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bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda

C++/CUDA port of BELLHOP/BELLHOP3D underwater acoustics simulator.


Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Regents of the University of California
Marine Physical Lab at Scripps Oceanography, c/o Jules Jaffe,
Based on BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D, which is Copyright (C) 1983-2022 Michael B. Porter

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


What is C++/CUDA?

This is a single codebase which can be built as multithreaded C++ code for your CPU, or as CUDA code for your NVIDIA GPU. You can use the CPU version (bellhopcxx) even if you don't have an NVIDIA GPU.

What platforms does this run on?

bellhopcxx is compatible with all platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac), and bellhopcuda is compatible with all platforms which support CUDA (Linux and Windows).

Why should I use bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda instead of BELLHOP?

  • While the performance gains from multithreading are highly dependent on the environment file, in most cases the performance scales roughly with the number of logical CPU cores. On a 12-core / 24-thread test machine, bellhopcxx is typically about 10 to 30 times faster than BELLHOP.
  • For simulations with many (tens of thousands or more) rays and a reasonably good desktop GPU, bellhopcuda is typically even faster, sometimes surpassing 100x gain over BELLHOP.
  • Our team has made fixes to BELLHOP to improve its numerical properties and robustness (see below). These fixes were essential to being able to reproduce its results in another language (or two). These fixes are of course also incorporated into bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda.
  • As well as the traditional executable version, this repo also builds bellhopcxx as a library, which can be incorporated into other programs. The library version allows the simulation parameters to be modified and the simulation rerun, and it is not bottlenecked by slow file I/O for getting the results. The library version also allows running multiple independent simulations with different parameters at the same time (there are no global variables).
  • By default, our version supports certain combinations of parameters which are not supported by the original version, such as 2D Gaussian ray-centered influence and 3D PCHIP. A compile-time option can be set to artificially limit the feature set to the same as BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D for testing.

Can I use bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda with MATLAB?

Yes. bellhopcxx and bellhopcuda read the same .env and other input files and produce output files in the same formats as BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D. It is a drop-in replacement.

The normal bellhopcxx.exe and bellhopcuda.exe executables select their dimensionality with command-line flags (e.g. --2D, --3D, --Nx2D). The build system also produces executables which support only one dimensionality, bellhopcxx2d.exe, bellhopcxx3d.exe, and so on. You can use these if you don't want to change the MATLAB wrapper code to add the flags.

Once you have your desired executable, simply rename it to bellhop.exe or bellhop3d.exe and replace the BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D executable in your MATLAB setup with it. Multithreading is enabled by default, so you should get a significant speedup.

Which features of the simulators are working?

All features of all three dimensionalities (2D, 3D, Nx2D) are working and reasonably well-tested. The numerical stability and robustness of all of these versions is significantly improved from the original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D (see more discussion below), so in any application where the original version was sufficient, our versions should be as well. With that said, the numerical stability and reproducibility is better in 2D than in 3D or Nx2D, and slightly better in 3D than Nx2D.

How do I download the project?

Download pre-compiled binaries for Windows 10 64-bit. We try to keep these up-to-date with most changes to the repo's main branch, though this is not guaranteed. However, the pre-compiled versions:

  • do not include all the executable and library versions possible to build
  • are only built for one GPU version (SM86, RTX 30x0)
  • are Windows versions only

If you need any other versions, please git clone and build from source.

How do I build the project?

  • Make sure you got the Git submodules (the glm folder should not be empty).
  • If you want bellhopcuda, install the latest CUDA toolkit. Otherwise if you do not want bellhopcuda, set the environment variable BHC_NO_CUDA (to something like "1") or turn off the CMake option BHC_ENABLE_CUDA.
  • Build the project with CMake in the usual way for your platform. If you are not familiar with CMake, there are numerous tutorials online; the process is not project-specific, besides the options mentioned in this readme.

Why do I get compiler errors when building with CUDA on Windows?

This project uses libcudacxx for creating a shared codebase for CPU and GPU. This open-source library is generally very good, but has occasional compatibility issues. Some errors you might see might mention some of the following items:

  • cuda::std::__4::hypot
  • _LInf, _LNan, _LSnan
  • __type_traits/disjunction.h, error C2210: '_First': pack expansions cannot be used as arguments...

We have submitted an issue to NVIDIA about some of these issues, and they are in the process of being fixed. We also put workarounds in place in the bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda codebase. However, if you run into any of these problems, always first upgrade to the latest CUDA version. If that does not solve the problem, let us know and also try the following:

  • Upgrade from Visual Studio 2017, to 2019 or 2022.
  • Download the libcudacxx source manually and replace include/cuda and include/nv in your CUDA installation with the appropriate directories from the Git repo.

How do I use bellhopcxxlib as a library in another project?

  • Copy the [bellhopcuda repo]/include/bhc directory to an include directory in your parent project. Or, if a Git submodule, add the [bellhopcuda repo]/include directory to your include paths.
  • Set your parent project's C++ version to C++17 or later.
  • If you are on Windows and using the bellhopcxxlib.dll shared (dynamic) library version, define BHC_DLL_IMPORT before including the header. This cannot be done automatically because it must not be defined if you're using the static library version, and we can't know in advance which version you will use.
  • #include <bhc/bhc.hpp>. Follow the instructions in that file for API use.
  • Link to:
    • Windows shared (dynamic) library: bellhopcxxlib.dll and import library bellhopcxxlib.lib
    • Windows static library: bellhopcxxstatic.lib
    • Linux shared library:
    • Linux static library: libbellhopcxxstatic.a

What additional functionality is available in library mode?

  • You can set up the library without an initial environment file. All parameters are set to reasonable basic defaults. You can modify these up one at a time from your host program.
  • The extsetup functions allow you to allocate arrays with the run parameters, for example to change the number of sources in Z to 100. After allocating the array with your chosen size, you can fill in the data directly.
  • The writeenv function allows you to save the current state of the run parameters to an environment file and other required input files (e.g. SSP, bathymetry). This does not have to be relative to the same FileRoot provided at setup time.
  • The readout function allows you to read results from a past run (ray file, TL / shade file, or arrivals) into memory, so your host program can display or manipulate these results.

How do I report bugs?

If the bug is regarding results being wrong (or different from BELLHOP/BELLHOP3D), please check and report to us whether the behavior is the same in our version of BELLHOP/BELLHOP3D with improved numerical stability and robustness. Also, please provide an environment file which traces only the ray whose results are incorrect (if applicable); if this is impossible, due to the bug disappearing when a different set of rays are traced, let us know of this.

Submit a bug report on the GitHub issues page.


This section was last updated 2/2023.


The summary is:

  • Speedups vary widely depending on many parameters of the run.
  • Generally, the speedup in multithreaded mode roughly scales with the number of logical CPU cores, with a scaling factor roughly ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 (e.g. a 6-core, 12-thread CPU will often get a 6x-15x speedup).
  • If you have a reasonably modern (but consumer-grade) GPU and the run uses a large number of rays (in the 10,000s or more), the speedup of the CUDA version will often be a few times above the CPU speedup (e.g. 20x-100x compared to the Fortran version). Conversely, if there are a small number of rays, the CUDA performance will be worse than the CPU performance.

Some factors affecting the performance are discussed below.

Ray count

In both CPU multithreaded mode and CUDA mode, the processing is parallelized over the rays. The number of rays needed to fully utilize each chip is a few times the number of cores--but on the CPU this will be anything over a hundred or so rays, whereas on the GPU you will need tens of thousands of rays as there are many thousands of cores. However, experimentally, the speedup does not stop once this number is reached--running hundreds of thousands or millions of rays continues to bring additional, though diminishing, performance gain over BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D. Of course, whether more rays is useful or not is very application-dependent.

File I/O

bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda can be built and used as a library, so input data (e.g. SSP) does not have to be read from files, and output data does not have to be written to disk. In some runs, the file I/O is trivial, whereas in others, it takes 10x-100x the time compared to actually computing the results. Normally, we count the file I/O time in our version in order to compare most fairly to the original version, but if file I/O can be avoided in a particular application using the library version, this may lead to a substantial gain in effective overall performance in some cases.

Receivers layout

A run with receivers concentrated in one area far away from the source will be faster than one where the receivers are spread uniformly over a large area where the rays traverse. In the latter, every step of every ray will influence a number of receivers, whereas in the former, whereas in the former most rays will not influence any receivers. This is especially true for eigenrays and arrivals runs: these run types will work best when the user is interested in finding a handful of rays which reach an area of interest out of a large number of rays initially traced.

Run type

Transmission loss runs typically bring the largest speedups over BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D. Arrivals typically have lower speedups, depending on the receivers' layout as discussed above.

For ray runs, the full rays must be written out to disk, serially one after another. For this reason, our CUDA version does not even compute the rays on the GPU at all: it is unlikely the user will want to run tens of thousands of rays to saturate the GPU, and if they did, writing them is likely to take more time than computing them. Nevertheless, the performance gains with multithreaded mode are still often noticeable.

For eigenrays runs, when a ray influences a receiver, a data structure similar to an arrival is written to memory, but the full ray is not saved to memory (or worse for the parallelism, to disk). This allows a large number of rays to be searched for the few which hit target receivers, on either CPU multithreaded or CUDA. Then, at the end, just those rays which hit receivers are re-traced in CPU multithreaded mode (even if the CUDA version is running), and the resulting rays are written. This can be much more efficient than BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D when there are few receivers, but it will be less efficient when there are receivers everywhere and consequently extremely large numbers of eigenrays.


The speedup for 2D is typically slightly (maybe 10% on average) higher than for 3D. The speedup for Nx2D is similar to that for 3D.

Floating point precision

By default, bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda uses double precision (64-bit floats) for almost all arithmetic. (It uses the same precision as the Fortran version for each individual operation, which is almost universally double precision, except for most writing of output data which is in single precision.) All the performance and accuracy results presented here are for double precision mode.

However, our version can also be built to use single precision (32-bit floats) for all arithmetic. This generally works--the ray or TL plots generally look the same by eye--but as you might expect, this substantially increases the chances of numerical stability problems, and the details of the results generally do not match the double precision version. For example, in a particular run, 99% of the rays might follow nearly the same trajectory as with full precision, but 1% of the rays might diverge and go elsewhere.

Consumer NVIDIA GPUs only contain vestigial double-precision floating-point support, at 1/64th the throughput compared to single-precision. Only the server- class GPUs (in the tens of thousands of dollars) include full double-precision support. The fact that the CUDA version still can bring substantial speedups over the CPU is explained by the fact that most of the actual instructions being executed are integer or memory instructions, with only a portion being floating-point math. Nevertheless, the floating-point performance may be the bottleneck in some runs. For some applications, the single-precision version may be useful for obtaining fast, approximate initial results on a consumer GPU.


The physics model in the original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D has a number of properties which make it sensitive to numerical details. For example, moving a source by 1 cm in a basic test case causes up to about 3 dB differences throughout the field. As a more extreme example, we created a modified version of the original BELLHOP code which adds random perturbations less than 100 microns to the position (not even direction!) of each ray after each step. (Steps are typically on the order of 1 km, so this is a relative error on the order of 10^-7.) This was chosen because on the one hand, the real-world uncertainty in the ocean is at a far larger scale, and on the other hand, these perturbations wreak havoc on BELLHOP's edge case handling (see below). These tiny perturbations result in up to 40 dB differences in the field, which are visible when comparing the transmission loss plots by eye.

Of course, BELLHOP has been providing useful results to researchers for four decades now, despite these limitations of its model. We mention this for the sake of context for the discussion below. Usually in software development, any mismatch between the program's output and the reference output means the test has failed and the program has a bug somewhere. In this project, such a mismatch could be caused by something as subtle as the Fortran compiler emitting a fused multiply-add instruction where the C++ compiler emitted separate multiply and add instructions. (In fact, in one case, we confirmed this was the source of a discrepancy from examining the disassembly, and explicitly added the FMA to the C++ version.)

But not only is it not realistic to try to reproduce the exact set of floating- point operations in a different language and compiler to get exactly matching results--we want the set of operations to be different in some cases. For example, early on in the project, we found a combination of bugs and edge case conditions--documented in the readme of our modified Fortran version--which made it impossible to parallelize the computation if we wanted to reproduce the original results (with the bugs). Instead of abandoning the parallelization--which was one of the main goals of the project--we decided to fix (many of) the bugs and improve the numerical stability.

Since then, we have been comparing the results of bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda to our modified Fortran version, not to the original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D. When we find a discrepancy, we find the failing ray, print out its state as it travels, find the step where it diverges, and isolate the part of the code responsible. Of course, if it is a bug in our new code, we fix that. But when it is a numerical stability / robustness issue, we implement a change in both versions which attempts to make that part of the code more reproducible, and hopefully then the results start matching again.

We have made a variety of these changes, documented here, but the most significant set of changes was to the handling of boundaries. Boundaries are locations in the ocean, such as a change in SSP or a change in the bathymetry slope, where the ray may have to recompute its direction to curve. As such, the ray steps forward until it hits the next boundary in the direction it is traveling, and then adjusts its direction. Thus, most steps place a ray directly on a boundary--in other words, almost every step of every ray hits an edge case. Due to floating-point imprecision, this may actually be slightly in front of or behind the boundary. This affects the subsequent trajectory in a way which is usually very small, but can be amplified to large changes later. The original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D made no attempt to handle stepping to boundaries consistently; our version handles most boundaries in a fully consistent manner and the remaining couple in a manner which is perhaps about 99.99% consistent. (Of course, that means the remaining ~0.01% of rays diverge slightly, potentially causing results to not match.)

So all of the results discussed here are as compared to our modified Fortran version, not the original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D. And when we report results that do not match, these are mostly either cases where the best methods we were able to come up with still occasionally diverge, or cases we have not studied in detail. Because of how many cases do match, it's unlikely that these are just the result of bugs in our version, though it is possible that there are bugs on codepaths which have been rarely or never tested such as some of the more obscure attenuation options.

One final note: We generally compare values, whether ray positions or complex field values, with a combination of absolute and relative error thresholds. There is also logic for things such as reordering and getting rid of duplicate steps in rays, and combining arrivals. However, the criteria are always much more strict than what would be noticed from simply looking at MATLAB plots of the outputs.

Coverage Tests

A set of scripts are provided which generate test environment files (along with SSP files, bathymetry, etc. as appropriate) for every combination of run type, influence type, SSP, and dimensionality (about 1500 tests). These are primarily for code coverage, rather than testing the correctness of the physics, and are short to be able to run relatively quickly. The scripts also test to make sure that any combinations of these settings which are not supported by BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D are rejected by our version, assuming the BHC_LIMIT_FEATURES build option was enabled.

The current version of bellhopcxx / bellhopcuda matches on all the coverage tests.

Dr. Michael B. Porter's Tests

Dr. Porter provided a set of test cases with the Acoustics Toolbox. These have been sorted by dimensionality and run type. The specific runs comprising this data are in the text files included in the root of this repo, e.g. ray_3d_pass.txt, tl_long.txt, etc. This table is just counts of the entries in those files.

The "Both fail" column is for tests which fail to run in BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D at all, either because they may be for one of the other Acoustics Toolbox simulators or because the environment file syntax has changed since they were written. Our version produces the same behavior as the original version on all of these test cases (though often with more descriptive error messages), so this "Both fail" case is actually a "pass" for our version.

Match Do not match Both fail
2D ray 12 0 8
2D TL 48 [1] 0
2D eigen 1 0 0
2D arrivals 6 1 0
3D ray 12 0 2
3D TL 42 8 12
3D eigen 0 0 [2]
3D arrivals 0 0 0
Nx2D ray 4 0 0
Nx2D TL 13 5 6
Nx2D eigen 0 0 0
Nx2D arrivals 0 0 0

[1]: There are two runs which consistently match in single-threaded mode, but sometimes do and sometimes don't match in multithreaded or CUDA mode.
[2]: There is only one environment file; it runs out of memory after over 3 hours, so this has not been investigated further.

Note that some of the TL tests take several hours (one about 12 hours), and we do not guarantee we will re-run those tests after every change, so some of the numbers here may be slightly out of date.



Unattributed comments in all translated code are copied directly from the original BELLHOP / BELLHOP3D and/or Acoustics Toolbox code, mostly by Dr. Michael B. Porter. Unattributed comments in new code are by the Marine Physical Lab team, mostly Louis Pisha. It should usually be easy to distinguish the comment author from the style.