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HPC Container Maker Tutorial

Reproducing a bare metal environment

Many HPC systems use environment modules to manage their software environment. A user loads the modules corresponding to the desired software environment.

$ module load cuda/10.2
$ module load gcc
$ module load openmpi/4.0.3

Modules can depend on each other, and in this case, the openmpi module was built with the gcc compiler and with CUDA support enabled.

The Linux distribution and drivers are typically fixed by the system administrator, for instance CentOS 7 and Mellanox OFED 5.0.

The system administrator of the HPC system built and installed these components for their user community. Including a software component in a container image requires knowing how to properly configure and build the component. This is specialized knowledge and can be further complicated when applying container best practices.

How can this software environment be reproduced in a container image?

The starting point for any container image is a base image. Since CUDA is required, the base image should be one of the publicly available CUDA base images. The CUDA base image corresponding to CUDA 10.2 and CentOS 7 is nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-centos7. So the first line of the HPCCM recipe is:

Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-centos7')

Note: Stage0 refers to the first stage of a multi-stage build. Multi-stage builds are a technique that can significantly reduce the size of container images. This tutorial section will not use multi-stage builds, so the Stage0 prefix can be considered boilerplate.

The next step is to include the HPCCM building blocks corresponding to the rest of the desired software environment: Mellanox OFED, gcc, and OpenMPI.

The mlnx_ofed building block installs the OpenFabrics user space libraries:

Stage0 += mlnx_ofed(version='5.0-')

The gnu building block installs the GNU compiler suite:

compiler = gnu()
Stage0 += compiler

Note: The compiler variable is defined here so that in the next step the OpenMPI building block can use the GNU compiler toolchain. Since the GNU compiler is typically the default compiler, this is just being explicit about the default behavior.

The openmpi building block installs OpenMPI, configured to use the desired version, the GNU compiler, and with CUDA and InfiniBand enabled:

Stage0 += openmpi(cuda=True, infiniband=True, toolchain=compiler.toolchain,

Bringing it all together, the complete recipe corresponding to the bare metal software environment is:

Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-centos7')
Stage0 += mlnx_ofed(version='5.0-')
compiler = gnu()
Stage0 += compiler
Stage0 += openmpi(cuda=True, infiniband=True, toolchain=compiler.toolchain,

The HPCCM recipe has nearly a one-to-one correspondence with the environment module commands.

Assuming the recipe file is named, use the hpccm command line tool to generate the corresponding Dockerfile or Singularity definition file.

$ hpccm --recipe --format docker
$ hpccm --recipe --format singularity

Depending on the desired workflow, the next step might be to use a text editor to add the steps to build an HPC application to the Dockerfile or Singularity definition file, or it might be to extend the HPCCM recipe to add the steps to build an HPC application.


What if instead of the default version GNU compiler, version 7 was needed? Change compiler = gnu() to compiler = gnu(version='7') and see what happens.

What if instead of the GNU compilers, the bare metal environment was based on the PGI compilers? Change compiler = gnu() to compiler = pgi(eula=True) and see what happens. Note: The PGI compiler EULA must be accepted in order to use the PGI building block.

What if the Linux distribution was Ubuntu instead of CentOS? Change the base image from nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-centos7 to nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-ubuntu16.04 and see what happens.

What would the equivalent script using the HPCCM Python module look like?

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import hpccm
from hpccm.building_blocks import gnu, mlnx_ofed, openmpi
from hpccm.primitives import baseimage

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HPCCM Tutorial')
parser.add_argument('--format', type=str, default='docker',
                    choices=['docker', 'singularity'],
                    help='Container specification format (default: docker)')
args = parser.parse_args()

Stage0 = hpccm.Stage()

### Start "Recipe"
Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-centos7')
Stage0 += mlnx_ofed(version='5.0-')
compiler = gnu()
Stage0 += compiler
Stage0 += openmpi(cuda=True, infiniband=True, toolchain=compiler.toolchain,
### End "Recipe"



The "recipe" itself is exactly the same, but the Python script requires additional code to import the Python modules, parse input, and print output that is handled automatically by the hpccm command line tool. However, the script also allows precise control over its behavior. For instance, additional command line arguments could be added to specify the compiler version, compiler suite, Linux distribution, and so on. Note it is also possible to tailor the behavior of HPCCM recipes with user arguments. Another possible enhancement would be to write the output to a file instead of printing it to standard output.

MPI Bandwidth

The MPI Bandwidth sample program from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) will be used as a proxy application to illustrate how to use HPCCM recipes to create application containers.

The CentOS 7 base image is sufficient for this example. The Mellanox OFED user space libraries, a compiler, and MPI library are also needed. For this tutorial section, the GNU compiler and OpenMPI will be used. The corresponding HPCCM recipe is:

Stage0 += baseimage(image='centos:7')
Stage0 += gnu(fortran=False)
Stage0 += mlnx_ofed()
Stage0 += openmpi(cuda=False)

Note: Stage0 refers to the first stage of a multi-stage build. Multi-stage builds are a technique that can significantly reduce the size of container images. This tutorial section will not use multi-stage builds, so the Stage0 prefix can be considered boilerplate.

The next step is to build the MPI Bandwidth program from source. First the source code must be copied into the container, and then compiled. For both of these steps, HPCCM primitives will be used. HPCCM primitives are wrappers around the native container specification operations that translate the conceptual operation into the corresponding native container specific syntax. Primitives also hide many of the behavioral differences between the Docker and Singularity container image build processes so that behavior is consistent regardless of the output configuration specification format.

First, download the MPI Bandwidth source code into the same directory as the recipe. Then the local copy of the source code can be copied into the container image.

Stage0 += copy(src='mpi_bandwidth.c', dest='/var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c')

Note: The MPI Bandwidth source code could also be downloaded as part of the container build itself, e.g., using wget. The MPI Bandwidth example recipe does this.

Finally, compile the program binary using the mpicc MPI compiler wrapper.

Stage0 += shell(commands=[
    'mpicc -o /usr/local/bin/mpi_bandwidth /var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c'])

Note: In a production container image, a cleanup step would typically also be performed to remove the source code and any other build artifacts. That step is skipped here. Multi-stage builds are another approach that separates the application build process from the application deployment.

The complete MPI Bandwidth recipe is:

# CentOS base image
Stage0 += baseimage(image='centos:7')

# GNU compilers
Stage0 += gnu(fortran=False)

# Mellanox OFED
Stage0 += mlnx_ofed()

# OpenMPI
Stage0 += openmpi(cuda=False)

# MPI Bandwidth
Stage0 += copy(src='mpi_bandwidth.c', dest='/var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c')
Stage0 += shell(commands=[
    'mpicc -o /usr/local/bin/mpi_bandwidth /var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c'])

Assuming the recipe file is named, the following steps generate Docker and Singularity container images and then demonstrate running the program on a single node.

$ hpccm --recipe --format docker > Dockerfile
$ sudo docker build -t mpi_bandwidth -f Dockerfile .
$ sudo docker run --rm -it mpi_bandwidth mpirun --allow-run-as-root -n 2 /usr/local/bin/mpi_bandwidth
$ hpccm --recipe --format singularity > Singularity.def
$ sudo singularity build mpi_bandwidth.sif Singularity.def
$ singularity exec mpi_bandwidth.sif mpirun -n 2 /usr/local/bin/mpi_bandwidth

Note: The exact same container images may also be used for multi-node runs, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial section. The webinar GPU Accelerated Multi-Node HPC Workloads with Singularity is a good reference for multi-node MPI runs.

User Arguments

Using Python to express container specifications is one of the key features of HPCCM. Python recipes can process user input to generate multiple container specification permutations from the same source code.

Consider the case where the CUDA version and OpenMPI version are user specified values. If not specified, default values should be used. In addition, the user supplied values should be verified to be valid version numbers.

The hpccm command line tool has the --userarg option. Values specified using this option are inserted into a Python dictionary named USERARG that can be accessed inside a recipe.

from packaging.version import Version

cuda_version = USERARG.get('cuda', '9.1')
if Version(cuda_version) < Version('9.0'):
  raise RuntimeError('invalid CUDA version: {}'.format(cuda_version))
Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:{}-devel-ubuntu16.04'.format(cuda_version))

ompi_version = USERARG.get('ompi', '3.1.2')
if not Version(ompi_version):
  raise RuntimeError('invalid OpenMPI version: {}'.format(ompi_version))
Stage0 += openmpi(infiniband=False, version=ompi_version)

The versions can be set on the command line assuming the recipe file is named

To use the default values:

$ hpccm --recipe

Generate container specifications for specified version combinations:

$ hpccm --recipe --userarg cuda=9.0 ompi=1.10.7
$ hpccm --recipe --userarg cuda=9.1 ompi=2.1.5
$ hpccm --recipe --userarg cuda=9.2
$ hpccm --recipe --userarg cuda=10.0 ompi=3.1.3

Verify that invalid versions are detected:

$ hpccm --recipe --userarg cuda=nine_point_zero
ERROR: invalid version number 'nine_point_zero'

When using the HPCCM Python module, the argparse Python module can provide equivalent functionality.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
from packaging.version import Version

import argparse
import hpccm
from hpccm.building_blocks import openmpi
from hpccm.primitives import baseimage

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HPCCM Tutorial')
parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=str, default='9.1',
                    help='CUDA version (default: 9.1)')
parser.add_argument('--format', type=str, default='docker',
                    choices=['docker', 'singularity'],
                    help='Container specification format (default: docker)')
parser.add_argument('--ompi', type=str, default='3.1.2',
                    help='OpenMPI version (default: 3.1.2)')
args = parser.parse_args()

Stage0 = hpccm.Stage()

if Version(args.cuda) < Version('9.0'):
  raise RuntimeError('invalid CUDA version: {}'.format(args.cuda))
Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:{}-devel-ubuntu16.04'.format(args.cuda))

if not Version(args.ompi):
  raise RuntimeError('invalid OpenMPI version: {}'.format(args.ompi))
Stage0 += openmpi(infiniband=False, version=args.ompi)



Specifying (and verifying) component versions is just scratching the surface of this powerful HPCCM capability.

Multi-stage Recipes

Multi-stage builds are a very useful capability that separates the application build step from the deployment step. The development toolchain, application source code, and build artifacts are not necessary when deploying the built application inside a container. In fact, they can significantly and unnecessarily increase the size of the container image.

The hpccm command line tool automatically creates 2 stages, Stage0, and Stage1. Most building blocks provide a runtime method to install the corresponding runtime version of a component.

The following recipe builds OpenMPI in the first (build) stage, and then copies the resulting OpenMPI build into the second (deployment) stage. Building block settings defined in the first stage are automatically reflected in the second stage.

Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-centos7', _as='devel')
Stage0 += openmpi(infiniband=False, prefix='/opt/openmpi')

Stage1 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.0-base-centos7')
Stage1 += Stage0.runtime()

The MILC example recipe demonstrates the usefulness of multi-stage recipes. The Docker container image built from the first stage only is 5.93 GB, whereas the container image is only 429 MB when employing the multi-stage build process.

$ wget
$ hpccm --recipe --single-stage > Dockerfile.single-stage
$ sudo docker build -t milc:single-stage -f Dockerfile.single-stage .

$ hpccm --recipe > Dockerfile.multi-stage
$ sudo docker build -t milc:multi-stage -f Dockerfile.multi-stage .

$ docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}: {{.Size}}" milc
milc:multi-stage: 429MB
milc:single-stage: 5.93GB

Singularity version 3.2 and later supports multi-stage Singularity definition files. However, the multi-stage definition file syntax is incompatible with earlier versions of Singularity. Use the HPCCM --singularity-version <version> command line option to specify the Singularity definition file version to generate. A version of 3.2 or later will generate a multi-stage definition file that will only build with Singularity version 3.2 or later. A version less than 3.2 will generate a portable definition file that works with any version of Singularity, but will not support multi-stage builds.

Additionally, the first (build) stage must be named in order to build multi-stage Singularity containers. The easiest way to do this is to specify the _as parameter of the baseimage primitive. This is not necessary for Docker since Docker implicitly names the first stage 0, but is still a good practice.

$ wget
$ hpccm --recipe --format singularity --single-stage > Singularity.single-stage
$ sudo singularity build milc-single-stage.sif Singularity.single-stage

$ hpccm --recipe --format singularity --singularity-version 3.2 > Singularity.multi-stage
$ sudo singularity build milc-multi-stage.sif Singularity.multi-stage

$ ls -1sh milc*.sif
143M milc-multi-stage.sif
2.4G milc-single-stage.sif

If Singularity version 3.2 or later is not an option, Docker images can be easily converted to Singularity images so older versions of Singularity can also (indirectly) take advantage of multi-stage builds.

$ sudo docker run -t --rm --cap-add SYS_ADMIN -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp:/output singularityware/docker2singularity milc:multi-stage
Singularity container built: /tmp/milc_multi-stage-2018-12-03-c2b47902c8a8.simg

Scientific Filesystem (SCI-F)

The Scientific Filesystem (SCI-F) provides internal modularity of containers. For example, a single container may need to include multiple builds of an application workload, each tuned for a particular hardware configuration, for the widest possible deployment.

The scif building block provides an interface to SCI-F that is syntactically similar to Stages. Other building blocks or primitives can be added to the SCI-F recipe using the += syntax.

To help understand where it can be useful to include multiple application binaries in the same container, consider the GPU compute capability. The compute capability of a GPU specifies its available features. A GPU cannot run code compiled for a higher compute capability, yet many optimizations and other advanced features are only available with higher compute capabilities. Generally speaking, a GPU can run code built with an lower compute capability, but that would mean not being able to take advantage of some capabilities on more recent GPUs.

One approach to resolve this tension is to build multiple versions of the binary, each for a specific compute capability, and choose the best version based on the available hardware when running the container. (Better approaches are to build a single "fat" binary or to use PTX to enable just-in-time compilation, but some application build systems may not support those techniques.)

The CUDA-STREAM benchmark will be used to illustrate how to use SCI-F with HPCCM.

The following recipe builds CUDA-STREAM for 3 different CUDA compute capabilities.

Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.1-devel-centos7')

# Install the GNU compiler
Stage0 += gnu(fortran=False)

# Install SCI-F
Stage0 += pip(packages=['scif'])

# Download a single copy of the source code
Stage0 += packages(ospackages=['ca-certificates', 'git'])
Stage0 += shell(commands=['cd /var/tmp',
                          'git clone --depth=1 cuda-stream'])

# Build CUDA-STREAM as a SCI-F application for each CUDA compute capability
for cc in ['35', '60', '70']:
  binpath = '/scif/apps/cc{}/bin'.format(cc)

  stream = scif(name='cc{}'.format(cc))
  stream += comment('CUDA-STREAM built for CUDA compute capability {}'.format(cc))
  stream += shell(commands=['nvcc -std=c++11 -ccbin=g++ -gencode arch=compute_{0},code=\\"sm_{0},compute_{0}\\" -o {1}/stream /var/tmp/cuda-stream/'.format(cc, binpath)])
  stream += environment(variables={'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(binpath)})
  stream += label(metadata={'COMPUTE_CAPABILITY': cc})
  stream += runscript(commands=['stream'])

  Stage0 += stream

When generating a Dockerfile for this recipe, HPCCM will also create 3 SCI-F recipe files in the current directory.

$ hpccm --recipe --format docker > Dockerfile
$ sudo docker build -t cuda-stream -f Dockerfile .

The CUDA-STREAM binary can be selected by specifying the SCI-F application, e.g.:

$ sudo nvidia-docker run --rm -it cuda-stream scif apps
$ sudo nvidia-docker run --rm -it cuda-stream scif run cc60
[cc60] executing /bin/bash /scif/apps/cc60/scif/runscript
 STREAM Benchmark implementation in CUDA
 Array size (double precision) = 536.87 MB
 using 192 threads per block, 349526 blocks
 output in IEC units (KiB = 1024 B)

Function      Rate (GiB/s)  Avg time(s)  Min time(s)  Max time(s)
Copy:         500.6928      0.00200073   0.00199723   0.00200891
Scale:        501.2314      0.00200056   0.00199509   0.00200891
Add:          514.9334      0.00291573   0.00291300   0.00291705
Triad:        517.2619      0.00290324   0.00289989   0.00290990

Singularity has native support for SCI-F. It is not necessary to install the scif PyPi package in this case, but is also okay to do so.

$ hpccm --recipe --format singularity > Singularity.def
$ sudo singularity build cuda-stream.simg Singularity.def

The SCI-F application can be selected by using the --app command line option.

$ singularity apps cuda-stream.simg
$ singularity run --nv --app cc60 cuda-stream.simg
 STREAM Benchmark implementation in CUDA

If the scif PyPi package is installed (optional for Singularity), then the scif program may also be used for equivalent functionality.

$ singularity run cuda-stream.simg scif apps
$ singularity run --nv cuda-stream.simg scif run cc60

The HPCCM scif module is not limited to applications. Building blocks may also be installed inside SCI-F applications. The following installs two versions of OpenMPI inside the container, one built with InfiniBand verbs and the other with UCX, and for each builds the MPI Bandwidth program.

# CentOS base image
Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.1-devel-centos7')

# GNU compilers
Stage0 += gnu(fortran=False)

# Mellanox OFED
Stage0 += mlnx_ofed()

Stage0 += pip(packages=['scif'])

# Download MPI Bandwidth source code
Stage0 += shell(commands=[
    'wget --user-agent "" -q -nc --no-check-certificate -P /var/tmp'])

# OpenMPI 3.1 w/ InfiniBand verbs
ompi31 = scif(name='ompi-3.1-ibverbs')
ompi31 += comment('MPI Bandwidth built with OpenMPI 3.1 using InfiniBand verbs')
ompi31 += openmpi(infiniband=True, prefix='/scif/apps/ompi-3.1-ibverbs',
                  ucx=False, version='3.1.3')
ompi31 += shell(commands=['cd /scif/apps/ompi-3.1-ibverbs/bin',
                          './mpicc -o mpi_bandwidth /var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c'])
Stage0 += ompi31

# OpenMPI 4.0 w/ UCX
ompi40 = scif(name='ompi-4.0-ucx')
ompi40 += comment('MPI Bandwidth built with OpenMPI 4.0 using UCX')
ompi40 += gdrcopy()
ompi40 += knem()
ompi40 += xpmem()
ompi40 += ucx(knem='/usr/local/knem')
ompi40 += openmpi(infiniband=False, prefix='/scif/apps/ompi-4.0-ucx',
                  ucx='/usr/local/ucx', version='4.0.0')
ompi40 += shell(commands=['cd /scif/apps/ompi-4.0-ucx/bin',
                          './mpicc -o mpi_bandwidth /var/tmp/mpi_bandwidth.c'])
Stage0 += ompi40

A more sophisticated container might include an entry point that detects the hardware configuration and automatically uses the most appropriate SCI-F application environment.