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TAC Component Library

Component Documentation



The library depends on styled-components as well as React.

To install with all peer dependencies:

npm install @tkxs/cast-ui styled-components react react-dom --save


yarn add @tkxs/cast-ui styled-components react react-dom

The package includes UMD (/lib-umd), CommonJS (/lib-cjs), and ES5 modules (/lib-esm). Type definitions are included with CommonJS and ES5 modules.


Components in this library must receive a theme object as documented. To achieve this, use the ThemeProvider, which is passed on from styled-components. If no theme is provided, components will fall back to a default theme.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import logo from "./logo.svg";
import { Button, ThemeProvider, Themes } from "@tkxs/cast-ui";
import "./App.css";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={Themes.defaultTheme}>
        <Button btnStyle="primary">Click for Awesomeness</Button>

export default App;

Import and use the desired component.

import { Button } from '@tkxs/cast-ui';

const AwesomeButton = () => {
  return (
    <Button btnStyle="success">Click for Awesomeness</Button>

Running Cast Locally

git checkout beta
npm i
npm run start

Visit http://localhost:6006/ to view the app.

Cast Development Workflow

Cast uses semantic-release to manage versions and releases. The master branch automatically deploys a release where versioning is calculated based on commits since the last git tag.

Commit Formatting

These commits must follow the default Angular commit conventions. Commitizen is available to assist in constructing commits with the appropriate format. To use this, run yarn commit or npm run commit instead of git commit. This will walk through a series of questions to build the right commit meessage. When PRs are squashed, the title of the PR is used as the header.


We currently use two main branches for releases:

  • beta is a pre-release branch
  • master is the production branch

Commits on these branches will trigger new releases.

When starting a new feature or bugfix, create a branch from beta. This will add your work to the collection of work going out in the next release and allow for a beta release to be tested by QA and other teams before going out in production.

Example branch names:

  • fix(select): update select border
  • feat(button): add new prop
  • BREAKING CHANGE: remove a certain prop from all components

Note: a space after the : is necessary for the build to work

Local Testing

Local testing should be covered by the developer. To test locally, follow these steps:

In cast-ui:

  1. Branch from beta using the above conventions
  2. Make changes
  3. Change version number in package.json
  4. npm run build
  5. npm pack => creates a .tgz file in the project

In project using the package:

  1. npm uninstall @tkxs/cast-ui
  2. npm install path/to/pacakage.tgz
  3. Test changes thoroughly

Suggestion: Since the .tgz files create clutter over time, create a script to create the pack, move it somewhere you can clean up later, and copy the path to your clipboard.

When the developer is confident in the work, a PR should be opened against beta for approval.


When merging to beta:

  • The feature branch should be squashed with a single commit message that follows the commit conventions above. This helps keeps sanity when looking at the commit history.
  • The single commit should represent the most impactful change. For example, if 3 commits (a fix, feat, and a BREAKING CHANGE) get squashed to one, the prefix should be BREAKING CHANGE. Or if 2 commits (a fix and feat) get squashed, the prefix should be feat.
  • If the single commit does not contain a prefix, the build will fail and no beta release will be created.

When merging from beta to master:

  • beta should be merged into master, not squashed, preserving the commits.


Ideally you have lint integration setup in you editor (Vim, VSCode etc). If not or for mass lint checks run.

npm run lint