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LogPy - Your Log Analysis Tool

License: GPL v2


LogPy is a command-line tool designed for log analysis. It allows you to parse log files, extract relevant information, and generate useful insights from the log data.

Notes contains my notes on Python's Multi-Threading, using PySide6 for GUI tools, creating pythnon package, and more.


  • Analyze network-related logs, including TCP connections, MQTT messages, and more.
  • Perform sleep-related log analysis, such as tracking sleep cycles, wake events, etc.
  • Use regular expressions for custom log parsing and analysis.
  • Easily specify log files, output files, keywords, and topics through command-line arguments.
  • Toggle options to control the analysis process, such as ignoring case or disabling the progress bar.


To install LogPy, you can use the distributable package provided by the developer. Follow the instructions below to install LogPy on your system:

pip install logpy-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl

Replace logpy-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl with the correct filename of the package.


After installing LogPy, you can use it from the command line as follows:

>> logpy --help

usage: logpy [-h] -l LOG_FILE [-o OUT_FILE] [-k [eg: FALCON, WATCHDOG, etc ...]] [-t [eg: telemetry ...]]
             [-r [REGEX ...]] [-c] [-dp] [--show-empty] [--all] [-m {network,sleep,gps,can}] [--tcp] [--mqtt]
             [--netswitching] [--pdpdeact] [--netregistration] [--ignition] [--sleepcycle] [--gps] [--can] [-v]

Log Analysis Command Line Tool.
For GUI based tool use: `logpy-gui`

  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  -l LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
                                Path to log file
  -o OUT_FILE, --out-file OUT_FILE
                                Path to output log file
  -k [eg: FALCON, WATCHDOG, etc ...], --keywords [eg: FALCON, WATCHDOG, etc ...]
                                Provide Additional Keywords to be added
  -t [eg: telemetry ...], --topics [eg: telemetry ...]
                                Specific topics to be looked up. (For MQTT Publish Msgs)
  -r [REGEX ...], --regex [REGEX ...]
                                Raw string command or regex expression
  -c, --ignore-case             Ignore Match Case
  -dp, --disable-progresslive   Disable tqdm progress bar
  --show-empty                  Show empty values as well
  --all                         Show all available analysis
  -m {network,sleep,gps,can}, --module {network,sleep,gps,can}
                                Choose the related module for log analysis
  -v, --version                 Show version

  Network related log analysis

  --tcp                         TCP related log analysis
  --mqtt                        MQTT related log analysis
  --netswitching                NETSWITCHING related log analysis
  --pdpdeact                    PDPDEACT related log analysis
  --netregistration             NETREGISTRATION related log analysis

  Sleep related log analysis

  --ignition                    IGNITION related log analysis
  --sleepcycle                  SLEEPCYCLE related log analysis

  Gps related log analysis

  --gps                         GPS related log analysis

  Can related log analysis

  --can                         CAN related log analysis

This will display the available command-line options and usage instructions.


Here are some examples of how to use LogPy:

  • Analyze network module related logs with TCP and MQTT analysis:
logpy -m network --tcp --mqtt -l /path/to/logfile.txt
  • Perform sleep module related log analysis with wake and sleep cycle analysis:
logpy -m sleep -l /path/to/logfile.txt
  • Search for additional keywords in log file
logpy -k FALCON WATCHDOG -l /path/to/logfile.txt
  • Perform analysis of all modules:
logpy --all -l /path/to/logfile.txt


Added a GUI version for the logpy application usinf PySide6.

This can be started using:


Supports light and dark themes. All the command line arguments are available as toggle buttons or fields. Shortcuts: Ctrl + O - Open log file Ctrl + L - Clear the output Ctrl + T - Toggle Theme

The GUI tool can also be distributed as a standalone application. This can be done using the PyInstaller and InstallForge. You can find more about the procedure in my


If you have any questions or need support, you can reach out to the developer.

Happy log analysis with LogPy! 🚀


Log Analysis for Large Log Files using Regex







No packages published
