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File metadata and controls

163 lines (107 loc) · 4.82 KB

Online Reporting Tool

User guide

A user guide for the application is available from the repository's doc folder.



docker compose up -d

Installing locally

1 Install necessary software

This branch uses the following software:

There may be an issue when performing a local rbenv install of older versions of Ruby (older than ~v2.3) where the OpenSSL version required is no longer hosted resulting in a 404, in which case it's worth trying to install v2.4




For Ubuntu you will need the libssl1.0-dev library: sudo apt install libssl1.0-dev If you have Rbenv installed, you can setup Ruby v2.2.3 with: rbenv install 2.2.3. Based on the .ruby-version file in the root of the project, it should then be using v2.2.3 within the project.

  • PostgreSQL 9.4
  • Redis: "Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store", and is used in this application to store background jobs
  • ImageMagick used by paperclip to scale image attachments
  • Rails 3, installed as a gem via bundler (see point 5)

2 Clone Github Repository into your desired directory

    git clone

3 Go into the application folder and switch to Ruby 2.0 branch

    cd ORS
    git checkout master

4 Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and update with your local details

5 Install necessary gems using Bundle (you will need to have the bundler gem installed)

    bundle install

Note: One of the gems that this command installs is capybara-webkit. This gem depends on QT4, if the bundle command fails because of this gem please refer to this page for help addressing this. After installing this software run "bundle install" again.

6 Set up your Postgres database, User Roles and one Admin user to get you started

    rake db:create
    rake db:migrate
    rake db:seed

7 Fire up your server

    rails server

8 And visit the home page in:


Database backups can be found on WCMC Dropbox (ask for a sample if you need one), and can be imported using:

psql -U postgres ort_development -f backup.sql

Background jobs use the sidekiq gem which requires Redis

Sidekiq workers can be started using:

bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

sidekiq-status is installed and available at /sidekiq.


Integration tests are powered by Capybara and can be run with:

rake test:integration

Other notes

Uploaded files locations

User added files

  • Questionnaire header: PROJECT_PATH/public/system/headers/:questionnaire_id
  • Answer document: PROJECT_PATH/private/answer_docs/:questionnaire_id/answer_documents/:user_id/:answer_id/
  • LoopSource source file: PROJECT_PATH/public/system/sources/:source_file_id

System generated files

  • Questionnaire PDF for a user: PROJECT_PATH/private/questionnaires/:questionnaire_id/users/:user_id/
  • Questionnaire CSV: PROJECT_PATH/private/questionnaires/:questionnaire_id/


Storing sensitive configuration parameters

We store instance-specific configuration parameters (such as secret token, mailer details) in .env files loaded via dotenv gem.

Those values are then made available to the application via rails-secret gem and can beaccessed in a Rails 4 fashion.

Exception notifications

exception_notification gem is configured to send emails & slack messages in staging & production environments.


We're using a gem called capistrano-multiconfig which includes the ability to have different deploy/production.rb and deploy/staging.rb files for different applications with the same deploy.

For example:

├── bern-ort
│   ├── production.rb
│   └── staging.rb
├── cites-ort
│   ├── production.rb
│   └── staging.rb
├── cms-ort
│   ├── production.rb
│   └── staging.rb
└── icca-ort
    ├── production.rb
    └── staging.rb

So we can then do something like

cap bern-ort:staging deploy cap cms-ort:staging deploy

Step to deploy in docker container
source /etc/profile.d/
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

cap demo-ort:production deploy


Since :smtp has some issues with ruby 2.2.3 mail delivery method has been changed to :sendmail in config/environments/production.rb and staging.rb