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Photon RPM OSTree: Appendix A: Known issues

Danut Moraru edited this page Jan 6, 2017 · 24 revisions

systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved not starting in the updated image, on reboot

If you compose a custom image on the server, download at the RPM-OSTree host the updated image and reboot, systemd-networkd may report an access denied error, in which case your host will not have an IP address. This is a bug that was discovered very late and we didn't have time to address it for Photon v1.0 GA. The easy workaround is to execute at server command prompt umask 022 before executing rpm-ostree compose tree command. If you've already composed and hosts upgraded, got into the bad state, here are the steps to recover:

  1. At server: execute umask 022.
  2. At server: execute rpm-ostree compose tree --force-nocache ... to create a new, good image.
  3. Reboot hosts and select the previously installed image, then execute rpm-ostree upgrade again to pick up the good new image from server. It's going to skip the bad image version.

OSTree repo is no longer accessible via http after RPM-OSTree server has updated httpd package

If server itself is updated via tdnf that brings a newer version of httpd package, httpd.service file will be overwritten to a default value (not valid for OSTree repo), and hosts trying to install or upgrade will report an "invalid or missing config". To fix the problem:

  1. Replace the content of /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service with:
Description=The Apache HTTP Server

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/httpd -f /srv/rpm-ostree/ostree-httpd.conf -DFORGROUND
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/httpd -f /srv/rpm-ostree/ostree-httpd.conf -k graceful

  1. systemctl daemon-reload
  2. systemctl restart httpd

Error composing when photon-iso repo is selected

If you are doing the trick explained in 9.3 to speed up composing by getting the RPMS from cdrom instead of the online repo, you may encounter an error: cache too old:. We are investigating - it could be an rpm-ostree bug or some incompatibility between the caching in tdnf vs. libhif used by ostree, but meanwhile just leave "repos": ["photon"], in photon-base.json.

Package differences between RPM-OSTree "minimal" and minimal installation profile

This is not an actual issue, I'm only mentioning because of naming - people may expect that installing an RPM-OSTree host using the photon/1.0/x86_64/minimal reftag will create an exact equivalent, albeit read-only replica of the Photon minimal, when in fact you get fewer packages. That is because we were constrained by size of the starter ostree repo included on the cdrom, needed in order to install fast the server and the default host, yet still small enough for the ISO installer to run in 384 MB RAM in Fusion and Workstation, 512 MB in ESX.

That's easy to overcome - just add the wanted package names in the photon-base.json and re-compose the tree.

Manual pages not included for installed packages

The packages in photon-base.json don't have their manual pages installed. This is for the same reason - keep the cdrom included ostree repo size small. If the manual pages are desired, just change to true the documentation setting in photon-base.json and re-compose.

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