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Sym Approvals Quickstart

This is a starter template similar to the Terraform generated by symflow init, but with some variable refactoring that an implementer might consider before deploying their configuration to Production.

Several variables have been pulled out into a teraform.tfvars file. Notably:

  • environment_name and error_channel_name.

In this example, main has been pulled out into a variable environment_name. This allows this to be applied with a different terraform.tfvars, which will then create a different set of resources (e.g. sandbox vs main)!

This is helpful if you wish to test your configuration with resources in a test environment before configuring Sym with Production data.

In addition, has been modified with an on_approve and on_deny hook that allows only a subset of users defined in terraform.tfvars > flow_variables["appprovers"] to approve and deny requests.

About Sym

This workflow is just one example of how Sym Implementers use the Sym SDK to create Sym Flows.