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AppState's State Synchronization Feature: SyncState

Zach edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 1 revision

AppState, a Swift package designed to manage application state, introduces a feature known as SyncState. This function aims to synchronize application state across multiple devices. This article provides an overview of AppState's SyncState feature, explaining its workings, potential benefits, use cases, and implementation.

Understanding SyncState

SyncState is a feature within AppState that aims to synchronize application state across multiple devices. It utilizes Apple's NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, a solution for storing small amounts of data accessible across multiple devices using iCloud.

Potential Benefits of SyncState

The primary intention behind SyncState is to maintain a consistent application state across all instances of your app. This feature could be useful for applications operating on multiple platforms or devices. By attempting to ensure that all instances of the application share the same state, SyncState could play a role in offering a consistent user experience across all platforms.

Possible Use Cases for SyncState

SyncState can be beneficial for applications that need to maintain consistent state across multiple devices. Particularly, in productivity apps, SyncState could synchronize user data and preferences across different devices, ensuring a uniform user experience.

Implementing SyncState in AppState

To implement SyncState in AppState, the SyncState property wrapper provided by AppState can be used. This property wrapper can define a state in your AppState that should be synchronized across various devices.

A Closer Examination of SyncState

It's important to delve deeper into the technical aspects of SyncState and how it interacts with other AppState features. This understanding might help developers to use SyncState in their applications.

SyncState and iCloud

SyncState's aim to synchronize seamlessly is due to its integration with Apple's iCloud infrastructure. When AppState with SyncState is used in an application, the state data is stored in Apple's NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore and mirrored to iCloud. This data is then accessible to all devices signed into the same iCloud account.

The Role of NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore in SyncState

Apple's NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is a key-value storage system utilized by SyncState. It's a solution for storing small amounts of data that need to be shared across multiple devices. This efficiency potentially contributes to the performance of SyncState.

Understanding the SyncState Property Wrapper

To implement SyncState in your AppState, use the SyncState property wrapper provided by AppState. This wrapper can define a state in your AppState that should be synchronized across various devices.

Potential Challenges with SyncState

While SyncState is designed for ease of use and implementation, challenges can arise. These may include ensuring data is correctly synchronized across all devices, especially when these devices run different application versions. To address this, it might be beneficial to design your AppState with SyncState in mind.

Another potential challenge could be handling the storage limitations of NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, which is designed for storing small amounts of data. For applications with a large or complex state, alternative methods of state synchronization may be needed.


SyncState is a feature that has the potential to transform how developers handle application state across multiple devices. Its integration with iCloud and easy implementation through the SyncState property wrapper provide a solution for state synchronization. Understanding its workings and potential challenges can help developers use it more effectively.