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Aiven Kafka Terraform module

Terraform module which creates Aiven Kafka resources


module "kafka" {
  source       = "tf-cloud-modules/kafka/aiven"
  project      = "test"
  service_name = "test"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.1
aiven >= 4.0.0, < 5.0.0


Name Version
aiven 4.1.3


No modules.


Name Type
aiven_kafka.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_create_topics_enable auto.create.topics.enable bool false no
cloud_name Defines where the cloud provider and region where the service is hosted in. string "aws-us-east-1" no
compression_type compression.type string "" no
connections_max_idle_ms number null no
create Controls if resources should be created. bool true no
custom_domain Custom domain. string "" no
default_acl Create default wildcard Kafka ACL. bool false no
default_replication_factor default.replication.factor number null no
group_initial_rebalance_delay_ms number null no
group_max_session_timeout_ms number null no
group_min_session_timeout_ms number null no
ip_filter_object Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. ''. list(any)
"network": ""
kafka_authentication_methods_certificate Enable certificate/SSL authentication. bool true no
kafka_authentication_methods_sasl Enable SASL authentication. bool false no
kafka_connect Enable Kafka Connect service. bool false no
kafka_connect_config Kafka Connect configuration values. list(any) [] no
kafka_rest Enable Kafka-REST service. bool false no
kafka_rest_config Kafka REST configuration. list(any) [] no
kafka_version n/a string "3.2" no
karapace Switch the service to use Karapace for schema registry and REST proxy. bool false no
log_cleaner_delete_retention_ms number null no
log_cleaner_max_compaction_lag_ms number null no
log_cleaner_min_cleanable_ratio log.cleaner.min.cleanable.ratio number null no
log_cleaner_min_compaction_lag_ms number null no
log_cleanup_policy log.cleanup.policy string "" no
log_flush_interval_messages log.flush.interval.messages number null no
log_flush_interval_ms number null no
log_index_interval_bytes log.index.interval.bytes number null no
log_index_size_max_bytes log.index.size.max.bytes number null no
log_message_downconversion_enable log.message.downconversion.enable bool false no
log_message_timestamp_difference_max_ms number null no
log_message_timestamp_type log.message.timestamp.type string "" no
log_preallocate log.preallocate bool false no
log_retention_bytes log.retention.bytes number null no
log_retention_hours log.retention.hours number null no
log_retention_ms number null no
log_roll_jitter_ms number null no
log_roll_ms number null no
log_segment_bytes log.segment.bytes number null no
log_segment_delete_delay_ms number null no
maintenance_window_dow Day of week when maintenance operations should be performed. One monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc. string "thursday" no
maintenance_window_time Time of day when maintenance operations should be performed. UTC time in HH:mm:ss format. string "01:00:00" no
max_connections_per_ip max.connections.per.ip number null no
max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots max.incremental.fetch.session.cache.slots number null no
message_max_bytes message.max.bytes number null no
min_insync_replicas min.insync.replicas number null no
num_partitions num.partitions number null no
offsets_retention_minutes offsets.retention.minutes number null no
plan Defines what kind of computing resources are allocated for the service. string "startup-2" no
private_access_prometheus Allow clients to connect to prometheus with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. bool false no
privatelink_jolokia Enable jolokia. bool false no
privatelink_kafka Enable kafka. bool false no
privatelink_kafka_connect Enable kafka_connect. bool false no
privatelink_kafka_rest Enable kafka_rest. bool false no
privatelink_prometheus Enable prometheus. bool false no
privatelink_schema_registry Enable schema_registry. bool false no
producer_purgatory_purge_interval_requests producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests number null no
project Aiven Cloud Project Name string n/a yes
project_vpc_id Specifies the VPC the service should run in. If the value is not set the service is not run inside a VPC. string null no
public_access_kafka Allow clients to connect to kafka from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network. bool false no
public_access_kafka_connect Allow clients to connect to kafka_connect from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network. bool false no
public_access_kafka_rest Allow clients to connect to kafka_rest from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network. bool false no
public_access_prometheus Allow clients to connect to prometheus from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network. bool false no
public_access_schema_registry Allow clients to connect to schema_registry from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network. bool false no
replica_fetch_max_bytes replica.fetch.max.bytes number null no
replica_fetch_response_max_bytes replica.fetch.response.max.bytes number null no
schema_registry Enable Schema-Registry service. bool false no
schema_registry_config Schema Registry configuration. list(any) [] no
service_integrations Service integrations to specify when creating a service. list(any) [] no
service_name Specifies the actual name of the service. string n/a yes
socket_request_max_bytes socket.request.max.bytes number null no
static_ips Static IPs that are going to be associated with this service. list(string) [] no
tags List of the service tags. list(any) [] no
termination_protection Prevents the service from being deleted. bool false no
transaction_remove_expired_transaction_cleanup_interval_ms number null no
transaction_state_log_segment_bytes transaction.state.log.segment.bytes number null no


Name Description
cloud_name Defines where the cloud provider and region where the service is hosted in.
components Service component information objects.
disk_space_cap The maximum disk space of the service, possible values depend on the service type, the cloud provider and the project.
disk_space_default The default disk space of the service, possible values depend on the service type, the cloud provider and the project.
disk_space_step The default disk space step of the service, possible values depend on the service type, the cloud provider and the project.
id The ID of this resource.
kafka Kafka server provided values.
kafka_user_config Kafka user configurable settings.
maintenance_window_dow Day of week when maintenance operations should be performed.
maintenance_window_time Time of day when maintenance operations should be performed.
plan Defines what kind of computing resources are allocated for the service.
project Aiven Cloud Project Name.
service_host The hostname of the service.
service_integrations Service integrations to specify when creating a service.
service_name Specifies the actual name of the service.
service_password Password used for connecting to the service, if applicable.
service_port The port of the service.
service_type Aiven internal service type code.
service_uri URI for connecting to the service.
service_username Username used for connecting to the service.
static_ips Static IPs that are going to be associated with this service.