Subprocess [0.00s]: (['which', 'gs'],) {'check': False, 'capture_output': True} Subprocess [0.00s]: (['which', 'pdfinfo'],) {'check': False, 'capture_output': True} Subprocess [0.02s]: (['qpdf', '--flatten-annotations=all', '--generate-appearances', 'foo.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf'],) {'check': True} Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} Debug: Init cell pageNumber3 Debug: Init cell None.pagePDF at 0x7fb92e261f80> Debug: Init cell pageSize. at 0x7fb92e2620c0> Debug: Init cell signatureIndex0 Debug: Init cell signaturePath. at 0x7fb92e262160> Debug: Init cell signatureSize. at 0x7fb92e262200> Debug: Init cell signaturePositionX0.5 Debug: Init cell signaturePositionY0.75 Debug: Init cell signatureScale0 Debug: Init cell None.signaturePositionedPDF at 0x7fb92e2622a0> Debug: Init cell None.signedPagePDF at 0x7fb92e262340> Debug: Init cell displayMaxSize(400, 800) Debug: Init cell None.displaySize at 0x7fb92e2623e0> Debug: Init cell None.displayPNG at 0x7fb92e262520> Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0 Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '3', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625130> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Init cell None.updateTitle at 0x7fb92d622660> Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning (400, 800) Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize((1325, 1718),), changing value from (400, 800) to (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, evaluating, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 .., updating it, evaluating, returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' Subprocess [0.05s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612.0', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792.0', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-c', '<> setpagedevice', '-f', '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625130> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625130> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e25e330> Subprocess [0.12s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e36a990> Debug: Loading photo image took 1.37 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 .., updating it, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=112, keysym=Prior, keysym_num=65365, num=??, send_event=False, serial=878, state=16, time=990700325, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Prior Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(2,), changing value from 3 to 2 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '2', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625730> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625730> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625730> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625730> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625730> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625700> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625700> Subprocess [0.12s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e32b0b0> Debug: Loading photo image took 2.27 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=112, keysym=Prior, keysym_num=65365, num=??, send_event=False, serial=1246, state=16, time=990703492, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Prior Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(1,), changing value from 2 to 1 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '1', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625820> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625820> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625820> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625820> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625820> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7da0> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7da0> Subprocess [0.10s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e3b2750> Debug: Loading photo image took 0.17 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=117, keysym=Next, keysym_num=65366, num=??, send_event=False, serial=1606, state=16, time=990705551, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Next Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(2,), changing value from 1 to 2 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Subprocess [0.02s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '2', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253a0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253a0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253a0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253a0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253a0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625880> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625880> Subprocess [0.13s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6259d0> Debug: Loading photo image took 2.18 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=117, keysym=Next, keysym_num=65366, num=??, send_event=False, serial=1973, state=16, time=990708349, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Next Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(3,), changing value from 2 to 3 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '3', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6257c0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6257c0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6257c0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6257c0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6257c0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e5fe9f0> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e5fe9f0> Subprocess [0.13s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e39f980> Debug: Loading photo image took 1.44 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=112, keysym=Prior, keysym_num=65365, num=??, send_event=False, serial=2340, state=16, time=990710617, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Prior Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 3 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(2,), changing value from 3 to 2 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Subprocess [0.02s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '2', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625b20> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625b20> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625b20> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625b20> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625b20> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625700> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625700> Subprocess [0.12s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625310> Debug: Loading photo image took 2.26 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onkey(event): char=, delta=0, height=??, keycode=112, keysym=Prior, keysym_num=65365, num=??, send_event=False, serial=2708, state=16, time=990713598, type=2, widget=., width=??, x=637, x_root=5728, y=525, y_root=741 Debug: Calling function for Prior Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 2 Debug: Called cell pageNumber(1,), changing value from 2 to 1 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... Debug: Called cell displayMaxSize()... .., returning (1325, 1718) Debug: Called cell pageSize()... Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Subprocess [0.02s]: (['qpdf', '--pages', '.', '1', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/input.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['pdfinfo', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf'],) {'check': True, 'capture_output': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning (612.0, 792.0) .., updating it, returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.5 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., returning 0.75 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' .., updating it, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent pagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625100> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d625100> Subprocess [0.10s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6253d0> Debug: Loading photo image took 0.17 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 Debug: Called cell pageNumber()... .., returning 1 .., updating it, detected change in precedent pageNumber, evaluating, returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in onclick(event): char=??, delta=0, height=??, keycode=??, keysym=??, keysym_num=??, num=1, send_event=False, serial=3118, state=16, time=990715806, type=4, widget=.!canvas, width=??, x=964, x_root=6060, y=1260, y_root=1481 Debug: in onclick(event): canvasConfig={'background': ('background', 'background', 'Background', '#d9d9d9', '#ffffff'), 'bd': ('bd', 'borderWidth'), 'bg': ('bg', 'background'), 'borderwidth': ('borderwidth', 'borderWidth', 'BorderWidth', '0', '0'), 'closeenough': ('closeenough', 'closeEnough', 'CloseEnough', '1', '1.0'), 'confine': ('confine', 'confine', 'Confine', '1', '1'), 'cursor': ('cursor', 'cursor', 'Cursor', '', ''), 'height': ('height', 'height', 'Height', '7c', '1715'), 'highlightbackground': ('highlightbackground', 'highlightBackground', 'HighlightBackground', '#d9d9d9', '#d9d9d9'), 'highlightcolor': ('highlightcolor', 'highlightColor', 'HighlightColor', '#000000', '#000000'), 'highlightthickness': ('highlightthickness', 'highlightThickness', 'HighlightThickness', '1', '1'), 'insertbackground': ('insertbackground', 'insertBackground', 'Foreground', '#000000', '#000000'), 'insertborderwidth': ('insertborderwidth', 'insertBorderWidth', 'BorderWidth', '0', '0'), 'insertofftime': ('insertofftime', 'insertOffTime', 'OffTime', '300', '300'), 'insertontime': ('insertontime', 'insertOnTime', 'OnTime', '600', '600'), 'insertwidth': ('insertwidth', 'insertWidth', 'InsertWidth', '2', '2'), 'offset': ('offset', 'offset', 'Offset', '0,0', '0,0'), 'relief': ('relief', 'relief', 'Relief', 'flat', 'flat'), 'scrollregion': ('scrollregion', 'scrollRegion', 'ScrollRegion', '', ''), 'selectbackground': ('selectbackground', 'selectBackground', 'Foreground', '#c3c3c3', '#c3c3c3'), 'selectborderwidth': ('selectborderwidth', 'selectBorderWidth', 'BorderWidth', '1', '1'), 'selectforeground': ('selectforeground', 'selectForeground', 'Background', '#000000', '#000000'), 'state': ('state', 'state', 'State', 'normal', 'normal'), 'takefocus': ('takefocus', 'takeFocus', 'TakeFocus', '', ''), 'width': ('width', 'width', 'Width', '10c', '1325'), 'xscrollcommand': ('xscrollcommand', 'xScrollCommand', 'ScrollCommand', '', ''), 'xscrollincrement': ('xscrollincrement', 'xScrollIncrement', 'ScrollIncrement', '0', '0'), 'yscrollcommand': ('yscrollcommand', 'yScrollCommand', 'ScrollCommand', '', ''), 'yscrollincrement': ('yscrollincrement', 'yScrollIncrement', 'ScrollIncrement', '0', '0')}, canvasWidth=1325, canvasHeight=1715, calling cmd_positionSignature(0.7275471698113207, 0.7346938775510204) Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX(0.7275471698113207,), changing value from 0.5 to 0.7275471698113207 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY(0.7346938775510204,), changing value from 0.75 to 0.7346938775510204 Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell displayPNG()... Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0.7275471698113207 Debug: Called cell pageSize()... .., returning (612.0, 792.0) Debug: Called cell signatureSize()... .., returning (216.0, 144.0) Debug: Called cell signatureScale()... .., returning 0 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionX()... .., returning 0.7275471698113207 Debug: Called cell signaturePositionY()... .., updating it, evaluating, returning 0.7346938775510204 Debug: Called cell signaturePath()... .., returning '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf' Subprocess [0.05s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612.0', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792.0', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-c', '<> setpagedevice', '-f', '/home/raman/.pdf_signatures/raman-gupta.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signaturePositionX, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e25ef00> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e25ef00> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell pagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92d6258e0> Debug: Called cell signaturePositionedPDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e25ef00> Subprocess [0.01s]: (['qpdf', '--overlay', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signature-positioned.pdf', '--', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/page.pdf', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signaturePositionedPDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e59be30> Debug: Called cell displaySize()... .., returning (1325, 1715) Debug: Called cell signedPagePDF()... .., returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e59be30> Subprocess [0.10s]: (['gs', '-dBATCH', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dSAFER', '-dQUIET', '-sOutputFile=/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/display.png', '-sDEVICE=pngalpha', '-dMaxBitmap=2147483647', '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=1325', '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1715', '-dFIXEDMEDIA', '-dPDFFitPage', '-f', '/tmp/tmpy8__crfo/signed-page.pdf'],) {'check': True} .., updating it, detected change in precedent signedPagePDF, evaluating, returning <__main__.Volatile object at 0x7fb92e4f7ce0> Debug: Loading photo image took 0.17 seconds Debug: Called cell updateTitle()... .., returning None Debug: Called cell signatureIndex()... .., returning 0 Debug: in dbg(event) for root