoded Values

Since Swift 4.2, the hashing algorithm used by Swift's Dictionary type produces a random internal ordering at runtime which differs between app launches. This can cause encoded parameters to change order, which may have an impact on caching and other behaviors. By default URLEncodedFormEncoder will sort its encoded key-value pairs. While this produces constant output for all Encodable types, it may not match the actual encoding order implemented by the type. You can set alphabetizeKeyValuePairs to false to return to implementation order, though that will also have the randomized Dictionary order as well.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired alphabetizeKeyValuePairs in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(alphabetizeKeyValuePairs: false))
Configuring the Encoding of Array Parameters

Since there is no published specification for how to encode collection types, by default Alamofire follows the convention of appending [] to the key for array values (foo[]=1&foo[]=2), and appending the key surrounded by square brackets for nested dictionary values (foo[bar]=baz).

The URLEncodedFormEncoder.ArrayEncoding enumeration provides the following methods for encoding Array parameters:

  • .brackets - An empty set of square brackets is appended to the key for every value. This is the default case.
  • .noBrackets - No brackets are appended. The key is encoded as is.

By default, Alamofire uses the .brackets encoding, where foo = [1, 2] is encoded as foo[]=1&foo[]=2.

Using the .noBrackets encoding will encode foo = [1, 2] as foo=1&foo=2.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired ArrayEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(arrayEncoding: .noBrackets))
Configuring the Encoding of Bool Parameters

The URLEncodedFormEncoder.BoolEncoding enumeration provides the following methods for encoding Bool parameters:

  • .numeric - Encode true as 1 and false as 0. This is the default case.
  • .literal - Encode true and false as string literals.

By default, Alamofire uses the .numeric encoding.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired BoolEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(boolEncoding: .numeric))
Configuring the Encoding of Data Parameters

DataEncoding includes the following methods for encoding Data parameters:

  • .deferredToData - Uses Data's native Encodable support.
  • .base64 - Encodes Data as a Base 64 encoded String. This is the default case.
  • .custom((Data) -> throws -> String) - Encodes Data using the given closure.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired DataEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(dataEncoding: .base64))
Configuring the Encoding of Date Parameters

Given the sheer number of ways to encode a Date into a String, DateEncoding includes the following methods for encoding Date parameters:

  • .deferredToDate - Uses Date's native Encodable support. This is the default case.
  • .secondsSince1970 - Encodes Dates as seconds since midnight UTC on January 1, 1970.
  • .millisecondsSince1970 - Encodes Dates as milliseconds since midnight UTC on January 1, 1970.
  • .iso8601 - Encodes Dates according to the ISO 8601 and RFC3339 standards.
  • .formatted(DateFormatter) - Encodes Dates using the given DateFormatter.
  • .custom((Date) throws -> String) - Encodes Dates using the given closure.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired DateEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(dateEncoding: .iso8601))
Configuring the Encoding of Coding Keys

Due to the variety of parameter key styles, KeyEncoding provides the following methods to customize key encoding from keys in lowerCamelCase:

  • .useDefaultKeys - Uses the keys specified by each type. This is the default case.
  • .convertToSnakeCase - Converts keys to snake case: oneTwoThree becomes one_two_three.
  • .convertToKebabCase - Converts keys to kebab case: oneTwoThree becomes one-two-three.
  • .capitalized - Capitalizes the first letter only, a.k.a UpperCamelCase: oneTwoThree becomes OneTwoThree.
  • .uppercased - Uppercases all letters: oneTwoThree becomes ONETWOTHREE.
  • .lowercased - Lowercases all letters: oneTwoThree becomes onetwothree.
  • .custom((String) -> String) - Encodes keys using the given closure.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired KeyEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(keyEncoding: .convertToSnakeCase))

Configuring the Encoding of Object Key Paths

Nest object key paths are typically encoded using brackets (e.g. parent[child][grandchild]). Alamofire provides the KeyPathEncoding to customize that behavior.

  • .brackets - Wraps each sub-key in the key path in brackets. e.g parent[child][grandchild].
  • .dots - Separates each sub-key in the key path with dots. e.g. parent.child.grandchild.

Additionally, you can create your own encoding by creating an instance with a custom encoding closure. For example, KeyPathEncoding { "-\($0)" } will separate each sub-key path with hyphens. e.g. parent-child-grandchild.

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired KeyPathEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(keyPathEncoding: .brackets))
Configuring the Encoding of Spaces

Older form encoders used + to encode spaces and some servers still expect this encoding instead of the modern percent encoding, so Alamofire includes the following methods for encoding spaces:

  • .percentEscaped - Encodes space characters by applying standard percent escaping. " " is encoded as "%20". This is the default case.
  • .plusReplaced - Encodes space characters by replacing them with +. " " is encoded as "+".

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired SpaceEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(spaceEncoding: .plusReplaced))
Configuring the Encoding of Optionals

There is no standard for encoding Optional values as part of form data. Nonetheless, Alamofire provides NilEncoding with the following methods for encoding optionals:

  • .dropKey - Encodes nil values by dropping them from the output entirely. This matches other Swift encoders. e.g. otherValue=2.
  • .dropValue - Encodes nil values by dropping the value from the output. e.g. nilValue=&otherValue=2.
  • .null - Encodes nil values as the string null. e.g. nilValue=null&otherValue=2.

Additionally, custom encodings can be created by specifying an encoding closure that provides the nil replacement value.

extension URLEncodedFormEncoder.NilEncoding {
  static let customEncoding = NilEncoding { "customNilValue" }

You can create your own URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder and specify the desired NilEncoding in the initializer of the passed URLEncodedFormEncoder:

let encoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder(encoder: URLEncodedFormEncoder(nilEncoding: .dropKey))


JSONParameterEncoder encodes Encodable values using Swift's JSONEncoder and sets the result as the httpBody of the URLRequest. The Content-Type HTTP header field of an encoded request is set to application/json if not already set.

POST Request with JSON-Encoded Parameters
let parameters: [String: [String]] = [
    "foo": ["bar"],
    "baz": ["a", "b"],
    "qux": ["x", "y", "z"]

AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default)
AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.prettyPrinted)
AF.request("", method: .post, parameters: parameters, encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.sortedKeys)

// HTTP body: {"baz":["a","b"],"foo":["bar"],"qux":["x","y","z"]}
Configuring a Custom JSONEncoder

You can customize the behavior of JSONParameterEncoder by passing it a JSONEncoder instance configured to your needs:

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dateEncoding = .iso8601
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let parameterEncoder = JSONParameterEncoder(encoder: encoder)
Manual Parameter Encoding of a URLRequest

The ParameterEncoder APIs can also be used outside of Alamofire by encoding parameters directly in URLRequests.

let url = URL(string: "")!
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)

let parameters = ["foo": "bar"]
let encodedURLRequest = try URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default.encode(parameters, 
                                                                          into: urlRequest)

HTTP Headers

Alamofire includes its own HTTPHeaders type, an order-preserving and case-insensitive representation of HTTP header name / value pairs. The HTTPHeader types encapsulate a single name / value pair and provides a variety of static values for common headers.

Adding custom HTTPHeaders to a Request is as simple as passing a value to one of the request methods:

let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
    "Authorization": "Basic VXNlcm5hbWU6UGFzc3dvcmQ=",
    "Accept": "application/json"

AF.request("", headers: headers).responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

HTTPHeaders can also be constructed from an array of HTTPHeader values:

let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
    .authorization(username: "Username", password: "Password"),

AF.request("", headers: headers).responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

For HTTP headers that do not change, it is recommended to set them on the URLSessionConfiguration so they are automatically applied to any URLSessionTask created by the underlying URLSession. For more information, see the Session Configurations section.

The default Alamofire Session provides a default set of headers for every Request. These include:

  • Accept-Encoding, which defaults to br;q=1.0, gzip;q=0.8, deflate;q=0.6, per RFC 7230 §4.2.3.
  • Accept-Language, which defaults to up to the top 6 preferred languages on the system, formatted like en;q=1.0, per RFC 7231 §5.3.5.
  • User-Agent, which contains versioning information about the current app. For example: iOS Example/1.0 (com.alamofire.iOS-Example; build:1; iOS 13.0.0) Alamofire/5.0.0, per RFC 7231 §5.5.3.

If you need to customize these headers, a custom URLSessionConfiguration should be created, the headers property updated, and the configuration applied to a new Session instance. Use to customize your configuration while keeping Alamofire's default headers.

Response Validation

By default, Alamofire treats any completed request to be successful, regardless of the content of the response. Calling validate() before a response handler causes an error to be generated if the response had an unacceptable status code or MIME type.

Automatic Validation

The validate() API automatically validates that status codes are within the 200..<300 range, and that the Content-Type header of the response matches the Accept header of the request, if one is provided.

AF.request("").validate().responseData { response in

Manual Validation

    .validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
    .validate(contentType: ["application/json"])
    .responseData { response in
        switch response.result {
        case .success:
            print("Validation Successful")
        case let .failure(error):

Response Handling

Alamofire's DataRequest and DownloadRequest both have a corresponding response type: DataResponse<Success, Failure: Error> and DownloadResponse<Success, Failure: Error>. Both of these are composed of two generics: the serialized type and the error type. By default, all response values will produce the AFError error type (i.e. DataResponse<Success, AFError>). Alamofire uses the simpler AFDataResponse<Success> and AFDownloadResponse<Success>, in its public API, which always have AFError error types. UploadRequest, a subclass of DataRequest, uses the same DataResponse type.

Handling the DataResponse of a DataRequest or UploadRequest made in Alamofire involves chaining a response handler like responseDecodable onto the DataRequest:

AF.request("").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

In the above example, the responseDecodable handler is added to the DataRequest to be executed once the DataRequest is complete. The closure passed to the handler receives the DataResponse<DecodableType, AFError> value produced by the DecodableResponseSerializer from the URLRequest, HTTPURLResponse, Data, and Error produced by the request.

Rather than blocking execution to wait for a response from the server, this closure is added as a callback to handle the response once it's received. The result of a request is only available inside the scope of a response closure. Any execution contingent on the response or data received from the server must be done within a response closure.

Networking in Alamofire is done asynchronously. Asynchronous programming may be a source of frustration to programmers unfamiliar with the concept, but there are very good reasons for doing it this way.

Alamofire contains five different data response handlers by default, including:

// Response Handler - Unserialized Response
func response(queue: DispatchQueue = .main, 
              completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<Data?>) -> Void) -> Self

// Response Serializer Handler - Serialize using the passed Serializer
func response<Serializer: DataResponseSerializerProtocol>(queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                                                          responseSerializer: Serializer,
                                                          completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<Serializer.SerializedObject>) -> Void) -> Self

// Response Data Handler - Serialized into Data
func responseData(queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                  dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DataResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor,
                  emptyResponseCodes: Set<Int> = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes,
                  emptyRequestMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = DataResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods,
                  completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<Data>) -> Void) -> Self

// Response String Handler - Serialized into String
func responseString(queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                    dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = StringResponseSerializer.defaultDataPreprocessor,
                    encoding: String.Encoding? = nil,
                    emptyResponseCodes: Set<Int> = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyResponseCodes,
                    emptyRequestMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = StringResponseSerializer.defaultEmptyRequestMethods,
                    completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<String>) -> Void) -> Self

// Response Decodable Handler - Serialized into Decodable Type
func responseDecodable<T: Decodable>(of type: T.Type = T.self,
                                     queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                                     dataPreprocessor: DataPreprocessor = DecodableResponseSerializer<T>.defaultDataPreprocessor,
                                     decoder: DataDecoder = JSONDecoder(),
                                     emptyResponseCodes: Set<Int> = DecodableResponseSerializer<T>.defaultEmptyResponseCodes,
                                     emptyRequestMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = DecodableResponseSerializer<T>.defaultEmptyRequestMethods,
                                     completionHandler: @escaping (AFDataResponse<T>) -> Void) -> Self

None of the response handlers perform any validation of the HTTPURLResponse it gets back from the server.

For example, response status codes in the 400..<500 and 500..<600 ranges do NOT automatically trigger an Error. Alamofire uses Response Validation method chaining to achieve this.

Response Handler

The response handler does NOT evaluate any of the response data. It merely forwards on all information directly from the URLSessionDelegate. It is the Alamofire equivalent of using cURL to execute a Request.

AF.request("").response { response in
    debugPrint("Response: \(response)")

We strongly encourage you to leverage the other response serializers taking advantage of Response and Result types.

Response Data Handler

The responseData handler uses a DataResponseSerializer to extract and validate the Data returned by the server. If no errors occur and Data is returned, the response Result will be a .success and the value will be the Data returned from the server.

AF.request("").responseData { response in
    debugPrint("Response: \(response)")

Response String Handler

The responseString handler uses a StringResponseSerializer to convert the Data returned by the server into a String with the specified encoding. If no errors occur and the server data is successfully serialized into a String, the response Result will be a .success and the value will be of type String.

AF.request("").responseString { response in
    debugPrint("Response: \(response)")

If no encoding is specified, Alamofire will use the text encoding specified in the HTTPURLResponse from the server. If the text encoding cannot be determined by the server response, it defaults to .isoLatin1.

Response Decodable Handler

The responseDecodable handler uses a DecodableResponseSerializer to convert the Data returned by the server into the passed Decodable type using the specified DataDecoder (a protocol abstraction for Decoders which can decode from Data). If no errors occur and the server data is successfully decoded into a Decodable type, the response Result will be a .success and the value will be of the passed type.

struct DecodableType: Decodable { let url: String }

AF.request("").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in
    debugPrint("Response: \(response)")

Chained Response Handlers

Response handlers can also be chained:

    .responseString { response in
        print("Response String: \(response.value)")
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in
        print("Response DecodableType: \(response.value)")

It is important to note that using multiple response handlers on the same Request requires the server data to be serialized multiple times, once for each response handler. Using multiple response handlers on the same Request should generally be avoided as best practice, especially in production environments. They should only be used for debugging or in circumstances where there is no better option.

Response Handler Queue

Closures passed to response handlers are executed on the .main queue by default, but a specific DispatchQueue can be passed on which to execute the closure. Actual serialization work (conversion of Data to some other type) is always executed in the background on either the rootQueue or the serializationQueue, if one was provided, of the Session issuing the request.

let utilityQueue = .utility)

AF.request("").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self, queue: utilityQueue) { response in
    print("This closure is executed on utilityQueue.")

Response Caching

Response caching is handled on the system framework level by URLCache. It provides a composite in-memory and on-disk cache and lets you manipulate the sizes of both the in-memory and on-disk portions.

By default, Alamofire leverages the URLCache.shared instance. In order to customize the URLCache instance used, see the Session Configuration section.


Authentication is handled on the system framework level by URLCredential and URLAuthenticationChallenge.

These authentication APIs are for servers which prompt for authorization, not general use with APIs which require an Authenticate or equivalent header.

Supported Authentication Schemes

HTTP Basic Authentication

The authenticate method on a Request will automatically provide a URLCredential when challenged with a URLAuthenticationChallenge when appropriate:

let user = "user"
let password = "password"

    .authenticate(username: user, password: password)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Authentication with URLCredential

let user = "user"
let password = "password"

let credential = URLCredential(user: user, password: password, persistence: .forSession)

    .authenticate(with: credential)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

It is important to note that when using a URLCredential for authentication, the underlying URLSession will actually end up making two requests if a challenge is issued by the server. The first request will not include the credential which "may" trigger a challenge from the server. The challenge is then received by Alamofire, the credential is appended and the request is retried by the underlying URLSession.

Manual Authentication

If you are communicating with an API that always requires an Authenticate or similar header without prompting, it can be added manually:

let user = "user"
let password = "password"

let headers: HTTPHeaders = [.authorization(username: user, password: password)]

AF.request("", headers: headers)
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

However, headers that must be part of all requests are often better handled as part of a custom URLSessionConfiguration, or by using a RequestAdapter.

Downloading Data to a File

In addition to fetching data into memory, Alamofire also provides the, DownloadRequest, and DownloadResponse<Success, Failure: Error> APIs to facilitate downloading to disk. While downloading into memory works great for small payloads like most JSON API responses, fetching larger assets like images and videos should be downloaded to disk to avoid memory issues with your application."").responseURL { response in
    // Read file from provided file URL.

In addition to having the same response handlers that DataRequest does, DownloadRequest also includes responseURL. Unlike the other response handlers, this handler just returns the URL containing the location of the downloaded data and does not read the Data from disk.

Other response handlers, like responseDecodable, involve reading the response Data from disk. This may involve reading large amounts of data into memory, so it's important to keep that in mind when using those handlers for downloads.

Download File Destination

All downloaded data is initially stored in the system temporary directory. It will eventually be deleted by the system at some point in the future, so if it's something that needs to live longer, it's important to move the file somewhere else.

You can provide a Destination closure to move the file from the temporary directory to a final destination. Before the temporary file is actually moved to the destinationURL, the Options specified in the closure will be executed. The two currently supported Options are:

  • .createIntermediateDirectories - Creates intermediate directories for the destination URL if specified.
  • .removePreviousFile - Removes a previous file from the destination URL if specified.
let destination: DownloadRequest.Destination = { _, _ in
    let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
    let fileURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent("image.png")

    return (fileURL, [.removePreviousFile, .createIntermediateDirectories])
}"", to: destination).response { response in

    if response.error == nil, let imagePath = response.fileURL?.path {
        let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imagePath)

You can also use the suggested download destination API:

let destination = DownloadRequest.suggestedDownloadDestination(for: .documentDirectory)"", to: destination)

Download Progress

Many times it can be helpful to report download progress to the user. Any DownloadRequest can report download progress using the downloadProgress API."")
    .downloadProgress { progress in
        print("Download Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
    .responseData { response in
        if let data = response.value {
            let image = UIImage(data: data)

The progress reporting APIs for URLSession, and therefore Alamofire, only work if the server properly returns a Content-Length header that can be used to calculate the progress. Without that header, progress will stay at 0.0 until the download completes, at which point the progress will jump to 1.0.

The downloadProgress API can also take a queue parameter which defines which DispatchQueue the download progress closure should be called on.

let progressQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.alamofire.progressQueue", qos: .utility)"")
    .downloadProgress(queue: progressQueue) { progress in
        print("Download Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
    .responseData { response in
        if let data = response.value {
            let image = UIImage(data: data)

Canceling and Resuming a Download

In addition to the cancel() API that all Request classes have, DownloadRequests can also produce resume data, which can be used to later resume a download. There are two forms of this API: cancel(producingResumeData: Bool), which allows control over whether resume data is produced, but only makes it available on the DownloadResponse; and cancel(byProducingResumeData: (_ resumeData: Data?) -> Void), which performs the same actions but makes the resume data available in the completion handler.

If a DownloadRequest is canceled or interrupted, the underlying URLSessionDownloadTask may generate resume data. If this happens, the resume data can be re-used to restart the DownloadRequest where it left off.

IMPORTANT: On some versions of all Apple platforms (iOS 10 - 10.2, macOS 10.12 - 10.12.2, tvOS 10 - 10.1, watchOS 3 - 3.1.1), resumeData is broken on background URLSessionConfigurations. There's an underlying bug in the resumeData generation logic where the data is written incorrectly and will always fail to resume the download. For more information about the bug and possible workarounds, please see this Stack Overflow post.

var resumeData: Data!

let download ="").responseData { response in
    if let data = response.value {
        let image = UIImage(data: data)

// download.cancel(producingResumeData: true) // Makes resumeData available in response only.
download.cancel { data in
    resumeData = data
} resumeData).responseData { response in
    if let data = response.value {
        let image = UIImage(data: data)

Uploading Data to a Server

When sending relatively small amounts of data to a server using JSON or URL encoded parameters, the request() APIs are usually sufficient. If you need to send much larger amounts of data from Data in memory, a file URL, or an InputStream, then the upload() APIs are what you want to use.

Uploading Data

let data = Data("data".utf8)

AF.upload(data, to: "").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Uploading a File

let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mov")

AF.upload(fileURL, to: "").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Uploading Multipart Form Data

AF.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
    multipartFormData.append(Data("one".utf8), withName: "one")
    multipartFormData.append(Data("two".utf8), withName: "two")
}, to: "")
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Upload Progress

While your user is waiting for their upload to complete, sometimes it can be handy to show the progress of the upload to the user. Any UploadRequest can report both upload progress of the upload and download progress of the response data download using the uploadProgress and downloadProgress APIs.

let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mov")

AF.upload(fileURL, to: "")
    .uploadProgress { progress in
        print("Upload Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
    .downloadProgress { progress in
        print("Download Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Streaming Data from a Server

Large downloads or long lasting server connections which receive data over time may be better served by streaming rather than accumulating Data as it arrives. Alamofire offers the DataStreamRequest type and associated APIs to handle this usage. Although it offers much of the same API as other Requests, there are several key differences. Most notably, DataStreamRequest never accumulates Data in memory or saves it to disk. Instead, added responseStream closures are repeatedly called as Data arrives. The same closures are called again when the connection has completed or received an error.

Every Handler closure captures a Stream value, which contains both the Event being processed as well as a CancellationToken, which can be used to cancel the request.

public struct Stream<Success, Failure: Error> {
    /// Latest `Event` from the stream.
    public let event: Event<Success, Failure>
    /// Token used to cancel the stream.
    public let token: CancellationToken
    /// Cancel the ongoing stream by canceling the underlying `DataStreamRequest`.
    public func cancel() {

An Event is an enum representing two possible stream states.

public enum Event<Success, Failure: Error> {
    /// Output produced every time the instance receives additional `Data`. The associated value contains the
    /// `Result` of processing the incoming `Data`.
    case stream(Result<Success, Failure>)
    /// Output produced when the instance has completed, whether due to stream end, cancellation, or an error.
    /// Associated `Completion` value contains the final state.
    case complete(Completion)

When complete, the Completion value will contain the state of the DataStreamRequest when the stream ended.

public struct Completion {
    /// Last `URLRequest` issued by the instance.
    public let request: URLRequest?
    /// Last `HTTPURLResponse` received by the instance.
    public let response: HTTPURLResponse?
    /// Last `URLSessionTaskMetrics` produced for the instance.
    public let metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics?
    /// `AFError` produced for the instance, if any.
    public let error: AFError?

Streaming Data

Streaming Data from a server can be accomplished like other Alamofire requests, but with a Handler closure added.

func responseStream(on queue: DispatchQueue = .main, stream: @escaping Handler<Data, Never>) -> Self

The provided queue is where the Handler closure will be called.

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream { stream in
    switch stream.event {
    case let .stream(result):
        switch result {
        case let .success(data):
    case let .complete(completion):

Handling the .failure case of the Result in the example above is unnecessary, as receiving Data can never fail.

Streaming Strings

Like Data streaming, Strings can be streamed by adding a Handler.

func responseStreamString(on queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                          stream: @escaping StreamHandler<String, Never>) -> Self

String values are decoded as UTF8 and the decoding cannot fail.

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStreamString { stream in
    switch stream.event {
    case let .stream(result):
        switch result {
        case let .success(string):
    case let .complete(completion):

Streaming Decodable Values

Incoming stream Data values can be turned into any Decodable value using responseStreamDecodable.

func responseStreamDecodable<T: Decodable>(of type: T.Type = T.self,
                                           on queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
                                           using decoder: DataDecoder = JSONDecoder(),
                                           preprocessor: DataPreprocessor = PassthroughPreprocessor(),
                                           stream: @escaping Handler<T, AFError>) -> Self

Decoding failures do not end the stream, but instead produce an AFError in the Result of the Output.

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStreamDecodable(of: SomeType.self) { stream in
    switch stream.event {
    case let .stream(result):
        switch result {
        case let .success(value):
        case let .failure(error):
    case let .complete(completion):

Producing an InputStream

In addition to handling incoming Data using StreamHandler closures, DataStreamRequest can produce an InputStream value which can be used to read bytes as they arrive.

func asInputStream(bufferSize: Int = 1024) -> InputStream

InputStreams produced in this manner must have open() called before reading can start, or be passed to an API that opens the stream automatically. Once returned from this method, it's the caller's responsibility to keep the InputStream value alive and to call close() after reading is complete.

let inputStream = AF.streamRequest(...)
    .responseStream { output in


DataStreamRequests can be cancelled in four ways. First, like all other Alamofire Requests, DataStreamRequest can have cancel() called, canceling the underlying task and completing the stream.

let request = AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream(...)

Second, DataStreamRequests can be cancelled automatically when their DataStreamSerializer encounters and error. This behavior is disabled by default and can be enabled by passing the automaticallyCancelOnStreamError parameter when creating the request.

AF.streamRequest(..., automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: true).responseStream(...)

Third, DataStreamRequests will be cancelled if an error is thrown out of the Handler closure. This error is then stored on the request and is available in the Completion value.

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream { stream in
    // Process stream.
    throw SomeError() // Cancels request.

Finally, DataStreamRequests can be cancelled by using the Stream value's cancel() method.

AF.streamRequest(...).responseStream { stream in 
    // Decide to cancel request.

Statistical Metrics


Alamofire gathers URLSessionTaskMetrics for every Request. URLSessionTaskMetrics encapsulate some fantastic statistical information about the underlying network connection and request and response timing.

AF.request("").responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

Due to FB7624529, collection of URLSessionTaskMetrics on watchOS is currently disabled.

cURL Command Output

Debugging platform issues can be frustrating. Thankfully, Alamofire's Request type can produce the equivalent cURL command for easy debugging. Due to the asynchronous nature of Alamofire's Request creation, this API has both synchronous and asynchronous versions. To get the cURL command as soon as possible, you can chain the cURLDescription onto a request:

    .cURLDescription { description in
    .responseDecodable(of: DecodableType.self) { response in

This should produce:

$ curl -v \
-X GET \
-H "Accept-Language: en;q=1.0" \
-H "Accept-Encoding: br;q=1.0, gzip;q=0.9, deflate;q=0.8" \
-H "User-Agent: Demo/1.0 (com.demo.Demo; build:1; iOS 15.0.0) Alamofire/1.0" \